Unit 3 Times change 一轮复习基础回顾练习 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、外研版高中英语一轮复习基础回顾选择性必修二Unit3 Times changeI.识记单词(一)汉译英1._n.十年,十年期2._n.一群,一伙3._n.搁板,架子4._n.家具5._n.改进;改革6._v. (使)扩大;增加7._n.手势;姿势8._n.同情1. decade 2. bunch3. shelf 4. furniture 5. reform6 expand 7. gesture 8. sympathy(二)英译汉1. legendary adj._2. fixture n._3. tablet n._4. dusty adj._5. mist n._6. brick n._7.

2、 exterior n._8. stationery n._9. saleswoman n._10. leadership n._11. organic adj._12. recital n._13. jazz n._14. humble adj._15. reconstruction n_16. journalist n._17. era n._18. pave v._19. socialist adj. _20. alongside prep. _21. initiative n._22. solid adj._23. cafeteria n._24. emoji n. _25. cost

3、ume n._26. integral adj_27. component n._28. category n._29. pictograph n._ 30. facial adj._31. textspeak n._32 soul n._33. facilitate v._34 pictorial adj_35. secondary adj._36. comic n._1.大名鼎鼎的,传奇式的 2.固定存在物3.平板电脑4.布満灰尘的 5.薄雾,雾靄 6.砖,砖块 7.外部,外观8.文具9.女銷售員 10.領导,领导地位11.有机的;緑色的 12.朗涌会13.爵士乐14.筒陋的15.重建;修

4、复16. 新闻工作者;新闻记者17. 时代,年代18.鋪(路、地面等) 19. 社会主乂的20.(与 . )一起21.倡仪22. 坚实的23. 自助餐厅24. 表情符号25.化装服26. 不可缺少的27. 組成部分28. 类別29.象形图30. 脸上的;面部的31. 短信简写珸32. 精神33.促进;使便利34. 圏画的35. 次要的,第二位的36.连环漫画2 拓展单词1._v.竞争_n. 竞争;比赛_adj.竞争的,有竞争性的_ n.竞争者2._v.强调_n. 强调3._n.工作,职业_v. 占用;占领;占据_adi.忙于;使用中4._adj.情绪(上)的,情感(上)的_n. 情感,情绪5.

5、_n.意图,目的_vt. 打算6._n.改编_vi. &vt. (使)适应;改编7._adj.易懂的_n.通道,通路,人口;机会,权利8._n.趋势_v. 倾向;趋向9._ n.教育工作者_vt.教育_n. 教育,培养10._adv.紧急地;急迫地_vt.敦促,力劝;竭力主张n.强烈的欲望,冲动_adj.紧急的,急迫的_n.紧急的事11._adj有说服力的,使人信服的_vt. 使确信,使相信_adj. 确信的,感到信服的12._adj.经济(上)的_n.经济;节约1. compete; competition ; competitive; competitor2. emphasise; emp

6、hasis 3. occupation; occupy; occupied4. emotional; emotion 5. intention; intend 6. adaptation; adapt7. accessible; access 8. tendency; tend9. educator; educate; education10. urgently; urge; urgent; urgency11. convincing; convince; convinced12. economic ; economy直击高考1.(2020. 全国卷) On Thursday in an ar

7、ticle published in I Cell, a team of researchers reported a new kind of_(adapt)- -not to air or to food, but to the ocean.2. (2020 . 江苏高考) The tiny shops made_ (economy) sense, according to Robert Kerr.,a founder ofLoveFone3. (2020.浙江高考)It is not my _ (intend) to point out the central theme of each

8、of the plays in this collection, for that would, indeed, ruin the pleasure of reading, discussing , and thinking about the plays and the effectiveness of the playwright.4. (2019. 浙江高考) While the clip might look like part of a new ad campaign, Bridges said the only goal was to show generosity and_ (

9、sympathize).5.(2019.全国卷) When they were free from work, they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting_ ( compete) to watch, together with the story behind it.6. (2019.北京高考)At this years I/O Conference, a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a_ (convince) hum

10、an-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.7. (2018 .江苏高考) As their world_ ( expand), she said, children compared themselves to others online in a way that was hugely damaging in terms of their self. identity ,in terms of their confidence b

11、ut also in terms of their ability to develop themselves8. (2018.江苏高考) She said social media firms were exposing children to major emotional risks, with some youngsters starting_ (second) school ill equipped to cope with the tremendous pressure they faced online.9. (2017 .北京高考) TOKNOW makes complex i

12、deas attractive and_ ( access) to children, who can become involved in advanced concepts and even philosophy and they will soon discover that TOKNOW feels more like a club than just a magazine.10. (2016.全国卷I)S o I took my box and put it on the desk and I said; In this box are some stem cells that ar

13、e_ (urgent) needed for a patient-please , please, youve got to get me back to the United Kingdom. 11. (2016 浙江高考 )For busy librarians and_ ( educate ) , finding instructions for projects, activities, sports, and games that children and teens will find interesting is a constant challenge.12. (2016四川高

14、考) Some think that a womans body cells have a_ (tend) to age more slowly than a mans.13. (2014 .辽宁高考)Travis picked up that lecture in one of his G&G training courses , an education program that began on his first day and continues throughout an employees _ ( occupy).14. (2013.江苏高考) Only a few books

15、have been kicked off the_ ( shelf) as often as Huckleberry Finn, Twains most widely read tale.15. (2012 江芬高考) As one member of the senior team told me a year later, Wolfgangs _ ( emphasise ) on developing positive leadership kept his managers actively involved and loyal as they successfully transfor

16、med the company into a global one.1. adaptation 2. economic 3. intention 4. sympathy5. competition 6. convincing 7. expanded 8. secondary9. accessible 10. urgently 11. educators 12. tendency13. occupation 14. shelves 15. emphasis3短语巧练1._ 顺便造访,临时来访2._ 顺便拜访3._一群4._向.挥手道别5._永久,永远6._在可靠的人手里,被照顾得很好7._接管,

17、接任8._突然出现,冒出来9._以.回复/回应10._寻找,搜寻11._一串12._蔓延至,扩散到1. drop in 2. drop by 3. a bunch of 4. wave goodbye to 5.for good 6. in good hands 7. take over 8. pop up 9.reply with 10. search for 11.a string of 12. spread to直击高考1. (2020.江苏高考) There are no more continents and no more moons to_ (寻找), little left t

18、o discover.2.(2017 .全国卷I ) After that, feeling the need to explore further, I decided to_ (顺便造访) on one of ASL Clubs meetings.3. (2013 .福建高考) So, for example, if you were walking down a street, indicators would_(突然出现) showing you the nearest coffee shop or directions could be plotted out and come in

19、to view right on the sidewalk in front of you.4. (2012 .浙江高考) His grandfather used to hold this amazing world record, but when he died Mr effries_ (接管).1. search for 2. drop in 3.pop up 4. took over4句式仿写1. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事It_ that the bookstore and all that Old Casey had given to the communit

20、y could soon disappear for good.这让我意识到,书店和凯西给社区带来的一-切可能很快就会永远消失。2.现在分词短语作结果状语It has allowed China to accomplish in just four decades what took Western industrialised countries more than 200 years to achieve, _.它使中国用了仅仅四十年的时间就取得了西方工业化国家200多年才取得的成绩,这在人类成就史上是具有开创性的。3.疑问词+不定式Perhaps people will one day

21、choose to communicate in pictures, and forget_ properly.也许有一天,人们会选择用图画来交流,而忘记如何正确地书写。1. made me realize2. breaking new ground in the history of human achievement 3. how to write高考与教材1. (2020.全国卷1)是她的友善和责任感让我钦佩她。Its her friendliness and the sense of responsibility that_.2. (2020.山东新高考)越野比赛使得我们可以临时从学业

22、中走出来,使得我们精力更加充沛更加高兴。The Cross-Country Running Race allowed us to escape from our lessons for a while,_.3. (2019.江苏高考)李江和苏华正在讨论下个月接待英国学生时穿什么。Li Jiang and Su Hua are discussing_ when receiving the British students next month.1. make me admire her2. leaving us more energetic and happier 3. what to wear


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