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1、考点考点1 1动词及动词辨析动词及动词辨析1.(2020天津夏,11)We offered to give Sharon a ride home, but she , saying that she felt like walking.A.understoodB.accepted C.compromisedD.declined答案答案 D句意:我们主动提出让Sharon搭乘我们的车回家,可是她拒绝了,说她想要走路。考查动词辨析。A:理解,明白;B:接受,同意;C:妥协,让步;D:拒绝,下降。根据句意可知答案为D项。2.(2020江苏,27)There will still be lots of

2、 challenges if we are to garbage in a short time.A.clarifyB.justifyC.satisfyD.classify答案答案 D句意:如果我们要在短时间内对垃圾进行分类,仍然会有很多挑战。考查动词词义辨析。A:阐明,澄清;B:证明正确(或正当、有理);C:满足;D:把分类。3.(2019江苏,34)A city is the product of the human hand and mind, mans intelligence and cre-ativity.A.resemblingB.reflectingC.reviewingD.r

3、estoring答案答案 B句意:一座城市是人类的手与大脑的产物,反映出人类的智慧与创造性。考查动词辨析。A:与类似,像;B:反映,反射;C:复习,回顾,给写评论;D:恢复,归还。根据语境可知B项符合题意,现在分词短语在句中作状语。4.(2018天津春,5)Its easy to get lost when you drive in a new city, so its important to a good map before you set out.A.studyB.displayC.deliverD.publish答案答案 A句意:在一座陌生的城市开车时很容易迷路,因此出发前仔细看一份

4、好地图是很重要的。考查动词辨析。study:仔细看;display:展示,陈列;deliver:递送,发表;publish:出版。5.(2018江苏,22)Kids shouldnt have access to violent films because they might the things they see.A.indicateB.investigateC.imitateD.innovate答案答案 C句意:不应该让孩子们看到暴力电影,因为他们可能会模仿自己看到的东西。考查动词辨析。imitate 模仿,效仿;indicate 指出,指示;investigate 调查;innovat

5、e 改革,创新。根据句意可知选C。6.(2017江苏,30)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help your year ahead.A.shapeB.switchC.stretchD.sharpen答案答案 A句意:在年底对一年的成功和失败进行一个快速的回顾会有助于你下一年的发展。考查动词辨析。根据句意可知,应用shape,意为“决定的形成,影响的发展”。7.(2016天津,12)Im going to advantage of this tour to explore the history

6、of the castle.A.putB.makeC.takeD.give答案答案 C句意:我打算利用这次旅行探索那座城堡的历史。考查动词。take advantage of为固定搭配,意为“利用”。8.(2016浙江,8)We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, rather than us.A.divideB.reject C.controlD.abandon答案答案 A句意:当我们学会让我们的分歧团结而不是分裂我们的时候,我们就能取得很大的成就。考查动词辨析。divide分裂;reject拒绝;con

7、trol控制;abandon丢弃,放弃。9.(2016浙江,14)When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that my interest.A.limitedB.reserved C.reflectedD.spoiled答案答案 C句意:当最后决定课程的时间到来时,我决定申请那门反映我兴趣的课程。reflect反映;limit限制;reserve保留;spoil破坏,宠坏。10.(2016江苏,25)He did not easily, but was

8、willing to accept any constructive advice for a wor-thy cause.A.approach B.wrestleC.compromiseD.communicate答案答案 C句意:他不会轻易妥协,但是为了崇高的事业,他愿意接受任何建设性的建议。考查动词辨析。approach接近;wrestle摔跤,扭打;compromise妥协,让步;communicate交流,传达。考点考点2 2动词词组辨析动词词组辨析1.(2020天津夏,8)I never worried about my son while I was away because my

9、 mother him.A.drank a toast toB.played a joke onC.kept an eye onD.made an apology to答案答案 C句意:我不在家期间从不担心我的儿子,因为我母亲照看他。考查动词词组。A:向敬酒;B:戏弄;C:留意,照看;D:向道歉。故选C。2.(2020天津夏,13)We cant buying a new printer for our company. The one we have doesnt work.A.take upB.carry out C.keep onD.put off答案答案 D句意:为我们公司购买一台新打

10、印机的事不能再推迟了,我们现在有的这台不工作了。考查动词词组。A:开始做,占据(时间、空间);B:执行,完成;C:反复做,继续;D:推迟,延期。故选D项。3.(2020江苏,34)The speed of 6G will exceed 125 GB/s, a new generation of virtual reality.A.allowing forB.accounting forC.calling forD.compensating for答案答案 A句意:考虑到新一代的虚拟现实的应用,6G传输速度将超过125 GB每秒。考查动词词组。B:解释,说明;C:要求;D:补偿。根据句意可知选A

11、项。4.(2020天津第一次统考,4)The company is willing to the new technology if it can be shown to reduce production costs.A.look overB.bring in C.put asideD.knock out答案答案 B句意:如果这种新技术能被证明可以降低生产成本的话,这家公司愿意引入它。考查动词词组辨析。look over检查;bring in引入;put aside把放在一边;knock out 完成,快速而轻易地做成。5.(2019天津夏,9)Kate heard a mans voice

12、 in the background, but she couldnt what he was saying.A.set asideB.take backC.make outD.keep off答案答案 C句意:凯特在背景中听到了一个男人的声音,但她不能听清他在说什么。考查动词词组。A:留出;B:收回;D:不接近。6.(2019天津春,12)We are determined that our training should the current development in edu-cation.A.keep pace withB.take possession ofC.make room

13、 forD.give birth to答案答案 A句意:我们决心使我们的培训跟上当前教育的发展。考查动词词组辨析。keep pace with 与步调一致;take possession of 占有;make room for 为腾出空间;give birth to 使产生。故A项正确。7.(2019天津春,2)You should respect the views of others, and at the same time what you think is right.A.care forB.look atC.insist onD.meet with答案答案 C 句意:你应该尊重别人

14、的观点,同时坚持你认为正确的事情。考查动词词组辨析。care for 关心,照顾;look at 看;insist on 坚持;meet with 偶然遇见。故C选项正确。8.(2019江苏,24)More wind power stations will to meet the demand for clean energy.A.take upB.clear up C.hold upD.spring up答案答案 D句意:为了满足对清洁能源的需求,更多的风力发电站将会涌现。考查动词词组辨析。A:开始从事,占据(时间或空间);B:清理,放晴,消失,解决;C:举起,阻挡;D:冒出,涌现。9.(2

15、018天津夏,3)At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but eventually he as she was so confident about her skills.A.gave inB.dressed upC.broke inD.turned up答案答案 A句意:起初罗伯特不让他女儿去潜水,但他最终还是妥协了,因为她对自己的技能很有信心。本题考查动词词组辨析。根据句意可知答案为A。give in屈服,让步;dress up打扮;break in插话;turn up露面。10.(2018天津春,12)When peop

16、le want to expand their knowledge, they usually books that offer useful information.A.point toB.turn toC.attend toD.belong to答案答案 B句意:当人们想要拓展他们的知识时,他们通常求助于能够提供有用信息的书。考查动词词组辨析。turn to求助于,转向;point to指向,提到;attend to照料,处理;belong to属于。11.(2018江苏,25)Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systemat

17、ic project which a clear road map and timetable.A.calls forB.calls onC.calls offD.calls up答案答案 A句意:开发长江经济带是一个系统化的工程,这项工程需要清晰的路线图和时间表。考查动词词组。call for 需要,要求;call on 号召,拜访;call off 取消;call up回想起。12.(2017天津春,11)Before leaving America she much of her furniture to friends and enjoyed letting them have the

18、 pieces they had liked.A.picked upB.gave away C.put downD.set aside答案答案 B句意:离开美国前,她把很多她的家具赠送给了朋友们。能让他们拥有他们喜欢的家具,她感到很高兴。考查动词词组辨析。give away赠送,符合句意。pick up捡起;put down放下;set a-side留出。13.(2017江苏,25)Working with the medical team in Africa has the best in her as a doctor.A.held outB.brought outC.picked out

19、D.given out答案答案 B句意:在非洲医疗队的工作让她作为医生的才能得到了最大限度发挥。考查动词词组辨析。根据句意可知应选B。bring out意为“使显现,使表现出”,常构成bring out the best in sb.这一表达。hold out 坚持;pick out 辨别出;give out 用完,耗尽。14.(2016天津,8)Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she her opin-ion on the subject.A.gave voice toB.kept an

20、eye onC.turned a deaf ear toD.set foot on答案答案 A 句意:在讨论的前期玛丽一言不发,但最后她就这个话题发表了意见。考查动词词组辨析。give voice to表露心声,表白心迹;keep an eye on照看,留意;turn a deaf ear to对充耳不闻;set foot on踏入,踏进。15.(2016天津,14)I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to a conversation with her.A.carry onB.break intoC.turn down

21、D.cut off答案答案 A句意:我讨厌上班时她给我打电话我总是很忙,没法和她进行谈话。考查动词词组辨析。carry on sth.进行(从事)某事;break into破门而入;turn down关小,拒绝;cut off切断。16.(2016浙江,12)When their children lived far away from them, these old people felt from the world.A.carried awayB.broken downC.cut offD.brought up答案答案 C句意:当他们的孩子们住得离他们远时,这些老年人就觉得与世界隔绝了。

22、考查动词词组辨析。cut off使与外界隔绝;carry away强行拿走;break down出故障;bring up抚养。17.(2016江苏,30)Many businesses started up by college students have thanks to the comfort-able climate for business creation.A.fallen offB.taken offC.turned offD.left off答案答案 B句意:多亏适宜创业的宽松氛围,很多大学生创办的公司都已经取得成功。考查动词词组辨析。fall off减少,下降;take of

23、f成功,起飞,脱掉;turn off关闭;leave off停止。18.(2016江苏,33)Parents should actively urge their children to the opportunity to join sports teams.A.gain admission toB.keep track of C.take advantage ofD.give rise to答案答案 C句意:父母应该积极敦促自己的孩子利用这个机会加入体育队。考查动词词组。gain admission to允许进入;keep track of与保持联系;take advantage of利用

24、;give rise to引起,使发生。A A组考点基础题组组考点基础题组考点考点1 1动词及动词辨析动词及动词辨析1.(2020天津南开上学期期末,6)If you have any doubts about your health, youd better your doctor at once. A.convinceB.consult C.avoidD.affect答案答案 B句意:如果你对你的健康有任何疑问,你最好立即咨询你的医生。考查动词辨析。con-vince说服,信服;consult咨询,参考;avoid避免;affect影响。故选B。2.(2020天津南开线上自检,3)A Ch

25、inese proverb has it that a tower is built when soil on earth , and a river is formed when streams come together.A.accumulatesB.accelerates C.accommodatesD.associates 答案答案 A句意:中国有句谚语:聚沙成塔,汇溪成河。考查动词辨析。accumulate积累;accelerate加速;accommodate为提供食宿;associate联系。故选A。3.(2020天津河西线上自检,10)The ringing bell the e

26、nd of the last class on Friday afternoon. Students rushed out of the classrooms and headed back to their dormitories.A.confirmedB.predicted C.indicatedD.instructed 答案答案 C句意:铃声响起表明周五下午最后一节课结束了。学生们冲出教室返回他们的宿舍。考查动词辨析。confirm确认;predict预测;indicate表明;instruct指导,教。故选C。4.(2020天津河北一模,5)How did you like Nicks

27、 performance last night?To be honest, his singing didnt to me much. A.appeal B.belong C.refer D.occur答案答案 A句意:你觉得尼克昨晚的表演如何?实话实说,他的演唱没有太吸引到我。考查动词辨析。 appeal to吸引,呼吁;belong to属于;refer to指的是,涉及;occur to 发生。故选A。5.(2019天津和平一模,3)Mr. Wilson is a man of patience and kindness, and his good temper never him.A.

28、failsB.disappointsC.controlsD.worries答案答案 A句意:Wilson先生是一个既有耐心又善良的人,他脾气一直很好。考查动词辨析。dis-appoint 使失望;control 控制;worry 使担忧;fail 有负于。本句中never 与fails 连用是双重否定表示肯定,即:Wilson先生脾气一直很好。6.(2019天津河西二模,5)After years of research, scientists have the virus that is responsible for the disease.A.distinguishedB.realize

29、dC.identifiedD.recognized答案答案 C句意:经过多年的研究,科学家们已经发现导致这种疾病的病毒。考查动词辨析。dis-tinguish 区分,辨别;realize 意识到;identify 识别,发现;recognize 认出。7.(2019天津红桥二模,3)The Chinese government has begun a campaign to the crazy housing market.A.calmB.destroyC.occupyD.reflect答案答案 A句意:中国政府(已经)开始一场平息疯狂的住房市场的运动。考查动词辨析。calm 使平静;dest

30、roy 毁坏;occupy 使忙于,占据;reflect 显示,反映。8.(2019天津十二校二模,12)Only after he was brought to the police station did the boy he had stolen some purses from other passengers.A.participateB.acknowledgeC.realizeD.summarize答案答案 B句意:在被带到警察局之后,这个男孩才承认他偷了其他乘客的一些钱包。考查动词辨析。participate 参加;acknowledge 承认;realize 意识到;summa

31、rize 总结。9.(2019天津十二校一模,4)In a competitive marketplace, finding the key factor that your busi-ness from others is highly valuable.A.defendsB.distinguishesC.prohibitsD.selects答案答案 B 句意:在有竞争力的市场中,找到能区分你的公司和其他公司的关键因素是非常有价值的。考查动词辨析。defend 防御;distinguish 区分;prohibit禁止;select 挑选。10.(2019天津南开一模,6)Let Harry

32、play with your toys as well, Clareyou must learn to .A.supportB.careC.spareD.share答案答案 D句意:克莱尔,让哈里也和你一起玩玩具吧,你应该学会分享。考查动词辨析。support 支持,支撑;care 关心,在意;spare 匀出,抽出;share 分享。11.(2018天津河西一模,5)Susan has more than 5,000 dollars in the last three months, with which she can buy new bicycles for those poor chi

33、ldren.A.acceleratedB.accompaniedC.accumulatedD.acknowledged答案答案 C句意:苏珊在过去的三个月里积攒了5,000多美元。她可以用这笔钱为那些贫穷的孩子买新自行车。考查动词辨析。accumulate积累;accelerate(使)加速;accompany陪伴,陪同;acknowl-edge承认。12.(2018天津南开一模,1)We all goodbye to my father as he was on the train to Beijing.A.madeB.shookC.paidD.waved答案答案 D句意:在我父亲登上去北京

34、的火车时,我们都向他挥手告别。wave goodbye to sb.意为“向某人挥手道别”,为固定搭配。13.(2018天津和平一模,3)It doesnt matter what you say;what is what you do.A.countsB.applies C.stressesD.inspires答案答案 A句意:你说什么并不重要,重要的是你做什么。考查动词辨析。count(=matter)重要,要紧。apply应用,运用;stress强调;inspire 鼓舞,激励,启迪。14.(2018天津河东一模,9)Mike is looking for another job bec

35、ause he feels that nothing he does his boss.A.servesB.satisfiesC.promisesD.supports答案 B句意:迈克正在寻找另一份工作,因为他觉得他做什么都不能使他老板满意。考查动词辨析。satisfy使满意;serve服务;promise许诺;support支持。15.(2018天津一中第四次月考,3)The shopkeeper wanted to sell me the dress for 30 dollars, and I wanted to pay 20 dollars for it, so we on 25 dol

36、lars.A.commemoratedB.compromisedC.concludedD.concentrated答案答案 B句意:店主想以30美元的价格卖给我这条裙子,而我想花20美元买它,所以我们各让一步,以25美元成交。考查动词辨析。compromise (为达成协议而)妥协,让步;commemorate纪念,庆祝;conclude结束,终止,推断;concentrate集中。考点考点2 2动词词组辨析动词词组辨析1.(2020天津南开上学期期末,4)In Britain today women 44% of the workers and nearly half the mothers

37、 with children are in paid work. A.go upB.bring up C.hold upD.make up答案答案 D句意:在如今的英国,妇女占工人的44%,有孩子的母亲中有近一半从事有薪工作。考查动词词组辨析。go up意为“上升”;bring up意为“养育”;hold up意为“举起”;make up意为“组成”,根据句意和各个选项可知答案选D。2.(2020天津和平线上自检,6)Ive made some really good friends at the gym. Talking to people as you is a good way to g

38、et to know them.A.get downB.stand by C.hang outD.work out答案答案 D句意:我在健身房交了一些很好的朋友。在锻炼时和别人交谈是了解他们的好方法。考查动词词组辨析。get down写下,记下;stand by做好准备,袖手旁观;hang out闲逛;work out锻炼身体,做运动。3.(2020天津河西线上自检,4)The young mans face when the boss told him what a nice job he had done.A.brought upB.lit up C.put upD.took up 答案答

39、案 B句意:当老板表扬这个年轻人的工作做得很好时,他的脸上露出喜色。考查动词词组辨析。 bring up 养育;light up 露出喜色;put up 建造,举起,张贴;take up 继续。故选B。4.(2020天津河东线上自检, 7)How did it that you made so many mistakes in your home-work?I myself have had no idea about it.A.bring aboutB.come about C.come acrossD.occur to 答案答案 B句意:你的作业里怎么会有这么多错误? 我自己也不知道。br

40、ing about引起;come about发生;come across偶遇; occur to被想起。故选B。5.(2019天津河东一模,7)Do you think Peter is a good partner?Not really! There are some things that are not easy to ,and his laziness is one.A.put upB.put up withC.think of D.get along with答案答案 B句意:你认为彼得是一个好伙伴吗?不完全是!有些让人不易容忍的事,他的懒惰就是一个。考查动词词组辨析。put up举

41、起,张贴; put up with 忍受;think of 想起;get along with 与和睦相处。6.(2019天津二模,11)I am wondering how it that you did so much work within such a short time.A.held up B.came aboutC.gave awayD.called for答案 B句意:我想知道你是怎么做到在如此短的时间内做完那么多工作的。考查动词词组辨析。hold up 阻碍,举起;come about 发生,产生;give away 泄露,捐赠;call for 需要。7.(2019天津质调

42、一,2)He liked the lovely dog so much that he his book and played with it immediately.A.gave offB.set asideC.took overD.turned down答案答案 B句意:他如此喜欢这只可爱的狗,以至于他放下手中的书,立即和它玩耍起来。本题考查动词词组辨析。set aside 把放到一旁(或搁到一边);give off 散发出;take over 接管;turn down 拒绝,调低。8.(2018天津十二校二联,3)The director had to one or two scenes

43、 in the play because of the time problem.A.find outB.make outC.leave outD.reach out答案答案 C句意:由于时间问题,导演不得不在剧中删去一两场戏。考查动词词组。leave out意为“遗漏,不包括”,符合语境。find out发现,弄清,查明;make out理解,辨认出;reach out伸出。9.(2018天津部分区质调二,11)The actress had to learn to her fear of the public.A.take overB.come acrossC.get overD.get

44、across答案答案 C句意:这位女演员必须学会克服她对公众的恐惧。考查动词词组。get over意为“克服”,符合语境。take over接管;come across偶遇,偶然发现;get across(使)被理解,(使)被接受。10.(2018天津南开三模,6)Your composition is too long.You should some unimportant details to make it shorter.A.put out B.find out C.give out D.leave out答案答案 D句意:你的作文太长了。你应该省略一些不重要的细节,使它更短。考查动词

45、词组。leave out“省略,忽略”符合句意。put out生产,出版,扑灭;find out(通过调查研究)弄清,查明;give out分发,公布。B B组专题综合题组组专题综合题组(时间:90分钟分值:100分)1.(2020天津和平线上自检,3)What happened to her?She was to hospital with a soaring temperature.A.adaptedB.adjustedC.admittedD.adopted答案答案 C句意:她怎么了? 她由于体温骤升被送进医院。 考查动词辨析。adapt 使适应;adjust调整;admit接收入院,收治

46、;adopt收养。故选C。2.(2020天津南开线上自检,14)Billy Crystal will host the Academy Awards again this year, and his performances always the expectations of most audiences.A.sign up forB.drop out of C.give in toD.live up to 答案答案 D句意:今年Billy Crystal将再次主持奥斯卡金像奖,他的表现总是不辜负大多数观众的期待。考查动词词组辨析。 sign up for报名(参加课程);drop out

47、of退出;give in to屈服于;live up to达到,不辜负。故选D。3.(2020天津和平一模,2)Careers officers contact with young people when they have left school in case they need help in job-hunting.A.maintainB.dismiss C.abandonD.hold答案答案 A句意:就业顾问师在年轻人毕业后也会与他们保持联系,以防他们在找工作时需要帮助。考查动词辨析。 maintain维持,维护;dismiss解散,解雇;abandon抛弃;hold抓住,容纳,拥

48、有。故选A。4.(2020天津河东一模,7)The special knowledge is through families, which means that new generations continue to use ancient methods to maintain the tradition.A.taken downB.turned down C.stepped downD.passed down答案答案 D 句意:这种特殊的知识是通过家庭世代相传的,这意味着后代的人继续使用古老的方法来保持传统。考查动词词组辨析。take down拆掉;turn down调小,拒绝;step

49、 down让位,退位;pass down使世代相传。故选D。5.(2020天津红桥一模,10)Everyone who reached the top of Mount Tai was with a magnificent view.A.awardedB.admired C.rewardedD.appreciated答案答案 C句意:登顶泰山的每个人都会得到看到壮丽的景色的奖赏。考查动词。be rewarded with得到的奖赏。故选C。答案答案 C句意:目击者把她看到的一切都告诉了警察,注意不漏掉任何细节。考查动词词组辨析。 put out扑灭;give out分发;leave out漏掉

50、;look out小心。故选C。6.(2020天津南开一模,6)The witness told the police everything she had seen, being careful not to any details.A.put outB.give out C.leave outD.look out7.(2020天津和平二模,4)Alzheimers disease is as the most common mental disease among older people, and the number of sufferers is growing.A.judgedB.


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