周练训练1(Unit 1 welcome to the unit & reading)-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第一册(学生+教师版).rar

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  • 周练训练1(Unit 1 welcome to the unit & reading)-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修一(学生+教师版)
    • (学生版)周练1(选择性必修一unit one welcome to the unit & reading).docx--点击预览
    • (教师版)周练1(选择性必修一unit one welcome to the unit & reading).docx--点击预览


1高二英语过关周周练高二英语过关周周练- -周练周练 1(2020 牛津译林版选择性必修一)牛津译林版选择性必修一)(welcome to the unit & reading)考试时间考试时间 60 分钟分钟 满分满分 100 分分 姓名姓名_ 成绩成绩_1、用所给单词的适当形式填空(考查词汇变形,共用所给单词的适当形式填空(考查词汇变形,共 15 题,每题题,每题 1.5 分,共分,共 22.5 分)分)1.Each country has its _(type) food. 2.Sushi from Japan is very popular partly because of its_(fresh) and _(convenient). 3.A taco, a _(tradition) Mexican dish,is made up of a corn or wheat pancake rolled around a filling. 4.Longevity(长寿) results from a _(combine) of mental and physical health. 5.The children fell on the food and ate it _(greedy). 6.As theyre handmade, each one _(various) slightly. 7.It was his first visit to his _(nation) country since 1948. 8.I breathed a sigh of _(relieve) 9.Beat the mixture until it is smooth and _(cream). 10.Scotland has all kinds of happy_(associate) for me 11.Tom enjoys eating _(salt) food such as ham and bacon. 12. He loves the _(secure)of a happy home life. 13. It is necessary for us all to be aware of the importance of obeying traffic rules because accidents affects drivers as well as _(cycle) and pedestrians.14. How much _(emotion) baggage is he bringing with him into the relationship?15. Watch the video and finish the _(follow) exercises. 22、选词填空(考查短语,两节题共选词填空(考查短语,两节题共 20 分)分)第一节第一节 翻译下列短语翻译下列短语 (共共 20 题,每题题,每题 0.5 分,共分,共 10 分分)1.do the trick 2.cry out for 3.no matter how 4.used to 5.refer to 6.lie in 7.make up for 8.depend on 9.cheer.up 10. not to mention 11. with pleasure 12. take ones time over 13. call sth. to mind 14. vary from.to. 15. be tied up with 16. connect to/with 17. compare .to. 18. be aware of 19. be linked with / to 20. consist of / be made up of 第二节第二节 选择上述正确短语的适当形式填空选择上述正确短语的适当形式填空 (共(共 10 题,每题题,每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1.They would never _that matter again. 2.The island _the mainland by a new bridge. 3.Pasta from Italy _typically_flour,water and sometimes eggs.4.All these things_ careful planning. 5.Jack _assist Mary in her lessons. 6.He knows French and German,_English. 7.Advanced students need to _ the importance of collocation.(词语搭配)8.The roots of this feeling may_our childhood. 9.Your success and reputation _what you have achieved .10. They dont last long _careful you are. 33、课文语法填空(课文语法填空(20 空,每空空,每空 1.5 分,共分,共 30 分)分)1.Food is as fundamental to man_the people to the state. 2.That perfect combination is always enough_(lift) my spirits. 3.I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the warmth of my grandmas flat, _(listen) to her wonderful stories. 4._its broadest sense,comfort food refers to food that makes us feel better. 5.We will talk about a particular type of comfort food _power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind. 6.Our comfort foods are _(high) individual and they vary from person to person.7. If we grow up _(eat) certain foods in our family,then those foods tend _(link) with positive emotions. 8.We often connect chicken soup _a happy childhood and its flavor becomes tied up with the feeling of_(take)care of. 8. When we eat it again,we unlock memories of a time_we were loved and looked after,and this cheers us up. 10.One mouthful of comfort food takes us back to our _(culture) roots,giving us the “taste of home”_we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness. 11. It is hardest to give up the food with_you grow up. 12.Comfort food always makes us _(feeling) good by_(build) an emotional bond with our happy memories. 13.For a native of the UK it might be the classic fish and chips, _(serve) hot,salty and sour. 14.There is then the danger of entering a cycle of highs and lows _more and more comfort food,high in carbohydrates,needs_(eat). 15.As desserts like cakes _(digest),blood sugar levels can go up quickly.4、能力提升(考查综合能力,能力提升(考查综合能力,20 题共题共 37.5 分)分)第一部分(共第一部分(共 15 题,每题题,每题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分)4When I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my suitcase 1 and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “Im leaving.”“If you want to 2 , thats all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I 3 my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again.“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your 4 back. You didnt wear anything when you arrived.” This really 5 me. I tore my clothes offshoes, socks, underwear and alland 6 , “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but once you close that door, dont expect to come back.”I was so 7 that I slammed (砰地关上) the door and stepped out on the front porch. 8 I realized that I was outside, with nothing on. Then I noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking toward our house. I ran to 9 behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was 10 the girls had passed by. I dashed to the front door and banged on it loudly.“Whos there?” I heard. “Its Billy! Let me in!”The voice behind the 11 answered, “Billy doesnt live here anymore. He ran away from home.” Glancing behind me to see 12 anyone else was coming, I begged, “Mom!Im sorry. Im 13 your son. Let me in!”The door inched open and Moms smiling face appeared. “Did you change your 14 about running away?” she asked.“Whats for supper?” I 15 back. (277 words)1. A. packedB. returnedC. cleanedD. repaired2. A. drop out B. go byC. move aroundD. run away3. A. pressedB. shookC. threwD. pulled4. A. bag B. clothesC. sandwichesD. suitcase5. A.excited B.angered C.interested D. moved6. A. explainedB. suggestedC. continuedD. shouted7. A. angryB. sorryC. frightenedD. ashamed8. A. Certainly B. NaturallyC. SuddenlyD. Possibly59. A. play B. bideC. restD. wave10. A. sureB. proudC. eagerD. curious11.A. houseB. treeC. doorD. yard12. A.if B. as if C.because D.while 13. A. alsoB. stillC. evenD. already14. A. conclusionB. promiseC. concernD. decision15. A.laughed B.shouted C.smiled D.viewed第二部分第二部分 七选五(共七选五(共 5 题,每题题,每题 2.5 分,共分,共 12.5 分,)分,) 16 . Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can promote unity and trust. 17 . The foods we eatand when and how we eat themare often unique to a particular culture or may even differ between rural and urban areas within one country.Sharing bread,whether during a special occasion(时刻) or at the family dinner table,is a common symbol of togetherness. 18 . Early forms of cake were simply a kind of bread,so this tradition has its roots in the custom of sharing bread.Food also plays an important role in many New Year celebrations. 18 . In Greece,people share a special cake called Vasilopita. A coin is put into the cake,which signifies(预示) success in the New Year for the person who receives it.Many cultures have ceremonies to celebrate the birth of a child,and food can play a significant role. 20 . In many cultures,round foods such as grapes,bread,and moon cakes are eaten at welcome celebrations to represent family unity.Nutrition is necessary for life,so it is not surprising that food is such an important part of different cultures around the world.A.In the southern United States,pieces of corn bread represent blocks of gold for prosperity(兴旺) in the New Year. B.In China,when a baby is one month old,families name and welcome their child in a celebration that includes giving red-colored eggs to guests.6C.Food serves as a form of communication in two fundamental ways. D.Sharing food indicate a persons quality.E.Food can also have a specific meaning,and play a significant role in a family or cultures celebrations or traditions.F. it makes sense if we could understand the nutritional requirements of our body. G.Many cultures also celebrate birthdays and marriages with cakes that are cut and shared among the guests.71高二英语过关周周练高二英语过关周周练- -周练周练 1(2020 牛津译林版选择性必修一)牛津译林版选择性必修一)(welcome to the unit & reading)考试时间考试时间 60 分钟分钟 满分满分 100 分分 姓名姓名_ 成绩成绩_1、用所给单词的适当形式填空(考查词汇变形,共用所给单词的适当形式填空(考查词汇变形,共 15 题,每题题,每题 1.5 分,共分,共 22.5 分)分)1.Each country has its _(type) food. Key: typical2.Sushi from Japan is very popular partly because of its_(fresh) and _(convenient). key: freshness / convenience3.A taco, a _(tradition) Mexican dish,is made up of a corn or wheat pancake rolled around a filling. Key: traditional4.Longevity(长寿) results from a _(combine) of mental and physical health. key:combination5.The children fell on the food and ate it _(greedy). key:greedily6.As theyre handmade, each one _(various) slightly. key:varies7.It was his first visit to his _(nation) country since 1948. key:native8.I breathed a sigh of _(relieve) key:relief9.Beat the mixture until it is smooth and _(cream). key:creamy10.Scotland has all kinds of happy_(associate) for me key:associations11.Tom enjoys eating _(salt) food such as ham and bacon. (火腿和熏肉)Key: salty12. He loves the _(secure)of a happy home life. key: security213. It is necessary for us all to be aware of the importance of obeying traffic rules because accidents affects drivers as well as _(cycle) and pedestrians.Key: cyclists14. How much _(emotion) baggage is he bringing with him into the relationship?Key: emotional 句义句义“他背负着多重的感情包袱开始这段恋情?他背负着多重的感情包袱开始这段恋情?”15. Watch the video and finish the _(follow) exercises. Key: following2、选词填空(考查短语,两节题共选词填空(考查短语,两节题共 20 分)分)第一节第一节 翻译下列短语翻译下列短语 (共共 20 题,每题题,每题 0.5 分,共分,共 10 分分)1.do the trick 奏效,起作用,达到目的 2.cry out for 迫切需要 3.no matter how 无论怎样,无论多么 4.used to 过去常常 5.refer to 涉及,谈到;参考;指的是 6.lie in 存在于 7.make up for 弥补 8.depend on 依靠,取决于 9.cheer.up 使.振奋, 使.高兴 10. not to mention 更不用说 11. with pleasure 高兴地 12.12.take ones time over 慢慢做,从容不迫地慢慢做,从容不迫地做做13. call sth. to mind (使)想起,唤起 14. vary from.to. 从.到.不等,在.到.范围变化 15. be tied up with 与.有关连 16. connect to/with 与.相连接【be connected with 与.有(亲戚)关系】 17. compare .to. 把.比喻成. 18. be aware of 意识到 19. be linked with / to与.有联系,与.相连接 20. consist of / be made up of 由.组成 3第二节第二节 选择上述正确短语的适当形式填空选择上述正确短语的适当形式填空 (共(共 10 题,每题题,每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1.They would never _that matter again. Key: refer to2.The island _the mainland by a new bridge. Key:is linked to / with3.Pasta from Italy _typically_flour,water and sometimes eggs.Key: is , made of4.All these things_ careful planning. Key:cry out for 5.Jack _assist Mary in her lessons. Key: used to 6.He knows French and German,_English. key: not to mention7. Advanced students need to _ the importance of collocation.(词语搭配)Key:be aware of8.The roots of this feeling may_our childhood. Key: lie in 9.Your success and reputation _what you have achieved .key: depend on 10. They dont last long _careful you are. Key: no matter how 3、课文语法填空(课文语法填空(20 空,每空空,每空 1.5 分,共分,共 30 分)分)1.Food is as fundamental to man_the people to the state. Key:as2.That perfect combination is always enough_(lift) my spirits. Key: to lift3.I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the warmth of my grandmas flat, 4_(listen) to her wonderful stories. Key:listening4._its broadest sense,comfort food refers to food that makes us feel better. Key:in5.We will talk about a particular type of comfort food _power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind. Key: whose6.Our comfort foods are _(high) individual and they vary from person to person.Key:highly8. If we grow up _(eat) certain foods in our family,then those foods tend _(link) with positive emotions. Key:Eating / to be linked8.We often connect chicken soup _a happy childhood and its flavor becomes tied up with the feeling of_(take)care of. Key:with / being taken9. When we eat it again,we unlock memories of a time_we were loved and looked after,and this cheers us up. Key:when10.One mouthful of comfort food takes us back to our _(culture) roots,giving us the “taste of home”_we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness. Key:cultural / that(which)11. It is hardest to give up the food with_you grow up. Key: which12.Comfort food always makes us _(feeling) good by_(build) an emotional bond with our happy memories. Key:feel / building13.For a native of the UK it might be the classic fish and chips, _(serve) hot,salty and sour. Key:served. 14.There is then the danger of entering a cycle of highs and lows _more and more comfort food,high in carbohydrates,needs_(eat). key: where / to be eaten(eating)515.As desserts like cakes _(digest),blood sugar levels can go up quickly.Key:are digested4、能力提升(考查综合能力,能力提升(考查综合能力,20 题共题共 37.5 分)分)第一部分(共第一部分(共 15 题,每题题,每题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分)When I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my suitcase 1 and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “Im leaving.”“If you want to 2 , thats all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I 3 my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again.“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your 4 back. You didnt wear anything when you arrived.” This really 5 me. I tore my clothes offshoes, socks, underwear and alland 6 , “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but once you close that door, dont expect to come back.”I was so 7 that I slammed (砰地关上) the door and stepped out on the front porch. 8 I realized that I was outside, with nothing on. Then I noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking toward our house. I ran to 9 behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was 10 the girls had passed by. I dashed to the front door and banged on it loudly.“Whos there?” I heard. “Its Billy! Let me in!”The voice behind the 11 answered, “Billy doesnt live here anymore. He ran away from home.” Glancing behind me to see 12 anyone else was coming, I begged, “Mom!Im sorry. Im 13 your son. Let me in!”The door inched open and Moms smiling face appeared. “Did you change your 14 about running away?” she asked.“Whats for supper?” I 15 back. (277 words)1. A. packedB. returnedC. cleanedD. repaired62. A. drop out B. go byC. move aroundD. run away3. A. pressedB. shookC. threwD. pulled4. A. bag B. clothesC. sandwichesD. suitcase5. A.excited B.angered C.interested D. moved6. A. explainedB. suggestedC. continuedD. shouted7. A. angryB. sorryC. frightenedD. ashamed8. A. Certainly B. NaturallyC. SuddenlyD. Possibly9. A. play B.hideC. restD. wave10. A. sureB. proudC. eagerD. curious11.A. houseB. treeC. doorD. yard12. A.if B. as if C.because D.while 12. 13. A. alsoB. stillC. evenD. already14. A. conclusionB. promiseC. concernD. decision15. A.laughed B.shouted C.smiled D.viewedKey: 15 ADCBB 6-10DACBA 11-15A CBD C第二部分第二部分 七选五(共七选五(共 5 题,每题题,每题 2.5 分,共分,共 12.5 分,)分,) 16 . Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can promote unity and trust. 17 . The foods we eatand when and how we eat themare often unique to a particular culture or may even differ between rural and urban areas within one country.Sharing bread,whether during a special occasion(时刻) or at the family dinner table,is a common symbol of togetherness. 18 . Early forms of cake were simply a kind of bread,so this tradition has its roots in the custom of sharing bread.7Food also plays an important role in many New Year celebrations. 18 . In Greece,people share a special cake called Vasilopita. A coin is put into the cake,which signifies(预示) success in the New Year fo
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