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1、100.(100200)1.Jims bag is bigger than _.A.I B.me C.Lucy D.Lucys2.The old man is good at_.A.paint B.paints C.painting D.to paint3.Jim is _ for shanghai on Sunday.A.coming B.doing C.leaving D.returning4.Im free _22:00.Please come here before 22:00.A.till B.at C.after D./5.Shang Hai is bigger than _ in

2、 China.A.any city B.any other city C.any cities D.all the cities6._ is good for us _ morning exercises every day.A.That; doing B.That;to do C.It;doing D.It;to do7.That book is not so _ as this one.A.more interesting B.interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting8.Please show _ your pictures

3、.A.we B.our C.ours D.us9.Paul cant come to the party. Hes _ soccer.A.Plays B.play C.played D.playing10.Mary writes as _ as her brother.A.good B.better C.well D.best11.-_ today?-Its Monday the 14th.A.What B.Whatre C.Whats D.Hows12.-Must I return the book before Friday?-No, you_.A.mustnt B.neednt C.ca

4、nt D.dont13.Her teacher _ her an interesting book yesterday.A.gives B.give C.send D.sent14.It took _ to do my homework.A.me an hour half B.me half an hour C.me half a hour D.me a half hour15.I _think he _a famous movie star.A./; isnt B.dont;isnt C.dont;is D./ ; wasnt16.My telephone number is 5391939

5、. Please _.A.write them down B.write down them C.write it down D.write down it17.Im _ hungry. Do you have something to eat?A.little B.a little C.many D.lot of18.If you want to get the job, you must be good _ children.A.at B.with C.for D.in19.Tennis isnt the same _ badminton. They are different _each

6、 other.A.as; from B.as;with C.with;as D.from;at20.-When are you going? -Im going _ May 1st.A.over B.for C.on D.to21.I went to _ that film last weekend.A.look B.watch C.look at D.see22.I eat _ meat because I dont want to be so heavy.A.lots of B.much C.less D.more23.Its very important _ study hard.A.f

7、rom B./ C.for D.to24.He is very tired now. He should stop_ a rest.A.to have B.have C.has D.having25.A horse is _ than a dog.A.much heavy B.more heavier C.much heavier D.heavy26.I am thinking _ what to do next.A.out B.of C.about D.for27.-_?-He has a sore back.A.Whats the matter with him B.What is wro

8、ng with heC.Whats the matter with his D.Whats the wrong with him28.He is _ his younger sister this evening.A.Look at B.look C.baby siting D.babysitting29.Good _ habits help me get good grades.A.eating B.eat C.ate D.eatting30.The results _ watch TV are interesting.A.On B.to C.in D.for31.We should bru

9、sh our _ twice a day.A.tooths B.teeth C.tooth D.tooths32._ students in my class like basketball very much.A.The number of B.A number of C.The numbers of D.A little number33.Li Ming and Lin Tao _ black eyes.A.has B.have both C.both have D.both has34.-_ is your school from here? -Ten minutes walk.A.Ho

10、w long B.How far C.How D.How much35.-Sorry, because I have to look my brother.-Thats too_. Maybe_ time.A.bad; another B.bad; other C. good; another D.good; other36.Ann enjoys _ the music on Sundays.A.listening to B.listening C.listen to D.listen37.How about _ with us to the Great Wall?A.come B. come

11、s C.came D.coming38.His mother wants him _at home today.A.stays B.stayed C.to stay D.staying39.Every day his parents make him_in the garden.A.to work B.working C.work D.works40.I watched the football match last night and_ go to bed_ 10 oclock.A.dont ; when B.didnt; as C.dont; until D.didnt ; until41

12、.They are _.A.staying walk B.going walksC.taking walks D.going walk42.My father goes to work _ every day.A.by bike B.in a bike C.on bike D.ride bikes43.Thanks for _ me _ your party.A.invite;for B.invite;to C.inviting;for D.inviting;to44.Traveling by ship is _ than taking a bus.A.A lot of fun B.much

13、fun C.a lot more fun D.a lot much fun.45._ should get the job, lucy or Lily?A.Who do you think B.Whose do you thinkC.Do you think whose D.Do you think who46.The N0.8 Middle School is not far _ his home.A.to B.from C.with D.at47.-I am often ill.-_.A.I think so B.Thats OK. C.Really? Thank you. D.Im so

14、rry to hear that.48.My jacket is longer than _.A.her B.him C.she D.hers49.Light travels _ than sound.A much fast B.far fast C.much faster D.more faster50.Li Lei with his friends _ work on the farm next week.A.goes to B.go to C.are going to D.is going to51.Two years _,the Blacks lived in New York.A.

15、late B.ago C.behind D.after52.Can you _ my house to have a meeting together?A.come over to B.come back to C. leave for D. have a look at53.Mr Bean enjoys _jokes and often makes us _.A.to tell; to laugh B.tells; laughC.telling; laugh D.telling; laughing54.There is _ for him to do today A.something im

16、portant B.Important somethingC.anything important D.important anything55.It takes her 20 minutes _ her homework.A. finish B.finishing C.finished D.to finish56.A number of students _ interested in sports now.A.Is B.was C.are D.were57._ he likes watching TV, he gets good grades.A.But B.Because C.As D

17、.Although58.-Would you like to visit the museum?-_.A.Yes, please B.Sure, Id love to.C.sorry, I wouldnt D.Yes, I would59.Mary shouldnt eat _ for 24 hours.A.Something B.anything C.everything D.nothing60.His job is not _ exciting _ his sisters.A.more; as B.as; so C.so;as D.much; at61.Is your pen _Jims?

18、A.same as B.the same C.the same with D.the same as62.Where _ your sister _ for vacation?A.are;going B.is;going C.does;goes D.is;go63.It took us _ to walk to the factory last Saturday,A.one and a half hour B.one hour and a half hourC.One hours and a half hour D.one and a half hours64.Theres _. Thats

19、_nice.A.too much; too much B.much too; much tooC.Much too; too much D.too much; much too65.Liu is a(n) _girl and she doesnt like talking much.A.outgoing B.quieter C.quiet D.wild66.She looks the same _ her sister _ some ways.A.as; as B.in; in C.from; at D.as; in67.I am kind of _. Can I have something

20、 to drink?A.happy B.thirsty C.hungry D.angry68.Can you tell me when you _home?A.get back to B.get to back C.get back D.get to69.-Is your home _ the park?-No, its _the park.A.far to; near from B.far from; near from C.far from; near D.far to;near70.Some students say yes, but _ say no.A.another B.the o

21、ther C. others D.other71.I like to have friends _ are the same as me.A.which B.whose C.who D.where72.This is my friend. He is _ outgoing than I am.A.much B.much more C.a little D.a lot of more73._ fine mornings, many old people get together to exercise.A.At B.In C.For D.On74.This song sounds_.A.beau

22、ty B.beautiful C.beautifully75.May I ask you _ questions?A.little B.a little C.a few D.few76.People are worrying_ the pollution(of the air.A.with B.for C.in D.about77.Tom never depends _ his parents. He likes to do everything _ himself.A.with; on B.on; by C.in; by D.from; with78.-How long is he _? -

23、For two weeks.A.staying B.coming C.going D.leaving79.Do you enjoy _ football?A.playing B.play C.played D.to play80.I hope there is _ with my eyes. A.nothing wrong B.wrong nothing C.anything wrong D.wrong anything81.-Do you often brush your_? CYes, I do.A.tooths B.toothes C.teeth D.teeths82.Please ke

24、ep_ . Her brother is sleeping.A.quiet B.quietly C.busy D.sorry83.Li Leis parents _doctors.A.are all B.are both C.all are D.both are84.-How does he go to Hong Kong?-_.A.By the plane B.By air C. Takes the plane D.Take the plane85._ is the weather today?A.What B.How C.Which D.Who86._ Dasan is from Cana

25、da,_ he can speak Chinese well.A.Although,but B.Although, / C.Although, so D./,so87.How long does it _ you to ride to school?A.use B.uses C.take D.takes88.Mr black _ to China the day after tomorrow.A.flies B.fly C.is flying D. flew89.-_ ? -Its May the 12th.A.What day is it? B.Whats the date today?C.

26、Whats today? D.What date is it?90.Is her watch _ yours or different?A.the same B.the same as C.same as D.the same to91.I have to study_ my science test _ Thursday afternoon.A.at; on B.on;for C.for;in D.for;on92.Lily is _shorter than Lucy.A.very B.too C.quite D.a little93.- _of the teachers in our sc

27、hool is 118. _ of them are women teachers.A.The number;A number B.The number;The numberC.A number;A number D.A number;The number94.Sally is _ than her sister.A.more funny B.funier C.funniest D.funnier95.Kate isnt very_. She likes to stay at home and read.A.outgoing B.kind C.funny D.quiet96.I enjoy _

28、 to parties.A.go B.going C.go to D.to go97.Thank you _ me to your party.A.Ask B.for asking c.to ask D.asking98.I dont like this shirt. Can you give me _ one?A.other B. the other C.any other D.another99.Joe_ go to the doctor. His neck is sore.A. have to B.can C.has to D.may100.Please _ me after you c

29、ome back from your vacation.A.call B.ask C.inviting D.to call.1.D2.C3.C4.A5.B6.D7.B8.D9.D10.C11.C12.B13.D14.B15.C16.C17.B18.B19.A20.C21.D22.C23.D24.A25.C26.C27.A28.D29.A30.D31.B32.B33.C34.B35.A36.A37.D38.C39.C40.D41.C42.A43.D44.C45.A46.B47.D48.D49.C50.D51.B52.B53.C54.A55.D56.C57.D58.B59.B60.C61.D62.B63.D64.D65.C66.D67.B68.C69.C70.C71.C72.B73.D74.B75.C76.D77.B78.A79.A80.A81.C82.A83.B84.B85.B86.B87.C88.C89.B90.B91.D92.D93.A94.D95.A96.B97.B98.D99.C100.A


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