Unit 2 Natural disasters Extended Reading ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 2 Natural disasters Extended Reading ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx--点击预览


The Last Days of Pompeii (excerpt) Lead-inThere is a city which is restored to what it originally is by technologies. Can you guess where it is? Lead-in Lead-inHow is the local residents life? Lead-in Lead-inWhat happened to the city?Volcano Eruption of Mount VesuviusIntroductionRead the introduction to Edward Bulwer-Lytton and his novel. Answer the two questions.1. When and how was the city of Pompeii destroyed? 2. What is the Pompeii like today?1. Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of 1. Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Mount Vesuvius Vesuvius in the year 79.in the year 79.2. Its the ancient city as it was and today it is an 2. Its the ancient city as it was and today it is an international tourist destination.international tourist destination.Fast-readingScan the passage and match the main idea of each paragraphPara.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5The environment description of eruptionsDecription of Pompeii and Mount VersuviusSigns before the volcanic eruptionRediscovery of the cityReactions of people during the eruptionsCareful readingIts little shops, its tiny palaces, its forum, its wine bars, its theatre. Its little shops, its tiny palaces, its forum, its wine bars, its theatre. Trading ships, golden pleasure boats, and the boats of fisherman.Trading ships, golden pleasure boats, and the boats of fisherman.The cloud-capped top pf Mount Vesuvius.The cloud-capped top pf Mount Vesuvius.What things are mentioned in para.1 about Pompeii?Listen to para. 1 and answer the question.Pompeii used to be prosperous(Pompeii used to be prosperous(繁荣的繁荣的). We can tell it from ). We can tell it from their busy street and varieties of shops and places.their busy street and varieties of shops and places.People who lived here might be cozy(People who lived here might be cozy(惬惬意的意的).The port ).The port provided imports and exports, which means their daily needs provided imports and exports, which means their daily needs might be met. Even more, they can get more enjoyable trips.might be met. Even more, they can get more enjoyable trips.What can you infer from the description of Pompeii berfore the eruption? The city? The people?Careful readinga. The fire moved and changed in colour with every moment.b. The mountain-cloud rolled near, dark and rapid, like a river. It threw out a shower of ashes and huge pieces of burning stone!c. A huge cloud shot from the peak of the volcano, looking like a huge tree of fire.d. The earth began to shake and the sound of falling roofs could be heard.e. The earthquake came.c ca ad db be eRead paras. 2-4 and rearrange the sentences about the scene of the volcanic eruption in right order. Careful readingRead paras. 2-5 and underlined the words which descriped the eruptions and circle the words which descriped the peoples emotions and feelings.Lets sort out the process of eruptions! Volcano PeopleThe crowd looked upwards. (with unspeakable _) Women _.Men were _. (puzzled, shocked)Before the eruptionPara. 2During the eruptionParas. 34 After the eruptionPara. 5Each turned to fly. running, pressing, pushing.Life ended. (_,_,_)We are reminded of the beautiful city. (amazed)A huge cloud shot A huge cloud shot from the top of the from the top of the volcano. (unusual volcano. (unusual form and colour) form and colour) The earth shook.The earth shook.Roofs fell.Roofs fell.Cloud rolled.Cloud rolled.Ashes and stones Ashes and stones showered.showered.The earthquake The earthquake came.came.Pompeii was unearthed.Pompeii was unearthed.(_, floors, _)(_, floors, _)criedcriedsilentsilentfearfearhopelesshopelessblindblindfearfulfearfulwallswallscolumncolumns sCareful readingIts walls were fresh as if painted yesterday; not a single Its walls were fresh as if painted yesterday; not a single colour changed on the rich pattern of its floors. In its forum, colour changed on the rich pattern of its floors. In its forum, the half-finished columns seemed as if just left by the the half-finished columns seemed as if just left by the workmans hand.workmans hand.What was the city like after it was unearthed?Read para. 5 and answer the question. What do the remains of the city remind us of?The remains of the beautiful city survive to remind us that The remains of the beautiful city survive to remind us that human lives burn bright and short.human lives burn bright and short.Nature is to be respected, not to be conquered.Nature is to be respected, not to be conquered.History is to be remembered, not to be buried.History is to be remembered, not to be buried.Careful readingRead para. 5 and answer the question.DiscussionPeople in Pompeii were not aware of the signs before the volcano erupted, and the city was destroyed. Do you think that we will be better able to protect ourselves from natural disaters in the future? Why ?Yes, I believe we will be better Yes, I believe we will be better able to able to protect ourselves fromprotect ourselves from natural disasters in the future. natural disasters in the future. The development of science The development of science and technology will improve and technology will improve the ability to predict the arrival the ability to predict the arrival of natural disasters and help us of natural disasters and help us be better organized and be better organized and prepared for disasters.prepared for disasters.No. No. No matter how advanced science and No matter how advanced science and technology may be in the future, natural technology may be in the future, natural disasters will always challenge us disasters will always challenge us because most of them are because most of them are unpredictableunpredictable. . Human technical skill will never match Human technical skill will never match the power of nature so our ability to the power of nature so our ability to protect ourselves will always be limited protect ourselves will always be limited and this means that we will always be and this means that we will always be victims of natural disasters in some way.victims of natural disasters in some way. The Last Days of Pompeii (excerpt)Language points Pompeii was a typical Roman city. In its little shops,its tiny palaces, its forum, its wine bars, its theatrein the energy and skill of its people, you saw a model of the whole Roman Empire.Trading ships bringing imports to the city or carrying exports overseas, along with golden pleasure boats for the rich, were crowded together in the glassy water of the port. The boats of the fisherman moved rapidly in all directions.Above all, the cloud-capped top of Mount Vesuvius appeared. Its ashy rocks, now dark, now light, told a story of past eruptions that might have warned the city what was to come!庞贝城是一座典型的罗马城市。从它的一个个小小商铺、一座座小殿宇、广场、酒馆、剧场中从庞贝人的获利和技艺中,你能看到整个古罗马帝国的缩影。进口货物到城内、出口货物到海外的商船,以及富贵人家金灿灿的游船,齐聚在港口波光粼粼的水面上。条条渔船向着四面八方疾行。在这一切的上方,云雾笼罩的维苏威火山山顶若隐若现。火山岩忽明忽暗,讲述着几度喷发的往事,这原本可以警告这座城市里的人们,即将到来的是什么!Language points -Checktype-typicaltinypalace-the Summer Palaceimport/exportoverseasalong with/together withappear/disappearashy/glassyin all directionsnow dark,now lightTrading ship the cloud-capped top ofportforumwine barpleasure boat可怕的夜晚缓缓退去,晦暗的晨光开启了庞贝城的末日!人们抬头仰望,眼前景象让他们感到莫名恐惧,只见一团庞大的云正从火山口喷薄而出。它形似一株巨树:树干,黑魆魆的;枝叶,那是火!火焰翻腾着,颜色变幻不定,时而极明亮,时而又变得微弱,呈现熄灭之前的暗红,时而又烧起来,放出刺眼的强光!The awful night rolled slowly away, and the dawn greyly broke on THE LAST DAYOF POMPEII! The crowd looked upwards, and saw, with unspeakable fear, a huge cloud shooting from the top of the volcano. It took the form of a huge tree: the trunk, blackness, the branches, fire! This fire moved and changed in color with every moment: now it was wildly bright, now of a pale and dying red, and now again it burnt with an unbearable light!Language points -Checkslow awaythe dawn broke.look upwardswildly/extremelyshoot-shot-shottake the form oftrunk/branchblacknessdyingunspeakableunbearablepaleThe cries of women broke out; the men looked at each other, but were silent. At that moment, they felt the earth shaking beneath their feet;beyond in the distance, they heard the crash of falling roofs. A moment later, the mountain-cloud seemed to roll towards them, dark and rapid, like a river; at the same time, it threw out a shower of ashes and huge pieces of burning stone! Over the empty streets-over the forum-far and wide-with many a noisy crash in the stormy sea-fell that awful shower!女人们开始尖叫;男人们面面相觑,却都一言不发。那一刻,他们感受到脚下的大地正在开始颤抖,他们听到远处有屋顶坍塌的巨响。过了片刻,山上的云团似乎正向他们滚滚而来。阴沉迅猛,如汹涌的江水;与此同时,云团中抛洒下阵雨似的火山灰和大块大块燃烧着的石头,落在空荡荡的街道,落在广场上,四面八方,还有许多掉在波涛汹涌的大海里,发出阵阵巨响下了一场可怕的 大雨!Language points -Checkbreak out criessilent-silenceshake-shook-shakenburst into tearsbeneathin the distancehear-heard-heardcrashroofthrow outa shower ofhuge pieces ofemptyburningfar and widenoise-noisystorm-stormyawful showerEach turned to fly-each running, pressing, pushing against the other. If, in the darkness, wife was seperated from husband, or parent from child, there was no hope of their meeting again. Each hurried blindly and fearfully on. So came the earthquake. and so ended life in Pompeii.所有人都赶忙飞奔一他们奔跑,拥挤,你推我搡。黑暗中,一旦妻离子散,就绝不可能重逢了。每个人都惊慌失措地盲目奔逃。这时,地震来了.庞贝城的生活就此终结。Language points -Checkpressseparate fromno hope ofhurryblindlyfearfullyNearly seventeen centuries had rolled away before the city of Pompeii was dug from its silent resting place. Its walls were fresh as if painted yesterday; not a single color changed on the rich pattern of its floors. In its forum, the half-finished columns seemed as if just left by the workmans hand. Long after fire and ash came for the people of Pompeii, the remains of their beautiful city survive to remind us that human lives burn bright and short.时间流过了近十七个世纪,庞贝城终于从它寂静的长眠之地被发掘出来。它的墙壁依然新得像昨天刚刚刷完;地板上繁复的图案,一点都没有褪色。广场上,那些尚未完工的石柱看起来就像刚刚离开工匠之手。在大火和火山灰袭击庞贝人很久很久之后,他们美丽城市的遗迹得以留存下来,提醒我们人类的生命灿烂而短暂。Language points -CheckNearly/aboutcenturyroll awaydig-dug-dugresting placefreshpaintrich patternforumhalf-finishedcoloumnsremainssurviveremind
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