Unit 1 Lesson 2 随堂检测 (2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册.docx

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1、Unit 1 Lesson 2 2021-2022学年高二英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册随堂检测 一、填上适当单词的形式1.It is never too much _(highlight) the necessity of punctuality for a job seeker.2.I am writing with the _(intend) of informing you of the detailed information of the activity.3.My father came down and demanded _ (know) what was going

2、 on.4.Im _ (shame) to leave you this way.5.He intends _ (study) abroad next year.6.What you say or do will have an effect _ others.7.Do you think that, from the point _ view of results, this exercise was worth the cost?8.The teacher is pointing _ the map on the wall and pointing out Paris on it.9.It

3、 is suggested that she give tough feedback to others _ a less direct manner.10._ is shown, the face-to-face communication helps to strengthen personal relationships.二、阅读理解 I didnt know how to say no, and was afraid to tell people what I wanted. Instead, I got myself tangled (纠结的) in a web of obligat

4、ions, anxiety, and white lies. The worst thing was that I didnt even realise what I was doing. I thought I knew how to say nobut couldnt remember the last time I had done this. Like a lot of people, I just wanted to be accepted, appreciated, lovedand the only way to get those things was to put every

5、one elses needs before my own. I never seemed to have time for things I really wanted to do. Id like to learn Spanish, write more fiction, and travel. These arent huge, unrealistic goals. And yet, my people-pleasing ways dramatically cut into my free time to pursue these desires. But recently, I dec

6、ided Id had enough. As an experiment, I began standing up for myself, even at the risk of alienating (使疏远) myself from everyone and having my entire life come crashing down around me. Several days ago, a good friend asked me to go for coffee at 5 pm. I was planning to hit the gym and then bingewatch

7、 Mad Men for the millionth time. I said, Sorry, Ive got things I want to do tonight. She said, Thats fine. Maybe another time. It was all, so painfully simple that I wanted to cry. Saying no is so much easier. If someone asks me to do something I have zero interest in, Im polite but honest. Im sorry

8、. I dont think thats really for me. The words slip out faster than some other lame excuses. Learning how to say no has added several extra hours to my days, days to my weeks, and what feels like months to my years. I no longer have to back-burner my plans to help friends with their job search, or se

9、t aside a weekend to read a book draft by someone I barely know. Saying no has set me free.1.Why was the author afraid of saying no?A.She didnt want to tell lies.B.She wanted to make more friends.C.She wanted to please everyone.D.She was always willing to help others.2.What was the bad point of bein

10、g afraid of saying no for the author?A.Alienating many friends.B.Keeping busy all day long.C.Feeling depressed now and then.D.Having no time for her own hobbies.3.What was her friends reaction when the author said no to her?A.Natural.B.Painful.C.Angry.D.Disappointed.4.How did the author feel after s

11、he had learnt to say no?A.Lonely.B.Relaxed.C.Confident.D.Lost.三、阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When I was growing up, my family was so poor that when I was 7, we had borrowed from every 1 person in my hometown, sold our valuables, and so on, just to 2 as my parents were both 3 . When my d

12、ad finally got hold of a job as a janitor, my mother started working as well. Finally after we had gotten on our 4 and were comfortably living, she became a stay-at-home mom. At the time our total 5 for my parents and my brother and I, was roughly 23K a year. Thats not enough to have a maid 6 you lo

13、bster in the halls of a big house. But it is 7 to see a loving parent present you with a home-cooked meal and nothing but 8 in their hearts. Now, as I get 9 to turn 18 in late August, I have a father and a brother. I wondered to myself why I didnt 10 as many of my friends did with depression or 11 t

14、houghts, and so on. It wasnt because I found a religion, or because I started getting 12 . I was given a 13 . Not only that, but I was given parents who loved me 14 and would give anything for my 15 . I knew that when I went home and closed the door behind me, my dad was in his room 16 (working the

15、graveyard shift is a pain), and my mom was making sure I came home to a meal, a smile, and open 17 .Parents. Love your children. 18 for them. Let them know that their problems are your problems and that you 19 them no matter what will happen. Children. Love your parents, help them and most of all, 2

16、0 them. If youre reading this, that probably means in less than a decade you wont come home from school every day to see their smiling faces or loving embrace.1. A. wealthyB. generousC. possibleD. lovable2. A. surviveB. sufferC. struggleD. settle3. A. injuredB. unemployedC. disabledD. devoted4. A. e

17、xistenceB. lifeC. journeyD. feet5. A. weightB. timeC. incomeD. distance6. A. serveB. offerC. sendD. give7. A. enoughB. certainC. rightD. rare8. A. prideB. loveC. gratitudeD. curiosity9. A. patientB. eagerC. ableD. ready10. A. grow upB. set offC. carry onD. go away11. A. originalB. independentC. nega

18、tiveD. deep12. A. wiserB. olderC. richerD. stronger13. A. chanceB. homeC. honourD. reward14. A. slightlyB. selfishlyC. unbearablyD. unconditionally15. A. happinessB. demandC. healthD. growth16. A. complainingB. sighingC. sleepingD. crying17. A. windowsB. earsC. doorsD. fields18. A. WorkB. WaitC. Loo

19、kD. Provide19. A. acceptB. recognizeC. forgiveD. award20. A. impressB. inspireC. thankD. entertain答案以及解析一、1.答案:to highlight解析:句意为:对于一个求职者而言,再怎么强调守时的必要性都不为过。本句中It是形式主语,设空处应填不定式作真正的主语。2.答案:intention解析:句意为:我写信的目的是告知你关于本次活动的详细信息。本句式为写作常用句式 with the intention of常用来表达写信目的。3.答案:to know4.答案:ashamed5.答案:to s

20、tudy / studying6.答案:on7.答案:of8.答案:at9.答案:in解析:句意为:(大家)建议她用委婉的方式给别人严厉的反馈意见。本句考查manner作“方式,方法”讲时的介词搭配。10.答案:As解析:句意为:正如(事实)证明,面对面的交流有助于巩固人际关系。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,表示“正如”,故填As。二、答案:1-4.CDAB解析:1.推理判断题。根据第二段第三句中的I just wanted to be accepted, appreciated, loved可知,作者希望被接受、被欣赏、被喜爱,由此可推测,作者希望取悦每个人。故选C项。2.细节理解题。根据第三

21、段内容,尤其是其中的I never seemed to have time for things I really wanted to do.可知,别人的要求大大占用了作者做自己想做的事的时间。故选D项。3.推理判断题。第四段中作者朋友的回复是Thats fine. Maybe another time.,而且后文中作者感到拒绝别人很容易,由此可知,作者的朋友并没有因为作者的拒绝而产生负面情绪,而是非常自然地将邀请推迟到了下一次。故选A项。4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段,尤其是最后一句Saying no has set me free.可知,作者学会拒绝别人后感受到了自由。之前作者感觉自己像

22、是被缠在一张由义务、焦虑和善意谎言织成的网中,而现在作者不再有这样的负担,可以做自己想做的事,因此作者的心情应该是轻松自在的。故选B项。 三、答案:1-5 CABDC 6-10 AABDA 11-15 CCBDA 16-20 CBDAC解析:1.结合前面的poor和后面的sold our valuables可知, 作者当时家里很穷, 几乎借遍了所有可能借给他家钱的人。2.与前面的poor, borrowed和sold等呼应, 作者家里穷, 借钱或者变卖家里值钱的东西是为了维持生存。3.与前面的poor, borrowed和sold等构成因果关系, 因为作者的父母都失业了, 所以才生活困难。4.

23、结合前面的When my dad finally got a hold of a job as a janitor, my mother started working as well. 和后面的were comfortably living可知, 作者的家境开始好转, 能够独立生活, 不再依靠借贷生活了5.根据后面的my parents and my brother and I, was roughly 23K a year可知, 当时作者家里一年的所有收入是23K。6.与上文23K收入相呼应, 指虽然收人增加了, 但是这些钱还不足以请一个女佣来为家人们烹制龙虾肉。7.与前面的thats n

24、ot enough作对比, 指这些收入虽然不能购买大房子、雇女佣, 但是却足以让父母给家人们提供食物。8.根据前面的loving parents和后面的in their hearts可知, 父母虽然不富裕, 但是他们心里满满的都是爱。9.根据语境可知, 此处表示作者马上就要18 岁了。10.结合前面的turn 18 in late August可知, 作者认为自己有父母, 有兄弟, 自己的成长过程与那些忧郁的朋友的成长过程不一样。11.与前面的depression呼应, 指作者的很多朋友在成长的过程中会忧郁或有消极的思想。12.与上文的 Finally after we had gotten

25、on our _ and were comfortably living呼应, 指作者认为自己的成长过程与他人不同, 不是因为自己有信仰, 也不是因为自己家变得富有。13.结合后面的but I was given parents who loved me可知, 作者把自己的健康成长归因于自己有一个家。14.与上一段中的loving parents呼应, 指作者认为自己的父母无条件地爱着自己。15.与前面的parents who loved me呼应, 指父母无条件地爱着自己, 为了自己的幸福, 他们肯付出一切。16.结合后面的working the graveyard shift is a p

26、ain可知, 父亲的工作很辛苦, 因此他应该在房间里睡觉。17.与前面的I came home to a meal, a smile呼应, 指当作者回到家的时候, 母亲确保自己能够吃上热饭, 还会微笑着迎接自己, 并且愿意倾听自己的看法。18.结合前面的Parents. Love your children. 可知, 作者呼吁父母为孩子提供他们需要的东西。19.根据前面的Let them know that their problems are your problems 可知, 父母要告诉孩子们, 他们的问题就是你们的问题, 无论发生什么你们都会接受他们。20.与前面的Love your parents, help them and most of all呼应, 作者告诫孩子们要热爱父母, 帮助父母, 感谢父母。


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