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1、 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 1 组织胚胎学课件组织胚胎学课件 七年制英文医学班专用七年制英文医学班专用中国医科大学中国医科大学基础医学院基础医学院组胚组胚英文教学组英文教学组 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 2 Chapter 18Chapter 18Male Reproductive SystemMale Reproductive System 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 31. Components:-testis: produce the male ge

2、rm cells- gametes(sperm) produce androgen-testosterone-gernital ducts: store and conduct the sperm epididymis ductus deferens ejaculatory duct-accessory gland: their secretion join into semen seminal vesicle prostate bulbourethral gland penis 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 42. Testis2. Testis1

3、) General structure: Capsule: a. tunica vaginalis: visceral layer-serosa b. tunica albuginea: thick, DCT /mediastinum testis: albuginea became thicker at posterior aspect /septum: thin septa extend radiately from mediastinum testis to divided the parenchyma into lobule 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分

4、享】豆丁网友 5 Lobule a. seminiferous tubule: /highly coiled /30-70cm long, 150-250 mm in D /begin as free blind end run to posterior become into straight tubule(tubules rectus) e n t e r m e d i a s t i n u m t e s t i s r e t e testisefferent ductconnect with epididymal duct b. testicular interstitial t

5、issue: LCT between seminiferous tubule 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 62) Seminiferous tubule: 30-70cm long, 150-250um in D-specific stratified epithelium: spermatogenic epi.(seminiferous epi)spermatogenic cellsSertoli or supporting cellmyoid cell: under basal lamina 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢

6、迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 7 Spermatogenic cell: -5-8 layers -4 types of cells 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 8a. spermatogonium-outerest layer, one layer-structure: /round, ellipsoid cell/12um/round N, deep stained 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 9-classification: type A: -dark type A(Ad): ovoid, deep-s

7、tained N, stem cell-Pale type A(Ap): ovoid, pale-stained N, differentiate into type B type B: round N, chromatin granules are distributed under nucleus membrane, division and differentiate into primary spermatocyte 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 10b. primary spermatocytes -diploid(2n)cell dupl

8、icate DNA tetraploid cell(4n) division -structure:round cell, become largest, 18 um, left the basal layerN: large, round, on different stage of division(the prophase of meiotic division up to 22 days)-through first meiosis divides into two secondary spermatocyte(2n, 23X or 23Y) 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物

9、PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 11c. secondary spermatocyte:-nearer the lumen-structure:round cell, 12umN: round deep-stainedhard to see- short lived(divide quickly)-through secondary meiosis divides into two spermatid(1n, 23X or 23Y) 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 12 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 13d.

10、 spermatid-structure:smallest cell, 8umlocated at innerest layer-through spermiogenesis: spermatid become into spermatozoa 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 14e. spermatozoa:-structure of spermatozoa:60 um lengthhead: -pear-shaped -flattened -nucleus -acrosometail: flagallum (centriole)-neck- m i

11、 d d l e s e g m e n t : mitochondria sheath-principal segment-end segment 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 15-the processes of spermiogenesis i. condensation and elongation of N ii. formation of the acrosome-cover the anterior and lateral portion of N-contain hydrolytic enzymes for fertilizatio

12、niii. formation of flagellum: for motility iv. formation of mitochondria sheath v. discharge of useless organelle and cytoplasm 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 16 Sertoli cell-structure: LM:/columnar or pyramidal cell/rest on basal lamina /extending into lumen/no clear boundary/elongated N: tri

13、angular, ovoid, paler-stained, with prominent nucleolus 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 17EM:/SER(more), RER(some), Golgi/mito, lysosome/MT, MF,/glycogen, lipid droplet/tight junction: basal compartment and abluminal compartment 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 18-function: a. support, prot

14、ect, nourish, regulate and release germinal cell b. secret androgen-binding protein; bind to androgen, maintain the level of androgen concentration of lumen c. phagocytose degenerated cell and spermiogenic residual bodies d. constitute the blood-testis barrier 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 19

15、 a. blood-testis barrier/components:endotheliumbasal lamina of endotheliumCTbasal lamina of seminiferous tubuletight junction of sertoli cell/function:protect the seminiferous cells from auto-immune reactionresistant to most harmful factors( radiation, body temperature, infection) 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医

16、学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 203) interstitial tissue:-LCT-Leydig cell:structure: LM: -in groups -large, polygonal-shaped cell, with round N -acidophilic cytoplasmEM: steroid-hormone secreting cellfeaturefunction: secrete testosterone- androgen 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 214) tubule rectus and rete

17、testis-tubule rectus: simple cuboidal or low columnar epi.-rete testis: simple cuboidal epi. 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 22Chapter 16 Eye and EarEye and Ear 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 231. Eye1. Eye 1) The wall of eyeball Fibrous tunic: DCT -cornea: -sclera: DCT -corneal limbus(co

18、rneoscleral limbus)Cornea:/anterior 1/6 of fibrous tunic, transparent, bulges slightly anteriorly/connect with sclera 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 24/five layers: corneal epithelium: i. stratified, squamous non-keratinising epithelium ii. 5-6 layers of regular arranged cells iii. basal cells

19、 have remarkable regenerating ability iv. rich in nerve terminal 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 25 anterior limiting lamina: i. a clear uniform membrane, 10-16um thick ii. contain collagenous fibrils and matrix iii. cannot regenerate 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 26corneal stroma: corne

20、al propria i. constitute 90% of corneal thickness ii. composed of layers of collagenous fibrils iii. keratocyte: similar to fibroblast iv. matrix, no BV 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 27posterior limiting lamina: i. a clear homogenous membrane, 5-10 um thick ii. consists of collagenous fibril

21、and matrixcorneal endothelium: i. simple squamous epi. ii. EM: mito, pinocytotic vescles, Golgi and RER iii.Active function of transporting, synthesizing and secreting protein 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 28* transparency of the cornea: due to absence of BV non-pigmented epi, regular organiz

22、ation of collagen fibrils maintenance of hydration of ground substance 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 29 Vascular tunic(uvea): LCT with BV and melanocytes-iris -ciliary body-choroid 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 30 retina: -pigment epithelium:outerest layersimple low columnar epi: -culo

23、mnar cell: thin, long processes at apical surface -round or ovoid N -EM: SER, Golgi, rough round or ovoid pigment granules 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 31-function: i. protect visual cell ii. involve in replace of membranous disc iii. store vitamin A and involve in the synthesis of rhodopsin

24、 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 32-visual cell: photoreceptor cell/cell body:/inner process: form synapse with bipolar cell and horizontal cell/outer process: -outer segment: contain membranous disc -inner segment: contain mito, RER, Golgi and MT 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 33/rod cel

25、l:-110,000,000-120,000,000-deep-stained N-outer process: cylindrical-outer segment: membranous disc-invagination of cell membrane but separated with cell membrane(exfoliated and ingested by pigment cell) -rhodopsin(visual purpke)= 11-cisretinal(retinene) + opsin-inner process: spherule(end in a term

26、inal expansion)-feel dim light 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 34/cone cell: -6,500,000-7,000,000-large N, paler-stained-outer process: conical-outer segment: membranous disc, not separated, no exfoliation of disks-iodopsin(photopsin)= 11-cisretinal + opsin(different)-inner process: pedicle-fee

27、l blight light(red-558nm, green-531nm, blue-419nm) 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 35-bipolar cell: /large N/contain RER,mito and Golgi/dendrite: synapse with photoreceptor and horizontal neuron/axon: form synapse with dendrite of ganglion cell/classification: -rod bipolar cell -midget bipolar

28、cell -flat bipolar cell 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 36-ganglion cell:/multipolar neuron:/dendrite: synapse with bipolar, amacrine cell and interplexiform cell/axon: make up optic nerve/classification: midget ganglion cell and diffuse ganglion cell 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 37-int

29、erneurons: /located in layer of bipolar cell/horizontal cell, amacrine cell, interplexiform cell-radial neuroglia cell: Muller cell/neuroglial cell/thin and long cell, with ovoid, deep-stained N/processes: end at outer limiting membrane and inner limiting membrane/function: supporting, protecting, n

30、ourishing and insulating function 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 38Under LM: retina can be divided into ten layers i. layer of pigment epithelium: pigment epithelial cell ii. layer of rods and cones iii. outer limiting membrane: outer processes of Muller cell iv. outer nuclear layer: N of visu

31、al cells v. outer plexiform layer: inner process of visual cell, dendrites of bipolar cell and processes of horizontal cell 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 39 vi. inner nuclear layer: cell body of bipolar cell, horizontal cell, amacrine cell and interplexiform cell and Muller cell vii.inner ple

32、xiform layer: axon of bipolar cell, dendrites of ganglion cell, processes of amacrine cell and interplexiform cell viii. layer of ganglion cells: cell body of ganglion cell ix. layer of optic fibers: axons of ganglion cell x.inner limition membrane: formed by connection each other of inner processes

33、 of Muller cells 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 40* macula lutea:/definition: a small area of retina at posterior polar of retina, contains a yellow pigment and is non-vascularised, so called yellow spot/3mm in D/central fovea: shallow depression, 1.5mm in D/thinnest retina: 0.1mm/contain only

34、 cone cell, no rod cell/one visual cell connects with one bipolar cell, and one bipolar cell forms synapse with one ganglion cell/have most clear vision 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 41* papilla of optic nerve: optic disc/1.5 mm in D/3 mm medial to macula lutea/place where the optic nerve lea

35、ve out/no photoreceptors: so called blind spot 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 422. Ear2. Ear -the external ear-the middle ear-the inner ear 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 431) inner ear: labyrinth-osseous labyrinth: a system of canals and cavities in compact bonethe vestibulesemicircular

36、 canalcochlea 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 44-membranous labyrinth: usually lined by simple squamous epi. except:membrane semicircular canal: crista ampullariessaccule and utricle: macula utriculi and macula sacculicochlear duct: spiral organ 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 45-triangula

37、r in cross-section-three walls: i. roof: vestibular membrane ii. outer wall: stratified columnar epi. with BV distributed- stria vascularis(secrete endolymph) and spiral ligament iii. floor: osseous spiral lamina and membranous spiral lamina basilar membrane 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 46a.

38、 crista ampullaris:-supporting cell: /columnar, with basal ovoid nucleus, rest on basal lamina/microvilli, granules: lipid-liked and glycosaminoglycan granules 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 47-hair cell: /amongat supporting cell/pear-shaped: short neck and globular base/has about 50-110 stere

39、ocilia and one kinocilium(embedded in cupula)/terminal of peripheral process of neuron of vestibular nerve ganglion distributed at basal portion of hair cell- - - c u p u l a : g e l a t i n o u s m a s s o f mucopolysaccharide substance-function: receptors for kinetic balance, feel angular accelera

40、tion or deceleration of the head 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 48 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 49b. macula utriculi and macula sacculi: macula acustica-supporting cell-hair cell: 30-60 stereocilia and one kinocilium- - - o t o l i t h i c m e m b r a n e : g e l a t i n o u s mucopoly

41、saccharide substance containing small crystalline bodies of calcium carbonate-function: receptors of static balance, feel linear acceleration or deceleration and change in position of the head 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 50c. spiral organ: Corti organ-supporting cell: pillar cell:-two rows:

42、 inner and outer pollar cell: tall, columnar in shape, -inner tunnel 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 51phalahgeal cell:-inner phalangeal cell: one row, is situated next to inner pillar cell-outer phalangeal cell: 3-5 rows, lateral to the outer pillar cells-tall columnar cells rest on basilar me

43、mbrane-phalangeal process: enclosed the low part of hair cell 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 52-hair cell: -inner hair cell: a row of pear-shaped cell, supported by inner phalangeal cell-outer hair cell: 3-5 rows, supported by outer phalangeal cell-“V” or “W” shaped-arranged stereocilia on free surface-peripheral processes of neuron of spiral ganglion distribute at basal portion of hair cell-tectorial membrane-auditory string: 2000, located in basilar membrane, collagen-liked thin filament-function: receptor of sound 业精于勤荒于嬉 行成于思毁于随 【医学生物PPT,欢迎收藏分享】豆丁网友 53


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