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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 江苏省无锡市 2017-2018 学年七年级英语下学期( 3 月)月考试题 第二部分 笔试部分 一单词辨音 (5 分 ) ( )1. A.across B.another C.along D.area ( )2. A.dream B.speaker C.leather D.beach ( )3. A.shower B.window C.own D.follow ( )4. A.sound B.playground C.enough D.around ( )5. A .afternoon B . zoo C . room D . goodbye ( )6 .A

2、. tall B . ball C . also D . all ( )7. A . uncle B . orange C . student D . stand ( )8. A . there B . here C . where D . bear ( )9. A. eighth B. both C. thought D. through ( )10. A.quiet B.twelfth C.fresh D.seventy 二 单项选择( 15) ( )1.This idea sounds _. A. interesting B. interest C. interested D. inte

3、rests ( )2.-David ,is that_ English book? -No._is here.It is someone_. A. your,Mine, else s B. your,Mine,else C. your,My, else s D. your,My,else ( ) 3.Listen to me! I have_ to tell you. A. anything important B. important anything C. something important D. important something ( )4._ the road and youl

4、l see the hospital. A. Crossing B. Walk cross C. Walk across D. Across ( )5. I am full. I can not eat _. A.any B. some C. some more D. any more ( )6.Thomas has_ipad _his own. A.an,of B.a,on Can,with D.a,of ( )7. Jack is _the following exams(考试 ). A. calling back B. looking for C. worrying about D. c

5、hatting with ( )8 . I _afraid of dogs.Instead I like playing with them . A.don t B. don t be C.am not D. am ( )9. Take a map with you,_get lost(迷路) easily in such a big city. A. and you B.or you C.and you ll D.or you ll ( )10. It _ him an hour to play basketball every day. A.spends B.pays C.costs D.

6、takes ( )11.There are _ people_ in the street at midnight. A. a few,walk B.few ,walking C.little ,to walk D.a little,walking ( ) 12. I dont like the colour of the T-shirt. Would you show me _one? A. other B. the other C. another D. others ( )13. _ nice weather it is today! A. What B. What a C. How D

7、. How a =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = ( ) 14. Remember _ the door before you leave . A. to close B. closing C.to closing D.close ( )15. Each of the swimmers _ a _ swimming pool. A. has; fifty-metres-long B. have; fifty-metres-long C. have; fifty-metre-long D. has; fifty-metre-long 三 完型填空 ( 5 分) Rick goes to Bost

8、on _ 1_ a meeting. The meeting is in Princes Buildin g on _2_ Street, and Rick wants to be there on time. However, it is Ricks first t ime to visit the city, _3_ he doesnt know his way around. When he sees an old couple( 夫妇 ) sitting on a bench, he goes up to ask for _4_. The couple kindly tell Rick

9、 to _5_ the underground and to get _6_ at Prince Station. Rick follows their direction(方向 ), gets off at Prince Station and walks east for two blocks. An hour later, he is disappointed(失望的 ) to find that he is _7_ 41st Street, not 44th Street. The old couple misheard(听错 ) him and gave him the _8_ di

10、rection. _9_ hour later, when a policeman takes him back, he sees the old couple again. They are still _10_ on the bench, right in front of Princes Building. ( ) 1. A. of B. for C. at D. in ( ) 2.A. 4th B. 41st C. 45th D. 44th ( ) 3.A. so B. because C. but D. or ( ) 4.A. time B. meeting C. direction

11、 D. bus ( ) 5.A. by B. leave C. get D. take ( ) 6.A. on B. off C. to D. up ( ) 7.A. up B. down C. on D. to ( ) 8. A. right B. wrong C. old D. new ( ) 9. A.The other B. Another C. A few D. Next ( ) 10. A. eating B. talking C. playing D. sitting 四 阅读理解 (20 分 ) (A) A good way to pass an exam is to work

12、 hard every day in a year. You may fail in the exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English. Speak in English whenever you can. A few days before the

13、 exam you should go to bed early. Do not stay up late studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper, try to understand the exact(确切的 ) meaning of each question. When you have at least finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct(改正 ) the mistakes if there are any

14、, and be sure that you have not missed anything out. ( ) 1. How can we do well in exams? A. We should work hard every day in the year. B. We should go to bed early a few days before an exam. C. We should read over the answers before we hand in our papers. D. We should do A, B, C. ( ) 2. Learning rul

15、es of grammar _ to pass an exam. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = A. is enough B. is not enough C. is not impossible D. is no use ( ) 3. Speak in English whenever you can. It is _ to your English study. A. helpful B. impossible C. wonderful D. foolish ( ) 4. Make sure that you _ before you hand in your paper. A. re

16、member rules of grammar B. have thought over and over again C. have answered all the questions D. have read stories in English ( ) 5. In the sentence “Do not stay up late studying“, the expression “stay up“ means _. A. 逗留 B. 呆坐 C. 熬夜 D. 停止 (B) Welcome to Bangkok. Going around Bangkok is not difficul

17、t. All you need to do is get an address (地址 ), take the underground at a station or get into a taxi. But what should you do if there are no stations around you? Bangkok Map App Download (下载 ) the Bangkok Map App to your mobile phone. Its free but very helpful. Just tell it where you are going, and i

18、t will tell you the right way. Signs in English You can find many signs around Bangkok. Most signs at banks, shopping malls and fast food restaurants are in English. Some of them may not be totally (完全地 ) in English, but one or two words in English may help you. Call 191 If your phone doesnt work we

19、ll or you cant find useful signs, please call 191. The Bangkok police will help you soon. ( ) 6.How many tips does the writer tell us? A. Two B.Three C.Four D.Five ( ) 7.What is the Bangkok Map App like? A.It s expensive. B.It s on a computer. C.It s useless(无用的 ). D.It can help you find the way. (

20、) 8.What do you know about the signs in Bangkok? A. They re all in English. B.There are lots of signs there. C.They re very big. D.They re only near the station. ( ) 9.What is 191? A. The police s phone number in Bangkok B. The writer s phone number. C. The writer s room number D. The number of the

21、signs ( ) 10.Who can be interested in the passage? A. A postman B. A policeman C. A visitor D. A student 五、 词汇应用(共 11 小题;每小题 1 分,计 11 分) ( A) 根据句子意思 , 用括号中所给汉语提示填空。 (每空一词 ) 1. The nurse is kind enough to help those (生病的) people. 2.What can you see (在 .对面 )the bridge? 3. There is little traffic in th

22、e street, so it is very _ (安静 ). 4. They are now_ (准备 ) food and drinks for the party. 5.Ivan lives on the top floor and Mary lives two floors_ him.(在 ? 下 面 ) (B) 根据句子意思 ,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词) =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 6. I dont like (west) food . I like Chinese food 7. An old friend of (she) is coming to see her parents this weekend 8. Sandy will write down her _ (neighbour) names in the notebook. 9.The students are all looking forward to (


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