Unit 1 Growing up Starting out & Understanding ideas 同步课后练习 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、unit 1 Growing upPeriod 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas维度一词形转换和动词的形式变换(用所给词的正确形式填空)1. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your (commit).2. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his (contribute) to Quantum Theory.3I would appreciate it if my application could get your (app

2、rove).4(浙江卷)But when he looked to the side, he saw (instant) that it wasnt a dog at all, but a wolf.5(天津卷) (donate) began flooding in from hundreds of people.6It took her the whole afternoon to look for and select the (suit) clothes.7We should take measures to forbid returning (legal) cooking oil to

3、 dinner tables.8(2018全国卷)New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over 300 years its population grew (gradual) from 800 people to 8 million.维度二固定用法和搭配(在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)1From then on, I committed myself to (lose) weight and getting into shape gradu

4、ally.2(2018天津卷)Some experts are skeptical about 3D food printers, believing they are better suited fast food restaurants than homes and highend restaurants.3(2020全国卷)I am determined to study hard, to be a useful person to the country and to contribute the improvement of peoples lives.4Nowadays,incre

5、asing numbers of people elect (work) at home.5(2019北京卷)She donates 10% of AilieCandys profits Big Smiles.6We have made a rule not to smoke in the office. 7This doesnt mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but there is no doubt the way we use memory is changing.8The Act provides that

6、only the parents of a child have a responsibility that childs financial support. 9Much to my surprise, she burst into tears instant she read the letter.10I dont like the way you talk to the librarian of our university library.维度三完成句子/句型转换/一句多译1每天早晨朗读英语会有助于提高你的英语口语。Reading English every morning 2这个协会

7、的成员承诺他们不会卷入这一争端。The members of the association that they wouldnt be involved in the dispute.3Without doubt, he is the worlds most powerful economist. he is the worlds most powerful economist.4他不适合这份工作,两周后就离职了。 and left after two weeks. (suited adj.) and he left after two weeks. (suitable adj.) and h

8、e left after two weeks. (suit v)5这位老人给当地聋哑学校捐了很多钱。The old man the local school for the deaf.(donate v)The old man the local school for the deaf.(donation n)维度四课文语法填空What does reaching this milestone, the age of majority, really mean? Three young people tell us what turning 18 1. (mean), or meant, to

9、 them.Bethany, 16, from Victoria, Australia, has been working ever since 2. (leave) school, but she still cant vote in the next general 3. (elect). She thinks that when shes old enough 4. (earn) a wage and pay taxes, she should have a say 5. _how the government spends them, and that shes mature enou

10、gh to understand that driving a car also means taking responsibility 6. her life and the lives of other people.Lin Ning, 19,from Shanghai, China, celebrated his 18th birthday just before he went to university. He expected to feel instantly different, as if he 7. (close) the door on his childhood and

11、 stepped into a whole new adult world. But it wasnt like that. When he woke up the next day, there were still rules to obey and lessons to attend. At 18, he can do things like getting a credit card. More 8. (important), he can act on his desire to help others, for example 9. signing an organ donatio

12、n agreement.Morgan, 20, from Florida, the US, thought that once he was 18 and took a fulltime job, hed be able to move into a rented apartment, but his salary is not high enough. He also finds 10. hard to save money because of contribution to the household bills and high commuting costs.阅读理解AFresh o

13、ff the biggest win of her short gymnastics career, 16yearold Morgan Hurd and her coach, Siava Glazunov, landed at Philadelphia International Airport, headed to baggage claim and prepared for the hourlong drive home to Middletown, Delaware. It was a dull drill theyd performed hundreds of times before

14、.She is that gymnast who competes wearing glasses. She is so petite (娇小) that she looks tiny standing next to other gymnasts.“No one is born perfect,” Hurd says. “You will have imperfections. I hope more people see me and try to do sports or gymnastics with glasses. Nothing should stop you from doin

15、g something you are passionate about.”Hurd was 11 months old when her mom, Sherri, adopted her from Wenzhou, China, and brought her to Middletown. When Morgan was 3, Sherri began signing her up for various sportsgymnastics, soccer, Tball, dance. Because of her size, most sports were tough. But at gy

16、mnastics class, being tiny and flexible was a gift. By the fifth grade, her talent had outgrown her classes, so Sherri brought her to First State.“She stood out from the start,” Glazunov says. “She exhibited that desire. She loves to impress and she wanted it always. No one ever had to tell her to w

17、ork hard.”A single mom, Sherri worked as a dental hygienist for 30 years until retiring and taking a job for Discover Bank that allowed her to work from home, support her daughters homeschooling and help her daughters gymnastics career.“Who would have known when I went to get that little girl in Chi

18、na what was going to happen,” Sherri says. “This is our life now, but that is what I want for her, a life that is as fulfilling and happy as possible.”1What makes Morgan Hurd different from other athletes?AShe is a poor child who has a single mother.BShe is an orphan who was adopted from China.CShe

19、is the gymnast who competed wearing glasses.DShe is an athlete who first won the champion at 16.2Why did Sherri take a job for Discover Bank?AShe enjoyed working at home.BShe didnt like the previous one.CShe needed a thorough career change.DShe could give her full support to Morgan.3Which of the fol

20、lowing best describes Morgan Hurd?ATiny and perfect.BTalented and outstanding.CFlexible but incapable.DPassionate but proud.4In which column of a website can you most probably read this text?ACulture. BSports.CTravel. DJob.BThat morning, I dropped our eldest at kindergarten and returned home to let

21、our two younger children play while I worked on my medical report. It was wonderful, but it hit me that my career in hospital wasnt making a difference in anyones life. I needed something that would stretch my limits and push me to grow. My career enabled me to work from home. I could work from home

22、, and become a foster (领养) mother, providing safety for a child who needed it desperately.On Monday morning, I picked up the phone and dialed the number I had googled for the nearest Department of Children Services. The man on the other end was receptive to my questions and explained the next step o

23、f training, involving eight weeks of classes designed to prepare and educate foster parents. We continued through all the classes, the home visits, background checks, and seemingly endless steps.Five long months after we were approved, the phone rang. In the middle of the night, I woke my husband an

24、d rushed to East Tennessee Childrens Hospital. Our placement was waiting for us in the emergency room, sick and lack of nutrition. It didnt take long for us to realize the full depth of her suffering. Six months later, her halfbrother came to us by our request. We now had five children under our car

25、e.On August 12, 2016, our family of seven walked into a small courtroom. The childrens lawyer and social worker were there. With just a few words, our adoption was finalized. These two amazing children werent going home, because they were already home. We are their forever family and they are our fo

26、rever children. We may not be able to change the entire world, but we have changed the world entirely for our new children.5How did the author feel about her hospital work?AUnusually demanding.BLacking in motivation.CFilled with challenges.DPacked with chances.6What led the author to decide to adopt

27、 children?AShe wanted to make a difference in other people.BShe felt sympathetic for abused children she knew.CShe felt confident about her ability to raise children.DShe experienced training to raise children properly.7What does the underlined word “placement” in paragraph 3 refer to?AThe child to

28、be adopted.BThe need to get trained.CThe approval of adoption.DThe official at the hospital.8Why did the author appear at the courtroom?ATo put the adopted kids elsewhere.BTo receive another adopted child.CTo begin the kids adoption in her home.DTo make the adoption officially legal.完形填空Flo Meiler w

29、as a Senior Olympics tennis player. She _1_ track and field at age 60.At 65, she tried the pole vault (撑竿跳高) for the first time. Now, over a decade later, Meiler has _2_ in the Nation Senior Games 13 times and holds 15 world records: onehundred meter, the high jump, the long jump, the pole vault and

30、 so on. Meilers _3_ of accomplishments goes on. Meiler is proud of it. How many _4_ does your great grandma hold? Maybe none yet. _5_, Meiler will tell her theres still plenty of _6_In Bernice Bates yoga class, there is a motto: “I can do that.” You will feel _7_ when watching Bates twist and flatte

31、n her body into _8_ most healthy young people cant even do. Bates began _9_ herself yoga in 1980.Now, at 92, she _10_ a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest yogi on Earth. While teaching free lessons to residents of her Florida retirement home, Bates _11_ those whore decades youn

32、ger than her by _12_ one simple philosophy: As long as youre alive, its never too late to love your _13_. This article must _14_ with my own great grandmother who celebrated her 100th birthday last year by bringing the whole family to a party on Orcas Island. Century old smiles are a truly _15_ thin

33、g.1A.gave up Btook upCcleaned up Dset up2A.competed BfailedCstudied Dpractised3A.list BdreamCdesire Dexpectation4A.tests BresultsCscores Drecords5A.Besides BHoweverCOtherwise DTherefore6A.time BneedCsense Dfate7A.relaxed BupsetCoptimistic Dannoyed8A.examples BpiecesCstructures Dshapes9A.showing Bawa

34、rdingCteaching Dcreating10A.searches BholdsCcleans Dreaches11A.promises BinvitesCrequires Dinspires12A.getting BaskingCsharing Dmaking13A.family BbodyCfriends Dcareers14A.deal BcompareCend Dcontinue15A.common BnecessaryCdifficult Dbeautiful参考答案维度一词形转换和动词的形式变换(用所给词的正确形式填空)1. commitment2. contribution

35、3. Approval4. Instantly5. Donations6. Suitable7. Illegal8. gradually维度二固定用法和搭配(在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)1. losing 2. For3. to 4. to_work5. To6. It7. That8. For9. The10. That维度三完成句子/句型转换/一句多译1. will_contribute_to_improving_your_oral_English2. made_a_commitment3. There_is_no_doubt_that4. He_wasnt_suit

36、ed_for_the_job The_job_wasnt_suitable_for_him The_job_didnt_suit_him5. donated_a_lot_of_money made_a_donation_of_a_lot_of_money_to维度四课文语法填空1. Means2. Leaving3. Election4. to_earn5. On6. For7. had_closed8. Importantly9. By10. it .阅读理解A1.C细节理解。根据第二段中的“She is that gymnast who competes wearing glasses.”

37、和第三段中“I hope more people see me and try to do sports or gymnastics with glasses.” 可知,摩根赫德是戴着眼镜参加比赛的体操运动员。她希望有更多的人试着戴着眼镜做运动。因此,摩根与其他运动员的不同之处在于她戴着眼镜参加体操比赛。2.D推理判断。根据第六段中的“.taking a job for Discover Bank that allowed her to work from home, support her daughters homeschooling and help her daughters gymn

38、astics career.(在发现银行的工作让她可以在家工作、支持女儿在家接受教育,并帮助女儿的体操事业。)”由此可以推断,摩根赫德的妈妈退休后接受在发现银行的工作是为了全力支持摩根。3.B细节理解。根据第四段中的“By the fifth grade, her talent had outgrown her classes”和第五段中的“She stood out from the start”可知,摩根在体操方面很有天赋,并且她的教练认为她一开始就很出色。4.B文章出处。通读全文可知,文章是关于美国国家体操队运动员摩根赫德的情况,应该是在网站的体育栏目读到这篇文章。B5.B推理判断。根据

39、第一段中的“It was wonderful.who needed it desperately.”可知,作者的工作和生活都很好,但是作者意识到自己在医院的工作不能让别人的生活发生改变,需要做一些事来拓展她的极限、促使自己成长。由此推断作者觉得自己在医院的工作缺少动力。6.A推理判断。根据第一段中的“It was wonderful, but.who needed it desperately.”可知,作者意识到在医院的工作并没有改变任何人的生活,她需要一些能拓展她的极限、推动她成长的东西。于是希望挑战自己的能力,为需要安全的孩子提供安全的成长环境,由此可推知作者收养孩子的原因是她想给别人的生

40、活造成影响。7.A词义猜测。根据第三段中的“Our placement was waiting for us in the emergency room,.under our care.”可知,“我们”的placement在医院的急诊室等待作者,一脸的病态,并且营养不良。没过多久“我们”就意识到她的痛苦有多深。六个月后,她同父异母的弟弟应“我们”的要求来找“我们”。“我们”现在照顾五个孩子。故这里的placement指作者准备领养的孩子。8.D推理判断。根据最后一段中的“On August 12, 2016, our family of seven walked into a small co

41、urtroom. The childrens lawyer and social worker were there. With just a few words, our adoption was finalized.”可知,2016年8月12日,“我们”一家七口走进一个小法庭。孩子们的律师和社会工作者都在那里。只说了几句话,“我们”的收养就完成了。由此可推断,作者出现在法庭上是为了使收养正式合法化。.完形填空1.B动词短语。句意:梅勒以前是一位网球运动员,她在60岁时开始从事田径运动。give up意为“放弃”,take up意为“从事”,clean up意为“打扫”,set up意为“设

42、定”。根据“At 65, she tried the pole vault for the first time.”可知,她60岁开始从事田径运动。2.A动词。句意:直到现在,梅勒已经参加了13场国家老年人运动会。compete意为“竞赛”,fail意为“失败”,study意为“研究”,practise意为“练习”。根据“and holds 15 world records”可知,梅勒参加了运动会并保持了世界记录。3.A名词。句意:梅勒的成就单还在继续。list意为“清单”,dream意为“梦想”,desire意为“渴望”,expectation意为“期待”。 根据“holds 15 worl

43、d records: one hundred meter, the high jump, the long jump, the pole vault and so on. ”可知,这些都是她成就的项目清单。4.D名词。句意:你的奶奶持有多少记录呢?也许一个都没有。test意为“测试”, result意为“结果”,score意为“得分”,record意为“记录”。 根据“Maybe none yet.”可知,前面问你的奶奶持有多少像梅勒一样的记录。 5.B副词。句意:然而,梅勒会说她依旧还有大量的时间。besides意为“另外”, however意为“然而”, otherwise意为“否则”,

44、therefore意为“因此”。根据“Maybe none yet.”你的奶奶持有多少记录呢?也许一个都没有,但是梅勒会说她依旧还有大量的时间,前后表示转折。6.A名词。句意同上。time意为“时间”,need意为“需要”, sense意为“感觉”, fate意为“命运”。根据“She _ track and field at age 60.At 65,she tried the pole vault for the first time.” 可知,梅勒用她的经历告诉大家老年人仍然有时间。7.C形容词。句意:当你看到贝茨把身体弯曲成很多年轻人都无法做到的形状时,你会感觉很乐观。relaxed意

45、为“放松的”, upset意为“失望的”, optimistic意为“乐观的”, annoyed意为“恼火的”。根据“when watching Bates twist and flatten her body into _ most healthy young people cant even do.”可知,看到年老的贝茨能挑战一些年轻人无法做到的极限动作时,会感觉乐观。8.D名词。 句意同上。example意为“例子”, piece意为“张”, structure意为“结构”, shape意为“形状”。根据“most healthy young people cant even do”可知

46、,贝茨做出一些年轻人无法做到的动作,弯曲成很难做到的形状。9.C动词。句意:贝茨在1980年开始自学瑜伽。show意为“展示”, award意为“授奖”, teach意为“教育”, create意为“创造”。teach oneself意为“自学”。 10.B动词。句意:贝茨现在保持着世界上最年老的瑜伽练习者的吉尼斯世界纪录。search意为“搜索”, hold意为“持有”, clean意为“打扫”, reach意为“达到”。根据“ in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest yogi on Earth”可知,是保持吉尼斯世界纪录。 11.D动词。句意:贝茨通过分享一句简单的哲理来激励那些比她年纪小几十岁的人。promise意为“答应”, invite意为“邀请”, require意为“需要”, inspire意为“激励”。根据“one simple philosophy: As long as youre alive, its never too late to love your


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