Unit 5 A delicate world Listening ppt课件(含学案)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.rar

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  • Unit 5 A delicate world Listening ppt课件(含学案)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册
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1Unit 5 A delicate world Listening听力原文:Meg: Hey Ollie, have you heard that the bee population is declining?Ollie: No, I havent. But, thinking about it, I hardly ever see bees these days. When I was little, they seemed to be everywhere!Meg: If bees die out, humans will die out too.Ollie: What?! You must be kidding! I dont believe it!Meg: Its a fact! I watched a nature documentary all about it the other evening. Bees are very important to our food supplyOllie: How can that be possible? Humans wont die out just because theres no honey!Meg: Bees dont just make honey. Dont forget that bees are also responsible for pollinating plants. Without them, crops would be unable to reproduce.Ollie: But surely there are other ways of getting these crops to reproduce. Does it have to be bees? Meg: Well, there are other insects that pollinate plants, but its unlikely that they would be able to fully compensate for the loss of bees. Bees are responsible for pollinating about 70% of the species of crops. Ollie: Are you sure about that data? It sounds rather exaggerated Meg: Watch the documentary and check it out for yourself if you dont believe me. Without bees, numerous plant species would die out. Animals that live on the crops would die out, and we wouldnt have enough to eat.Ollie: Seriously? Thats scary! But looking on the bright side, there are millions and millions of bees. Theyre not going to die out any time soon. Meg: Im afraid youre wrong. The bee population is declining very quickly. According to statistics, bee numbers in the US have fallen by 17% in just one year Ollie: Gosh! What caused that? Meg: A combination of things, really, but its mainly due to damage to their habitats caused by pesticides and climate change. Ollie: So human activity is the main cause? Meg: Thats right. Ollie: Well, in that case, wed better do something before its too late.Unit 5 A delicate world Listening听力原文:Meg: Hey Ollie, have you heard that the bee population is declining?Ollie: No, I havent. But, thinking about it, I hardly ever see bees these days. When I was little, they seemed to be everywhere!Meg: If bees die out, humans will die out too.Ollie: What?! You must be kidding! I dont believe it!Meg: Its a fact! I watched a nature documentary all about it the other evening. Bees are very important to our food supplyOllie: How can that be possible? Humans wont die out just because theres no honey!Meg: Bees dont just make honey. Dont forget that bees are also responsible for pollinating plants. Without them, crops would be unable to reproduce.Ollie: But surely there are other ways of getting these crops to reproduce. Does it have to be 2bees? Meg: Well, there are other insects that pollinate plants, but its unlikely that they would be able to fully compensate for the loss of bees. Bees are responsible for pollinating about 70% of the species of crops. Ollie: Are you sure about that data? It sounds rather exaggerated Meg: Watch the documentary and check it out for yourself if you dont believe me. Without bees, numerous plant species would die out. Animals that live on the crops would die out, and we wouldnt have enough to eat.Ollie: Seriously? Thats scary! But looking on the bright side, there are millions and millions of bees. Theyre not going to die out any time soon. Meg: Im afraid youre wrong. The bee population is declining very quickly. According to statistics, bee numbers in the US have fallen by 17% in just one year Ollie: Gosh! What caused that? Meg: A combination of things, really, but its mainly due to damage to their habitats caused by pesticides and climate change. Ollie: So human activity is the main cause? Meg: Thats right. Ollie: Well, in that case, wed better do something before its too late.3Period 3 Listening Learning aims:1. Comprehend the short passage about ecosystem; 2. Make sense of the dialogue and fill in the blanks with specific details.3. Accumulate some words.Pre -class revision:Ecosystem Activity 5 Look at the diagram and answer the questions. Pay attention to the words and expressions in bold.1.What does the diagram show?The diagram shows a food chain-the connection between the living things.2.What are the relationships between the living things?The living things are closely connected with each other by the food they eat.Activity 6 complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in activity 5.1.absorb 2.rely on 3.fed on 4.prey on 5.break down 6.release参考词汇词汇 :1.absorb 吸收,吸引 2. primary consumer食草动物;初级消费者 3.feed on 以为食4.prey on 捕食,掠夺 5.fungi 真菌6.decomposer 分解者 7.break down分解;发生故障 8.food chain 食物链 9.woodland 森林 10.take in 吸收;欺骗;理解 11.insect昆虫 12.mammal哺乳动物 13.bacteria细菌 15.fertilise使肥沃Activity 7 listen to the conversation and choose the true statements 2.3.6Activity 8 listen again and complete the flow chart.1.pesticides and climate change2.declining very quickly3.have fallen by 17%4.be unable to reproduce5.Other insects6.bees are responsible for pollinating about 70%7.would die outListening Practice提示词词:pollen n花粉 plnnectar n花蜜 nektpollinate v.授粉 plnetpesticide n杀杀虫剂剂 pestsadexaggerated zdretd 夸张张的听力原文:Meg: Hey Ollie, have you heard that the bee population is declining?Ollie: No, I havent. But, thinking about it, I hardly ever see bees these days. When I was little, they seemed to be everywhere!Meg: If bees die out, humans will die out too.Ollie: What?! You must be kidding! I dont believe it!Meg: Its a fact! I watched a nature documentary all about it the other evening. Bees are very important to our food supply. n.纪录片Ollie: How can that be possible? Humans wont die out just because theres no honey!Meg: Bees dont just make honey. Dont forget that bees are also responsible for pollinating plants. Without them, crops would be unable to reproduce.对授粉 v.再生,繁殖 Ollie: But surely there are other ways of getting these crops to reproduce. Does it have to be bees? 抵消,补偿 Meg: Well, there are other insects that pollinate plants, but its unlikely that they would be able to fully compensate for the loss of bees. Bees are responsible for pollinating about 70% of the species of crops. Ollie: Are you sure about that data? It sounds rather exaggerated夸张的. 许多的,很多的Meg: Watch the documentary and check it out for yourself if you dont believe me. Without bees, numerous plant species would die out. Animals that live on the crops would die out, and we wouldnt have enough to eat. Ollie: Seriously? Thats scary! But looking on the bright side, there are millions and millions of bees. Theyre not going to die out any time soon. Meg: Im afraid youre wrong. The bee population is declining very quickly. According to statistics, bee numbers in the US have fallen by 17% in just one year Ollie: Gosh! What caused that? Meg: A combination of things, really, but its mainly due to damage to their habitats caused by pesticides and climate change. Ollie: So human activity is the main cause? Meg: Thats right. Ollie: Well, in that case, wed better do something before its too late.
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