(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit1 topic talk&lesson1-讲义(教师版+学生版).rar

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  • (2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit1 topic talk&lesson1-讲义(教师版+学生版)
    • 选修一Unit1 topic talk&lesson1
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1选择性必修一选择性必修一 Unit1 Topic talk & Lesson1 1humour n幽默感humorous adj幽默的2passionate adj热爱的,酷爱的;具有强烈信念的passion n酷爱3incredible adj难以置信的;极好的incredibly adv难以置信地;极端地4occasionally adv.偶尔;偶然occasional adj.偶然的;临时的occasion n重要的社交活动;时刻,时候5emotional adj情感上的;情绪上的emotion n情感emotionally adv感情上; 情绪上; 令人激动地; 情绪冲动地6 extremely adv极度,极其extreme adj极端的;极度的;偏激的 n极端;极度;极限7practical adj实际的;实践的;切实可行的practice n实践 v练习practise v练习8presentation n报告;陈述,说明present n目前;礼物 adj出席;在场;当前的 vt提出;把交给;颁发;授予;(以某种方式)展现9behaviour 行为,举止behave vi表现;举止端正 vt使守规矩10access n进入;接触的机会;通道accessible adj可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的11worthwhile adj值得做的;重要的;有益的worth n价值 adj值得的;有价值12educationalist n教育(学)家同义词 educationist n教育家education n教育 educate v教育重点单词与短语精析重点单词与短语精析课标词课标词 高频词高频词1.add up to【用法归纳用法归纳】 add up to 意为“总共是,总计为”,不用于被动语态。同义短语:amount to。The cost of two trips added up to1,000 dollars.两次旅行的费用总计为 1000 美元。【拓展】add 构成的其他短语:add to使(数量)增加,使(规模)扩大add to把加到add up把加起来;积少成多The bad weather added to our difficulties.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。2If you want to make the dish hotter, you can add some chillies to it. 你如果想让这道菜更辣一些,可以加些辣椒。Add up all the numbers and you will know the result.你把所有的数加起来就会知道结果了。【练习】用 add 的相关短语完成句子(浙江语法填空改编) The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be affordable but doing this most days adds up .(天津高考单项填空改编)The dictionary is out of date: many words have been added to the language since it was published.As far as I know, his income adds up to 15 thousand pounds this year.高频短语高频短语2. used to do sth.【用法归纳用法归纳】used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”。When we were little we used to go skating every winter 我们小的时候,每年冬天都去滑冰。【拓展】易混搭配积累:be used to do sth.被用来做某事(use sth. to do sth.的被动形式)be used to (doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事(to 为介词,be 也可换成 get)语境串记I used to play football in the playground, but now I am used to reading in the library and the knowledge I get can be used to arm myself.我过去常常在操场上踢足球,但现在我习惯在图书馆里看书,获取的知识可以用来武装自己。【练习】1.语法填空Jim will go on a trip to Sichuan, where his parents used to live (live).In the West, the treatment is often used to relieve (relieve) headaches, dental pain and back pain.(2020广东江门期中) He used to get up late, but now has got used to getting up early since he entered high school. (get)2.完成句子He used to watch TV (过去常常看电视), but now he is used to taking a walk (习惯于去散步) after supper.3Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search for (经常被用来搜寻) survivors in an earthquake.3. pour【用法归纳用法归纳】(1)vt. 倾倒,倒出;倾倒,倒出;vt.&vi. 倒,斟倒,斟(饮料饮料)pour sth. into. 把某物倒进 pour sth. for sb.= pour sb. sth.给某人倒某物pour cold water on/over.对泼冷水Pour the sauce over the pasta.把酱汁浇在面食上。Pour the honey into the bowl and mix it thoroughly with the other ingredients.把蜂蜜倒进碗里并把它和其他原料充分混合。Would you like me to pour a cup of tea for you?(= Would you like me to pour you a cup of tea?)我给你倒杯茶好吗?Her parents poured cold water on her plan to move into her own apartment.她父母对她搬入自己的公寓这个计划泼了冷水。(2)vi. (雨雨)倾盆而下,下大雨倾盆而下,下大雨 pour down(雨)倾盆而下The rain continued to pour down.大雨哗哗地下个不停。By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside.当这群人起身离开时。外面正下着倾盆大雨。(3)vi. 不断涌向不断涌向/涌现涌现(=flood);涌流;涌流pour into.涌进pour out(of.)(从)涌出pour out sth.毫无保留地表达感情(或思想等)Thousands of people poured into the stadium to watch the football match.数千人涌进体育场观看这场足球比赛。People poured out of the building when they heard the fire alarm.人们听到火警时,都从大楼跑了出来。4She poured out her feelings of loneliness to Laura.她向劳拉倾诉了自己的孤独感。【练习】1.语法填空All the passengers were pouring out of the train but it was raining cats and dogs outside. Seeing so many people pour into the waiting hall, I felt it really poured cold water on/over my plan to attend my teachers birthday party on time.2.完成句子就在我们到达那个小村庄约十分钟后,天开始下起倾盆大雨。It was about ten minutes after we arrived at the small village that it began to pour(down) .她向她最好的朋友倾诉了所有的烦恼后,她感觉轻松了。After she poured out all her troubles to her best friend she felt relaxed.高频短语高频短语4. set off 【用法归纳用法归纳】使(炸弹等)爆炸People tend to set off fireworks during festivals, which may cause serious pollution.人们往往在节日期间放烟火,这可能造成严重的污染。使(警报)响起Opening this door will set off the alarm.一开这道门,警铃就会响。出发,启程(+for+地点)We ought to set off for the airport at 7:00, while the roads are empty.我们应该 7 点出发去机场,趁那时路上没什么车。set off引发,激起A letter from home set off his feelings of homesickness.一封家书唤起了他的思乡之情。【拓展】set 构成的其他短语set an example to sb. 给某人树立榜样set aside 留出(时间、金钱);把放到一旁set out 动身,启程(+for+地点);开始工作(+ to do sth.)be set in 以为背景set up 设置,设立;建立,开办set about (doing) sth.着手做,开始做某事set down 写下,记下(= write down)5【练习】语法填空(2020全国卷语法填空节选)The next morning he hired(租) a boat and set out to find (find) the well-known painter.If you want to catch the first bus, youd better set off/out for the bus station immediately.Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set about preparing (prepare) your business plan.For all three years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill set up my own business someday.5. lack【用法归纳用法归纳】(1)vt. 缺乏,没有缺乏,没有(不用于被动语态不用于被动语态)Despite the fact that they lacked food, the explorers continued toward the goal.尽管缺乏食物,但探险者们继续向目标行进。(2)n. U,sing.缺乏,匮乏,短缺缺乏,匮乏,短缺 (a) lack of 缺乏Despite his lack of experience, he got the job. 尽管缺乏经验,他还是得到了那份工作。There is no lack of beauty in life but lack of the eyes to discover it.生活中并不缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。【拓展】相关词语积累lacking adj.(不用于名词前)缺乏,不足be lacking in. 缺乏She felt nervous, increasingly lacking in confidence about herself. 她感到紧张,对自己越来越缺乏信心。【练习】1.语法填空(2020江苏完形填空改编) Later, he worked in Africa, where many people suffered from blindness for lack of proper treatment.Proper weight alone doesnt show whether your diet is lacking in vitamins or minerals.62.完成句子(2020江西南昌期中) Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and (a) lack of exercise (缺乏运动).They gave up carrying out the plan for lack of money (因为缺乏资金).6. behaviour【用法归纳用法归纳】behaviour n.U行为,举止。也可写作 behavior。 good/ bad behaviour 良好/恶劣行为It is necessary to reward children for their good behaviour.对孩子们的良好行为给予奖励是有必要的。【拓展】相关词语积累:behave well/badly 举止得体/表现很差behave oneself 守规矩,行为检点behave vi.表现;vt.&vi.表现得体,有礼貌well-behaved adj.表现好的badly-behaved adj.表现差的语境串记Everyone here behaves themselves and tourists are deeply impressed with their elegant behaviour.这儿的每个人都表现得很有礼貌,游客对他们优雅的行为印象深刻。【练习】完成句子The school has a system of reward and punishment to encourage good behaviour (鼓励良好的行为).He was scolded(训斥)for his rude behaviour at the dinner (他在晚餐上的粗鲁行为).He told his pupils to behave themselves (守规矩) and not to chat while listening to a lecture.7. catch sb. doing sth.【用法归纳用法归纳】 catch sb. doing sth. 为固定搭配,意为“当场发现(或发觉)某人正在做某事”。When the teacher called out my name, I was caught napping.老师点我名字的时候发现我在打瞌睡。Gemma turned around and caught the stranger looking at her. 杰玛转过身来,发现那个陌生人正盯着她看。7【拓展】catch 构成的其他短语catch hold of 抓住catch up (with sb.) 赶上(某人)get/be caught in 被卷入,陷入 catch sight of 察觉,瞥见【练习】1.用 catch 的相关短语完成句子After missing a term through illness he had to work to catch up with others. If you catch sight of Amy, ask her to come and see me as soon as possible.I got caught in the rain on my way home and my new suit was ruined.2.单句写作:那个警察发现一个人正把手伸进一位乘客的口袋里。The policeman caught a man putting his hand into the pocket of a passenger .8. access【用法归纳用法归纳】(1)n. U(使用或见到的使用或见到的)机会,权利机会,权利 have/get/gain access to拥有的机会;可以接近/进入(为介词)give(sb.) access to准许(某人)使用或见到(to 为介词)Students must have access to good resources.学生必须有机会使用好的资源。Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water.全世界有 11 亿人喝不到干净的饮用水。(2) n. U通道,通路,入径通道,通路,入径access to+n. (to 为介词)通往的路We gained access to the house through the window. 我们从窗户钻进了那所房子。The only access to that village is across the farmland.去那个村庄的唯一的路是穿过农田。【拓展】相关词语积累:accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的(通常作表语)8be accessible to sb.能被某人接近或使用的Each floor has wheelchair accessible toilets.每层都设有无障碍卫生间。【练习】语法填空1.(2020天津 5 月阅读理解改编) It will provide you with access to University facilities such as University Libraries, the Sports Centre, and Computing Services.2. Satellites make television accessible (access) to people who live far away from cities.9.worthwhile adj.重要的,值得花时间重要的,值得花时间(或花钱、努力等或花钱、努力等)(可作表语、定语或补语可作表语、定语或补语)【用法归纳用法归纳】Its worthwhile to do sth./ doing sth.做某事是值得的。She considers teaching a worthwhile career. 她认为教学是一项高尚的事业。(作定语)Hangzhou is a beautiful place; it is worthwhile going/ to go there. 杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一去。(作表语)We were very tired when we got to the top of the mountain, but the beautiful sunrise made it all worthwhile.当我们到达山顶时,我们非常累,但美丽的日出使得这一切都非常值得。(作补语)【辨析】worthwhile/ worthy/ worth易混词易混词用法用法常见搭配常见搭配worthwhile表示“值得花时间(或花钱努力等),值得的”,可作表语、定语或补语。Its worthwhile to do sth. /doing sthworthy表示“值得尊敬的,值得敬仰的”时常作定语;表示“值得(或应得)的”时常作表语。of being done.Sb./Sth. is worthy + to be done. of + n.worth一般用作表语,其前可用 well 修饰,不能用very 修饰。 n.Sb./Sth. is worth + doing. (v-ing 用主动形式表示被动意义)【练习】语法填空9Though the series of books is a bit dear, it is worthwhile to buy/ buying (buy)it.Everything worth doing is worthy of being done well. (do) 任何值得做的事情都值得做好高频短语高频短语10.break down【用法归纳用法归纳】(1) (机器或车辆)出故障;(身体)垮掉On my way to the station my car broke down.去火车站的路上,我的车坏了。Her health broke down under the pressure of work.她的身体在工作压力下垮掉了。(2) (谈判等)失败Talks between the two sides have broke down. 双方的谈判失败了。(3) 使分解(为),使变化(成)Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。(4) 打破,消除(尤指某种感情或态度)Getting young people together will help to break down the barriers between them.把年轻人聚集起来可以帮助他们消除彼此之间的隔阂。【拓展】break 构成的其他短语break through 突破,冲破break off 中断;折断;突然终止break out(火灾、战争等)爆发break in 打断;破门而入break up 破碎;解散;结束(关系等)break into 强行闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等)【练习】用 break 的相关短语完成句子(2020天津 5 月单项填空改编)The machine is working again!Yes, it broke down yesterday, but it has been fixed.How the big forest fire has broken out remains to be a mystery.My house was broken into yesterday. Fortunately, nothing was stolen.(2020广东汕头检测) If Tim carries on working like this, his health will break down sooner or later.10While I was explaining my point of view, he broke in to argue with me.重点句型分析重点句型分析1. I had no idea what hydrogen was, and I didnt really want to know, either!我不知道氢是什么,而且也一点都不想知道!【句式剖析】本句为 and 连接的并列句,第一个分句中 what 引导同位语从句。【考点提炼】同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句是名词性从句的一种,在主从复合句中起同位语的作用,常位于 fact, doubt, hope, wish, idea, promise, opinion, suggestion,truth, conclusion 等名词后面,对该名词的具体内容做进一步的说明。引导同位语从句的连词主要有三类:(1)连接词 that 只起连接作用,没有实际意义,不充当句子成分,一般不能省略。连接词 whether 含有“是否”的意思,whether 引导同位语从句时不可以用 if 来替换。There is no doubt that the protection of folk music is of great significance.毫无疑问,保护民间音乐意义非常重大。He hasnt made the decision whether he will join us.他还未决定是否加入我们。(2)连接代词 what, who, which 等,引导同位语从句时保留自己的疑问含义,起连接作用,且在从句中充当成分。The question who should be in charge of the key project has been unanswered.由谁负责那项重点工程的问题还没有答案。(3)连接副词 when, where, how, why 等,在从句中作状语。I have no idea when he will be back. 我不知道他将什么时候回来。【注意】在 suggestion, order, request 等表示“建议、命令、要求”的名词后面的同位语从句中,其谓语要用“should+动词原形”的形式,其中 should 可以省略。The manager put forward a suggestion that we (should) have an assistant. There is too much work to do.经理建议我们找一个助手。有太多的工作要做了。【练习】1.语法填空(2019江苏单项填空改编)Scientists have obtained more evidence that plastic is finding its way into the human 11body.Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?Yeah, but I have no idea why he did it;thats one of his favorite universities.The question whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer.I have no idea how he went home yesterday, perhaps by bike.We should consider the students request that the school library (should) provide (provide) more books on science.2.完成句子The thought that the kids might lost their way (孩子们可能会迷路) made the mother worried.2. Sometimes I think, if only I could call him and ask for his opinion!有时我想,要是能打电话征求他的意见就好了!【考点提炼】if only 的用法的用法if only 意为“但愿,要是就好了”,其后的句子多用虚拟语气。具体用法如下:表示现在没有实现的愿望谓语用“一般过去时(be 动词通常用 were)”;表示过去没有实现的愿望谓语用“had+过去分词”形式。If only she had asked someone else s advice! 她要是征求了别人的意见就好了!If only I knew her name. 我要是知道她的名字就好了。If only I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky! 但愿我是只鸟,能在天空中自由地飞翔!。【注意注意】only if 意为“只有”,引导条件状语从句,only 表示强调;当 only if 位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。You can make progress only if you are modest. 唯虚心方能进步。Only if a teacher has given permission can a student enter the room.只有得到老师的允许,学生才可以进入这个房间。【练习】完成句子1.Johnson, come and look at the sea! Its beautiful, isnt it?Absolutely! If only I lived by the sea (要是我住在海边就好了).122. You can stay healthy only if you take an active part in physical activity (你只有积极参加体育活动).3. The first day he walked into my class, he was dragging his schoolbag behind him and looking bored, but as soon as I set up an experiment to show how the human stomach works using acid and an onion, he gave me his full attention.他第一天走进我的班级时,书包在身后拖着,一副厌倦的样子。但当我用酸和洋葱做实验来展示人类的胃如何运转时,他全神贯注。【考点提炼】as soon as 引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I will jump out of my bed.一听到闹钟响,我就会跳下床。【归纳拓展】“一就”的其他表达法:hardly/ scarcely. when.; no sooner.than.immediately/ directly/ instantly/once + 句子the moment/ the instant/the minute + 句子on/upon +n./v-ingThe moment/The instant/The minute/ As soon as I get the money, Ill send the ticket. 我一收到钱就会把票寄出。Upon arrival/arriving, she will phone you.她一到就会给你打电话。【注意】特别提醒(1) the moment, the instant 等名词短语作连词引导时间状语从句时,不能再和 when 连用。(2)在“ hardly/ scarcely.when.”和“no sooner.than.”句型中,主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时。当 hardly/ scarcely/ no sooner 位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus left.我一到公交车站,车就开走了。【练习】一句多译(每空一词)一听到那个令人兴奋的消息,她就高兴地跳了起来。1. She jumped with joy_she heard the exciting news.2. _ _she heard the exciting news, she jumped with joy.3._ _the exciting news, she jumped with joy.134._ _ _she heard the exciting news, she jumped with joy.5._ _ _heard the exciting news when she jumped with joy.6._ _ _ _heard the exciting news than she jumped with joy.1.Immediately/instantly/directly/once2. The moment/instant/minute3. Upon/On hearing4. As soon as5. Hardly/Scarcely had she语法语法过去完成时过去完成时【挖教材语法示例】用括号内词的适当形式完成下面教材中的句子,并体会它们的语法特征。1. Before Mr Jenkins taught me, science had simply been (be) a subject full of strange words to me.2.I remember Graham was very difficult before he came into my class. I had heard (hear) stories about his bad behaviour.3. I knew I had chosen (choose) a job with a lot of stress but I love what I do.语法精讲语法精讲过去完成时的定义表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或状态,即发生在“过去的过去”的动作或状态。【知识点知识点 1】过去完成时的构成过去完成时的构成过去完成时的构成:had done过去完成时的被动式: had been doneShe had learned Chinese before she came to China. 她来中国前已经学过中文了。I found the lecture hard to follow because it had started when I arrived.我发现这场讲座很难听懂,因为我到的时候讲座已经开始了。In the 1950s in the USA, most families had just one phone at home, and wireless phones hadnt been invented yet. 20 世纪 50 年代,在美国大多数家庭里只有一部电话,那时无线电话还没有被发明。(北京高考)How many buildings had been destroyed when the earthquake ended? 地震结束时有多少建筑物被推毁了?14【知识点知识点 2】过去完成时的用法过去完成时的用法1.表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成或结束的动作。The student completed this experiment to make come true what Professor Joseph had said.为了使约瑟夫教授所说的成为现实,这个学生完成了这个实验。(2020天津)A few months after he had arrived in China. Mr. Smith fell in love with the people and culture there.史密斯先生在来到中国几个月之后,就爱上了那里的人和文化。(2019江苏)By nine oclock last night, we had finished most of the work. 到昨晚 9 点钟,我们已经完成了大部分的工作。She had learnt about 500 English words befo
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