1、 Disruption and destruction of elastic tissue in aortitis Fibrous replacementof elastic tissue.Normal aorta elastic stain. The tree barking effect produced in the intima by the medial scarring. Huge aortic aneurysm whichhas penetrated the chest wall. Destruction of medial elastica leadsto mural weak
2、ening and aneurysmaldilatation and rupture. Meningeal thickening and atrophy Iron depositionby using an iron-hematoxylin stain which stains the iron blue Human immunodeficiency viral particles are seen at medium magnification in this electron micrograph. Note the central core and the outer envelope. 肺真菌感染 舌粘膜白斑 肺真菌感染镜下 隐球菌感染卡氏肺囊虫大体 卡氏肺囊虫肾钙化 卡氏肺囊虫六胺银染色 脑弓形虫脑弓形虫镜下 皮肤kaposi肉瘤 胃kaposi肉瘤 皮肤kaposi肉瘤镜下AIDS肝淋巴瘤结外AIDS淋巴瘤谢谢 谢谢 !