Unit 3 On the move Using language同步练习 -(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 3 On the moveSection BUsing language一:单词拼写1.Take a look at the (图表),graphs,pictures,maps and other visual material.2.I suppose I can get a good mark which will enable me to enter my (理想的) college.3.The exhibition aims to give artists an opportunity to d their works.4.Consumers could place smart

2、 devices in their homes to m energy usage.5.This (可调节的) seat on the bus is so comfortable that I may take a nap.6.We live in an age when more information is (可获得的) with greater ease than ever before.7.We must change the cycle of life in the wilderness to b the ecology.8.They often i consumers in try

3、ing the craft themselves.二:短语填空place an order,be good for,keep track of,relax ones mind,millions of,keep still1.It is important to your purchases and know your balance at all times.2.We wish to with your corporation for 10,000 bicycles.3.This invention is sure to change the mode of living for men.4.

4、Please while I am taking a photograph of you.5.As is known to all,doing exercise every day your health.6.After the mornings study,you should and enjoy yourself.三:单句填空1.I think we are all grown-ups and we have the ability (manage) our own affairs.2.She took the dress out of the package and tried it o

5、n,only (find) it didnt fit.3.Students brave enough (take) this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.4.There are guided tours to the active volcano,giving travelers a chance (see) nature itself.5.Its a good feeling for people (admire) the Disney World that gives them pleasure.

6、6.Our monitor is always the first one (come) to school every morning.7.Im going to take advantage of this tour (explore) the history of the castle.8.This affects their nervous systems and ability (produce) baby birds.9.The members of the union will meet tomorrow in an attempt (reach) a settlement.10

7、.At times the air is so bad that I am afraid (go) outside.四:句型转换1.The panda is so large that it cant go through the hole.The hole such a large panda to go through.2.The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldnt skate on it.The ice on the lake wasnt enough people 3.A lot of homework needed doin

8、g,so I felt stressed.With ,I felt stressed.4.It is impossible that a child can lift such a heavy box.It is impossible such a heavy box.5.The progress which will be made soon is of great importance.The progress soon is of great importance.五:完形填空Mother is a bit stooped (驼背的)with age, but her hair is o

9、nly partially gray and her face has few old age spots. Her small and thin body however, is 1 than thirty years ago by a head. And nothing seems to remain of her two hands 2 a few blue veins (青筋)and bones.When I was a child, I 3 , mother used to wash my hair, my body and my feet with her soft hands.

10、As her hands ran over me 4 , what a feeling of 5 and warmth came over me!Once, when I was a schoolboy, my 6 wanted me to play the part of a squirrel (松鼠)in a childrens play, I 7 very much about the stage costume that, according to the teacher, had to be provided by 8 . Mother set my heart at ease by

11、 saying, Dont worry! Ill 9 one for you all right.,So, she bought a piece of gray cotton flannel (法兰绒)and 10 cutting it out and sewing. On the early morning of the third day, when I 11 , I was 12 to find her still sitting at the sewing machine. She 13 showed me the stage costume for a squirrel with a

12、 lovely tail. I 14 it on. It was perfect. At that time, however, little did I know about mother having spent quite a few 15 nights working hard for her sons development.1. A. fatterB. shorterC. tallerD. thinner2. A. insteadB. besidesC. butD. and3. A. imagineB. forgetC. describeD. remember4. A. gentl

13、yB. hardlyC. roughlyD. anxiously5. A. angerB. equalityC. humorD. comfort6. A. fatherB. motherC. teacherD. friend7. A. worriedB. likedC. enjoyedD. moved8. A. herselfB. himselfC. themselvesD. myself9. A. buyB. makeC. borrowD. lend10. A. finishedB. continuedC. startedD. stopped11. A. stood upB. woke up

14、C. opened upD. came up12. A. eagerB. amazingC. surprisedD. afraid13. A. smilinglyB. alarminglyC. passivelyD. normally14. A. tookB. countedC. lookedD. tried15. A. sleepyB. sleeplessC. specialD. silent六:七选五 How to Give Feedback(反馈) That People Will Listen toIf we want to grow as people, we cant just r

15、ely on our own evaluation of how were doing.1Receiving feedback from others can help us see the bigger picture and show us a path forward to success. However, someone has to give that feedback, and sometimes, that someone will be you. How should you approach this?2If you wait until the matter fades

16、from the persons mind, they might no understand what youre trying to tell them. Feedback should be clear and well timed, or its likely to be ignored.When youre giving feedback, its important to keep in mind that no one likes to be told theyre doing a bad job. Make sure you give an equal amount to po

17、sitive feedback to balance out anything negative.3All good feedback shares a few key elements. First, it should help accomplish a specific goal. Its less useful to tell your friend that their dish tastes “interesting” than it is to suggest adding a little salt to improve the flavor.Feedback should a

18、lso look toward the future.4Tell your friend they should take more notes in class instead of talking about how they should have studied harder for the big biology exam they failed.Finally, dont assume your suggestion is the only correct way to deal with a situation. Consider other points of view and

19、 keep your ego(自我)under control. You might even end up with some feedback on your feedback.5AUse actual facts to support the point you are making.BWe also need to know what other people think about our performance.CLike the saying goes, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”DDont take it

20、personally - it can only help you give better advice next time.E.The point of giving feedback is to motivate the other person to perform better.F.You cant change whats already happened, but you can prevent it from happening again.G.If you spot a situation in which sonic feedback would be helpful, gi

21、ve it as soon as you can七:语法填空The Olympic Games rooted in ancient Greece.People gave the Olympic Games to the God Zeus.The original games 1.(hold) on the plain of Olympia.The Greeks held the 2.(one) Olympics in the year 776 BC and had only one event,a short run that was called the “stade”.A wreath(花

22、环) 3.(make) of olive branches was placed 4. the winners head.Women were neither allowed to take part in the games nor to watch them,because the games were given to Zeus and therefore meant for men.Every four years,for 1,170 years,the Greeks held the Olympics,5. continued to grow and change.Many othe

23、r sports were added,such as other races,boxing,wrestling,discus throw and so on.The modern Olympic Games took place in Athens in 1886.Nowadays,the Games are held in different countries in turn.The host country provides vast facilities,including a stadium,6.(swim) pools and living accommodation,but c

24、ompeting countries pay their own 7.(athlete) expenses.Since 1984,when China took part in the Olympic Games again,Chinese players 8.(win) hundreds of medals in different 9.(field).As is known,the 32nd Summer Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo,Japan.Its 10. great honour and a challenge for the Japane

25、se people.参考答案一:单词拼写1.charts 2.ideal 3.display 4.monitor 5.adjustable 6.available 7.balance 8.involve二:短语填空1.keep track of 2.place an order 3.millions of4.keep still 5.is good for 6.relax your mind三:单句填空1.to manage 2.to find 3.to take 4.to see 5.to admire 6.to come 7.to explore8.to produce 9.to reac

26、h 10.to go四:句型转换1.is too small for2.thick;for;to skate on3.a lot of homework to do4.for a child to lift5.to be made五:完形填空文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。 文章主要讲述了Paige的父亲救起了被鲨鱼袭击的女儿Paige的过程。虽然Paige在未来仍要面临许多挑战,但是她对于自己的未来表现得非常积极和乐观。1.根据下文中的“my daughter及语境可知,是Paige的父亲把Paige救了出来。故选C。A兄弟,B朋友,D教练。2.根据后文描述到鲨鱼袭击Paige,可知此处指这个1

27、7岁的女孩遭受了严重的伤,这些伤来自于鲨鱼的袭击,故答案为A。B海浪,C游泳,D风暴。3.此处描写的是父亲在寻找Paige,“我转向 了Paige所在的地方,但没看见她”。可知答案为D转向。A指向, B逃跑,C动身前往。4.“我直接向粉红色的地方去,我潜下水,抓住了Paige”。前文提到Page是在水下,可知答案为A潜水。B隐藏,C挣扎,D斗争。5.当我把Daigo往.上拉的时候,一条太的鲨鱼出现了”,前文提到Paige是被鲨鱼袭击的,可知答案为C出现。A游走,B和. .相处,D躺下。6.当Paige看到鲨鱼出现,肯定是立刻开始击打鲨鱼,故答案为B立刻。A意料之外地,C犹豫不决地,D谨慎地。7

28、.“我用所有可用的东西来击打鲨鱼,最后它走了”。故答案为D最后。A无意识地,B毫无疑问地,C好奇地。8.后文提到Paige手和腿严重受伤,但是她还是非常乐观,所以此处指Paige是真正的战斗者。故答案为B。A游泳者,C病人9.鲨鱼咬住了Paige的手,那Paige是尽力掰开鲨鱼的嘴巴。故答案为B嘴。A眼睛,C身体,D头。10.后文提到去年发生的66起鲨鱼袭击事件,而且后文提到“more rare所以像这样的无端的鲨鱼袭击是不寻常的。故答案为C。A害怕的、恐惧的,B严重的,D不正式的。11.但是甚至更罕见的是Paige的态度:不尖叫,不哭,不自怜。故答案为A态度。B决定,C受伤,D经验。12.“

29、我仍然是Paige。我只是有一一些不同。 ”尽管Pajge收到这样的伤害,但是她非常乐观,这是不同的。故答案为A不同的,B幸运的,C沮丧的,D困惑的。13.“我希望人们看到我做得很好,我仍然会做他们能做的事情。.解析我想我可以把它变成对我、鲨鱼和环境都有好处的东西。”根据transform. .into.把. .转变成.故答案为D。A扔,B分开开车。14.对于- -个父亲来说,女儿遭受了这样的伤害,还那么乐观,父亲对女儿感到很骄傲。否定词+比较级=最高级。此处表示他再骄傲不过了。故答案为C更骄傲。A更难过,B更快,D更好。15.前文提到Paige的左腿不得不截肢。“鲨鱼带走了我女儿的腿,没有带

30、走她的精神。”故答案为D腿。A假期,B爱好,C生活。六:七选五本文是议论文。文章先说明反馈的重要性,接下来对于反馈所注意的问题进行说明,同时教会人们如何使反馈行之有效。1上文“If we want to grow as people, we cant just rely on our own evaluation of how were doing.”(如果我们想要成长,我们不能只依赖于自己对自己做得如何的评价,)也就是说,我们也要注意别人的评价。下文“Receiving feedback from others can help us see the bigger picture and s

31、how us a path forward to success.” (接受他人的反馈可以帮助我们看得更清楚,为我们指明通往成功的道路。)所以可知,空格处应该是指接受别人的评价。B项“We also need to know what other people think about our performance.”我们还需要知道其他人对我们表现的看法。承上启下,故选B。2上文“However, someone has to give that feedback, and sometimes, that someone will be you. How should you approach

32、 this?” (然而,总得有人给出反馈,有时候,这个人就是你。你应该怎么做呢?)可以推知,空处应该是讲如果反馈的人是你,你的正确做法。下文“If you wait until the matter fades from the persons mind, they might no understand what youre trying to tell them.” (如果你等到这件事从人们的脑海中消失,他们可能不明白你想告诉他们什么。)可以推知,空格处应是建议人们及时的对别人进行反馈,而G项“If you spot a situation in which sonic feedback

33、would be helpful, give it as soon as you can.” (如果你发现声反馈很有帮助,请尽快反馈。)故选G。3上文“When youre giving feedback, its important to keep in mind that no one likes to be told theyre doing a bad job. Make sure you give an equal amount to positive feedback to balance out anything negative.” (当你给予反馈时,你要记住,没有人喜欢别人说

34、他们做得不好。确保你给予的积极反馈与消极反馈持平。)说明我们在进行消极反馈时,也要给予一定的积极反馈。而C项Like the saying goes, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”(俗话说得好,一勺糖能把药吞下去。)也就是说,给予消极反馈时,再给一定的积极反馈会使人更好地接受。与上文意思保持一致,故选C。4上文“Feedback should also look toward the future.” (反馈也应该面向未来。说明反馈也要能解决未来发生的事。)下文“Tell your friend they should ta

35、ke more notes in class instead of talking about how they should have studied harder for the big biology exam they failed.” (告诉你的朋友,他们应该在课堂上多记笔记,而不是谈论他们应该如何努力学习,以应付生物课考试的失败。)说明不能仅仅只注意到眼前的事情,要有长远解决事情的能力。而F项“You cant change whats already happened, but you can prevent it from happening again.” (你无法改变已经发

36、生的事情,但你可以阻止它再次发生。)表达不要只看如今改变不了的事情,要着眼于未来。与上下文保持一致。故选F。5上文“Finally, dont assume your suggestion is the only correct way to deal with a situation. Consider other points of view and keep your ego under control. You might even end up with some feedback on your feedback.” (最后,不要认为你的建议是解决问题的唯一正确方法。考虑其他的观点

37、,保持你的自我控制。你甚至可能得到一些关于你的反馈的反馈。)可以推知,下文应该是表达对于反馈的反馈的态度。D项“Dont take it personally - it can only help you give better advice next time.” (别往心里去,这只会帮助你下次给出更好的建议。)意思是说,不要对于反馈的反馈太在意,要正视反馈的反馈的作用。承接上文内容,故选D。七:语法填空本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了奥林匹克运动的起源以及发展壮大的过程。1.were held考查动词时态和语态。本句的主语与hold之间是被动关系,又由于这是描述古代奥运会,所以用一般过去时

38、的被动语态。2.first考查数词。前面有定冠词the,所以填序数词,表示“第一届奥运会”。3.made考查非谓语动词。make与A wreath之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。4.on考查介词。根据句意可知,此处表示“戴在头上”,所以用介词on。5.which考查定语从句。先行词是the Olympics,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词which。6.swimming考查非谓语动词。swimming pools意为“游泳池”,说明所修饰名词的用途,应该用动词-ing形式。7.athletes考查名词所有格。根据句意“但参赛国自己支付运动员们的费用”可知,此处要用athlete的复数形式的所有格,表示“运动员们的”。8.have won考查动词时态。根据时间状语Since 1984可知,此处要用现在完成时,故填have won。9.fields考查名词复数。根据前面的修饰词different可知,此处要用复数形式,表示“不同的场地”。10.a考查冠词。a great honour 在此处意为“一件非常荣耀的事情”。13


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