Unit 2 Improving Yourself 重点短语句型检测 -(2019)新外研版高中英语高三选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、选择性必修二 Unit 2 Improving Yourself 重点短语句型:P13 Starting Out:1. 充分利用时间 _2. 和发脾气 _3. 抵制诱惑 _4. 垃圾食品 _5. 改掉坏习惯 _6. 没能完成工作 _7. 冒犯别人 _8. 说话不注意 _P1415 Understanding Ideas:9. 平均的 _10. 每年共730小时 _11. 每天在社交媒体上花费2个小时 _12. 社交媒体使用者的平均年龄 _13. 而是 (与过去情况比较) _14. 前四个消极方面 _15. 读书时间减少 _ 16. 减弱的视力 _17. 对隐私和信息安全的焦虑 _18. 减少的

2、睡眠时间 _19. 从得出结论 _20. 对 有消极的影响 _21. 为运动器械筹钱的活动 _22. (21的动词短语) 为运动器械筹钱 _23. 在”脱瘾”活动开始 _24. 说服某人去做 _25. 以任何形式 _26. 给朋友发信息 _27. (在社交媒体) 发照片 _28. 承诺给钱(主动形式) _29. 过一天没有社交媒体的日子 _30. 打开设备 _31. 重新上网 _32. 使某人有做某事的动力 _33. 如果有什么的话 _34. 从这个经历学到 _35. 经过仔细思考 _36. 被占据 _37. 看,用手机 _38. 少上网 _39. 培养兴趣爱好 _40. 在周末 _41. 更

3、新动态 (简介) _42. 进行脱瘾活动 _43. 意识到真实交流的价值 _44. 错过(某事) _45. 去某人家 _46. 进行正常的谈话 _47. 被短信干扰 _48. 感觉很好(心情) _49. 感觉很好(身体) _50. 每天拜访一位不同的朋友 _51. 忙于/筹划某事 _52. 坦白地说 _53. 避免屈服 _54. 带某人去做 _55. 去看看 / 试试当地的健身中心 _56. 使某人疲惫不堪 _57. 认输 _58. 在第一天 _ 59. 没有(prep)用社交媒体的途径 _60. 打开手机 _61. 更糟糕的是 _62. 无法抗拒浏览社交媒体账户(的渴望) _63. 补上;了

4、解(新闻) _64. 干得好!_65. 这个论坛上的帖子 _66. 除了(钱) _67. 唤起对的意识 _68. 依赖社交媒体 _69. 走开; 离开 _70. 彼此交流 _P1719 Using Languages:71. 翻开新的一页 _72. 对疏忽,不在意 _73. 交作业 _74. 依限完成 _75. 在我极乱的房间 _76. 推迟做某事 _77. 弄明白诡计 _78. 在桌子的正中 _79. 把放在某人待办事项的第二位 _80. 把放在某人待办事项的最上面 _81. 拖延以避开难做的事 _82. 开始 / 养成打扫房间的习惯 _83. 在公共场合喧哗 _84. 随地吐痰 _85.

5、带上耳机 _86. 传播疾病 _87. 走上前去 _88. 把垃圾扔垃圾箱里 _89. 使草坪看上去整洁 _90. 为别人着想 _91. 想出一个创新的项目 _92. 宣传诚实这个传统美德 _93. 举了几个例子 _94. 首先 _95. 无人监考测试 _96. 参加考试 _97. 签承诺书 _98. 感到被信任 _99. 享受宽松的氛围 _100. 相应地 _101. 培养自我控制能力 _102. 完好无损的 _103. 创建“诚实”文化 _104. 参与进来 _105. 让我来澄清一下 _106. 拿举个例子 _P2021 Developing Ideas:107. 消费能力 _108.

6、人与人是不同的 _109. 面临同样的问题 _110. 对待钱 _111. 用光;刷爆信用卡 _112. 网上活动 _113. 与相对比 _114. 不是的障碍 _115. 善于利用金钱 _116. 在的帮助下 _117. 用零用钱买 _118. 通过众筹 _119. 稍容易些 _120. 觉得自己像 _121. 打算做 _122. 要求某人做 _123. 对青年一代前所未有的重要 _124. 上个人理财课 _125. 无法接触课程 _126. 在手边 _127. 做的方法 _128. 从那以后 _129. 控制住 _130. 树立终身价值观 _131. 为自己的幸福负责 _132. 关注眼前

7、和当下 _133. 未来的愿景 _134. 为省钱 _135. 由你决定 _136. 为大学教育预留些钱 _137. 帮个朋友 _138. 客观思考钱 _139. 为他们的成年生活做好准备 _140. 做出明智选择 _P23 Writing:141. 脾气不好 _142. 把钉子钉在上 _143. 控制愤怒 _144. 控制得住脾气 _145. 拔出 _146. 经过 _147. 领某人去 _ 148. 在留个洞 _1. 之前他们的家人和朋友承诺,如果不使用社交媒体,他们每天都会得到一笔钱。2. 我敢打赌,你和我一样急切地想知道有多少人有足够的动力坚持了整整七天。3. 到了第五天,我在想,我是

8、不是真的错过了很多,因为我没有在不断地查看我的手机,看看其他人在做什么?4. 我哥哥认为我应该充分利用没有手机的时间,所以他带我去了我们当地的体育中心看了看。5.看了这个论坛上的帖子,这次活动对人们的影响似乎远远不止通过活动筹集到的钱。它还让我们意识到我们对社交媒体的依赖程度,从而帮助我们远离社交媒体,更好地与他人沟通。6.与这些大手大脚花钱的人成对比的是,也有一些青少年证明了年龄并不是善于利用钱的障碍。7.无论人们打算如何使用他们的钱,管理它对年轻一代来说似乎是前所未有的重要。8. “消费”的罐子是关于此时此地的问题,而“储蓄”的罐子则给你一个未来的愿景。9. 这可能需要你为上大学存钱,但也

9、可能意味着为你在商店里看到的特别的东西存钱-这都取决于你自己。10. 虽然这可能同样涉及到为你的大学教育存钱,但这也意味着你要对你自己的投资。 答案: 1. make full use of ones time2. lose ones temper with sb.3. resist temptations 4. junk food5. break the bad habits6. fail to get work done7. offend people8. speak carelessly9. on average10. a total of 730 hours each years11.

10、 spend 2 hours a day on social media12. the average age of social media users13. as against14. the top four negative aspects of15. reduced time for reading printed boods16. poorer eyesight17. privacy and information security concerns18. reduced sleep time19. draw a conclusion from20. have negative e

11、ffects on sb./sth.21. a fundraising campaign for new sports equipment22. raise money for new sports equipment23. at the start of the detox24. persuade / convince sb. to do25. in any form26. massage friends27. post photos (on social media)28. promise sb. some money29. spend a day without using social

12、 media30. switch on ones device (s)31. be back online32. motivate sb. to do33. if anything34. learn sth. from the experience 35. on reflection36. be occupied with / be taken up with37. check ones phone38. spend less time online39. pick up ones hobby / hobbies40. at / on weekend(s)41. update ones pro

13、file(s)42. do the detox43. realize the value of real contact44. miss out (on sth.)45. go round to ones home46. have a proper conversation47. be distracted by messages48. feel good49. feel well50. visit a different friend every day51. be up to sth.52. to be honest53. avoid giving in54. take sb. to do

14、55. check out the / our local sports centre56. leave sb. tired out57. throw in the towel58. on the first day59. without access to social media60. turn on ones phone61. whats worse62. cant resist having a quick look at ones social media accounts63. catch up on (news)64. Well done!65. the posts on thi

15、s forum66. other than money67. raise (peoples) awareness of / about68. rely on social media69. step away from70. communicate with each other71. turn over a new leaf72. be careless about73. hand in ones homework74. meet the deadline(s)75. in my incredible messy room76. put off doing sth.77. work out

16、the trick78. right in the centre of the desk79. put sth. second on ones/the to-do list80. put sth. at the top of ones/the to-do list81. procrastinate to avoid the hard stuff82. start / develop the habit of cleaning ones room83. talk loudly in public84. spit in public85. put the headphones on86. spre

17、ad diseases 87. go up to88. put the litter into a rubbish bin89. keep the grass looking neat90. be considerate of others91. came up with an innovative programme92. promote the traditional value of honesty93. gave several examples94. to begin with / to start with95. unsupervised examination96. take a

18、n examination97. sign a letter of commitment98. feel trusted99. enjoy the relaxed atmosphere100. in turn101. develop (greater) self-control102. in one piece103. build a culture of honesty104. get involved105. let me clarify106. take as an illustration107. the spending power108. vary from person to p

19、erson109. be faced with the same problem110. do something with money111. max out (the credit card) 112. online activities113. in contrast to114. (be) no barrier to sth. / doing115. make good use of money116. with ones help / with the help of sb.117. buy sth. with ones pocket money118. through crowd

20、funding119. a little bit easier120. feel like (a human being)121. intend to do122. require sb. to do123. be unprecedentedly important to younger generations124. take courses in personal finances 125. have no access to courses126. be (close) at hand127. ones method of doing128. from then on129. be in

21、 control of / take control of130. learn lifelong values131. be responsible for your own happiness132. be about the here and now133. a / the vision for the future134.save (money) for sth. 135. its up to you (to make the decision)136. put aside money for ones university education137. help out a friend

22、138. think objectively about money139. be equipped in their adult lives140. make informed choices about141. have a bad temper142. hammer a nail into (the back of the fence)143. control ones anger144. hold ones temper145. pull out146. pass by147. lead sb. to some place148. leave a hole in (the fence

23、/ ones heart)1. They had been promised money by family and friends for each day spent without using social media.2. I bet youre as eager as I am to find out just how many have been motivated enough to last the full seven days.3. By the fifth day, I wondered-was I really missing out by not constantly

24、 checking my phone to see what everyone else was up to?4. My brother thought I should make full use of the time without my phone, so he took me to check out our local sports center.5. After reading the posts on this forum, it seems that something other than money has also been raised through the det

25、ox. Awareness of just how much we rely on social media can help us step away from it and communicate with each other better.6. In contrast to these big spenders, there are also teens that prove age is no barrier to making good use of money.7. However people intend to use their money, managing it see

26、ms to be unprecedentedly important to younger generation.8. While the Spending jar is about the here and now, the Saving jar gives you a vision for the future.9. This could involve saving for university, but it could also mean saving for that special something youve seen in the stores-its up to you.10. Although this could likewise involve putting aside money for your university education, it also means investing in yourself.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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