1、shu gu 水果水果(Fruit)x gu 西瓜西瓜(Watermelon)zh sh shn me?这是什么?Whats this?zh sh x gu这是西瓜。This is watermelon.png gu 苹果(apple)chng zi 橙子(Orange)co mi 草莓(strawberry)p tao 葡萄(Grape)桃子(to zi)-peach芒果(mng gu)-mango樱桃(yng tao)-Cherry菠萝(b lu)/凤梨(fng l)-pineapple香瓜(xing gu)-Cassaba melon榴莲(lu lin)-Jackfruit梨(l)-pe
2、arj g 几个?Zh l yu j g co mi这里有几个草莓?六个(六个(li g)个(g)meanings 个(g) use to describe numbers. eg. 1个(y g),3个(sn g)一个苹果一个苹果y g png gu三个桃子三个桃子sn g to ziNyu j g chng zi你有几个橙子?两个(两个(ling g)Zh yu j g png gu这有几个苹果?四个(四个(s g)t zhng yu j g x gu图中有几个西瓜?t zhng yu du sho p tao图中有多少葡萄?很多(很多(hn du)Many找出你知道的水果找出你知道的水果
3、(zho ch n zh do d shu gu)Please find out fruit that you can recognize.蔬菜(sh ci) vegetable胡胡萝萝卜(卜(hh lulu bobo) ) carrotcarrot包/头/牛心菜(Bo/tu/ni xn ci) Cabbage白菜(bi ci)Chinese cabbage蘑菇(蘑菇(m gu)Mushroom 茄子(茄子(qiqi zizi) ) Eggplant土豆土豆(t du) Potato西红柿西红柿(x hng sh)/番茄(番茄(fn qi)tomato洋葱(洋葱(yng cng) Onion黄瓜(黄瓜(hung gu)-Cucumber彩椒(ci jio)-color pepper青椒(qng jio)Green pepper西兰花(x ln hu)-broccoli辣椒(l jio)hot pepper南瓜(南瓜(nn gu)-pumpkin连线(lin xin)-Link西红柿西红柿(x hng sh)洋葱(洋葱(yng cng)土豆土豆(t du)连线(lin xin)-Link 蘑菇(m gu) 胡萝卜(h lu bo) 包菜(ba ca)Thank you