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  • 期末模拟检测卷(三)2021-(2022)新北师大版高中英语高一上学期必修第一册
    • 期末模拟检测卷(三)2021-2022学年高一上学期英语北师大版(2019).docx--点击预览
    • 期末模拟检测卷(三)参考答案 2021-2022学年高一上学期英语北师大版(2019).docx--点击预览


2021202120222022 学年高一英语北师大版学年高一英语北师大版(2019)(2019)期末模拟检测卷期末模拟检测卷( (三三) )第一部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)分) 略略第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)分)第一节第一节 (共(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ANanny PoppinzIf you find yourself in need of a babysitter (保姆), the Internet is a great place to start. And in truth, it can be a great way to find someone to care for your child if you know where to look, what questions to ask, and how to examine the babysitter. Luckily, weve done the work and found the perfect site for youNanny Poppinz.About its serviceNanny Poppinz isnt quite as widely available as some of the other sites, but if it is in your area youre in luck. This is a truly wonderful service for finding good child care providers. Whats more, if you need a particular babysitting service, you just tell Nanny Poppinz what your needs are. Nanny Poppinz will cover them in its services. It offers babysitters for in- and out-of-home care, 24/7 emergency services, night-time newborn support, mothers helpers, hotel resort babysitting, sick child care, and more.About its staffThe company has been in business since 1992, working to make sure the professionals it hires are qualified and experienced. You just tell Nanny Poppinz what kind of babysitter youre looking for, and its staff will do the rest of the work for you. And you can totally rely on Nanny Poppinz to find a professional babysitter. The staff will do detailed research on the babysitter, such as their backgrounds and skills. Then the staff will perform personal, face-to-face interviews in the search for your perfect babysitters.About its charge (费用费用)There are no application (申请) fees to join the service, although the company does make it difficult to find out how much you pay once you ve chosen a babysitter. The company provides its services for free until you find a professional for your family. Then, youll pay a certain amount of money depending on the type of services you need.21. What do we know about Nanny Poppinz? A. It is popular all over the world.B. It provides free baby products for its users. C. It teaches new moms to accept their new roles.D. It offers various customized babysitting services. 22. What will the staff try to do according to Paragraph 3?A. Tell users Nanny Poppinzs long history. B. Show users the benefits of hiring a babysitter C. Ensure that the babysitters have professional skills.D. Teach users how to find good babysitters themselves.23. When will the users pay for Nanny Poppinzs services?A. When they send in an application. B. After the babysitters finish all tasks. C. After theyve selected an able babysitter. D. After its staff have done the preparation work.BAmericans love their pets. They consider them part of the family. Sometimes people spend hundreds of dollars buying animals from pet stores. Many of these dogs and cats are fine, but some are not healthy.The best way to find a healthy pet is to visit the Humane Society in your area. There are millions of wonderful animals looking for homes, and most have been checked over by vets. The people at the Humane Society will ask some questions to make sure their animal is going to a home that is safe, healthy and loving. They may ask if you have children or other animals, and how those animals might relate to a new friend. They may also ask if you will keep the animal inside or outside.When adopting, dont forget that in future there will be vet bills. Kittens and puppies need their shots and check-ups, just like children. Of course, as your pet ages, it may have medical problems.As far as visiting the vet, your pet probably wont enjoy the trip, so make it as stress-free as possible. Pick a vet who is gentle and caring. Ask your friends for suggestions. Ask your vet how much money each procedure will cost so you wont get an unwelcome surprise when you see the bill. And decide how far you are willing to go to save your pet if it gets really sick. When you get home from the vets, be sure to give your pet a little treat to show it how well it behaved and how proud you ae of it.Having a pet is one of lifes greatest pleasures. The way to spend the most quality time with them is to make sure they are healthy and happy at the start. Enjoy!24. Why does the author advise people to adopt a pet from the Humane Society?A. People are more caring there.B. It costs nothing to get a pet there.C. There are many species of pets.D. There are many nice and healthy animals25. In what way are kittens and puppies like children?A. They need enough care.B. They are cute and smart.C. They bring people great joy.D. They have mental problems.26. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?A. Reasons for having a pet.B. Advice on visiting the vet.C. Ways to find a healthy pet.D. Difficulties of picking a vet.27. Whats the authors purpose of writing this text?A. To advertise the Humane Society.B. To show the pleasure in keeping a pet.C. To give suggestions for adopting a pet.D. To stress the importance of protecting animals.CWhy do you like the music you do? You would think that it is because of the music itself. But thats only half the story. Surprisingly, the other half of the story doesnt have much to do with music at all. By analyzing the public personalities (个性) of famous musicians, and the personality traits of their fans, a group of researchers found that people prefer the music of artists whose public personalities are similar to their own. In three separate studies of more than 80,000 people, the researchers looked at several factors: personality ratings of 50 of the most famous musicians, listener reactions to music, and the lyrics in the artists music. The musicians studied were different, ranging from Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Elton John, Whitney Houston, The Rolling Stones to Beyonce, Coldplay, Dave Matthews Band, Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, and Ozzy Osbourne. The results from the three studies show that the fit in personality between the listener and the musician predicts musical preferences. Its important to note that the public personalities of the musicians were measured, not their real personalities. The findings show how music gives fans a sense of pride and belonging to a social world. Even more, the results shed light on the evolutionary (进化的) origins of music, which say that music evolved as a way to communicate groups characteristics which helped groups decide whether or not to work with each other. All of those make the findings a major advance in this area of research.The findings are showing us how music can be a common denominator to bring people together. They can also pave the way for a new approach for record companies to attract audiences. Besides, the findings can be applied to situations involving mental health. For example, in times of stress and uncertainty, listeners can seek music of artists with similar personalities to themselves and feel understood and a sense of connection.28. What are the key factors that influence listeners preference according to the researchers? A. The lyrics in the music.B. The styles of the music.C. The listeners former experiences.D. The musicians public personalities.29. Why does the writer consider the findings a major advance?A. They have shown the social power of music.B. They can make people improve their personalities.C. They encourage musicians to produce better music.D. They can help listeners develop better taste in music.30. How can you understand the underlined part in the last paragraph?A. A secret.B. A purpose.C. A similarity.D. A skill.31. In which section of a magazine may we read the text?A. Health. B. Culture. C. Education. D. Relationship.DFor those who always want to try out new things and to experience exciting flavors that come directly from Mother Earth, foraging subscription boxes (觅食订阅箱) can provide wild ingredients (材料) that no traditional supermarket has on its shelves.Oak leaf tea, acom coffee, and pine pollen syrup are just a few of the seasonal ingredients people can now get thanks to projects such as the Forage Box. This delivery service collects wild food very few people know about, and sends it to the subscribers monthly. In this way, everyone can surprise their loved ones with delicious meals. “The flavors are big and bold thats the point. The idea is to show theres a lot more going on when nature gets to farm it,” said Jim Parum, creator of the Forage Box. Since he started the project, he spends his days foraging for ingredients in environments such as the countryside, forests and the coast. The idea of the Forage Box is not to send out meal boxes but new ingredients, so information about cooking these wild items is also offered in the boxes. Delicious and inspiring recipes can also be found on the companys website.Underlying this project is the belief that nature has a lot to offer and can provide us with much tastier and healthier ingredients than those in the supermarket. The project works well as people are looking for ways to deal with the challenge of climate change while living healthier lives.In the past, organic food was only available in specialty health food stores, but now it has a much more mainstream (主流) following worldwide. In the United States alone, it reached 50 billion dollars in value in 2019, up from 13.26 billion in 2005. This shows growth of nearly 300 percent over this period.Miles Irving, an international wild food expert, said, “For us, foraged food is a very powerful way to reconnect people with the land, and this provides all sorts of benefits to physical, mental, emotional and community health.”32. What can we say about the idea of the Forage Box?A. It is simple.B. It is creative.C. It is crazy.D. It is traditional.33. What will also be included in the boxes sent by the Forage Box?A. Cooking directions.B. Shopping guidance. C. Brand advertising. D. Packaged meals. 34. The Forage Box runs well mainly because people _.A. like to lead a green lifestyle by choosing healthy food in natureB. believe it will help them develop good eating habitsC. expect to surprise their loved ones with tasty foodD. are curious to try unfamiliar food in nature 35. What do the data in Paragraph 5 suggest? A. Food prices have risen sharply.B. Food quality has improved a lot. C. Organic food has gained in popularity. D. The variety of food has changed quickly.第二节第二节(共共 5 小题小题;每小题每小题 2 分分,满分满分 10 分分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余 选项。Many friendships go through tough times, but a difficult fight may leave your relationship beyond repair. However, if you really care about this person, it will be worth the effort to fix a broken friendship. 36 Be the first one to reach out. If you arent talking to each other, someone will have to make the first move. Let it be you this time! 37 You need to try a few different ways to reach them. 38 Explain what you feel is the problem and be honest about it. Then ask them to do the same. Really listen and dont cut in. This way, you both get to tell your side of the story and get everything out on the table. Apologize (道歉) to them and accept their apology. Even if you didnt do anything and you believe the situation is their fault, opening with an apology sets the tone. You could say, “Im really sorry that things have gotten to this point. 39 ” If you did something wrong, apologize to them frankly. If they apologize to you, accept their apology kindly. Take things slowly. If you and your best friend had a major falling out, hanging out every day after school as you used to do probably isnt the healthiest way to rebuild things. 40 This will give you both time to heal and rebuild your friendship together.A. I want things to be better between us.B. Examine the way you treat each other.C. The following ideas help you know how to make it.D. It shows that youre serious about settling things.E. Communicate about the problem honestly and openly.F. Thus, you should stop making an argument and trust your friend.G. Instead, you should start slowly with occasional hangouts or phone calls.第三部分第三部分 语言知识运用语言知识运用(共两节,满分共两节,满分 45 分分)第一节第一节 完形填空(共完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Are you a person who loves challenges, or hates them? I must 41 Ive spent most of my life as a person who hates them. I always 42 challenges as maddening 43 keeping me from where I want to be. I even used to take them 44 , feeling like the universe must hate me and like to see me struggle.As I grow older and wiserI find my 45 nature rising up to meet these challenges, and Im learning to see them 46 . Most of us know that great rewards 47 great effort. Nothing 48 comes easy. When we work hard for something and then see it appear before our eyes, we get such s powerful sense of 49 . We can point to it and say, “I did that. It was tough, but I did it 50 .”Challenges are truly 51 . They give us opportunities to grow and learn, to test and improve ourselves. They show how 52 we want to create the dreams in our hearts. This is such a(an) 53 . It may not seem that way at first, but with a tiny 54 in attitude, we can see that we have been handed an excellent opportunity.The next time life 55 you a challenge, stop and consider for a moment what it means. Dont look at challenges as an end, look at them as a door 56 your hearts desires. That door might be locked and maybe you forgot 57 you put the key. It might take some effort and patience to find it again but I believe that you will.Once we begin to change our 58 about obstacles and challenges that can actually become fun. Our competitive human nature 59 and gets ready to win, no matter what. We develop a steely determination to not be 60 .41ApermitBadmitCconvinceDensure42Athought of Btook advantage ofCheard ofDtalked of43Apossessions BsufferingsCfailuresDobstacles44AcorrectlyBreasonablyCpersonallyDgenerously45AkindBsensitiveCavailableDcompetitive46AproudlyBdifferentlyCsensitivelyDdesperately47ArequireBdeserveCsubmitDtarget48AeasyBcomfortableCworthwhileDappropriate49AhappinessBprideCdirectionDawe50Aany longer Bat allCabove allDanyway51AopportunitiesBachievementsCsubstitutesDcapacities52AeasilyBwiselyCbadlyDdifficultly53AjoyBchanceCpuzzlementDblessing54AshiftBaccumulationCdeclineDselection55ApunishesBhandsCstatesDsponsors56AclosingBconsisting ofCleading toDresponding to57AwhenBwhyChowDwhere58AwayBfutureCattitudeDfate59Arises upBtakes upCmakes upDhold up60AintendedBbeatenCintroducedDrecommended第二节第二节(共共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 15 分分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Jean-Louis Button is an environmental student in Wales. He was woken up (61)_ a sound one night. It was a stray cat (流浪猫) who found her way inside his room. “I could see the cat was in (62)_ pretty poor state. I could see she needed help and I just needed some company,” Button said. The local Cat Protection branch (63)_ (locate) her owners who could no longer care for their cat. So Button took the cat in and was
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