1、INTRODUCTION OF PEDIATRICS Field of PediatricsvSubjects:Fetus -AdolescencevTasks To improve quality of health care, prevention & treatment of diseases, to decrease morbidity and mortalityvGoal To optimize childrens physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.PediatricsvDevelopmental Pediatr
2、ics Growth and Development vPreventive Pediatrics Prevention of DiseasevClinical Pediatrics Management of Disease Perinatology Neonatology Adolescent MedicineCharacteristics of PediatricsvBasic Medicine Anatomy (variants) Physiology and Biochemistry (immature) Nutrition (greater requirements) Metabo
3、lism (relative higher) Immunology (compromised) Pathology (different response)Characteristics of PediatricsvClinical Medicine Categories of diseases (congenital, infection) Clinical manifestations (rapid, changeable, non-specific) Treatment (combined, complex) Prognosis (better) Prevention (immuniza
4、tion, screening, gene test, quarantine, etc.)Age Period of ChildvFetusvNewbornvInfancy vToddler age PeriodvPreschool Age PeriodvSchool Age PeriodvAdolescenceFetal PeriodvDefinition:LMP-birth(40W),Conception-birth(38W) 1st trimester (embryonic):12W,differentiate 2nd trimester (fetus):13-28W(16W) 3rd
5、trimester (fetus): 29-40W(12W) rapid growth elaboration of functionsvCharacteristic: survive depending on mothervMain Problemsdead fetus, abortion, preterm, IUGR, TORCHNewborn PeriodvDefinitionBirth-4th Wks, Perinatal periodvCharacteristics survive independently, regulation and adaptability: not ful
6、ly developed With high morbidity and mortalityvMain Problems hypothermia, asphyxia, brain injury, infection, jaundice, prematurity, congenital abnormality. Infant PeriodvDefinition 1 yearvCharacteristics most rapid growth greater requirement of nutrition weak digestion and immunity functionvMain Pro
7、blemsdyspepsia, malnutrition, infectionToddler age PeriodvDefinition 1y to 3yvCharacteristics stable physical growth Rapid cognitive development food changes wide activitiesvMain Problems accident, poisoning, communicable diseasePreschool Age PeriodvDefinition 3y - 6 or 7yvCharacteristics Cognition
8、and social-emotional functions develop perfectly: curiosity, questioning, mimickingvMain Problems accident, communicable disease, autoimmunitySchool Age PeriodvDefinition 6y or 7y - 12y or 13yvCharacteristics Perfectly development of all organs and systems exp. genital system New environment: study,
9、 educationvMain Problems health care, caries, myopia, sexual precocity ADHD, LDAdolescent Period vDefinition F: 11y or 12y - 17y or 18y M:13y or 14y - 18y or 20yvCharacteristics rapid development of genital system 2nd peak height velocityvMain Problems psychological, psychiatric, behavior, endocrinenutrition (Depression, Anxiety)