Unit 6 At one with nature 讲义-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第一册.docx

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1、高中英语(外研版2019)必修一第六单元 At one with nature一、课文综合填空演练Longji Rice Terraces1_(were built/built)by the Zhuang and Yao people, to whom Guangxi is home .Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took 2_(hundred/hundreds) of years, until its completion in the early Qing Dynasty.3_(Reach/Reaching) as

2、far as the eye can see, these terraces cover tall mountains, often from the bottom to the very top.So why did these people go to so much trouble 4_(turn/turning) the entire mountains into terraces? Firstly, there are few large, flat areas of land in the region. Building the terraces therefore meant

3、that they could increase the areas 5 _(which/where)they could grow rice. Secondly, the flat terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from 6_(being washed /washed) away.The terraces are 7_ (clever/cleverly) designed, with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other. These terraces als

4、o provide a perfect environment8_ (for/with)birds and fish, some of which feed on insects that can harm the rice crops.9_(Although/As) modern technology could help produce more crops, these terraces still mean a lot to the people for whom traditions hold much value. Today, the Longji Rice Terraces a

5、ttract thousands of visitors who come to admire this great wonder 10_(created/creating) by people and natureworking together二、知识点系统讲解与点拨识记(一).单词精研:1. harmony n.融洽,和谐,一致harmonious adj.调和的,和谐的,均衡的(1)in_with与协调一致(2)out of_with与不协调一致例句1.We are trying to form a_(harmony) society to meet peoples need例句2.O

6、nly when people live_harmony with each other can we have a stable society.2. design v.设计,(为某种特定目的)计划n.设计;图案;意图(1)design sth_sb./sth.为设计(2)(be) designed_sb./sth.为而设计(3)be designed_sth.被设计成(4)be designed_sth.为做某事而设计(5)by_= on purpose故意地,蓄意地 例句1.(2020天津高考) The Silence Machine is a device specially desi

7、gned _(stop)unwanted sound from afecting you例句2.Tom left his schoolbag at home _design because he didnt finish his homework.3.harm v.&n,伤害,损害harmful adj,有害的;伤害的harmless adj.无害的,不会造成损害的(1)do_to对有害(2)There is no harm in (sb.s)_ doing sth,做某事无害处(3)be_to对有害处例句1.(天津高考2017)Dr. Torkelson believes companies

8、 need to be more aware of the_ that rudeness in the workplace can do as it can damage the working environment.例句2.Smoking can do a great_to our heath.4. expert adj.内行的,专家的n,专家expertly adv.熟练地(1)an_in.某方面的专家(2)be_in/at doing sth在某方面擅长例句1.Some _have pointed out that fruit juice can be harmful to child

9、rens teeth.例句2.The girl can cook some food_.5. limited adj.有限的limit n.限制;极限;界限limit v.限制limitless adj.无限制的,无界限的(1)be_to受限于,局限到(2)set a limit_限制控制(3)to the_达到极限(4)limit_把限制在例句1.The amount money we have is too_.例句2.The girl tried to limit her speech _five minutes.6. rent.vt.租用,租借n租金(1)rent sth_sb.从某人处

10、租用某物(2)_rent供租用的例句1.The dont have any rooms _at the moment.例句2.Not a few citizens in big cities make their living by renting _their houses.7. benefit n.好处,益处vt.有利于;有益于;受益beneficial adj.有利的;有益的;受益的(1)for_benefit_=for_benefit为了的利益(2)be_benefit to.=be_to.有益于;对有好处(3)benefit_使某人或某物受益(4)benefit _从中受益/获益例句

11、1.An aptitude for computing is _(benefit)for students taking this degree.例句2.(2019北京高考) The students_(benefit)most from college are those who are totally engaged in academic life。8.feed.v. 喂养,饲养,以为主食 (1)feed_animals喂养动物(2)feed sb/sth_sth.用来喂/饲养某人/物(3) be fed_with厌烦(4)feed_(人)以为主食,靠生活例句1.Cattle feed

12、chiefly _grass.例句2.I am fed up_what you are saying.9. asas既又,,不但而且:和一样例句1.This room is twice as large_yours.例句2.He can run as fast _ his brother.10. prevent.vt.阻止,防止prevent/keep/stop sb/sth_doing(being done)阻止某人/物做某事例句1.What_him from going there?例句2.The heavy rain _ his brother from going shopping.1

13、1. pass_去世;pass_走过,经过;pass_昏迷;pass_错过,放过;pass_传下去例句1.He has been in deep sorrow since his mother passed _.例句2.We must pass _ the good tradition from generation to generation.(2) 句型回顾与巩固 1. During the rainy season,_rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces .在雨季,雨水正是沿着这些水道从山上流下进入梯田。2.An

14、d _many Brits like nothing better than spending their Sunday cutting the grass, some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the beauty of the world around them.许多英国人最喜欢星期天割草,而一些人只是坐在树枝下,享受他们周围世界的美丽就很开心。3、 练习巩固与提升1. Two of the tyres had to be_(replace)2. The program is design

15、ed_(help)people who wish to teach abroad.3. Flats are expensive,_houses are cheap.4. This is a subject_which we have talked a lot.5. It is so important for us to build a_(harmony)society.6. The terrible pollution has done great harm_us as well as the surroundings.7. The villagers set off firecracker

16、s to celebrate the_( complete)of the bridge.8.I never had the_(beneficial) of a university education.9. The government has taken many measures to help the_(agriculture) development.10.The heavy rain prevented him_(arrive) the destination.必修一第六单元答案一1.were built;2.hundreds;3.Reaching;4.turning;5.where

17、;6. being washed ;7. cleverly;8.for;9.Although;10.created;二(一)1:(1)harmony(2)harmony;例句1:harmonious例句2:in; 2.(1)for(2)for;(3)into;(4)to do;(5)design ;例句1:to stop例句2:by;3:(1)harm(2)harm(3)harmful;例句1:harm;例句2:harm;4:(1)expert(2)expert;例句1:experts例句2:expertly;5:(1)limited(2)to(3)limit(4)to;例句1:limited

18、例句2:to;6:(1)from(3)for;例句1:to rent;例句2:out;7:(1)the /of;ones (2)of/beneficial(3)sb.(4)from;例句1:beneficial例句2:benefiting;8:(1)on(2)with(3)up(4)on;例句1:on例句2:with;9:.例句1:as例句2:as;10:例句1.prevented;例句2:prevented;11.away/by/out/up/down;例句1.away;例句2:down(on);(二)1. It is along these waterways that;2.while三1. replaced; 2.to help ;3.while; 4.about ;5.harmonious ;6.to ;pletion; 8.benefits ;9.agricultural ;10.arriving


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