U3 L2 Reading (II) 语言点ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 3 Festivals and customs Reading (II)By Rita Language comprehensionStep 1. When Nadim invited me to his sisters wedding, I knew it would be the opportunity of a lifetime. (lines 12) 2 千载难逢的好机会2. The wedding ceremony took place in a brightly decorated hotel room.(lines 4)他们用花和气球装饰了房间。They decorat

2、ed the room with flowers and ballons.The _(decorate)and furnishings had to be practical enough for a family home. decoration Language comprehensionStep 3. There were hundreds of guests, all dressed up in formal, colourful clothes.(lines 4-5) 2 穿着.的衣服4. According to tradition, the bride was wearing a

3、n eye-catching red silk sari.by traditon他继承家族传统,当了医生He followed / kept up the family tradition and became a doctor.Our school is a _(tradition) school in a lot ways.traditonal Language comprehensionStep 5. I did not understand all of the traditional customs, but a few made a deep impression on me. (

4、lines 78)2 不是所有的传统习俗我都了解,但有一些给我留下了深刻的印象。 not all . = all . notE.g. Not all men can be masters of language. (= All men cannot be masters of language.) 不是所有人都能熟练掌握语言使用技巧。 Language comprehensionStep 2 make / leave / have a/an + adj. impression on 对.产生.影响 The lecture that Mr.Chen made this morning left

5、a strong _(impress) on the students.impressionIm sorry. I was under the impression that you were the manager.以为./误以为.She gives the impression of being very busy.给人以.的印象Many teachers were impressed_Kriss positive attitude to life because he never gave up.by 6. The customs that followed were anything

6、but ordinary. (line 12)接下来的风俗十分不寻常。anything but: definitely not Translate the following sentences.1. 玛利亚才不笨呢! 2. He was unable to swallow anything but liquids. Maria is anything but stupid! 他除了流质什么都咽不下去。7. Now I know I have two left feet . and both of them hurt! (lines 1920)现在我只知道我有两只左脚,而且两只都疼得不行!No

7、w I know I am not good at dancing at all, and now both of my feet are painful. have two left feet: (informal) to be very awkward in your movements, especially when you are dancing or playing a sport Guess the meanings of idioms in the following sentences.a.Poor Richard spent his last penny on a bowl

8、 of noodles. Now he is as poor as a church mouse.b. I didnt hear the telephone ringing. I slept like a log.very poor sleep very deeply Paraphrase the sentence. a.She hit him on the head with her umbrella. b. The tax increases will certainly hit the poor. c.The new film is a real hit this year. d. I

9、couldnt remember where Id seen him before, and then it suddenly hit me. 1. v. to have a bad effect on sb/sth2. n. a person or thing that is very popular3. v. to come suddenly into your mind .4. v. to bring your hand, or an object you are holding, against sb/sth quickly and with force8. The summer he

10、at hit me as soon as I got off the flight. (line 22) Find the right meanings of hit. 我一下飞机就感到夏日的热浪袭来。9. No wonder people from Rio take a week off for this happy occation. (lines 2223) 难怪里约人民要为这场狂欢的庆典放假一周。_ occasion prisoners were allowed visits from their families. On有时_(occasional), I would read a

11、novel that was assigned, but I didnt enjoy this type of reading. OccasionallyIve had no occasion to visit him recently. 没有理由做某事11. The Carnival was in the air! (line 23) a.The room had an air of luxury. b. The rooms had all been cleaned and aired. c.The show will be aired next Tuesday night. d. Ther

12、e is romance in the air. 1. v. to allow fresh air into a room or a building2. n. the particular feeling or impression that is given by sb/sth3. n. if something is in the air, it is felt by a number of people to exist or to be happening4. v. to broadcast a programme on the radio or on televisionFind

13、the right meanings of air. 有种狂欢节的气氛!10.Luckily, I arrived just in time-the show was about to begin as I took my place in the merry crowd. (lines 2425) 来得早不如来得巧-我刚在欢乐的人群中找好位置,表演就要开始了。take ones place 就位 be about to do . ,即将,刚要,正打算. 11.I could see a group of around 20 Brazilian dancers and a band in fa

14、ncy costumes standing in the street. (lines 2627) 我看到一群大约20人的巴西舞者和一支乐队,他们穿着奇装异服站在街上。现在分词作状语表伴随 They worked in the field, cutting rice. Seeing a large cake flying through the air, the driver pulled up quickly. Please answer the question using another way. Having learned English for several years, he

15、can communicate with foreigners freely. 12.The whole group started marching down the street. (lines 3132) 歌舞队全体开始沿街前行。Sodiers were marching into the city. The enemy are on the march. 长驱直入/向.进军在行军中13. The Carnival current carried us through the ever-growing sea of people, dancing all the way. (lines

16、3233) current n. the movement of water in the sea or a river; the movement of air in a particular direction; the flow of people.E.g. The bird can use warm air currents to help it fly. 这种鸟可以利用热气流助其飞行。狂欢节的人潮带着我们穿过不断扩张的人海,一路上跳舞不停。a.I never carry much money on me. b. A road bridge has to carry a lot of

17、traffic. c.The war was carried into enemy territory. d. His moving speech was enough to carry the audience. 1. v. to take sth/sb to a particular point or in a particular direction2. v. to win the support or sympathy of sb3. v. to have sth with you and take it wherever you go4. v. to support the weig

18、ht of sth Find the right meanings of carry. 14. Iceboxes of soft drinks and beer lined the narrow streets, and the smell of roasted meat filled the air as we passed wave after wave of street stands. (lines 3335)Find the sentence in which line has the closest meaning to the one in the text.a.They wer

19、e stuck in a line of traffic.b. I can only remember the first two lines of that song.c.The companys lines have been jammed all day with people making complaints.d. Crowds of people lined the streets to watch the race. 我们经过一波又一波街头小摊时,装着汽水和啤酒的保冷箱排列在狭窄的街道两边,空气中弥漫着烤肉的味道。15. I was so caught up in the par

20、ty fever that I hardly noticed five hours fly by! (line 35) Paraphrase the sentence. I was so involved in the party excitement that I didnt realized that five hours had passed. be caught up in: to become involved in sthE.g. Innocent passers-by were caught up in the accident. 无辜的路人被卷入了事故。 fever n. a

21、state of nervous or excitementE.g. He waited for her arrival in a fever of excitement. 他激动地等着她的到来。我沉浸在狂欢节的狂欢气氛中,几乎没有注意到五个小时飞快地过去了!so/such . that.意为“如此.以至于.”, that 引导结果状语从句。常见形式有:(1) so+ adj./adv. + that.so + adj. + a/an + 单数名词 + that.so + many/few + 复数名词 + that.so + much/little + 不可数名词 + that.(2) su

22、ch+ a/an +adj. +单数名词 + that.such + adj. +复数名词 +that.such + adj. + 不可数名词 +that.There are _many spelling mistakes in your composition that I cant understand what you are writing about.soThese are_ large shoes that I cant wear them.such16. Even as I lay in bed that evening, the bright colours and livel

23、y music were still swimming all around me. (lines 3637)a.They spent the day swimming and sunbathing.b. The plots of the film swam before her eyes.c.Her eyes were swimming with tears when she heard the news. Find the sentence in which swim has the closest meaning to the one in the text.那晚,即使当我躺在床上时,狂欢节上鲜艳的色彩和欢快的音乐仍然萦绕在我脑海中。THANKS


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