Unit 11 Conflict and Compromise单元练习-(2020)新北师大版高中英语高二选择性必修第四册.docx

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1、Unit 11Conflict and Compromise单元练习【基础知识过关】.单词拼写1After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a _ (妥协)2They made a _ (决定) to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays.3They voted to _ (停止) strike action immediately.4There was a court case resulting from this _ (事件)5We _ (协商) with

2、the school administration about the tuition increase.6They couldnt relax or read a book without _ (把塞住) their ears.7It was reported that several people had been _ (逮捕)8The child was brought up in a _ (偏远的) mountain village.9The newspaper _ (收回) the words about the film star the next day.10Then we _

3、(分发) some presents such as books and school bags to/among them.单句语法填空1We drove along a _ (mud) lane to reach the farmhouse.2You really need a magnifying glass _ (appreciate) all the fine detail.3The _ (identify) of the aircrash victims hasnt been clarified.4They drew different _ (conclude) from the

4、facts.5I had my wallet _ (steal) in the supermarket yesterday.6He admitted there had been _ (distribute) problems.7_ (obesity) people are more at risk from diabetes and heart disease.8I was _ (annoy) to find he broke my cup.9Last Monday, I _ (walk) in the street when I suddenly saw an old man fall o

5、ff his bicycle.10The drought did a lot of harm _ the crops.单句写作1不要把皮肤直接暴露在阳光下。(expose.to)_2电视上的暴力节目会给儿童造成很坏的影响。(have a bad influence on.)_3我们是时候改掉这些坏习惯并且行动起来保护环境了。(take action)_4我受够了我的破烂英语。(be fed up with)_5糟糕的饮食终将导致疾病。(lead to)_6体育锻炼是消除愤怒的有效方式。(get rid of)_7如果你不缴税,他们将要惩罚你。(have宾语宾补)_8他在购物时丢了电脑,结果泄露

6、了所有绝密照片。(现在分词作结果状语)_9我许了愿,吹了蜡烛。(blow out)_10主席要求考虑这些报告。(request that)_【能力提升训练】.阅读AHumans and elephants dont always get along. In Africa and Asia, elephants damage infrastructure (基础设施), farmers crops, and natural habitat critical for other species. If an elephant becomes a problem, humans may kill i

7、t. So local people and conservationists are trying to find better ways to keep elephants away from sensitive places. Now, researchers think they have a good tool to stop elephants: honeybee pheromones (信息素)“Elephants hate being stung in the trunk, so its an extremely sensitive organ. Imagine being s

8、tung in your nose by a bee, and multiply that a few thousand times,” said Mark Wright, a professor of entomology (昆虫学) at the University of Hawaii at Mnoa.Kenyan farmers have long known that if they hang live beehives around their farms, they will repel elephants. “The problem is logistical, how do

9、you manage hundreds of thousands of hives, if you have a huge area to protect? And then the idea came up to look at the alarm pheromones, which are chemicals that the bees release to launch an attack on something thats damaging the hive.” Because elephants have a highly developed sense of smell, Wri

10、ght and his team thought they might be able to use the bees chemical alarm signal to affect elephant behavior.So the researchers tested out a synthetic blend of chemicals that imitates honeybees alarm pheromones. In Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa, the team hung white socks treated with

11、 the synthetic mixture as well as untreated control socks around an elephant watering hole, and then observed the animals behavior. “Elephants are really curious organisms, theyll walk along and see something like a sock hanging on a branch in the environment, and theyll inspect it, and if its not t

12、reated with the alarm pheromones, theyll pick it up, throw it around, try to taste it, things like that. And in the case of the treated ones, we found that they would show immediate signs of unease or uncertainty, and theyd eventually back off from them. Very seldom would they go to pick them up and

13、 play with them.” The study is in the journal Current Biology.1To prevent elephants from becoming a problem, the researchers will _.Akill themBscare them awayCapply honeybee pheromonesDrestore a new ecosystem2If we need to protect an area on a large scale, the method of the Kenyan farmers is _.Ascie

14、ntific BflexibleCawesome Dimpractical3Why did the researcher conduct the study?ATo confirm what they thought.BTo attract the elephants attention.CTo preserve the elephants habitat.DTo test out honeybees alarm pheromones.4What does the author intend to mention in the following paragraph?AAdd some bac

15、kground information.BSummarize the previous paragraphs.CIntroduce a new topic for discussion.DPresent some potential solutions.BA group of young adults are building wooden boats, serving as workers in a boat building program sponsored by the Alexandria Seaport Foundation to be taught skills, selfcon

16、fidence and discipline to change their lives for the better.The young workers learn their craft at the foundations seaport center, a floating wooden house on the banks of the Potomac River in Alexandria, once a busy seaport town in America. The yearlong program teaches small groups of young adults f

17、rom 18 to 22 years old how to build small wooden sailboats. The program pays them a small wage.A number of the young adults have not finished high school, and the foundation works to help them pass their GED, a high school equivalency. Those who do not have adequate math skills receive tutoring from

18、 a volunteer. One of the young workers, Chris, says he was a good student but had to drop out of high school to work due to his family situation. The program manager, once a role model of the group, remarks, “They know Im living proof of what hard work and dedication will make you get.” Now more tha

19、n halfway through his apprenticeship (学徒期), Chris says he feels better about himself.When the wooden boats are finished, they will be sold. Chris says he will be sad to see them go but knows that, like life, they are meant to sail forward. “There is so much creativity that gets into making them. The

20、yre beautiful on the water. Im delighted theyre going to be a good home.”5What is the boat building program intended to do?AOffer boats to companies that need them.BDonate boats to the poor community nearby.CHelp more people learn about the history of boats.DMake a better life for those young adults

21、 in trouble.6What can those young workers learn in this program?AThey learn how to manage a program.BThey learn how to build up confidence.CThey learn how to build boats and sell them.DThey learn how to teach others math problems.7What can we infer from the text?AThe boats built are meant for touris

22、m.BChris dropped out of school for poor marks.CThe young workers are all taught by volunteers.DParticipants of the program are not all teenagers.8What is this article mainly about?AHard work is what leads to success.BThe art of building boats is hard to learn.CThe future of the youth lies in themsel

23、ves.DBuilding boats improves the youngs lives.七选五Handwriting is quickly becoming a dying art. Few businesses can run nowadays without computers. _1_ Researchers from Princeton University conducted a study to demonstrate the differences between students who wrote out their notes and those who typed n

24、otes in a lecture. _2_ Participants were tested on the material 30 minutes after the lecture and again a week later. And handwriting emerged as the champion._3_ The typers had a significant edge when it came to notetaking efficiency. The typers could copy down significantly many more words than the

25、writers, sometimes even transcribing the content of the lecture word for word.But while more of the lectures content was retained (保留) on paper when typing, it wasnt necessarily retained in participants heads. _4_ On the test 30 minutes after the lecture, typers and writers did more or less equally

26、well on questions about the basic facts of the lecture, but typers fell behind when it came to more conceptual questions.As for the later quiz, the results were similar. Students with handwritten notes were able to remember and still understand the concepts of the lecture after a week had passed. Th

27、ese participants were also more open to understanding new ideas. _5_AThe tests that the participants took proved this.BThe efficiency of handwriting might best benefit you.CThats not to say that typing doesnt have its benefits.DIn this study, the laptops were only used to take notes.EGenerally speak

28、ing, typing also has its own disadvantages.FBut what are we losing as handwriting loses its significance in society?GClearly, writing by hand is one of the things that can make you smarter.完形填空MacArthurs love for sailing dates back to when she was just 4 years old, when she first got the opportunity

29、 to have a try on a boat. “It _1_ me that this boat had everything we needed to take us anywhere in the world. And as a child, that opened up everything and made me feel the greatest sense of _2_,” she explained.This experience _3_ a passion within MacArthur that she wanted to sail around the world.

30、 Growing up in the countryside, she had no idea how to _4_ it. However, she knew that was what she wanted to do at some stage. So she acquired knowledge and _5_ for years to seek her dream in sailing. Having merely potatoes and beans every day for eight years, she _6_ could afford the right equipmen

31、t. By reaching such _7_ goals and asking technical questions about _8_, MacArthur felt as though she was getting _9_ to her ambition.“The impossible could be possible and _10_ high is not necessarily such a crazy thing to do,” she said. And it seems that MacArthurs _11_ to become a sailor went beyon

32、d her expectations. At the age of 24, she started to _12_ media attention after winning the second place in the Vende Globe, a singlehanded nonstop yacht (帆船) race that went around the world.Four years later, MacArthur chose to sail for 71 days and 14 hours, _13_ more than 26,000 miles. This led her

33、 to set a new record. _14_ this record has been surpassed (超过), MacArthur is still considered as Britains most successful offshore racer.So when you know where youre going, you can actually get thereeven if it seems _15_!,1A.benefited Bstruck Ctaught Dtreated2A.wonder Bmagic Cdirection Dfreedom3A.li

34、ghted Bleft Ccarried Dinvented4A.approach Bgain Cachieve Dforget5A.made up Bsaved up Cturned up Dpicked up6A.eventually Bfortunately Cgradually Ddefinitely7A.personal Bfinancial Cfinal Dacademic8A.school Bsailing Cdriving Dbusiness9A.further Bdeeper Ccloser Dsmarter10A.working Bdesigning Cmeaning Da

35、iming11A.lesson Bmind Cconfidence Dplan12A.accept Breceive Cenjoy Dkeep13A.including Breaching Ccovering Dfloating14A.After BWhenCWhether DWhile15A.impossible Bconstant Cvaluable Davailable.语法填空A lot of people feel overwhelmed trying to make changes that help the planet. Conservation psychologist Ja

36、net Swim from Pennsylvania State University says people often think their actions wont have enough of 1._ impact to matter. “Its like, What can I do? Its just me.” 2._ it does matter a lot. “Its just like voting,” the professor says. “I vote. Im only one person. That one action is an important actio

37、n 3._ (take). We work together as a collective to do things,” she said. And theres the multiplier effect. “Small behaviors matter particularly when 4._ (accumulate) across time and across people,” Swim said. Household behavior 5._ (actual) can make a substantial difference, 6._ (reduce) greenhouse g

38、as emissions, according to researchers from Michigan State University and Vanderbilt University. Most of that potential comes from adopting energyefficient behaviors. Their research lists the most practical 17 steps 7._ each American can take, including carpooling, weatherizing houses and driving fu

39、elefficient 8._ (vehicle). If every American takes these steps, according to these researchers, it 9._ (cut) the total US. household emissions by 20% over ten yearsan amount equal 10._ the entire emissions output of France.写作第一节应用文写作假定你是高中生李华,国际城市博览会(International City Fair)将在你市举行,现向社会招募志愿者,你有意参加,请你

40、写一封申请信。内容包括:1表达愿望;2个人情况及优势;3希望得到回复。注意:1.词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir/Madam,_Yours,Li Hua第二节读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was a Saturday afternoon. The color of the sky was changing, first light gray, then dark gray, and finally dark and dense. The wind was blowing heavily, and the t

41、rees were swaying in the strong wind. It began to rain cats and dogs. Soon, the road was filled with puddles.On such a stormy afternoon, my mother took my fiveyearold brother, Christopher, and me to a new big toy store she had read about in the newspaper. “So many toys,” the advertisement had shoute

42、d (明确无误地指出) in full and flashy color, “that we have to get a huge warehouse to fit them all!”Christopher and I couldnt have been more excited. We ran across the parking lot, through the cold and biting rain, as fast as our little legs could carry us. We left our mother outside to battle with the frustrating


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