Unit 1 Face values 重点短语句型检测 -(2019)新外研版高中英语高三选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、选择性必修三 Unit 1 Face values 重点短语句型:P24 Understanding Ideas:1. 满意外表 _2. 老一代人 _3. 从的角度 _4. 欣赏自己的美 _5. 如歌中唱到 _6. 相貌平平 _7. 好看 _8. 发现自拍软件 _9. 编辑自拍 _10. 查手机,看评论 _11. 使信心激增 _12. 谁在乎? _13. 表明缺乏信心 _14. (表明)对关注的渴望 _15. 获取别人赞扬 _16. 假装是某人 _17. 常会错误判断自己 _18. 在乎我的外表 _19. 搬进宿舍 _20. 使某人疑惑 _21. 穿同样的衣服 _22. 日复一日 _23. 给

2、某人报名参加电视节目 _ 24. 觉得怪 _25. 从头到脚审视某人 _26. 对感到惊讶 _27. 人生第一次 _28. 认为自己是个英俊体面的年轻人 _29. 外在美 _30. 内在美 _31. 某人个性的表达 _32. 给别人留下美好而积极的印象 _33. 在中起作用 _34. 向世界呈现自己形象 _35. 努力提升自己的外表 _ 36. 凝望;盯着 _37. 讨厌自己的样子 _38. 驱使我竭尽全力减肥 _39. 给我带来的只有痛苦和不健康 _40. 偶然读到一位身材魁梧的模特的成功故事 _41. 充满 _42. 身心健康 _43. 一周几次 _44. 保持健康_45. 自信地接受这种

3、美 _46. 钦佩某人做事方式 _47. 说服某人做 _48. 警告某人当心 _49. 减肥的危害 _50. 积极正面评论 _P57 Using language:51. 一个众所周知的事实 _52. 比如说 _53. 脸上永远带着微笑 _54. 听起来开心 _55. 某人工作的本质 _56. 表面大笑 _57. 内心哭泣 _58. 推测关于某事 _59. 申请成为 _60. 女伞兵 _61. 私下;秘密地 _62. 在20年时间里 _63. 创国内记录 _64. 年纪最大的女伞兵 _65. 把全部积蓄捐给家乡_66. 支持当地教育和公共福利事业 _67. 正如你所见 _68. 总而言之 _6

4、9. 变成 _70. 认为他吓人 _71. 做某事犹豫 _72. 成长为 _73. 坚持真我,忠于自我 _74. 失去希望 _75. 在对爱与幸福的探索追寻中 _76. 有胆小敏感性格 _77. 使某人相信 _78. 表现英勇 _79. 一个勇敢的人 _80. 看起来顽强 _81. 缺乏信心(动宾) _82. 事实上 _83. 乐于迎接危险挑战 _84. 做对的事 _P810 Developing Ideas:85. 在公共场合下 _86. 对的呼唤/需求 _87. 迈步向前_88. 出于怜悯_89. 给提供水 _90. 俘获某人的心 _ 91. 被判死刑 _92. 从 救出_93. 免于被处

5、决 _94. 沉默地 _95. 她所不能理解 _96. 适应 _97. 打破沉默 _98. 发自内心的同情 _99. 与她的精致美丽相比 (介词短语) _ 100. 在任何情况下 _101. 在此时此刻 _102. 把与相比 (动词) _103. 觉得同情_104. 坦白地说 _ 105. 一缕阳光 _106. 一滴露水 _107. 企图绑架某人 _108. 用我的生命回报_109. 满心温柔地 _110. 是某事成为维护尊严的事 / 道义上的事 _111. 不让眼泪流下来 _ 112. (P10 T& S) 唤醒我们对外表和个人品质的意识 _113. (P10-4) 经历情感变化 _114.

6、 把你的想法呈现给全班 _P11. Writing:115. 文学作品 _116. 关心自己的快乐 _117. 不顾别人的痛苦 _118. 以开始 _119. 找人画像 _120. 保持年轻帅气 _121. 惊讶地发现 _122. (愿望)成真 _123. 呈现出残忍样貌 _124. 把藏起来 _125. 接下来的18年 _126. 干各种坏事 _127. 显露他内心的丑恶 _128. 害怕 _129. 开始新生活 _130. 依然如故 _131. 使某人想起 _132. 感到绝望 _133. 有善良的心 _134. 牺牲自己 _135. 追求外在美和欢愉 _136. 导致他最终的毁灭 _重点

7、句型:1. 过度修饰上传照片表明缺乏自信和何求关注。 (P2)2. 内在美固然重要,外在美也不该完全被忽视。 (P3)3. 外在美可以成为对我们个性的表达,能帮我们给别人留下积极的第一印象,且能增强自信。 (自己总结一下P3)4. 我的焦虑驱使我想尽办法减肥,但带来的只有痛苦和不健康。(P3)5.人们向世界展示的面孔常常和他们的真正人格不相符。 (P5)6. 她难以理解一个人怎么可以长得如此畸形。 (P8)7. 他一生只顾自己的快乐,不顾给别人带来的痛苦。8. 他牺牲了真正的自我,只为追求外表面和欢愉,结果导致最终的灭亡。短语答案:1. be satisfied / happy with on

8、es looks2. older generations3. in terms of4. appreciate the beauty in themselves5. as a song puts it,6. be plain-looking7. look good /(be) good-looking8. discover selfie apps9. edit ones / the selfies10. check ones phone for comments11. boost ones confidence12. Who cares?13. indicate a lack of self-

9、confidence14. (indicate) a desire for attention15. obtain the praise of others16. pretend to be someone (else)17. tend to misjudge themselves / oneself18. care about my appearance19. move into ones dormitory20. make sb. confused21. (be) in the same clothes22. day after day23. register sb. for a TV p

10、rogramme24. feel bizarre25. review sb. / be review from head to toe26. be surprised at27. for the first time in ones life28. see myself as a handsome and well-presented young man29. external beauty30. inner / internal beauty31. an expression of ones personality32. make a good and positive impression

11、 on others33. play a part in34. present ones image to the world35. make an effort with ones appearance36. stare at sb. /sth.37. hate the way (in which / that) I look(ed)38. drive me to try every means possible to lose weight39. bring me nothing but pain and poor health40. come across the success sto

12、ry of a plus-size model41. (be) full of42. mental and physical health43. a couple of times a week44. keep fit45. wear (that) beauty with confidence46. admire the way (in which / that) sb. does sth.47. persuade sb. to do48. warn sb. about / of .49. the physical danger of losing weight50. (the) positi

13、ve comments51. a well-known fact52. for instance / for example53. have permanent smiles on their faces54. sound cheerful55. the nature of ones work56. laugh on the outside57. cry on the inside58. make assumptions about sth.59. apply to be60. a female paratrooper 61. in secret62. over a period of 20

14、years63. set a national record64. the oldest enlisted woman to do a parachute jump65. donate her entire life savings to her hometown66. support local education and public welfare67. as you can see,68. to sum up69. transform into70. regard him as frightful (or monstrous)71. hesitate to do72. grow up

15、to be73. remain true to oneself74. lose hope75. in ones / the search for love and happiness76. has a timid and sensitive character77. cause sb. to believe78. perform brave actions79. a courageous individual80. appear to be tough81. lack confidence82. in reality83. be ready for a dangerous challenge8

16、4. do the right thing85. in public 86. ones / the call for (water)87. step forward88. out of mercy89. offera drink of water90. capture ones heart91. be sentenced to death92. rescue sb. from93. be safe from execution94. doin silence95. beyond her / ones comprehension96. adjust to sth.97. break the si

17、lence98. a heartfelt compassion99. next to her exquisite beauty100. in any case101. at the present moment102. compare sb. to sb.103. feel an pity for sb104. (to) be honest105. a ray of sunshine106. a drop of dew107. attempt to kidnap sb.108. repay with my / ones life109. with profound tenderness110.

18、 make a point of hono(u)r 111. keep ones tear(s) at bay112. raise our awareness of physical appearance and personal qualities113. experience emotional changes114. present your ideas to the class115. a literary work116. be concerned with ones own pleasure117. regardless of others suffering118. start

19、/ begin with119. have ones portrait painted120. remain young and good-looking121. be surprised to find122. come true123. take on a cruel look124. hide sth. away125. (for) the next 18 years126. engage in various evil deeds127. reveal his inner ugliness128. (come to) be fearful129. start a new life130

20、. remain the same131. remind sb. of132. feel desperate133. have a good heart134. sacrifice oneself / ones true self135. in pursuit of / pursue physical beauty and pleasure136. lead to his destruction in the end1. Obsessive online photo editing indicates a lack of self-confidence and a desire for att

21、ention. 2. Inner beauty is very important, but external beauty shouldnt be completely overlooked.3. External beauty can be an expression of our personalities, helping us make a good and positive impression on others and boost our confidence. 4. My anxiety drove me to try every means possible to lose

22、 weight, but this brought me nothing but pain and poor health.5. The faces some people show to the world might be completely different to / from their real personalities.6. How anyone could be formed in such a way was beyond her comprehension.7. He spends his life only concerned with his own pleasure, regardless of the suffering he brings to others.8. He sacrifices his true self in pursuit of physical beauty and pleasure, which leads to his destruction in the end. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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