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1、人教版九年级英语上册期末复习课件全册一、重点单词 1. adj.有耐心的 n.病人 (n.)耐心、毅力 2._v.发现、发觉 (n.)3._adj.秘密的n. 秘密4. n. 语法5._v. 重复、重做6. n. 物理7._v. &n. 回顾、复习注:用“”标识的为高频词汇patientpatiencediscoverdiscoverysecretgrammarrepeatphysicsreview 9. adv.明智地 (adj.) 10. n.陌生人 (adj.) 11._adj.死的_(n.) _(v.) _(现在分 词) 12._v.偷、窃取 (过去式) _(过去分词) 13. n.

2、现在、礼物adj.现在的注:用“”标识的为高频词汇wiselywisestrangerstrangedeaddeathdiedyingstealstolestolenpresent二、重点短语1._ for要求2.at _起初、开始 3.be _ to do sth. 害怕做4.look _查阅(字典等) 5._ on依赖、依靠6. .with .把和连接 7.put _增加(体重)、发胖 注:用“”标识的为高频词汇askfirstafraidupdependconnecton 8._ out摆开、布置9.end _结束、死亡;最终成为10.be _ to和相似11._ up打扮 12._ .

3、of .使想起13._ a result结果 14.trick or _不招待就使坏注:用“”标识的为高频词汇layupsimilardressremindastreat三、重点句型1.How do you study for a test?你是怎样为准备考试而学习的呢?2.Its too . to . 这太而不能3.The more . the more . 越越4.What a great day! 多美好的一天啊! 5.Why do they do that? 他们为什么那样做?6.I wonder if . 我想知道是否7.This is the time of . 这是的时代。8.I

4、t is celebrated in/on . 在举行庆祝。四、交际用语Talk about how to study(谈论如何学习)How do you learn English?I learn by studying with a group.Talk about recent events and experiences(表达建议方式)What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills.五、重点语法1.by的用法小结2.宾语从句(由that, if, wh

5、ether引导)3.感叹句I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.我发现听有趣的东西是语言学习的秘密。(P 3)【解析】动词discover的用法:discover为动词,意为“发现、发觉”,表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途。如:Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥伦布1492年发现了美洲。 We soon dis

6、covered the truth.我们很快就弄清了真相。【温馨提示】discover可看做cover“覆盖”加前缀 dis构成的反义词;discoverer为其名词形式,意为“发现者”。【辨析】discover, create与invent三者含义相近,但用法不同:词条词条用法用法例句例句discover意为“发现、找到”,指自然界本来已存在,但以前未被人类发现或认识的事物,如发现元素、电、煤、石油、铁等矿藏以及新星、星系或科学真理等。I discovered an unopened letter in the drawer.我在抽屉里发现了一封未拆的信。 create意为“创造、创作”,指

7、产生出新的东西,其对象往往是精神上的,如艺术、文学作品中的人物及新的科学领域等。Shakespeare created many famous characters.莎士比亚创造了许多有名的人物。invent意为“发明、创造”,指创造出原来自然界不存在的东西,如工具、方法、手段、灯泡、汽车、电视、合成材料等。Who invented the telephone?谁发明了电话?He invented a new teaching method.他发明了一种新的教学方法。I dont know how to increase my reading speed.我不知道如何提高自己的阅读速度。(P

8、5)【解析】动词increase的用法:increase用作动词时,意为“ 增加、增大、增多”,后接名词等作宾语。如:We have increased our budget for this and we hope to continue in that way.我们增加了这方面的预算,而且我们希望继续这样做。【用法拓展】相关短语:increase to增加到多少;increase by 以多少的幅度增加(增加了多少);increase twice 增加了两倍。【辨析】increase与add二者都有“增加”的意思,但用法有别:词条词条用法用法例句例句increase意为“增长”,主要指在数

9、量、财富、权力、价值等方面的增加。High food prices have increased hunger and poverty in some countries.高粮食价格已经使一些国家的饥饿和贫困增加。 add意为“把加进去”,指将一物加到另一物上,使其数量、体积、重要性方面有所增大或增加。She added some more salt to the soup and it tasted much better.她往汤里多加了一点盐,汤的味道就好多了。Good learners often connect what they need to learn with somethin

10、g interesting. 优秀的学习者经常把他们要学习的内容和有趣的事情联系起来。(P 6)【解析】connect的用法:connect为动词,意为“连接、和连接或联系起来”,常与介词with或to连用。如:Will you connect this wire to the television?请你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?Please connect the hose with/to the faucet.请把胶皮管套在水龙头上。【用法拓展】有时可用连词 and 代替介词 with, to。如:A railway connects Beijing and (with/to) Shan

11、ghai.北京和上海之间有铁路相连。Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识来自于质疑。(P 6)【解析】knowledge作“知识、学问”解时,主要掌握两点用法:(1)用作不可数名词,与零冠词连用,表抽象的泛指。如:Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。You have to learn all the knowledge about medicine.你必须掌握所有医药方面的知识。(2)指一个人对某一具体事物或具体学科的知识时,可与不定冠词连用。如: She has a broad knowledge of computers.她对计算机有广博

12、的知识。Mary has a good knowledge of Chinese history.玛丽对中国历史很了解。【温馨提示】在“with a knowledge of English/French”或“have a knowledge of English/French”里,不定冠词a 不可省略。However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. 然而,一个叫逢蒙的坏人,试图在后羿不在家时去偷那灵药。(P 11)【解析】单词steal 的用法:steal常用作动词,基本

13、意思是“偷”,指在未经允许或不为人知的情况下不正当地或非法地拿走本不属于自己的东西。steal的过去式是stole,过去分词是stolen。如: If you continue to steal youll end up in prison.你要是继续行窃,终归得进监狱。He was sent into prison for stealing.他由于偷窃被送入监狱。 【用法拓展】常用搭配:steal sth. from sb. sp.从偷某物;have sth. stolen某物被偷。如:They stole a lot of money from the bank.他们从银行偷了很多钱。Sh

14、e had her purse stolen yesterday.她的钱包昨天被偷了。He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. 他很快在花园里摆放她最喜欢的水果和甜点。(P 11)【解析】lay的用法与辨析:lay作为动词原形,意为“放置、安放”,为不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词都为laid。常用短语lay out意为“摆开、布置、摊开”。如:Dont lay your coat on the bed.不要把你的外套放在床上。Grace laid out the knives and forks at

15、 the lunchtable.格蕾丝把刀叉摆放在午餐的桌子上。【辨析】lay与lie 这两个动词,其变换形式容易混淆,具体形式如下表:原形原形词义词义过去式过去式过去分词过去分词现在分词现在分词例句例句lay放置、安置产卵、下蛋laidlaidlayingThey are laying pipes under the road.他们正在铺设路下面的管子。lie躺下、位于laylainlyingSome are taking photos, others are lying on the beach.一些人在照相,其他的人正躺在沙滩上。说谎liedliedlyingThe child lied

16、 to the teacher about his reasons for being late.孩子向老师谎报迟到的原因。One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner. 一个平安夜,斯克鲁奇看到雅各布马利的鬼魂,他死去的商业伙伴。(P 14)【解析】名词business的用法:business可看成由busy和ness组合而成,等同于busy的抽象名词,使用时要从可数与不可数两方面入手:(1)business 作“公司、商行”解时,为可数名词。如:They manage

17、d to launch on a new business.他们设法创办了一个新的企业。What should small businesses do in the present crisis?在当前的危机中,中小企业应该如何应对?(2)business 作“生意、商业、职责”解时,为不可数名词。如:Its your business to take care of the kids.你的职责是照顾孩子。His parents wanted him to go into business.他的父母要他去搞商业。【用法拓展】businessman(男)商人、企业家;businesswoman女

18、商人、女企业家与business有关的常见短语:go into business 经商mind ones own business别管闲事do business做生意on business为了公事、出差business hours 营业时间、办公时间与business有关的习语:Business is business.公事公办。Its none of your business.不关你的事。Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. 马利曾经就像斯克鲁奇一样,所以他死后受到了惩罚。(P 14)【

19、解析】动词punish的用法:动词punish 意为“惩罚、处罚,对判罪、判定的处罚”。如:I hope your mother will punish you when you throw a baseball through a neighbors window.如果你把棒球扔进了邻居的窗户,我希望你母亲惩罚你。此外,punish常见的两大搭配:(1)punish sb. for (doing) sth.意为“因(犯)某事而惩罚某人”。如: He punished the children for their carelessness by making them pay for the

20、damage.他让孩子们赔偿损失,惩罚他们粗心大意。(2)punish sb. by/with sth. 意为“对判罪、判定的处罚”。如: The teacher punished the noisy children by making them stay after school.老师用放学后留学生的办法惩罚那些吵闹的孩子。【用法拓展】punisher n. 处罚者、惩罚者;punishment n. 惩罚、处罚、虐待。He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him. 他警告斯克鲁奇,要是不想

21、像他那样的结局就得改变方式。(P 14)【解析】动词warn的用法:warn常用作及物动词,意为“警告、告诫”。其常用搭配如下:(1)warn sb.(not) to do sth.意为“警告某人(不要)做某事”。如:I warned you not to buy that old car.我劝过你不要买那辆旧汽车。They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather.有人劝诫他们不要在这么坏的天气去登那座山。(2)warn sb. of/about sth. 意为“提醒、警告某人注意某事”。如:They warned t

22、he passengers of thieves.他们警告路人小心窃贼。(3)warn sb. against (doing) sth.意为“警告某人不(做)某事”。如:He warned me against going there at night.他警告我晚上不要到那去。(4)warn sb. that从句,意为“警告某人说”。如:I warn you that you will fail in the coming exams if you are still so lazy.我警告你:如果你还这么懒,在即将来到的考试中你会不及格的。He now treats everyone wit

23、h kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. 他现在对每个人都友好和热情,把爱和欢乐传播到他去的每一个地方。(P 14)【解析】动词spread的用法:spread用作动词时,为不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词均为spread。应掌握以下用法:(1)意为“使伸展、使延伸”。如: I spread my arms to give her a big hug.我伸开双臂给她一个大大的拥抱。(2)意为“张开、展开、摊开”。如: He spread the map on the floor.他把地图铺在地上。(3)意为

24、“撒、散布、传播(疾病、消息等)”。如:Flies spread diseases.苍蝇传染疾病。She was told not to spread this secret around.她被告知不要把这个秘密传出去。(4)表示“摆好(餐桌)、上(菜等) ”。如:The table was spread for supper.桌子已摆好,准备吃晚饭。(5)意为“传播”时,常用作不及物动词。如:The news soon spread to the farthest corner.消息很快传到最远的角落。The fire spread quickly through the forest.火灾

25、迅速地在整个林区蔓延。.单项选择。( )1.They have _ the prices of the food and vegetables recently. A. added B. increased C. shared D. risen ( )2.He lifted the receiver(接收机) as soon as the telephone rang but_ it on the table at once. A. lay B. lied C. laid D. lainBC( )3.She used to _ money from her fathers drawer. A.

26、 punish B. steal C. refuse D. make( )4.And my dad has gone to Beijing _, and he is returning in three days. A. on business B. into business C. to business D. for business ( )5.The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eatingBCA.根据汉语提示完成句

27、子或用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Edison (发明) the electric lamp. 2. Who (发现) America first?3. He (创造) quite a number of wonderful characters in his play.4. They got (punish) by the teacher. 5. Mr. Li never (punish) his students, does he?inventeddiscoveredcreatedpunishedpunishes6. He accepted his (punish) like a man.

28、7. The news seemed to (传播得更 快) than we had expected.8. Were looking for someone . (精通) of German. 9. A good student must what he reads (与联 系) what he sees around him. punishment(be) spread faster/more quicklywith a good knowledge/who (that)has a good knowledgeconnectwith/to一、重点单词 1._adj.正确的、恰当的 (adv

29、.)2. v. 原谅 3._adj.中心的、中央的_(n.)4._n. 邮票、印章 5._v.建议、提议_(n.)6._n. 拐角、角落注:用“”标识的为高频词汇correctcorrectlypardoncentralcentrestampsuggestsuggestioncorner 7. v. &n. 要求、请求 8._adj.不说话的、沉默的 (n.) (adv.)9. adv.不常、很少10._n. 课程11._adj.自豪的、骄傲的_(n.)12._v. 敢于、胆敢 13. adj.总的 n.将军 (adv.)普遍地、总地 14._v.不及格、失败 (n.) (反义词)成功注:用“

30、”标识的为高频词汇requestsilentsilencesilentlyseldomcourseproudpridedaregeneralgenerallyfailfailuresuccess二、重点短语1.used _ . 过去常常2.a _ of一双3.pass _ 路过、经过 4.a little _早一点 5._ . and . 两者都 6.turn _向左 7._ forward to期待、期望注:用“”标识的为高频词汇topairbyearlierbothleftlook 8.from time _ time时常、有时9.deal _应对、处理10.in _ 公开地11.in 亲

31、身、亲自 12.boarding _寄宿学校 13.make a 做出决定 14.be _ of为骄傲、自豪 注:用“”标识的为高频词汇towithpublicpersonschooldecisionproud三、重点句型1.Could you tell me .? 你能告诉我?2.Lets ask what time the band starts. 让我们问问乐队什么时候开始表演。3.What kind of food do you like? 你喜欢吃什么菜?4.Sb. used to do sth. 某人曾经做过某事。 5.Sb. used to do sth. , didnt sb.

32、? 某人曾经做过某事,不是吗?6.Sb. didnt use to do sth. 某人没有做过某事7.Its adj.to do sth. 做某件事。8.Its beensome timesince引导的一般过去时的句子。 自从已经有段时间了。四、交际用语Ask for information politely(有礼貌地咨询信息)Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?Sure. Theres a supermarket down the street. Talk about what you used to be like(

33、谈论过去是什么样子)I didnt use to be popular in school.You used to be short, didnt you?五、重点语法1.宾语从句(where, when, how 等)2.used to的用法The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank. 这家书店在你右手边,在银行的旁边。(P 17)【解析】beside的用法与辨析:beside为介词,意为“在旁边”,相当于near (to) /next to。如:There is a lamp beside the bed.床的旁边有一盏灯。【用法拓展】固

34、定短语beside oneself意为“忘我、极度兴奋”。如:I was beside myself for joy.我因高兴而得意忘形。【辨析】beside与besides二者词形容易混淆,具体用法如下:词条词条用法用法例句例句beside表示位置关系的介词,意为“在旁边”。There is a theatre beside/near his home.他家附近有一家剧院。besides作介词,意为“除了之外(还包括)”;作副词,意为“此外、而且”。Besides the two novels, I have bought two comics.我买了两本小说,另外还买了两本漫画书。Besi

35、des, I have lots of other friends.而且,我还有很多其他的朋友。Pardon? Restroom? You want to rest? 什么?休息室?你想要休息吗?(P 18)【解析】单词pardon的用法:pardon可用作名词、动词,意为“原谅、宽恕”。如:I beg your pardon.对不起;请原谅。I hope you will pardon me for doing so.我希望你原谅我这样做。【用法拓展】注意交际用语 I beg your pardon 的几种用法:表示道歉 (比 Im sorry更正式, 也说 Pardon me),意为“对不

36、起”。如:I beg your pardon, I suppose I should have knocked.对不起,我想我本来应该敲门的。Thats quite all right.那没关系。表示没听清或没听懂对方的话,请对方再说一遍 (也说Beg your pardon./ Beg pardon./ Pardon.等。注意:说时用升调),意为“请再说一遍、对不起、我没听清”。如:Wheres the post office? 邮局在什么地方?I beg your pardon? 请问,你说什么?I asked where the post office is.我问邮局在什么地方。 用来引

37、起对方注意(如:要打扰对方,与陌生人搭话等,也说 I beg your pardon./Pardon me.等),意为“对不起;打扰一下;请问”如:I beg (your) pardon, is this your handbag? 对不起,这是你的手提包吗?Pardon me, may I disturb you a minute?对不起,可以打扰你一会儿吗?No problem. You dont need to rush!没有问题。你不需要匆忙!(P 18)【解析】单词rush的用法:rush可用作动词或名词,使用时可从这两方面把握:(1)rush作动词时,及物或不及物均可,意为“冲、奔

38、、赶紧、仓促行动、匆忙地做(或吃等)”,常与介词to/into 连用。如:He sprang up and rushed to the door.他跳起身向门口跑去。Dont rush to a conclusion.不要急于下结论。We rushed the work.我们赶做工作。(2)作名词时,意为“冲、奔、急速行动、忙碌(时刻)、(交通等的)繁忙”等。如:There was a rush for the concert tickets.出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。“Everyone is in a rush in New York, even in restaurants and i

39、n cafes. ” he said.“每个人在纽约都匆匆忙忙,即使是在餐馆和咖啡馆。”他说。【用法拓展】rush的常用短语:in a rush匆忙地、急速地rush at冲向rush hour高峰时间rush into冲进、匆忙进入、仓促行动 I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.我建议在水上世界的水上城市饭店。(P 19)【解析】动词suggest的用法:动词suggest意为“建议、提议”,有如下主要用法:(1)可以接名词作宾语。如:He suggested a twodaylong stay in Beijing on the w

40、ay home.他建议回家时在北京待两天。(2)可以接v.ing形式作宾语。如:My father suggested calling for a doctor at once.父亲建议马上请个医生。(3)可以接宾语从句。但跟宾语从句时,谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的形式,即“should动词原形”,或省略should。如:We suggested that he (should) go and make an apology to his teacher.我们建议他去向老师道歉。【用法拓展】suggest的名词形式是suggestion,为可数名词。如:Oh, maybe we can give

41、 him some suggestions.噢,或许我们可以给他一些建议。On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs. 在爱丽丝和何伟去水城市餐馆的路上,他们路过鲍勃叔叔的餐馆。(P19)【解析】短语pass by的用法:pass by为短语动词,意为“路过、经过”。该短语属于不及物动词,不可接宾语。如:A bus has just passed by.一辆公共汽车刚过去。Wow! Ten years has passed by.啊!十年已悄然离去。【用法拓展】短语pass by当以“时光

42、(time/day/year/ .)”之类的名词作主语时,可与短语go by互换使用。如:Half of the vacation has passed by/gone by.假期的一半已经过去了。As time goes by/ passes by, we may need to change arrangements.随时间推移,我们可能需要改变安排。These are similar requests for directions.对于方向有类似的要求。(P 22)【解析】动词request的用法:request 作为动词时,意为“要求、请求、请求给予”。主要搭配如下:(1)reques

43、t sb. to do sth.意为“要求(请求)某人做某事”。如:I request her to go alone.我要求她自己一个人去。 (2)request sth. (of/from sb.)意为“(向某人)要求(要)某物”。如: I requested help from the librarian to locate a book I wanted.我请图书管理员帮我找一本我要的书。(3)“requestthat从句”,从句用虚拟语气,即“should 动词原形”,should可省略。如:I request that she (should) go alone.我要求她自己一个人

44、去。【用法拓展】request 还可以用作可数名词,意为“要求、请求”。如:If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.如果你有一些问题或请求的话,请让我知道。【辨析】ask, request与require三者都有“要求”的意思,但用法有所不同:词条词条用法用法例句例句ask泛指,一般用得比较多,比较通俗,语气也较客气。The teacher asked the students to answer his questions one after another.老师要学生一个一个地回答他的问题。request特指,表示

45、“有礼貌的请求”,是下对上的要求,常以口头或书面形式提出的要求。Many people have requested the next song.许多人要求听下面这首歌。require特指,表示按照法规、权利提出的要求或命令,指客观需要,是上对下的要求。They required me to keep silence.他们要求我保持沉默。As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. 随着她变好,她敢在全班同学面前唱歌,然后为全校唱。(P 27)【解析】单词da

46、re的用法:dare 主要有两方面用法: (1)用作情态动词,通常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中;或与whether,hardly等连用。如:Dare you ask him? 你敢问他吗?I dont know whether he dare try.我不知道他敢不敢试。If you ever dare call me that name again, youll be sorry.你胆敢再那样叫我, 你会后悔的。(2)用作行为动词,可用于各种句子中;在疑问句或否定句中,to 经常被省略。如:Dare to imagine that this could come true.要敢去想象这会变成

47、事实的。Did anyone dare (to) admit it? 有人敢于承认吗? He did not dare (to) leave his car there.他不敢把车停放在那里。Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. 坎迪告诉我,她曾经是非常害羞,通过唱歌来克服她的羞怯。(P 27)【解析】短语deal with的用法:短语deal with意为“处理、对付”,其中deal为不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词都是dealt。如:Do you m

48、ind if I deal with this?我先处理这件事,你不介意吧?Have you dealt with these letters yet? 这些信件你已经处理了吗?【辨析】deal with与do with词条词条共同点共同点不同点不同点deal with两个短语都有“处理”的意思,但二者的搭配与结构有所不同。deal with常与how搭配;do with常与what搭配。How do you deal with the matter?你怎么处理这件事?do withWhat do you do with the matter?你怎么处理这件事?Sometimes he was

49、 absent from classes and failed his examinations.有时候他缺课,考试不及格。(P 30)【解析】absent与fail的用法:absent常用作形容词,意为“缺席的、不在场的”,多用作表语。如: He was absent yesterday. Do you know why?昨天他没到,你知道为什么吗?当表示“做某事缺席”时,其后常接介词 from,从而构成短语be absent from。如:Some students were absent from class.有些学生上课缺席。They were absent from work tha

50、t day.他们那天都没有上班。复合形容词absentminded,可用作表语或定语,其意为“心不在焉的、健忘的”。如:He is always absentminded.他老是心不在焉。absent的反义词present,意为“出席的”。如:The guests are all present.客人都来齐了。 动词fail有如下主要用法:(1)fail in sth.表示“在某方面失败”,其反义短语是succeed in sth.。如:He failed in business.他经商失败。 He failed in everything he tried.他想的一切办法都没成功。(2)fa


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