Unit4 starting-out+understanding ideas课件 -(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第二册《英语》.pptx

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1、外 研 社 2 0 1 9 版 选 择 性 必 修 二Unit 4 Breaking boundariesStarting-out+understanding ideasStarting outStarting outWatch the video and take notes.Which statistic surprises you most?Activity 140%12,556,7782,3161,1974 million7.4 billionEighty-twopeopleinthevillagecomefromdevelopingcountries.And31ofthesepeop


3、nedbyjustoneindividual!sud 污水污水|atreds|无法容忍的,令人惊讶的无法容忍的,令人惊讶的2 What message do you think the video conveys?Starting outStarting out1 What kind of problem do the people have in each picture?The people in the three pictures are experiencing boundaries in geography,language and culture respectively.The

4、se boundaries might cause issues such as remote relationships,misunderstanding or cultural offense.2 Which of these problems have you experienced?Give an example.Activity 2Lead inLead inRead the information about MSF and answer the questions.1 When was MSF founded and what does it do?It was founded

5、in 1971 to provide medical care to those affected by conflict,epidemics,disasters or a lack of access to health care.2 What is the top priority of MSF?The top priority goes to those in the most serious and immediate danger.Activity 1existing now and needing urgent attention a large number of cases o

6、f a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community PredictPredictLook at the title,the pictures,and the layout on page 39.1 Think about where this passage can probably be taken from?A journal.2 Predict what the passage is about.a written record of the things you do,see,etc.e

7、very dayRead for main ideaRead for main ideaWhat is this journal mainly about?Activity 2Its about the authors 100-day experience as a doctor involved in tackling the infectious disease Ebola in Liberia.labr 利比里亚利比里亚 Read for detailsRead for detailsOrganise information from the passage and complete t

8、he table.Activity 4Read for detailsActivity 4 I saw the tragic scenes and I felt it was my duty to go there.very strong sense of mission I got to know the daily routine and my colleagues and started my work.I helped those infected with Ebola,surrounded by blood,vomit and death.Two young brothers sur

9、vived the disease after their family had died.proud,hopeful,amazed We celebrated because its exactly one month since the last reported case,and my time is almost up.We are collaborating to create a global community with a shared future of peace and prosperity.happy,inspired,proud,hopefulRead for det

10、ailsRead for detailsWhat is the work with MSF in Liberia like?Use adjectives to describe it and find text-based evidence.life-threateningPara.2:I knew I was putting my life at risk,but I thought,“If I dont do it,who will?”It is important to remember that Ebola doesnt respect national boundaries.Ther

11、e is no border in combating this terrible disease.Para.4:We have worked together,surrounded by blood,vomit and death.But,although the death rate is very high,tireless and endlessPara.7:In a few days,someone else will step into my shoes,and the tireless work that will go onRead for detailsRead for de

12、tailsWhat is the spirit of MSF doctors?Give your reasons.Think and shareThink and share We call on the people of all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind,to build an open,inclusive,clean,and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace,universal security,and

13、common prosperity.From Xi Jinpings report at the 19th CPC National CongressActivity 4我们呼吁各国人民同心协力,构建人类命运共同体,建设持久和持久和平平、普遍安全普遍安全、共同繁荣共同繁荣、开放包容开放包容、清洁美丽清洁美丽的世界。1 What is your understanding of“a community with a shared future for mankind”?2 How is the idea reflected in the MSF doctors journal?Think and

14、 shareThink and share1 What is your understanding of“a community with a shared future for mankind”?Today,humankind is faced with many challenges and we need to fight against the problems together.The international community calls for a leading force that advocates fairness and justice,promotes win-w

15、in cooperation,defends progress,unity and common understanding,and advocates the whole world as one community.Activity 4Think and shareThink and share2 How is the idea reflected in the MSF doctors journal?Para.2:Ebola doesnt respect national boundaries.There is no borders for anyone else involvedPar

16、a.3:I was the only Chinese doctor among people of all ages,colours and belief,from every continent except Antarctica.Para.6:To be caught up in such a crisis creates powerful bonds between all those who have come from different parts of the world and joined together in a common cause.Para.7:it is abs

17、olutely essential for us all to collaborate to create a global communityActivity 4the virusthe doctorsthe peoplethe world建立,创建,创办It is an _(独立的),_(非营利的)organisation _ mission is to provide medical care _ those affected by conflict,epidemics,disasters,or _(的缺少)_ _(的途径/机会)health care.regardless of最优先的

18、人是found v.比较比较 fund v./n.不管不管;不顾;不理会;不顾;不理会The top priority goes toLanguage points P38 Activity 1Language points P38 Activity 1提供资金;拨款提供资金;拨款independentnon-profitwhosetoa lack ofaccesstoLanguage points Para.1Language points Para.1冒险,碰运气战友举杯敬虚拟的Translate:So,20 health care workers from almost as many

19、countries,comrades in arms,raise virtual glasses to each rades in arms 是是 20 health care workers 的同位语。的同位语。所以我们这20位来自世界各地的医护人员,也是战友们,假装假装举杯,互相庆祝。举杯,互相庆祝。take any chancescomrade in armsraise glasses tovirtual adj.VR:virtual reality比较比较:virtue;virtuousLanguage points Para.2Language points Para.2将置于危险境

20、地Translate:Ebola doesnt respect national boundaries.埃博拉病毒传播起来是不分国界的。respect vt.There are no _(国界,边界)for doctors,patients or for anyone else _(involve)in _(与搏斗)this terrible disease.put sb./sth.at risk bordersinvolvedcombatingto agree not to break a law,principle,etc.遵守The new leader has promised to

21、respect the constitution.新的领导人承诺遵守宪法。My mission was to relieve Emma,a Canadian specialist in infectious diseases at the end of her posting.1)relieve:to replace sb who is on duty 接替接替;给;给换班换班2)posting:(especially British English)an act of sending sb to a particular place to do their job,especially fo

22、r a limited period of time 派驻派驻an overseas posting 派驻海外派驻海外我我的任务是接替埃玛,她是一位加拿大传染病专家,任期届满。的任务是接替埃玛,她是一位加拿大传染病专家,任期届满。Emma spent an hour with me我和埃玛在办公室用了我和埃玛在办公室用了一个小时交接日常工作。一个小时交接日常工作。Language points Para.Language points Para.3 3Language points Para.3Language points Para.3在方面的专家传染病传染 n.向仔细讲解/详细解释日常作息

23、/常规As she talked,I could hear at least three different languages _(speak)at the table around us.把介绍给disinfect clothing and surfaces教育人们如何防止传染a specialist ininfectious diseasesinfection n.Utalk sb.through sth.daily routineintroduce A to B给衣物和物体表面消毒给衣物和物体表面消毒educate people on preventing infectionbeing

24、spokenLanguage points Para.4Language points Para.4开始了解呕吐物give up on sth.以奇迹告终;创造奇迹come to knowvomit n./v.throw upturn ones stomachend in miraclesto stop hoping or believing that sb will change,get better,etc.对对不再抱不再抱希望希望His friends seem to have given up on him.他他的的朋友朋友似乎似乎不再对他抱有希望。不再对他抱有希望。尽某人最大努力做尽

25、某人最大努力做against all(the)oddsodds(pl.)完全康复补偿损失;弥补过失do everything we could to save 尽管尽管很困难很困难不利条件不利条件;逆境;逆境make a full recoverycompensate for sth.Language points Para.5Language points Para.5be/get caught up inTranslate:_(catch)up in such a crisis creates powerful bonds between people,not only between c

26、arers and patients,but also between all those who have come from different parts of the world and joined together in a common cause.患难与共的经历在人与人之间建立了紧密的纽带建立了紧密的纽带,不仅仅在于医护人员与患者之间,还在于所有来自世界各地、因为共同事因为共同事业聚在一起的人们业聚在一起的人们之间。更不用说被卷入;陷入被卷入;陷入not to mentionLanguage points Para.6Language points Para.6To be ca

27、ught step into ones shoesIts essential for sb.to do sth.collaborate with sbcollaborationcollaborativeLanguage points Para.7Language points Para.7接替某人(的职务/位置)Translate:Now my time is almost up.In a few days,someone else will arrive to step into my shoes,and the tireless work _ the MSF members do in more than 70 countries and regions around the world will go on.如今我的任期也快结束了。几天后,另一个人就会到达这里,接替我的工作接替我的工作。而无国界医生的成员们将在世界超过国界医生的成员们将在世界超过70个国个国家与地区继续不知疲倦地工作着家与地区继续不知疲倦地工作着。对某人来说很重要合作,协作 vi.n.adj.that


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