Unit 6 Developing ideasppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Developing ideas新标准新标准英语英语高中高中选择性必修第二册选择性必修第二册Activity 1 Work in pairs. Complete the quiz and find out how much you know about Mars. Try to guess if you are not sure of the answers.1. a 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. b2. a 3. c 4. bActivity 2 Read the passage and find out why humans might live on Mars.Because Ma

2、rs is relatively close to Earth and has an environment less hostile than that of other planets.Activity 3Choose the magazine in which you would most likely find the passage and give your reasons.1 The Traveller2 All About Space3 Environmental Concerns4 Biology for Fun 1. What is the greatest risk to

3、 live on Earth now? A. Nuclear missiles. B. Environmental problems. C. Global warming. D. Resource reduction. 2. Why do people choose Mars to explore? Because it is relatively close to Earth. Because its environment is less hostile than that of other planets. Because it has an environment suitable f

4、or farming. Because it doesnt need to be transformed to live on it. A. B. C. D.NoImage 3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. People have sent manned 1 spacecraft to Mars. B. Our probes have orbited Mars, but not sending any valuable information. C. Our robots have explored the Martian surface. D. Du

5、e to lack of technology,it is unlikely that humans will explore Mars in the next 30 years.NoImage 4. From the last paragraph,we can infer that A. the day of human migration to Mars is not far away B. because of the plan to immigrate to Mars,attention to Earth is not important C. global warming has l

6、ittle to do with human activities D. we still need to protect the earth, despite the solutions to the risks 5. According to the passage, what is the style of the passage? A. Argumentation. B. Exposition. C. Narration. D. Biography.NoImageActivity 4Choose the statements that can be inferred from the

7、passage.1. Humans have yet not visited Mars. 2. People want to go to Mars on holiday.3. There are plants growing on Mars. 4. The greatest to life on Earth used to be nuclear missiles.5. One day, humans will have to go and live on another planet.6. Our Plan A includes developing renewable energy reso

8、urces.7. The Biosphere 2 experiment ended in failure.NoImageThink & Share4 The two passages share the theme of protecting our living environments. The first passage focuses on balancing nature and urban development, and the need for harmony between humans and animals. The second passage focuses on o

9、ur need to protect Earth even if we intend to settle on other places such as Mars in future.NoImageActivity 5Work in pairs. Conduct Work in pairs. Conduct an interview about an interview about living on Mars.living on Mars. 1 Decide your roles.2 Look at the sample questions about living on Mars and

10、add any more you can think of. Then write down some answers.Writing a survival storyActivity 6Read the story and answer the questions.1 Where is the person in the story?2 What difficulties is he facing?3 What has he already done to stay alive?4 What will he do next?1 The person in the story is on Ma

11、rs.2 He has to keep himself safe from the deadly radiation outside. And he is facing the lack of water, oxygen and food. 3 He has resumed communication with the base. He has discovered an underground ice deposit to get water, and produce oxygen with the water. 4 He will work out how to farm on Mars

12、and grow plants with seeds.NoImageNoImageNoImageNoImageActivity 7Imagine you have to survive in a dangerous place. Plan your story by answering the questions. .NoImageNoImageNoImageNoImageNoImageNoImageNoImageNoImageActivity 7Activity 8Work in pairs. Make improvements to each others stories and shar

13、e them with the class.B计划:在火星上生活? 1 In the 1960s and 1970s, the greatest fear was that the buman race, and possibly all advanced life forms on the planet, could be wiped out by nuclear missiles, just at the push of a button. Today, however, environmental problems have taken over as the greatest risk

14、 to life on Earth. Scientists are thinking of ways to lower this risk, such as replacing coal and oil with forms of renewable energy. But they are also preparing for the worst: what can we do if the terrifying scenes in films such as The Day After Tomorrou happen in real life? What is our Plan B for

15、 Earth? 在20世纪60、70年代,最大的恐惧是,只需按下一个按钮,人类一一甚至可能是地球上所有的高级生命体一一就可能被核导弹彻底毁灭。然而今天,环境问题已经变成地球上的生命面临的最大威胁。科学家们正在思考降低这一风险的方法,例如用各种可再生能源替代煤炭和石油。但他们也在做最坏的打算:如果后天等电影中的恐怖场景发生在现实生活中,我们该怎么办?对地球,我们的B计划是什么? 2 One option is to explore other planets to see if we could live on them. The most likely choice is Mars, whic

16、h is relatively close to Earth and has an environment less hostile than that of other planets. Mars has fascinated people since ancient times, and today our interest in Martian exploration is greater than ever before. Films such as The Martian enjoy worldwide popularity. More govemments and organisa

17、tions are making efforts to educate the public on the Red Planet, for example, the Mars Desert Research Station in the Utah desert of the US and the Mars Village in North-west Chinas Qinghai Province. -种选择是探索其他星球,看看我们能否在.上面生活。最有可能的选择是火星,它离地球相对较近,环境不像其他行星那么恶劣。火星自古以来就吸引着人们,我们现在对探索火星的兴趣比以往任何时候都更浓厚。像火星救

18、援这样的电影在全世界都很受欢迎。越来越多的政府和组织正在努力对公众进行有关“红色星球”的教育,例如美国犹他州的火星沙漠研究站和中国西北部青海省的火星村。 3 Since the 1960s, we have been sending unmanned spacecraft to Mars. Our probes have orbited the planet, sending back valuable data and stunning images. Our robots have explored the Martian surface, testing the soil and sca

19、rching for resources, water and signs of life. Encouraged by discoveries over the years, space agencies of various countries are planning manned missions to Mars that could take place within the next 25 years. 自20世纪60年代以来,我们一直在向火星发射无人飞船。我们的探测器已经绕火星轨道运行,并发回了宝贵的数据和令人惊叹的图像。我们的机器人已经探索了火星表面,测试了土壤并且在寻找资源、

20、水和生命的迹象。受到多年来这些发现的鼓舞,各国航天机构正计划在未来25年内进行载人飞船登陆火星的任务。 4 There is no doubt that humankind is drawn towards Mars, with dreams of making it our second home. However, sending people there will require all the skill, courage and intelligence of the human race. While the Moon can be reached within days, it

21、would take months to reach Mars, travelling through dangerous solar radiation. And even if the first settlers do reach Mars safely, they may not be able to return to Earth - ever. Staying alive will be a daily challenge, but as proved by the Biosphere 2 experiment, not impossible.毫无疑问,人类被火星所吸引,梦想着把它

22、作为我们的第二家园。然而,把人类送上火星将要求人类具备所有的技能、勇气和智慧。到达月球只需要几天的时间,而到达火星却需要数月的时间,并且其间要经历危险的太阳辐射。而且即使第-批开拓者安全抵达火星,他们可能永远无法再回到地球。活着将会成为一个日常挑战,但正如“生物圈2号”实验所证明的,这也并非完全不可能。 4 As early as the 1980s, scientists were building Biosphere 2 in the Arizona desert. It consisted of a dosed space in which people, animals and pla

23、nts could live together. The“closed concept meant that the space was designed to function with its Own oxygen, food and water, needing nothing from the outside world. Although the two-year experiment was not a success,it did provide us with a better understanding of how humans might be able to live

24、on another planet. More recently, scientists have succeeded in growing a variety of plants in an environment similar to that on Mars. That definitely is a big step forward. 早在20世纪80年代,科学家们就在亚利桑那州的沙漠中建造了“生物圈2号”。它包括-个封闭的空间,人、动物和植物可以生活在一起。“封闭”的概念意味着这个空间被设计成依靠自身的氧气、食物和水来运作,而不需要外界的任何东西。尽管为期两年的实验并不成功,但它确实

25、让我们更好地了解了人类如何能够在另一个星球上生活。最近,科学家们成功地在类似火星的环境中种植了各种各样的植物。这无疑是向前迈出的一大步。NoImage 5 For now, human settlement of Mars is still decades away. In the meantime, scientific research shows that the planet Earth is getting warmer. This change is being caused by human activity and is having a terrible effect on the biosphere. Until we are fimally able to live on another planet, we need to take much better care of our own. Right now, its the only one we have! 到目前为止,人类要在火星上定居还需要几十年的时间。同时,科学研究表明地球正在变暖。这种变化是由人类活动引起的,而且对生物圈产生了严重的影响。在我们最终能够生活在另一个星球.上之前,我们需要更好地保护好我们自己的星球。现在,它是我们唯- -个赖以生存的星球!


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