1、Lesson 11 Etiology 2标题添加点击此处输入相关文本内容点击此处输入相关文本内容前言点击此处输入相关文本内容标题添加点击此处输入相关文本内容3BASIC CHARACTERISTICvsyndrome differentiationvwholism concept: humannaturesociety4What is etiology? equilibriumviseral and tissuesinternal and external environments The cause of disease/ damage equilibrium factors5how eti
2、ology occurs?humannaturesocietyabnormal weather/pestilenceemotions/diet/overstrainpathological factorstrauma,wound,animal bites,etc6 Etiology Development History71.1.N N:(yin/yangyin/yang) 生于阳得之风雨寒暑 ( yang aspect,by wind,rain,cold,summer-( yang aspect,by wind,rain,cold,summer-heat)heat) 生于阴得之饮食居处,阴阳
3、喜怒 (yin as(yin asp pect,by improper diet and living ect,by improper diet and living conditions,conditions,sexual overindulgence and and emotional changes) ) 82 Synopsis of Golden Chamber(金匮要略)“千般疢难, ,不越三条.以此详之,病由都尽。” 金匮要略脏腑经络先后病脉证Disease are exclusively caused by three kinds of pathogenic factors.9一
4、者,经络受邪入脏腑,为内所因也;The first group endogenous ones caused by invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors into the viscera from the meridians.二者,四肢九窍,血脉相传,壅塞不通,为外皮肤所中也;The second group is the ones attacking the skin and stagnating the vessels that connect the four limbs and nine orifices。 三者,房室、金刃、虫兽所伤。The
5、 third group is the injuries caused by sexual indulgence,incised wound andinsect and animal bites。103 3. .陈无择的三因分类法“三因学说” Three categories 外所因external causesexternal causes六淫 内所因internal causesinternal causes七情 不内外因neitherinternal nor externalneitherinternal nor external饮食劳倦、跌仆金刃、虫兽所伤 11(一)Six Exces
6、ses(外感六淫) Wind Cold Summer-heat Dampness Dryness Fire外(风、寒、湿、燥) External (wind, cold, dampness, dryness)12(二)five internal excesses(内生五邪 ) 内(风、寒、湿、燥、火) internal wind internal cold internal dampness internal dryness internal fire13(三)pestilence(疠气 ) a kind of fulminating infectious pathogenic factors
7、. 疠气是一类具有强烈致病性和传染性的病邪。1415 鼠疫、天花、霍乱、白喉等鼠 疫plague天 花smallpox霍 乱cholera白 喉diphtheria16(四)Seven Emotions(七情) Joy,anger,anxiety(忧),thought,sorrow,fear,fright., Sudden,strong,continous emotional stimulation will cause disease.17ANY RESULT?v Affect viscerav Affect Qi-movement18Affect Viscera Excessive ang
8、er damages the liver. 怒伤肝 Excessive joy damages the heart. 喜伤心 Excessive thought damages the spleen. 思伤脾 Excessive anxiety damages the lung. 忧伤肺 Excessive frigh/fear damages the kdney. 恐伤肾19 Affect Qi-movement 怒则气上 Excessive anger drives qi to flow upward.20 喜则气缓 Excessive JOY makesqi sluggish.21 悲则
9、气消 Excessive anxiety anxiety consumes qi .22 思则气结 Excessive thought stagnates qi .23 恐则气下 Excessive fear drives qi to flow downward.24 惊则气乱 Excessive fright disorders qi .25(五) Improper Dietparasitic diseases:ascariasis,oxyuriasis,taeniasis 寄生虫病:蛔虫病,蛲虫病,绦虫病11326饮食偏嗜No predilection for special flavor
10、.Balanced ANDProper DIET.271 10 0种健康食品: 大豆(豆浆,豆奶);花椰菜等十字花科蔬菜(西兰花,卷心菜,白菜等);牛奶、酸奶;海鱼;番茄;黑木耳、松口菇等菌菇类;绿茶;胡萝卜; 荞麦;禽蛋蛋白。10 Nutrient and beneficial food 28five harmful and limited food 5 5种限食食品:高浓度酒烟熏类食品;腌菜类食品;煎炸类食品;含糖饮料。29healthlife prolongbalance 节阴阳而调刚柔。灵枢. .本神 滑寿注难经四十九难说:“夫忧思恚怒,饮食动作,人之所不能无者,发而中节,乌能为害,过
11、则伤人必矣。故善生者,去太去甚,适其中而已。30 Pathogenic factors_Phlegmv有形之痰Sputum expectrated from the throat Sputum expectrated from the throat v无形之痰Formless sputum,ScrofulaFormless sputum,Scrofula(淋巴结核)NodulesNodules(小结节),Etc.,Etc.31Pathogetic feature of phlegmPathogetic feature of phlegm机体组织血脉心脏腑palpitationunconscio
12、usnessdementiavomit,nausea百病多由痰作祟,怪病多痰DIRTYSPUTUMPHLEGM机体组织血脉asmatic cough stomachmindLUNGheart32Liver:hypocondriac pain,massstasisretains COMPLICATED Pathogenic factors_Blood stasisHeart:palpitation,cheast pain,cyanotic nails and lipsLung:hymoptisis,chest painLimbs,muscles:swelling,pain,cyanosisUte
13、rus:abnormal menstruation33PURPLISH TONGUE34肌肤甲错 (squamous 鳞and dry skin)35问题提问与解答问答HERE COMES THE QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION36感谢参与本课程,也感激大家对我们工作的支持与积极的参与。课程后会发放课程满意度评估表,如果对我们课程或者工作有什么建议和意见,也请写在上边结束语37感谢聆听The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make it into a film讲师:XXXX日期:20XX.X月