Unit 3 单元词汇复习-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、选择性必修二Unit3 单元复习1. argue-argument restore-restoration2.normal-abnormal prohibit-prohibited3. ripe-ripen equip-equipment4. sense-sensory evidence-evident5. examine-examination severe-severely6. anxious-anxiety symbol-symbolic7. infection-infectious determine-determination8. sharp-sharpen discover-dis

2、covery9. safe-safety disabled-disability10. gene-genetic-genetically11. identify-identification-身份identity12. mean-meant-meant13. arise-arose-arisen14. resist-resistant-resistance 15. withdraw-withdrew-withdrawn16. adjust-adjustment-adjustable17. edit-edited-编辑editor18. science-scientific-scientist1

3、9. phenomenon-phenomena20. 不确定性 uncertainty21. 难以置信地 unbelievably22. 专攻法律specialize in law23. 产生;存在come into being24. 对有影响 have an effect/influence/ impact on25. 喜爱 have affection for26. 凭借 by means of27. 绝不 by no means28. 对是根本的/重要的be fundamental to29. 禁止某人做某事 prohibit sb from doing30. 增强抵抗力 increas

4、e the resistance to31. 由导致 arise from/ out of32. 努力处理 wrestle with33. 准备就绪 put sth in place34. 毫无疑问 without doubt35. 染上疾病 contract diseases36. 配备有 be equipped with37. 疾病预防 disease prevention38. 生来失聪 be born deaf39. 充当 serve as/ function as40. 有意义make sense41. 在过程中 over the course of42. 加快步伐 quicken

5、the pace of 43. 与一致keep pace with 44. 疾行at a fast pace 45. 失控 run wild/ be out of control46. 与对抗 be in the flight against47. 关于主题 on the subject of 48. 处理 solve/ handle/ address/ tackle deal with/ cope with49. 各种各样的 a wide range/ variety of50. 过上正常生活 lead a normal life51. 扮演重要角色 play a critical role

6、 in52. 对有天赋 have talent for/ be talented for53. 下定决心做某事 be determined to do54. 一种有效的方式 an effective means of 55. 在不远的将来 in the near future56. 适应;习惯adjust to doing/ sth 57. 不遗余力go to great lengths to do=spare no effort to do58. 广泛使用come into widespread use59. 把脉check the pulse 60. 有能力be capable of 61

7、. 基于on the basis of 62. 把反馈给feed sth back into 63. 为申请专利 take out a patent on 64. 引发担心fuel concerns65. A 取代B A take the place of B B be replaced by A66. 形状各异 with variations in shape 67. 达成共识reach an agreement 68. 给施压put pressure on69. 被引进 be introduced to 70. 阻止block sth from doing 71. 引起,导致,使发生giv

8、e rise to 72. 目前 for the time being 73. 开关switch on/ off74. 抓住hold on to75. 致命疾病 deadly diseases 76. There is evidence that acupuncture dates back to the Stone Age, when stole tools were used to press areas of the body.77. The fine needles measuring usually between 15 and 75 millimeters in length ar

9、e still used.78. Our own personal genome carries all the information needed to make us grow and develop.79. This new technology might even make it possible to prevent diseases.80. Genome editing, serving as a new weapon, will lead to a fundamental change.81. There is still much to be explored about

10、genome editing.82. One of the greatest inventions in the history of science is genome editing.选择性必修二Unit3 单元复习1. argue-N restore-N 2. normal-反 prohibit-did 3. ripe-V equip-N 4. sense-adj evidence-adj 5. examine-N severe-adv 6. anxious-N symbol-adj 7. infection-adj determine-N 8. sharp-V discover-N 9

11、. safe-N disabled-N 10. gene-adj -adv 11. identify-N -N身份 12. mean-did -done 13. arise-did -done 14. resist-adj -N 15. withdraw-did -done 16. adjust-N -adj 17. edit-did -编辑 18. science-adj -科学家 19. phenomenon-pl 20. 不确定性N 21. 难以置信地 22. 专攻法律 23. 产生;存在 24. 对有影响 25. 喜爱 26. 凭借 27. 绝不 28. 对是根本的/重要的 29. 禁

12、止某人做某事 30. 增强抵抗力 31. 由导致 32. 努力处理 33. 准备就绪 34. 毫无疑问 35. 染上疾病 36. 配备有 37. 疾病预防 38. 生来失聪 39. 充当 40. 有意义 41. 在过程中 42. 加快步伐 43. 与一致 44. 疾行 45. 失控 46. 与对抗 47. 关于主题 48. 处理 49. 各种各样的 50. 过上正常生活 51. 扮演重要角色 52. 对有天赋 53. 下定决心做某事 54. 一种有效的方式 55. 在不远的将来 56. 适应;习惯 57. 不遗余力 58. 广泛使用 59. 把脉 60. 有能力 61. 基于 62. 把反馈给

13、 63. 为申请专利 64. 引发担心 65. A 取代B 66. 形状各异 67. 达成共识 68. 给施压 69. 被引进 70. 阻止 71. 引起,导致,使发生 72. 目前 73. 开/关 74. 抓住 75. 致命疾病 76. There is evidence acupuncture dates back to the Stone Age, stole tools were used to press areas of the body.77. The fine needles (measure) usually between 15 and 75 millimeters in

14、length are still used.78. Our own personal genome carries all the information (need) to make us grow and develop.79. This new technology might even make it possible (prevent) diseases.80. Genome editing, (serve) as a new weapon, will lead to a fundamental change.81. There is still much (explore) about genome editing.82. One of the (great) (invention) in the history of science (be) genome editing.


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