Unit 4 完成句子训练 -(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.docx

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1、Book 3 Unit 4 (P43-47完成句子)1. 科学家的驱动力主要是好奇心和对真理的渴望。The scientist is _ _ by _ and a desire for truth.2. 屠呦呦成为中华人民共和国第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女科学家,她获奖是因为在抗击痢疾中做出的贡献,痢疾是人类历史上最致命的疾病之一。Tu Youyou has become the first _ scientist of Peoples _ of China _ _ a Nobel Prize, _ for her contributions to the _ _ malaria, one of t

2、he _ _ in human history.3. 某些树的叶子含有致命的毒素。The leaves of certain trees contain a _ _.4. 20世纪60年代,许多人死于痢疾。1969年屠呦呦担任了一个课题的组长,这个课题组计划找到该疾病的治疗方法。In the 1960s, many people _ _ of malaria, and in 1969 Tu Youyou became head of a team that _ _ find a _ _ the disease.5我打算在那里住几天。I _ _ stay for a couple of days

3、 there.6当它未能产生预期效果时,屠呦呦再次查阅历代中国典籍。When they _ _ produce any _ results, Tu _ _the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again,7根据一本1600多年前的书的记载,古人通过冷水制备青蒿提取物,受此启发,屠呦呦重新设计了实验,为了不破坏其有效成份,她尝试在低温下提取青蒿。_ by an over 1600-year-old text about preparing qinghao extract with cold water, Tu_ the experim

4、ents and tried extracting the herb _ a low _ in order _ _ damage its _ part.8当时没有研究设备,他们只能用家用的盛水容器提取青蒿。When there was no research_ ,they had to extract herbs _ _ water containers.9. 现在大多数家庭拥有至少一台电脑Most _now own at least one computer.10. 因为他们没有充足的安全数据,在病人身上进行试验有可能推迟The _on patients were likely to _ _

5、because they did not have _safety data.11. 屠呦呦和其团队的努力终于有了回报The _of Tu and her team finally _ _.12. 也许一代的科学家借鉴中医的智慧,确实会发现更多有益全球医疗的药物Perhaps the next generation of scientists, _ _the _of traditional Chinese medicine, will indeed discover more medicines _ _global health care.13. The food _ _ _the brain

6、 function.这种食物对于大脑功能有帮助。14. He had rich experience to _ _.他有丰富的经验可供借鉴。15. The book _ _ a bridge between _ _ and modern science.这本书成为古代智慧和现代科学的桥梁。答案:1. motivated primarily; curiosity2. female; Republic; to receive; awarded; fight against; deadliest diseases3. deadly poison4. were dying; intended to;

7、cure for5. intend to6. failed topromisingreferred to7. Inspiredredesignedat temperaturenot toeffective8. equipmentusing household 9. households 10. trials, be postponed,sufficient 11. efforts, paid off.12. drawing on, wisdom, beneficial to 13.is beneficial to14.draw on15.serves as; ancient wisdomBoo

8、k 3 Unit 4 (P48-56完成句子)1. One might think Fleming discovered penicillin _ _, but actually this is _ _ _ _.有人可能认为弗莱明发现青蒿素是出于偶然,然而实际上这远非事实。2. When a thunderstorm _, the lightning would _the key. 当雷暴临近的时候,闪电就会把电引导钥匙上。3. The experiment allowed students to _ _ _ _ _ it was like to live in outer space.这项实

9、验使学生能够体会到在外层空间生活的滋味。4. I had to ask myself, Is there some_ _ in science? 我不得不问自己:“科学里是不是有罪恶?”5. _ _ _ ,what is the value of the science 1 had long _ _ _ the thing I had loved-when I saw what terrible things I could do? 换句话说,当我看到科学能做的可怕事情时,我一直致力于的我所爱的科学,价值到底是什么?6.The first_ _ _ science is of value_ _

10、 _ everyone: scientific , knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of things科学有价值的第一种方式是众所周知的:科学知识使我们能够做各种事情,制作各种东西。7. If we make good things, it is not only_ _ _ _science; it is also to the credit of the _ _ which led us to good work.如果我们做了善事,不仅归功于科学,还归功于引导我们行善的道德选择。8._more knowledge_ a deeper

11、, more wonderful mystery,_one to look deeper still.件随更多知识而来的是更深入、更令人惊奇的奇妙事物,这些激励着人们去更深入地探究。9.Never_ that the answer may_ _ _,with pleasure and confidence we_ _ each new stone to find unimagined strangeness_ _ _more wonderful questions and mysteries.我们从不担心答案会令我们失望,总是快乐而自信地开始每一次新探素,发现一些意想不到、稀奇古怪的东西,随之

12、而来的是更加奇妙的问题和奥秘。10. The scientist has a lot of experience with _ and _ and _, and thisexperience is of very great importance.科学家经常会经历无知、疑惑和不确定,而这种经历是十分重要的。11. Now, we scientiens _ _ _ _ that it is perfectly possible to live and not know.现在,我们科学家理所当然地认为,人类生而有所不知是完全有可能的。12. It is our responsibility as

13、scicntists, _ the great progress that is the fruit of freedom of thought, to _ the value of this freedom; to teach how doubt is not _ _ _ but to be welcomed and discussed; and to _ this freedom as our duty _ all coming generations.作为科学家,我们明白巨大进步源于思想自由,因此,我们有责任声明这一自由的价值;有责任教育人们不必害怕疑惑,而要欢迎疑惑、讨论疑惑;有责任强

14、烈要求这一自由,这就是我们对于后世的义务。13.If he _ _ _ it, he _ _ _ a deadly electric shock.如果他真的这样做,他已经受到了致命的电击。答案:1. by accident; far from the truth2, approached;charge3, get a taste of what4, evil involved5, Put another way; devoted myself to6. way; in which;is familiar to 7. to the credit of;moral choice8. With;comes;inspiring 9. Concerned;let us down; turn over; leading on to 10. ignorance, doubt, uncertainly11. take it for granted12. knowing,declare,to be feared, demand13. had really done, would have received学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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