Unit 4 extended reading Language focus课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册.ppt

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1、 Book 5 unit 4 extended readingLanguage focus I. expressions1.处于最前列2.在于3.许多,一大群4.使某人能够做某事5.和 互动6.引起兴趣7.提高学习效率8.建设性的应用9.若该怎么办?10. 在上尝试at the forefront of lie in a host of enable sb. to do sthinteract with engage interestsenhance learning efficiencyconstructive applicationswhat if attempt on 11.毒瘾12.网

2、购13.归结为14.弄明白15.就而言16.对乐观17.牢记在心drug addictionshop onlineboil down to figure out in terms of be optimistic aboutkeep in mind1. When you wear a VR headset equipped with sensors and screen, you are surrounded by three-D images, sounds and other sensory information, which creates a super-realistic effe

3、ct called “presence”.which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个主句引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个主句。【翻译翻译】 当你戴上配有传感器和屏幕的当你戴上配有传感器和屏幕的VRVR头戴设备时,你将头戴设备时,你将被三维影像、声音和其他感官信息环绕包围,这些会被三维影像、声音和其他感官信息环绕包围,这些会营造出一种名为营造出一种名为“临场感临场感”的超现实效果。的超现实效果。2. Can you give some examples of the practical applications VR has? practical adj. 实际的实际的, ,真实的真实的 ;

4、 ;切实可行的切实可行的 ; ;有用的有用的 ; ; 实事求是的实事求是的尽管他发现这个主意有趣,但这个系统太难,因而不实用。 _ _ _that he found the idea interesting,the system was too difficult to_ _ _ _. 你能为我们举几个你能为我们举几个VRVR应用的实例吗?应用的实例吗?Despite Despite the the factfactbe of practical usebe of practical use3. By delivering the content in a meaningful way, th

5、is new approach to learning manages to engage students interest and enhance learning efficiency. 这种新的学习手段以一种富有意义的方式呈现内容,能这种新的学习手段以一种富有意义的方式呈现内容,能够吸引学生的兴趣并且提高学习效率。够吸引学生的兴趣并且提高学习效率。engage v. to succeed in attracting and keeping sbs attention and interest 吸引住吸引住( (注意力、兴趣注意力、兴趣) ) to employ sb. to do a

6、particular job 雇佣雇佣, ,聘用聘用to get involved with other people and their ideas in order to understand them 与与建立密切关系建立密切关系 Several experts will _ (参加)in the activity as technical advisor.engage in sth. / engage sb. in sth. : ( (使使) )从事从事, ,参加参加Excuse me, Id like to make an early _to have my hair cut tom

7、orrow.Will 8 oclock do?A. appointment B. arrangement C. employment D. engagementparticipate/engage A A.appointment预约,约定;预约,约定;B.arrangement安排;安排;C.employment雇佣;雇佣; D.engagement订婚订婚;正式约定正式约定 4. What if I told you that doctors could create a virtual “twin” in order to practise a delicate surgery befor

8、e attempting it on the patient?what if .? 如果如果将会怎么样将会怎么样(1)Her father is very rich _(那又怎么样那又怎么样)?She wouldnt accept his help even if it was offered(2)_(他要是不愿意来怎么办他要是不愿意来怎么办)?Can you tell me?(3)How about _(咱俩出去散散咱俩出去散散步步)?【翻译翻译】如果我告诉你如果我告诉你, ,医生可以先造出一个虚拟的医生可以先造出一个虚拟的“孪生病孪生病人人”练习精密的手术练习精密的手术, ,然后再在病人身

9、上进行实际操作呢?然后再在病人身上进行实际操作呢?So whatWhat if he wont comethe two of us going out for a walk My God! Look, you have made the same mistake. _? Its none of your business. A. Sowhat B. What for C. Whatif D. Whats upA So what那又怎么样那又怎么样What for为什么;为什么; What if要是要是.又怎样;又怎样; Whats up怎么啦,发生什么事了怎么啦,发生什么事了 5. The e

10、ntertainment industry is one of the most enthusiastic advocates of VR. advocate v. to support sth. publicly 拥护拥护, ,支持支持, ,提倡提倡他们提倡简单的生活,努力工作,重视家庭和社区。_娱乐产业是最热切追捧娱乐产业是最热切追捧VRVR的行业之一。的行业之一。They They advocateadvocate a simple life with an emphasis on a simple life with an emphasis on hard work,hard work

11、, family,family, and community.and community._ vt. 拥护;提倡;主张advocate _ sth. 提倡做某事advocate that sb. _ sth. 提倡某人做某事advocatedoing(should) do 【运用运用】翻译下面句子。翻译下面句子。 1) 他主张多建几所学校。他主张多建几所学校。He advocates building more schools / that more schools (should) be built. 2) 动物权利拥护者认为动物园是动物的监狱。动物权利拥护者认为动物园是动物的监狱。 Ani

12、mal rights advocates think that zoos are animal prisons. 3) 专家提倡家长应该奖励孩子好的行为。专家提倡家长应该奖励孩子好的行为。 Experts advocate that parents (should) reward children for good behaviour. 6. However, as with any technology, there must be some barriers to the development of VR, I guess? 但是任何技术都有瓶颈,但是任何技术都有瓶颈,VRVR的发展想必

13、也是如此吧?的发展想必也是如此吧?as with 如同如同; 和和一样一样e.g.As with many technological revolutions, you are unlikely to be aware of it7. The initial cost will discourage most people in the beginning but that should be fixed over time. 早期费用在一开始会吓退大多数人,但这个问题应该会早期费用在一开始会吓退大多数人,但这个问题应该会 慢慢解决。慢慢解决。 initial adj. 最初的最初的, 开始的

14、开始的 (名字的名字的)首字母首字母 n. (全名的全名的)首字母(常用作首字母(常用作initials)【即学即练即学即练】翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。 1) The initials “P.T.O.” at the bottom of a page mean “please turn over”. 页底的首字母页底的首字母“P.T.O.”意为意为“见下页见下页”。 2) My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight. 我最初的惊讶很快就被愉悦替代。我最初的惊讶很快就被愉悦替代。 3) Mr. John A. Smith initiated

15、 the note J.A.S. John A. Smith先生用名字的首字母先生用名字的首字母J.A.S.签署便条。签署便条。8. Just trying to figure out how to do what we want in terms of technology will prove challenging in some areas. 在某些领域,光是试图弄清楚如何从技术角度实现我们的在某些领域,光是试图弄清楚如何从技术角度实现我们的想法就将是挑战重重的。想法就将是挑战重重的。 in terms of 就就来说来说, ,从从的角度的角度, ,依照依照 其后可接名词、动词其后可接

16、名词、动词-ing形式或从句形式或从句 e.g. The job is great in terms of money, but it has its disadvantages. What have you done in terms of fixing the house? Did the experiment find any differences in terms of what children learned?【拓展拓展】常见的其它常见的其它“in +名词名词+ of”结构的短语:结构的短语: in search of 寻找寻找 in need of 需要需要 in favour

17、 of 赞成赞成, 支持支持 in case of 如果如果, 假使假使 in place of 代替代替 in memory of 纪念纪念in terms of, in search of, in memory of,in need of, in favour of, in case of, in place of 【运用运用】选用方框内合适的短语填空选用方框内合适的短语填空(每个短语限用一次每个短语限用一次)。1) My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it. 2) Many people had left

18、their homes and moved to the big city _ work.3) The movie was made _ his grandfather.in memory of in favour of in search of in terms of, in search of, in memory of,in need of, in favour of, in case of, in place of 4) The church is very old and it is _ repair.5) I keep an umbrella here _ rain.6) Its

19、a mistake to think of Florida only _ its tourist attractions.7) You can use milk _ cream in this dish.in place of in need of in case ofin terms of 9. there must be some barriers to the development of VR, I guess ? The biggest problem I have to face is the language_(障碍)(障碍)when I go abroad人们说学习外语的最大障

20、碍是词汇。(人们说学习外语的最大障碍是词汇。(the barrier to sth, success in doing,主语从句),主语从句)_barrierIts said that the biggest barrier to success in learning a foreign language is vocabulary.10. Considering there are so many challenges to deal with , are you still optimistic about the future of VR ?Many people say Im _(乐

21、观乐观). Much _(与与相反相反) their opinion, Im _(对对悲观悲观) my study. The people in the village are so _ that they are willing to help every visitor.A. optimisticB. energeticC. enthusiastic D. ambitiousoptimisticCopposite topessimistic about11.The time capsule , buried 50 feet below the ground vt.埋葬埋葬- burial

22、n.埋葬;葬礼埋葬;葬礼So _ his work that he is awarded the best worker in his company. (bury) 他是如此专心于他的工作以至于他被誉为公司最佳员工。他是如此专心于他的工作以至于他被誉为公司最佳员工。我要想通过考试,必须埋头学习我要想通过考试,必须埋头学习I shall have to_ my studies if I am to pass the examburied is he in be buried in/bury myself in人无需沉浸在自怨自怜中, 因为无论你曾经犯过怎样的错,彻底翻转人生永远为时不晚。The

23、re is no need to bury yourself in self-pity or regret(s), for it is never too late to turn your life around, regardless of the (what) mistakes you made in the past.12. He mentioned a few social problems before concluding that he believed future generations would read his message with a feeling of pr

24、oud and justified superiority .conclude vt.推断出;得出结论;使结推断出;得出结论;使结vi.结束;结束;-What do you_ from the facts? I mean, what_ can you draw from the facts?- In_, the project is a success (conclude)Before drawing a_(conclude),), you should do lots of researchconcludeconclusionconclusionconclusion13.Does it an

25、noy you to see cars blocking the road like weeds when you are traveling ? annoy 使烦恼,动词 _ (n.)If someone or something_ you, it makes you fairly angry and impatientI like her even though she can be_Im extremely_ at the way he always stares at me in the officeannoyanceannoysannoyingannoyed14. All this

26、technology does not come at the expense of fashion. expense 消费,支出,He built up the business at the _ (代价) of his health.She brought three children up all by herself, at great personal_ . A. price B. sacrificeC. expenseD. contributionBut all the rooms were too _ (expense) for us.expense/cost/priceBexp

27、ensive15so you will be the envy of all your friends wherever you go from pubs to offices .envy,羡慕,嫉妒I envy you _ such a close family()A. havingB. to haveC. have D. to havingHelen is going to Manchester for further education next month.Im _ as I have to stay at home and work. A. black and blueB. whit

28、e as a sheet C. in the pink D. green with envyADblack and blue遍体鳞伤的,(身上)青一块,紫一块;white as a sheet苍白如纸,极苍白的;in the pink身体极棒的,非常健康的;green with envy心中充满妒忌 Practice :根据句意并结合首字母或汉语提示写单词根据句意并结合首字母或汉语提示写单词1. Some young people lost themselves in the _ (虚拟的) world, playing computer games. 2. To give a d_ of a

29、 word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.3. The importance of sleep to a_ performance is one of the most convincing findings in sleep research in recent years.4. The new laboratory gives students a chance to e_ in the creative process. 5.Using the figures given above, it can b

30、e seen that this machine pays back the i_ investment in two years.virtualdefinitionacademicengageinitial6. Carbon dioxide, which makes a _ between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer. 7. A glass-half-full man is o_ rather than pess

31、imistic, always seeing challenges as opportunities.8. China will e_ cooperation with countries and regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.barrieroptimisticenhance9. Like most female athletes, she was lean and m_. 10. I have been used to h_ the important passages in yellow.11. Dad c_ o

32、ur phone conversation with the words, “Richard, I love you.”12. As you know, Im still b_ in books at the school you are so familiar with.13. Nobody doubts that ancient Greece was a f_ of wisdom and philosophy.muscularhighlightingconcludedburiedfountain14. There was already a _(种子) of doubt in her mi

33、nd at that time.15. My studies were devoted almost entirely to _(当代的) literature.16. In my opinion, the decision to finish the project ahead of time is _(合乎情理的)17. What surprises us is that the region produces over 50% of the countrys _(小麦)18. The US will need a three-to-one _(优势) in forces to be su

34、re of a successful attack.seedcontemporaryjustifiedwheatsuperiority二、在空白处填入二、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式1. Some people say that classical music is associated only _ old people.2. These _(technology) developments were hardly imaginable 30 years ago.3. Many scientists are worried that th

35、e earth might suffer _ terrible disaster soon.4. My friend showed me around the town, _ was very kind of him.5. Massage is used to relax muscles, _(relief) stress and improve circulation.6. Our knowledge of the disease has advanced _(considerable) over recent years.7. We are looking forward to the p

36、roduct _(design) as soon as possible.8. Many people want to know how we can best serve the needs of future _(generation)withtechnologicala whichrelieveconsiderablybeing designedgenerations三、根据汉语提示完成句子三、根据汉语提示完成句子1. His visit _ _ _ strengthen ties between the two countries. 他此次访问旨在增进两国间的关系。 2. No one

37、 can tell what will happen _ _ _.没人能说准将来会发生什么事。3. I bought a magazine yesterday, the cover _ _ was pink. 我昨天买了本杂志,它的封面是粉红色的。4. He is a knowledgeable professor, who can solve the problem _ _ _. 他是个知识渊博的教授,能毫不费力地解决那个问题。5. Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting _ _ _ answers.当你从一个采访到另一个采访时,一定要确保你得到各种各样的答案。is intended toin the futureof whichwithoutany difficultyavariety of


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