
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2492272 上传时间:2022-04-25 格式:PPTX 页数:34 大小:5.90MB
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1、Unit1 Festival around the worldKey words&sentence patternsPART ONE 自主复习Oral Practice1.国庆假期你去哪里旅游了?国庆假期你去哪里旅游了?Where have you travelled to during the National Day holidays?2.你了解端午节的由来吗?你了解端午节的由来吗?Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?3.春节人们通常会做什么?春节人们通常会做什么?What do people usually do duri

2、ng the Spring Festival?4. 愚人节那天你捉弄朋友了吗?愚人节那天你捉弄朋友了吗?Did you play tricks on your friends on April Fools Day?写作词汇1. _ him for his bravery敬佩他的勇气2. _ valuable experience获得宝贵的经验3. _ her tears away擦掉她的眼泪4. _ him for being rude原谅他的鲁莽5. _ at the painful news因悲痛的消息而哭泣6. _ the materials for me为我收集资料gather/col

3、lect admiregain/getwipeforgiveweep日积月累,妙笔生花。日积月累,妙笔生花。7. the _ of nature大自然的美8. all _ truths 所有显而易见的事实9. put on warm _穿上温暖的衣服10. increase rice _增加水稻收成11. _ scholarships to the best students 把奖学金授予最好的学生12. _ him out of all his money骗走他 所有的钱fool/trickbeautyobviousclothingharvestsaward转换词汇1. _ n. 美;美人

4、_ adj. 美丽的 _ vt. 美化2. _ v. 相信;认为 _ n. 信任;信心;信仰 _ adj.可相信的;可信任的 _ adj. 难以置信的beautybeautifulbeautifybelievebeliefbelievableunbelievable(=incredible)保持热爱,未来可期。保持热爱,未来可期。3. _ vi. 到达;达到 _ n. 到来;到达;到达者4. _ n. 独立;自主 _ adj. 独立的;自主的 _ adv. 独立地;自主地arrivearrivalindependenceindependentindependently坚持不懈,高考必胜。坚持不

5、懈,高考必胜。5. _ n. 道歉;谢罪 _ vi. 道歉;辩白6. _ v. 庆祝;庆贺 _ n. 庆祝;祝贺7. _ v. (使)饿死 _ n. 挨饿;饿死apologyapologizecelebratecelebrationstarvestarvation勤学多练,十三必胜。勤学多练,十三必胜。8. _ n. 起源;由来 _ adj. 最初的;原始的9. _ n. 宗教;宗教信仰 _ adj. 宗教上的;信奉宗教的10. _ vt. 生产;制造 n. 农产品 _ n. 产品 _ n. 生产;制造originoriginalreligionreligiousproduceproductp

6、roduction不忘初心,砥砺前进。不忘初心,砥砺前进。11. _ vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕 _ adj. 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的12. _ n.力量,活力 _ adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的13. _ adj. 必需的;必要的 _ adv. 必然地;不可避免地 _ n. 必要性;需要admireadmirableenergyenergeticnecessarynecessarilynecessity日积月累,妙笔生花。日积月累,妙笔生花。14. _ v. 允许;准许 _ n. 许可;允许15. _ vt. 预言;预告 _ n. 预言;预报16. _ adj. 伤心的;难过的 _ n. 悲哀

7、;悲伤sadnesspermitpermissionpredictpredictionsad保持热爱,奔赴山海。保持热爱,奔赴山海。词组搭配1. _守信用;履行诺言2. _屏息;屏气3. _ 发生4. _ at the meeting出现在会场5. _ my daughter打扮我女儿keep ones word/promisehold ones breathtake placeturn updress up不忘初心,砥砺前进。不忘初心,砥砺前进。6. _ for the train station 动身去火车站7. _ the kids 和孩子们玩得开心8. _ others捉弄别人9. _

8、 seeing you again 期待再次 见到你10. _ a famous poet 纪念一位伟大 的诗人set offhave fun withplay a trick on/play tricks on/make fun oflook forward toin memory of勤学多练,十三必胜。勤学多练,十三必胜。11. _ me _ my childhood让我想起 了我的童年12. _her _ marrying him骗她 嫁给他13. work _日夜工作14. park your car in the _ 把车停在 停车场15. feel _he knew everyt

9、hing感觉 好像他无所不知 as if/though remindoffool/trickintoday and nightparking lot PART TWO 课堂探究1. award vt.授予、奖赏;授予、奖赏;n.奖品奖品award sb. for.因.奖励某人win/gain/receieve an award for sth. 因.获奖award sb. a prize = award a prize to sb. 奖励给某人.1. award vt.授予、奖赏;授予、奖赏;n.奖品奖品1) 因为他在抗击新冠病毒的贡献,钟南山博士被授予被授予共和国勋章。 Dr. Zhong

10、Nanshan was awarded the Medal of the Republic for his contribution to fighting against Covid-19.2) 很多参赛者在上周的英语演讲比赛中获奖了。Many competitors/participants won/gained/received the awards/prizes in English speech contest last week.2.admire vt.钦佩;赞赏;仰慕钦佩;赞赏;仰慕语法填空语法填空1)We admire Yuan Longping _ his great con

11、tribution to our country.2)I have great _(admire) for Mo Yan as a writer.3)It is an_ (admire) place to come for a holiday and rest.foradmirationadmirableadmire sb. for 因.钦佩某人have great admiration for sb. 十分钦佩某人I admire Zhang Qian very muchI have great admiration for Zhang Qian3.permission n.许可;允许许可;

12、允许1.未经允许,你不能在宿舍唱歌。未经允许,你不能在宿舍唱歌。You cant sing in the dormitory without permission.2.得到父母的允许,我上个月独自去了西藏旅游。得到父母的允许,我上个月独自去了西藏旅游。With my parents permission, I travelled to Tibet last month.l with sbs permission 得到某人的允许l without permission 未经允许l ask for permission 请求许可4.apologize vi.道歉;认错道歉;认错apologize

13、to sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉express ones apology to sb. 向某人表达歉意accept/refuse ones apology接受/拒绝某人的道歉 Im very sorry for not being able to visit Beijing with you next weekend. Im writing to apologize to you for it. The reasons .I make an apology to you for

14、 any inconvenience caused, and I hope you can understand my situation. I would appreciate it if you could accept my apology.Translation1) 因为不能出席你的婚礼,我现在写信向你道歉。因为不能出席你的婚礼,我现在写信向你道歉。 I am writing to express my apology to you for not being able to attend your wedding. I am writing to make an apology to

15、 you for not being able to attend your wedding.2) 怀着紧张和不安的心情,我鼓起勇气真诚地向我的妈妈道歉。怀着紧张和不安的心情,我鼓起勇气真诚地向我的妈妈道歉。最终妈妈接受了我的道歉并原谅了我。最终妈妈接受了我的道歉并原谅了我。 With a mixed feeling of nervousness and unease, I summoned the courage to apologize to / make an apology to my mom with sincere. Finally she accepted my apology

16、and fogave me.(1)She dressed her children well. (2)Get up and get dressed.(3)He likes to dress up as a woman. (4)It is said that the rich in Guangdong often dress in slippers and shorts.derss sb.为.穿衣/打扮get dressed 穿衣dress up(vi.) 打扮,装扮dress in 穿着.(+颜色/衣物)5.dress up 打扮打扮6. look forward to (doing) sth

17、. look forward that句子我们都期待着被理想的大学录取。We all look forward to being admitted to our dream university.我真心期待青年报将越来越受欢迎。I do look forward that Youth will become more and more popular. keep ones word/promise守信用/履行承诺break ones word/promise 食言/违背诺言make a promise 许下诺言翻译:守信用很重要,一旦许下了诺言就不应该轻易食言。It is very impor

18、tant to keep your promise, so you should not break your promise once you make it.8.8.remind remind vtvt. .提醒;提醒; 使想起使想起提醒某人干某事提醒某人干某事remind sb. to do sth使某人想起使某人想起remind sb.of (doing) sth常用于常用于vtvt. .sb.sb.of(doing)sth.of(doing)sth.的动词有的动词有通知某人某事通知某人某事警告某人某事警告某人某事控告某人某事控告某人某事给某人治愈某病给某人治愈某病怀疑某人某事怀疑某人

19、某事inform sb. of sth.warn sb. of sth.accuse sb. of sth.cure sb. of sth.suspect sb. of sth.高考总复习英语二、用本单元词汇、句式和语法知识写满分话题作文1根据汉语提示补全句子 (黑体部分请用本单元所学词汇)我想和你分享我最喜欢的实践课程:赛龙舟和包粽子,这都是端午节的传统习俗。Id like to share with you my favourite practical courses: racing the dragon boat and making zongzi, _.【答案】both of whic

20、h are the traditional customs高考总复习英语庆祝端午节是为了纪念古代诗人屈原。The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated _ Qu Yuan.他的诗总能使人们想起他对祖国的热爱。His poems can always _.【答案】in memory of an ancient poetremind people of his devotion to his motherland高考总复习英语一起划龙舟可以培养我们的团队精神,这有助于我们在将来取得成功。Racing the dragon boat together can deve

21、lop our team spirit, _.学习包粽子可以提高我们发展传统食物的意识。Learning to make zongzi can _.【答案】which can help us gain success in futureraise our awareness to develop traditional food高考总复习英语通过这些课程,我不仅能够积累传统文化信息,还能更好地了解我们的国家。Through these courses, I _ but I can also have a better understanding of our country.【答案】can n

22、ot only gather more information about traditional culture高考总复习英语我期待着在即将到来的端午节和你玩得开心。_ you in the coming Dragon Boat Festival.【答案】I am looking forward to having fun with PART THREE 重点句型1. 高三最难忘的日子莫过于我们一起在教室里高三最难忘的日子莫过于我们一起在教室里奋斗的时候。奋斗的时候。The most unforgettable days of senior 3 are the ones that we studied hard together in the classroom.2. 发现班主任来到教室,他匆忙地藏起了手机。发现班主任来到教室,他匆忙地藏起了手机。Finding the head teacher came in the classroom, he hid his cellphone in a hurry.一、完成EW8阅读、完形和语法。二、记熟Book2 U1-U5单词,下周默写。三、下周一晚练英语竞赛(主要考查不规主要考查不规则动词的变化则动词的变化)Homework


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