Unit5 Learning from nature 语言知识学案-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册高三一轮复习.doc

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1、2019年新外研社高中英语选择性必修三Unit5 Learning from nature2022届高三一轮复习 语言知识复习学案inspire教材语境P50 It is natural to think in this way , but of course it wasnt the umbrella that inspired the flower or the roof that inspired the pine cone.这样想很正常,但当然不是伞给了花灵感,也不是屋顶给了松果灵感。用法详解(1)vt. (常用于被动语态)赋予灵感,引起联想,启发思考英汉翻译练习:The choice

2、 of the decoration was inspired by a trip to Suzhou._This piece of music was inspired by dolphin sound._(2)vt.激励,鼓舞常见搭配inspire sb. (to sth. )鼓舞某人(使其.inspire sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事英汉翻译练习:His superb play inspired the team to a thrilling 5-0 win._The sunny weather inspired me to explore the woods._(3)v

3、t.使产生(感觉或情感)常见搭配inspire sb. with sth. ( = inspire sth. in sb. )使某人产.感觉/情感The fathers words and company inspired his son with confidence. ( = The fathers words and company inspired confidence in his son. )_联想串记相关词语积累:inspire vt.赋予灵感,引起联想,启发思考;激励,鼓舞;使产生(感觉或情感)inspiration n. U灵感;C,usually sing. 鼓舞人心的人或

4、事inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的,激励的,启发灵感的语境串记I was inspired by his inspiring remarks,which brought me creative inspiration. _1.语法填空My thanks should go to those inspiring me_( go) ahead and giving me support as well.When asked where her _of the novel came from, she said her fathers _words _her to write it. ( in

5、spire)2.读后续写( inspire, take. for granted,stick with )At a time, Li Hua was in a poor state of health and often felt down. Concerned about his health, his head teacher told him_.答案解析 1. to goinspiration; inspiring; inspired2. not to take his health for granted and that it was important to remember th

6、e body needed proper care in order to be healthy. Inspired by the teachers words, Li Hua stuck with exercise every day. Now he is in good health and feels energetic every day.shape教材语境P51 Shaped to resemble a lotus flower, it appears to float above the waterfront promenade and the water that surroun

7、ds it.它的形状像一朵莲花,似乎漂浮在滨水区的滨海步行大道和环绕它的水面上。用法详解(1)使成为形状(或样子),塑造;决定.的形成,影响.的发展英汉翻译练习:The children are shaping the sand into a tower. _Childhood experiences often play a great part in shaping ones character._(2)n. C,U形状,外形.样子:U状况,情况常见搭配in the shape of. 以.的形式;呈.的形状in shape在形状上;健康的( shape前可加good)out of sha

8、pe变形的,走样的;身体不好,不健康(shape前无冠词)take shape成形;有了模样英汉翻译练习:The cloud in the shape of a horse came near._The picture is round in shape._She jogs for an hour every morning to keep/ stay in shape_The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape._I hadnt been training for months and was really out of shape._An

9、 idea was beginning to take shape in his mind after he watched that inspiring movie._用shape的相关短语完成句子1.你一直坐在我的帽子上,现在它都严重变形了。You have been sitting on my hat and now_.2.那个游泳池形状像鲸鱼。The swimming pool_.3.作为那个年纪的人来说,他身体不错。_of his age.4.那些工人领取了以公司产品的形式发放的报酬。The workers got a reward_.答案解析 1. it is badly out

10、of shape2. is like a whale in shape3. He is in good shape for a man4. in the shape of their companys productspower教材语境P51 The panels also capture heat from the sun and convert it into energy that powers the building.这些嵌板还能从太阳中吸收热量,并将其转化为为建筑供电的能量。用法详解(1)vt. (常用于被动语态)驱动,推动(机器或车辆)英汉翻译练习:Its said that t

11、his kind of battery could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge._This car is powered by solar batteries._(2)n. U电力供应;能,能量;力,力量常见搭配a power failure/cut停电a power plant发电厂(wind/ solar/ nuclear power风能/太阳能核能英汉翻译练习:Parts of the city have had power cuts because of the storms._Solar power i

12、s known as the ideal energy._Every storm is an example of the power of nature._(3)n. U统治,政权;(人的)能力;(某事物或社会集团的)影响力,势力;C)有影响力的大国,军事强国常见搭配be in power执政(强调状态)come to power开始掌权执政(强调动作)within ones power在某人能力/权力范围之内beyond ones power某人能力所不能及英汉翻译练习:The party came to power at the last election._As your closes

13、t friend, I will do everything within my power to help you out of your trouble._She interviewed six women who have reached positions of great power and influence. _The first few years in the 2lst century has seen the rapid rise of China as a worldeconomic power. _归纳拓展相关词语积累:powerful adj. (人)有影响力的;强有

14、力的a powerful organization有影响力的组织powerful reasons/ arguments有说服力的理由/论据1.判断下列句子中power的词性及含义The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a symbol of courage and power.Suddenly the screen went blank and the power was cut off.One day your pocket might power your smartphone. Soon you may never h

15、ave to worry about your smartphone running out of electricity.2.语法填空(2020.广东佛山模考)A smile is perhaps the most common facial expression and is a_(power)way of expressing positive emotions.Im afraid its not _my power to get the work done in such a short time.I am sorry its_my power to make a final deci

16、sion on the project.答案解析 1.n. 力量n.电力供应vt. 驱动2.powerfulwithin beyondchallenge教材语境P51 To meet the needs of today while protecting the world of tomorrow may be a challenge, but even the simplest organisms can help teach us how to achieve this.满足当今的需求同时保护明天的世界也许是一个挑战,但即使最简单的生物也能教我们如何实现这一点。用法详解(1)n C挑战;艰

17、巨任务:挑战书,(比赛等的)邀请,提议常见搭配face a challenge面临挑战accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战meet a challenge迎接挑战英汉翻译练习:Ive promised to finish the task by Friday, but its going to be quite a challenge._When you face a challenge, you must believe you can overcome it and never give up._He is very confident and always re

18、ady to accept take up any challenge._Life is a challenge, and only those who are brave to meet the challenge truly know what it means._They threw down the challenge that he couldnt wash 40 cars in one hour._(2)vt. .对.怀疑(或质疑) ,拒绝接受;向(某人)挑战,(尤指在对方不情愿时)强烈建议(某人做某事)常见搭配challenge sb. to sth.向某人挑战某事challen

19、ge sb. to do sth. (尤指在对方不情愿时)强烈建议某人做某事challenge the fact that.事实提出异议英汉翻译练习:Mary challenged me to another game of tennis._He left a note at the scene of the crime, challenging detectives to catch him._Nowadays no one will challenge the fact that the earth goes round the sun. _联想串记相关词语积累:Challenge n.

20、C挑战;艰巨任务;vt.对.怀疑( 或质疑);向(某人)挑战challenging adj.挑战性的Challenger n. C挑战者1.语法填空I, as the first_in my class,_ Li Hua, who was good at English, to remember 20 new words within half an hour. It was really a_thing, and he gladly accepted the_2.结合challenge的用法完成句子当我面临挑战时,我总会对自己说做你自己。_,I always say to myself Be

21、 yourself.昨天下午我们班里的女孩们向男孩们挑战打篮球。The girls in our class_a basketball game yesterday afternoon.答案解析 1. challenger; challenged;challenging; challenge。 句意:我作为班内第一位挑战者 向擅长英语的李华挑战在半个小时内记住20个新单词。这真是一件具有挑战性的事。他愉快地接受了这个挑战。2.When I face challengeschallenged the boys toemploy教材语境P54 Inspired by dolphins, peopl

22、e have learnt how to send signals underwater, which is currently employed in tsunami early-warning systems.人们受到海系的启发,学会了如何在水下发送信号,如今,这项技术被应用于海啸早期预警系统中。用法详解常见搭配employ vt.应用,运用,使用;雇用employ sb. as. 雇用某人为.employ sb. to do sth.雇用某人做某事be employed in ( doing) sth. 从事于,忙于(做)某事英汉翻译练习:The children should be t

23、aught how to employ their spare time properly._His elder brother is employed as a cook in a big restaurant._Every autumn, they employ casual workers to pick the fruit._She was employed in making a list of all the work to be done this week._联想串记(1)相关词语积累:Employ vt应用,运用,使用;雇用Employer n.C雇用者, 雇主,老板empl

24、oyee n.C受雇者,雇工,雇员Employment nU, C工作,职业,受雇; U就业;雇用Full/part-time employment全职/兼职工作(2)表示”雇用的其他词语:take on,hire等。表示解雇,开除的词语fire/lay off等。语法填空1. His mother is employed_ an accountant (会计) in an international company.2. The college actually employed her_( take)over the DNA project.3. My friend Chris has b

25、een employed_writing a new book these days.4._rate has increased recently. The reason is that a lot of companies want to_enough workers. Also, offer higher pay to the qualified_(employ).答案解析 1.as 句意:他母亲被一家国际公司聘用为会计。2.to take。句意:事实上,学院聘请她来接管DNA项目3.in。 句意:我的朋友克里斯最近一直在忙着写一本新书。4. Employment; employ; emp

26、loyers;employees。句意:最近就业率有所攀升,原因是许多公司想雇用足够的人手。此外,老板也给符合资格的雇员支付更高的工资。credit教材语境P55 As a physician during the Han Dynasty, Hua Tuo is often credited with being the first in China to use anesthesia during surgery.作为一名汉朝医师,华佗经常被誉为中国外科手术中使用麻醉的第一人。用法详解(1)vt. (常用于被动语态)认为.的功劳,把.归于;认为.有良好的品质或特点)常见搭配credit sb

27、. with ( doing) sth. 相信某人有某优点(做了某件好事)credit A with B/credit B to A把B归功于A英汉翻译练习:Evans is credited with inventing the system. _Please credit me with honesty._The company is credited with developing the industrial robot._Much of the teams success can be credited to their manager._(2) n.U赊购,赊欠常见搭配on cre

28、dit赊购,贷款Nowadays, many new cars are bought on credit._(3)n. U(借钱偿还的)信用,信誉It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payments may affect your credit._(4)n. U认可,赞扬,称赞常见搭配give sb. credit for. .而称赞某人do sb. credit/do credit to sb. /sth. 使值得赞扬(或表扬)to sb. s credit使值得赞扬,使受尊重英汉翻译练习:Lets gi

29、ve him credit for the success of the project._Your honesty does you great credit. _To his credit, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened._熟词生义你知道下面例句中credit 的词性及含义吗?You must pass the examination to get credits for the course.点拨:n. C学分1.判断下列句子中credit的含义During my second year at the city coll

30、ege, I was told that the education department was offering an elective course for three credits.I cant take all the credit for the shows success一it was a team effort.You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is good.2.完成句子值得赞扬的是,尽管天气恶劣,工人们还是按时完成了工程任务,_the workers managed to complete

31、 the project on time in spite of the bad weather.普遍认为是他首先开始了自由诗的写作。_free verse.答案解析 1.学分。 句意:我在市立大学上大二时,有人告诉我,教育系提供一门3个学分的选修课程。赞扬。句意:这次演出成功,不是我一个人的功劳,这是我们团队的努力带来的信用。句意:如果你的信用好的话,你贷款应该不会有什么困难。3. To their creditHe is credited with the beginning of writingwithdraw教材语境P57 Both men were happy to withdraw

32、 from contemporary life,seeking a harmonious relationship with nature in the quietness of their lives. 两人都乐于退出当时的生活,在平静的生活中寻求与自然和谐相处。用法详解(1)vi. 离开(尤指想独处或去安静的地方)常见搭配withdraw from.离开.withdraw to.到.We withdrew to the garden for a private talk. _(2)v.& vi. (使)撤回,撤离;(使)退出常见搭配withdraw . from sth.使 .从.撤离;使

33、.从.退出.英汉翻译练习She withdrew her hand from her pocket._A knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition. _(3)vt.提,取(银行账户中的款)常见搭配withdraw money (from.) (.取款)He withdrew¥500 from his account.他从他的账户中取了500元。_(4)vt.收回,撤回,撤销(说过的话)I insist that you withdraw your offensive remarks immediately.withdraw本

34、身已经包含.回之意,故不能再和back连用,用法类似的动词还有return, repay等。1.语法填空He was in no mood for talking to anyone and looked for a chance to withdraw_the party. I made the choice to withdraw_college to care for my grandma.2.翻译句子You are allowed to withdraw $ 1 ,000 a month from the account.The horse was withdrawn from the

35、 race.The newspaper withdrew the remarks the next day.答案解析 1. fromfrom2.允许你每个月从这个账户上提取1 000美元。那匹马被停赛了。这家报纸第二天收回了这些评论。reject教材语境P57 It takes considerable courage to reject the easy and familiar and instead try to live closer to nature, as both Tao and Thoreau did. 像陶渊明和梭罗那样,拒绝轻松又熟悉的生活,而尽力去更接近自然,需要相当大的勇气。用法详解(1)v. 拒绝接受,不予考虑;拒收,不录用,拒绝接纳;(因质量差)不用,不出售,不出版常见搭配reject an argument/a claim/a decision/ an offer/a suggestion 拒绝接受一个论点/一项要求/一个决定/-一项提议/


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