Unit 11 Writing Workshop (ppt课件)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、Writing workshopLearning Objectives01020304 To read and talk about an opinion essay To understand the structure of an opinion essayTo identify the writing skills used in an opinion essayTo write an opinion essay about a debate Do you like these?What do you think of these foods?Should TV Advertisemen

2、ts for Unhealthy Products Be Banned?If you are asked to write an opinion essay on a topic of your interest,what you will do?Discuss in groups and choose a topic.Find out every group members opinion about the topic.Then brainstorm possible reasons for or against the topic.“PubNet”has put forward the

3、topic,“Should TV Advertisement for Unhealthy Products Be Banned?”They invite the public to offer their opinions.Read one of the essays and find out the writers opinion and the supporting reasons provided.What is the authors opinion?Why does the author think that TV advertisements for unhealthy produ

4、cts be banned?What is the authors conclusion?Complete the structure of the text by putting the different parts in the correct order.a Supporting reasons for the opinionb Disapproving of the opposite opinionc Restating the opiniond Presenting the opinionWhat facts does the author include to support h

5、is/her idea?The rate of obesity has increased greatly.In some countries,it is second only to smoking as a cause of death.In addition,drinking alcohol results in a wide range of diseases.unhealthy products harm our health.More about the structurePara 2:Para 3:The money invested in making these unheal

6、thy products could be used for more worthwhile businesses,such as those that improve our environment.Furthermore,it is not right to make money from activities which harm human health.How does the author argue for his idea in this paragraph?.the idea that making the products creates jobs and brings i

7、n large amounts of tax is a false argument.Should TV Advertisements for Unhealthy Products Be Banned?To ban advertisements for any unhealthy products.unhealthy products harm our health.the idea that making the products creates jobs and brings in large amount of tax is a false argument.The money inve

8、sted.It is not right.The rate of obesity.In some countries.drinking alcohol results in.laws to ban TV advertisements of unhealthy products are beneficial to society.Sentence BuilderPersuasive Language Undoubtedly,unhealthy products harm our health.It is clearly desirable to limit TV advertisements f

9、or fast food.However,surely this is a false argument.Furthermore,it is not right to make money from activities which harm human health.Read for languageWrite 2-3 sentences for your opinion essay.Use similar expressions in the Sentence Builder that help to support your opinion and make it more convin

10、cing.Writing HelpWriting an Opinion EssayIts important to:state a clear opinion;support your opinion with facts.Make your reasons and details stronger with facts and data;make your essay reasonable,and include relevant details;use persuasive language.Outlining Complete the outline of your essay base

11、d on Activity 3 and 4.My OutlineTopic:_The opinion:_Supporting reasons:_Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft.Editing Edit your essay in pairs.Then share what you have written to the class.随着生活水平的提高手机已经广为普及。手机也不可避免随着生活水平的提高手机已经广为普及。手机也不可避免的走进校园,方便同学们学习的同时,也给学生们带来不小

12、的的走进校园,方便同学们学习的同时,也给学生们带来不小的困扰。到底该不该允许学生带手机众说纷纭,对此,你怎么看困扰。到底该不该允许学生带手机众说纷纭,对此,你怎么看呢?呢?1.What is your topic and opinion of the essay?2.How is the essay structured in Lesson 1?3.How many parts are you going to have in your essay?Whats the main idea and function of each part?4.How are you going to supp

13、ort your opinion,make your essay reasonable and persuasive?With the improving of our living standards,almost everyone can afford a mobile phone.Mobile phones have become increasingly popular in China.Wherever you go you can see people using mobile phones.However,just as the saying goes,Every coin ha

14、s two sides.When we enjoy the convenience of the mobile phoe,we also face many problems.possible version To start with,mobile phones have brought us a lot of benefits,but the most significant is that they are convenient when mobile phones in our hands.We can keep in touch with anyone at all times an

15、d places by using mobile phone.Mobile communication transcend the space and the time,making the world into a global village.In addition,we can query information and learn new skills through the mobile Internet.So as to broaden our horizons and it is more conducive to our study.Furthermore,if we have

16、 a traffic accident or get lost,a call to the emergency hospital or to the police can quickly bring us the help we want.Timely assistance may let us out of danger or change danger into safety.These are some of the advantages of the mobile phone to us.There is no perfect thing in the world,so is the

17、mobile phone.The first disadvantage is that the mobile phone game is easy to let people indulge them,which leads to students neglect their studies.At the same time,more and more people are suffering from near-sightedness due to the long time to see the phone screen.More seriously,some people use it

18、to cheat money or steal personal information and privacy.On the other hand,the radiation from the mobile phone is very bad for our health.For instance,two Russian researchers have done an experiment:a raw egg placed in a ceramic cup,then placed two mobile phones on both sides of the egg and used one

19、 of the mobile phone to dial the other mobile phone,keep the call state and 65 minutes after the raw egg was cooked by the mobile phone electromagnetic radiation.Its just too bad.As far as Im concerned,only when we learn to handle mobile phones actively and skillfully,can we promote the favorable an

20、d avoid the unfavorable and fully enjoy the benefits of mobile phones to us.For example,we should be the master of the mobile phone to use it to study instead of becoming a slave to the mobile phone games.Taking into account the dangers of mobile phone radiation,when we make a long time call we can

21、use the headset,etc.I believe as long as we are able to use the mobile phone correctly,its advantages will not noly offset its disadvantages,but also far outweigh them.1.Was an opinion clearly stated?2.Were the supporting details persuasive?3.Was the essay logically organised?Evaluation1.Should TV A

22、dvertisements for Unhealthy Products Be Banned?ban vt.to say that something must not be done,seen,used etc 禁禁止,取缔;止,取缔;n.an official order that prevents something from being used or done 禁令,禁止禁令,禁止 eg Smoking is banned in the building.大楼大楼内禁止吸烟内禁止吸烟。a total ban on cigarette advertising 香烟香烟广告的全面禁止广告

23、的全面禁止【归纳归纳】banvt.禁止,取缔禁止,取缔n.禁止,禁令禁止,禁令ban sth./ban sb.from(doing)sth.禁止某物禁止某物/禁止做某事禁止做某事a ban on sth.对某事物的禁令对某事物的禁令【语境应用语境应用】根据提示补全句子。根据提示补全句子。1)It is said that he _ _ _ _ _ _(被禁止出席该被禁止出席该 会议会议).2)There is _ _ _ _ _(彻底禁止吸彻底禁止吸烟烟)in public places.was banned from attending the meeting a total ban ons

24、moking 写准核心单词。写准核心单词。3)They hope paper bags will be _(禁止禁止)someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.bannedban,forbid,prohibitban语气最重,指权威机关语气最重,指权威机关(政府、官方等政府、官方等)正式禁止。正式禁止。forbid是普通用词,禁止某人进入某地、禁止某人用某物是普通用词,禁止某人进入某地、禁止某人用某物或做某事。多用于权威人士或做某事。多用于权威人士(家长、长辈、主人、家长、长辈、主人、上司、医生上

25、司、医生)发布的禁令,也可用于政府、组织、发布的禁令,也可用于政府、组织、团体的禁令、规定。可表示由于客观条件不允许的团体的禁令、规定。可表示由于客观条件不允许的“禁止禁止”。prohibit 是正式用词,指用法律或法令来禁止。是正式用词,指用法律或法令来禁止。2.unhealthy products harm our health.harm vt.to damage something 伤害;伤害;n.damage,injury,or trouble caused by someones actions or by an event 损害,危害损害,危害 eg Dont harm your

26、eyes by reading a book in the sun.It will harm no one at all.This wont do his career serious harm.【归纳归纳】do sb.harm 对某人有害对某人有害do harm to.对对有害有害come to harm 受到损害,遭到受到损害,遭到不幸不幸【拓展拓展】harmful adj.有害有害的,导致损害的,导致损害的的be harmful to sb./sth.对某人对某人/某物有害某物有害harmless adj.无害的,不会导致损害的;不会引起不快的,无无害的,不会导致损害的;不会引起不快的,

27、无恶意恶意的的【语境应用语境应用】根据根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子。句子。1)The child fell over but _(没伤着没伤着).2)It wouldnt _(对他有任何害处对他有任何害处)to work harder.3)Come in please.Our dog _(不会伤害你不会伤害你).came to no harm do him any harm wont harm you3.To conclude,laws to ban TV advertisements of unhealthy products are beneficial to

28、society.conclude vt.to decide that something is true after considering all the information you have 做出结论,推断出做出结论,推断出 eg The report concluded that the school should be closed immediately.达成,订立,达成,订立,缔结缔结(协定协定)eg That same year,France concluded a trading agreement with Spain.(使使)结束结束,终止终止 eg Each chap

29、ter concludes with a short summary.【归纳归纳】sth.(from sth.)conclude 推断推断出出;断定断定 (from sth.)that.with/on/as/by sth.conclude sth.以以.结束结束 by doing sth.to conclude 最后最后,作为,作为结束结束【拓展拓展】conclusion n.结论结论;结束结束draw/reach/come to a conclusion 得出结论得出结论in conclusion 最后最后make a conclusion 下结论下结论【语境应用语境应用】完成句子。完成句子

30、。1)John said he could conclude _ Janes expression that Jane had stolen his money.2)Conclude your speech _“Thanks for your time”.3)At first I thought he was a bit shy,but Ive _ that hes simply unfriendly!4)_,I would like to thank everybody who helped me.withfrom In conclusioncome to the conclusionEdit your essay in pairs.Then share what you have written to the class.


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