Unit 1 reading Language points 教学ppt课件 (2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 1 reading Language points 教学ppt课件 (2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、1. Let me start by asking you a question: whats the first thing you notice about a film? 让让我先问我先问你们一你们一个问题个问题: 对于对于一部一部电影电影, 你首你首 先先注意到的是什么注意到的是什么?Here “you notice about a film” is a restrictive relative clause modifying “the first thing”, and the relative pronoun “that” is omitted.e.g. The first th

2、ing (that) you should take into consideration is safety while hiking in the wild. 当你在当你在野外徒步野外徒步时时, 你你首先要考虑的就是安全。首先要考虑的就是安全。2. Whatever your answer is, theres always a lot more to it than first meets the eye. 无论你们的无论你们的答案是答案是什么什么, 它它(电影电影)都都远比你远比你表表 面面看到的更为复杂。看到的更为复杂。本句使用的句型是本句使用的句型是 there is more t

3、o sb./sth. than meets the eye,意为,意为“某人或某物比表某人或某物比表面看到的更加复杂或有趣面看到的更加复杂或有趣”。e.g. There is more to that problem than meets the eye. 那个那个问题远比看上去的更复杂。问题远比看上去的更复杂。Language points3. Actually, the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work, most of which takes place behind the s

4、cenes. 事实上事实上, 你在银幕你在银幕上看到的电影是大量上看到的电影是大量艰苦艰苦 工作工作的的成果成果, 其中其中大部分是在幕后进行的。大部分是在幕后进行的。actually: used to emphasize the real orexact truth of a situation, rather than what people may thinkadv. 实际上;事实上实际上;事实上actual adj. 实际的实际的; 真实的真实的e.g.There are lots of people who can actually help you out.能真正帮助到你的人有很多

5、。能真正帮助到你的人有很多。I didnt want to say anything without actually understanding that equation.在真正弄懂那个公式前,我什么也不想说。在真正弄懂那个公式前,我什么也不想说。4. Today, Ill give you a brief introduction to some aspects of film-making you might not be familiar with. 今天今天,我将,我将给你们简单给你们简单介绍一下电影制作介绍一下电影制作中中 你们可能不太熟悉的某些你们可能不太熟悉的某些方面。方面。

6、1) brief: adj. using very few words or including few details 简洁的简洁的, 扼要扼要的的 (a) lasting only a short time; short 时间时间短暂的短暂的; 简短的简短的e.g. Itll only be a brief visit because we really havent much time.Lets keep this conversation brief; I have a plane to catch.brief: n. instructions and information rela

7、ting to a particular situation, job, or task 任务任务简介简介, 指示指示e.g. She makes all these points in her brief.It wasnt part of his brief to speak to the press.brief: v.to give someone all the information about a situation that they will need给给(某人某人)指示指示, 向向(某人某人)介绍情况介绍情况常用常用搭配:搭配:brief sb. (on / about sth

8、.) e.g. The president has been fully briefed on the situation in Haiti.He asked how many people were briefed about the decision.【拓展拓展】briefly adv. 短暂短暂地地, 暂时地暂时地 简短简短地地, 简要地简要地 e.g. We stopped off briefly in London on our way to Geneva.Sonia explained briefly what we had to do.in brief 简言之简言之, 一言以蔽之

9、一言以蔽之 e.g. In brief, he was happy with the result.【即学即练即学即练】写出下列句子中画线单词的写出下列句子中画线单词的词词 性性及含义。及含义。1) Greene spent a brief time at Cambridge. _ _2) Tell me briefly what your story is about. _ _3) The men have been fully briefed about the task. _ _4) Please write a brief description of a typical proble

10、m. _ _5) It was his brief to make sure that the facts were set down. _ _n. 指示指示 adj. 短短时间时间的的, 短暂短暂的的 adv. 简短地简短地, 简要简要地地 v. 给给(某人某人)指示指示, 向向(某人某人)介绍介绍情况情况adj. 简洁的简洁的, 简单简单的的 2) familiar adj. someone or something that is well-known to you and easy to recognize熟悉熟悉的的; 常见的常见的e.g. This kind of situatio

11、n was all too familiar to Thomas.Are you familiar with this type of machine?Michael doesnt like to be too familiar with his staff.be familiar with “熟悉熟悉, 通晓通晓”。其主语通常是。其主语通常是指人的名词,指人的名词,with的宾语是主的宾语是主语通晓的事物。语通晓的事物。be familiar to“为为所熟悉所熟悉”。其主语通。其主语通常是人们所通晓的事物,常是人们所通晓的事物,to的的宾语通常是指人的名词。宾语通常是指人的名词。【语境应用

12、语境应用】单句改错。单句改错。1) 他对这个题目是相当熟悉的。他对这个题目是相当熟悉的。 He is quite familiar to this subject.2) 他的名字是我们这里的每个人所熟知的。他的名字是我们这里的每个人所熟知的。 His name is familiar with everyone here.He is quite familiar with this subject. to单词拼写。单词拼写。3) It also doesnt require a new type of technology that people arent already _(熟悉的熟悉的)

13、 with. familiar5. Another aspect I attach great importance to is visual special effects. 另另一个我认为很重要的一个我认为很重要的方面是方面是视觉特效。视觉特效。attach vt. 1) to believe that something is important 认为有重要性认为有重要性, 重视重视2) to fasten or connect one object to another把把固定固定, 附上附上【归纳归纳】 attach sth. to. 把某物固定把某物固定/附在附在上上 attach

14、 importance/significance (to.) 重视重视; 认为认为重要重要/有意义有意义 attach to. 属于属于; 与与有关有关 attach oneself to sb./sth. 依附于某人依附于某人/参加某事参加某事/加入某组织加入某组织【拓展拓展】 attached adj. 喜爱的;依恋的;附属的喜爱的;依恋的;附属的 be attached to. 依恋依恋; 附属于附属于【语境应用语境应用】完成句子。完成句子。1) My parents always _ (重视重视) my getting a good education.2) Status is the

15、 honor or respect _ (attach) to a persons position in society.3) _ your application form. 请请在求职表上贴一张最近的照片在求职表上贴一张最近的照片。4) Emma had never taken herself as a crane and become deeply _(依恋的依恋的) to humans.Attach a recent photo toattach great importance toattachedattached6. This enables CGI effects to be

16、added later. 这样这样可以可以在后期添加在后期添加CGI效果。效果。enable vt. to make it possible for someone to do something, or for something to happen使使可能可能; 使使发生发生固定搭配:固定搭配:enable sb./sth. to do sth.e.g. This book enables you to comprehend that seminar.这本书可以让你理解那场研讨会。这本书可以让你理解那场研讨会。The new train line will enable easier ac

17、cess to Nanjing.这条新火车线路会让去南京变得更加方便。这条新火车线路会让去南京变得更加方便。7. However, the aid of computers isnt always preferred. 然而然而, 计算机的帮助并不总是被计算机的帮助并不总是被(电影导演电影导演) 所喜爱。所喜爱。1) aid: n. & v. to help someone do something 帮助帮助; 援助援助【归纳归纳】 aid sb. in/with (doing) sth. 在在(做做)某事某事方面帮助方面帮助某人某人 aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某

18、人做某事 give sb. first aid 对对某人某人进行急救进行急救 go/come to ones aid 帮助某人帮助某人 with the aid of 在在的帮助下的帮助下 without sb.s aid 没有某人的帮助没有某人的帮助【语境应用语境应用】完成句子。完成句子。1) 他们在他的科研中鼓励他他们在他的科研中鼓励他, 帮助他。帮助他。 They encouraged him and aided him in / with his scientific studies. 2) 我们正筹集资金资助癌症研究。我们正筹集资金资助癌症研究。 Were collecting mo

19、ney in aid of cancer research. 2) prefer vt. to like one thing or person better than another or to choose one thing rather than something else because you like it better较喜欢较喜欢, 更喜欢更喜欢e.g. I prefer to exercise outdoors.Dennis prefers travelling by train.I prefer red wine to white.I prefer watching ba

20、sketball to playing it.He preferred to stay at home (rather than go with us). 【归纳归纳】preferprefer (doing) sth. 更喜欢更喜欢/宁愿宁愿would prefer that (从句谓语多用虚拟从句谓语多用虚拟语气语气) 宁愿宁愿prefer to do sth.宁愿做某事宁愿做某事prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.喜欢喜欢而不喜欢而不喜欢prefer sb. to do sth.宁愿某人做某事宁愿某人做某事prefer to do sth. rather

21、than do sth. 宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做【语境应用语境应用】一句多译。一句多译。孩子们宁可骑自行车到乡下去,也不愿整天孩子们宁可骑自行车到乡下去,也不愿整天待在家里。待在家里。1) The children preferred _ to the countryside to _ indoors all day.2) The children preferred _ to the countryside rather than _ indoors all day.3) The children would rather _ to the countryside than _ ind

22、oors all day.cyclingstayingto cyclestaycyclestayLanguage points8. Peter Jackson, director of The Lord of the Rings films, took a creative approachhe used clever camera angles to make characters seem bigger or smaller than they really were. 指环王指环王系列电影的导演彼得系列电影的导演彼得杰克逊采杰克逊采 用了用了一种创造性的方法一种创造性的方法他巧妙地他巧妙

23、地利用利用 摄像机摄像机的角度让剧中人物看上去比实际的角度让剧中人物看上去比实际大大 或或小。小。approach:1) vt. to move towards or nearer to someone or something 走近走近, 靠近靠近, 接近接近 begin to deal with (a task, problem, etc) 着手着手处理(事务处理(事务, 难题等)难题等)2) n. a method of doing something or dealing with a problem 方方法法; 步骤步骤e.g. Our approach frightened the

24、 birds.They have a new approach to teaching languages.It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way.The approach to the town leads through the woods.As you approach the town the first building you see is the church.【归纳归纳】1) approach sb. for sth. /about sth. 要求某人(做)要求某人(做) be approa

25、ching 快到了;正在接近快到了;正在接近2) at the approach of 在快到在快到的的时候时候 make an approach/ approaches to 接近接近;逼近;交涉;对;逼近;交涉;对进行探讨进行探讨 approach to 接近,近似,约等于;接近,近似,约等于; (做某事做某事)的方法的方法(途径途径)【语境应用语境应用】单句语法填空。单句语法填空。1) _ (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.2) At the meeting the

26、y discussed three different approaches _ the study of mathematics. 单词拼写。单词拼写。3) She also _(靠近靠近) dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning. (2019 北京北京)Approachingtoapproached 表达表达“做做的方法的方法”时各自的搭配:时各自的搭配:the approach to (doing) sth.the way to do/of (doing) sth.the means of (doing) sth.the method of

27、 (doing) sth. 分别与不同的介词搭配:分别与不同的介词搭配:with this method, in this way, by this meansapproach/way/means/method四者都四者都有方式有方式, 方法方法, 途径之途径之意意【语境应用语境应用】用用approach/way/means/method 的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1) He told me a new _ to the study of English.2) You must solve this problem with different _.3) The blocks are r

28、aised by _ of pulleys (滑轮滑轮).4) There are several possible _ of payment.approachmethodsmeansways9. Director James Cameron spent six months looking at and revising plans of the Titanic in order to build a full-sized model for his 1997 film. 导演导演詹姆斯詹姆斯卡梅隆花了卡梅隆花了6个月的时间研究个月的时间研究和和 修改修改泰坦尼克号的设计图,以便为他泰坦尼克

29、号的设计图,以便为他1997年年 的的电影制作一个全尺寸的泰坦尼克号模型。电影制作一个全尺寸的泰坦尼克号模型。revise vt. 1) to change something because of new information or ideas 改变改变; 修正修正:e.g. The college has revised its plans because of local objections.由于由于地方上的反对,学校已经修改了计划。地方上的反对,学校已经修改了计划。We have revised our estimates of population growth.我们我们已对人口

30、增长的估计作了修正已对人口增长的估计作了修正。study facts again, in order to learn them before an examination(考试前考试前)温习温习, 复习复习e.g. Ive got to revise my geography. 我我得复习一下地理。得复习一下地理。to change a piece of writing by adding new information, making improvements, or correcting mistakes修订修订, 校订校订(文稿文稿)e.g. A couple of sections

31、of the book will need to be revised. 本本书部分章节需要修订。书部分章节需要修订。Simon is talking about his favourite film at the school Film Festival. Complete what he says with the correct forms of the words and phrase in the box below.prefer factor aid actually enableapproach frequently be familiar withB1To the (1) _

32、asked question, “Whats your favorite film?”, my answer is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It has won many awards, including an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. It has also (2) _ Western audiences to have a better understanding of Chinese culture.frequentlyenabledprefer factor aid actual

33、ly enableapproach frequently be familiar withYou must (3) _ the exciting fighting scene on top of a bamboo forest in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. With the (4) _ of the computer, scenes like this could have been made in the studio. However, the films director, Ang Lee, (5) _ to have actors perform

34、 on location. He believed this (6) _ to film-making would create a “human connection” which could not be achieved with special effects.be familiar withaidpreferredapproachIn addition to the amazing martial arts, the film also took advantage of Chinas beautiful mountains, forests and deserts. (7) _,

35、it was shot in different locations all around the country. All these (8) _ contributed to the films success.Actuallyfactors1. It has won many awards, including an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. award v. 授予授予, 判定判定 n. 奖奖, 奖品奖品e.g. The award for this years best actor went to him.He rece

36、ived awards for his contribution to world peace.They awarded Emma first prize.A Nobel Prize was awarded to Waksman in 1952.【归纳归纳】 v. award sb. sth. = award sth. to sb. 授予授予某人某物某人某物 n. receive/ win/ get an award for sth. 因因获奖获奖【语境应用语境应用】单句填空单句填空1) Mr. White won / received _(award) for his contributio

37、n to agricultural production.2) Tony was _(award) a medal for bravery.awardsawarded2. However, the films director, Ang Lee, preferred to have actors perform on location. perform vt.& vi. 表演表演; 履行履行; 执行执行performance n. 表演表演; 演奏演奏 【归纳归纳】 1) put on/give a performance 举行表演举行表演 2) perform the role of 扮演扮

38、演角色角色 perform an operation / a play 进行手术进行手术/ 演一场戏演一场戏 perform ones duty/promise 尽责任尽责任/ 履行承诺履行承诺 3) performer n. 表演者表演者【语境应用语境应用】 用用perform的适当形式完成下列的适当形式完成下列句子句子。1) She was fired for not _ her duty.2) The evening _ begins at 8 oclock.3) He is the best _ in the concert.4) _ the operation successfull

39、y, the doctors once again had a meeting. performing performance performer To perform 3. In addition to the amazing martial arts, the film also took advantage of Chinas beautiful mountains, forests and deserts. in addition to . 除除之外之外(还有还有)to为为介词介词, 其后其后要接要接宾语宾语, 相当于相当于介词介词besides。e.g. In addition to

40、 (=Besides) his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.In addition to (=Besides) these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.【辨析辨析】 in addition 此外此外(还还), 另外另外 用作用作状语,相当于副词状语,相当于副词besides,其后不可,其后不可接接 宾语宾语。 e.g. The hot weather affected many areas. In

41、addition (=Besides), crops failed in many provinces. There was a big earthquake and, in addition (=besides), there was a terrible flood in that area.【即学即练即学即练】 用用in addition或或in addition to填空。填空。1) _ some picture books, we still need some storybooks.2) My grandma gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies _.3) Its too late to invite any more people. _, you know how my mother hates parties.4) He speaks French _ English.in addition toIn addition toin additionIn addition


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