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1、New wordsNew words抄写3 3遍,考试:railway n. 铁路铁路foreigner n. 外国外国porter n. 搬运搬运wonder v. 感到奇怪感到奇怪several 几个几个新概念英语第二册Lesson 25Do the English speak English? 不同国家的人的单复数不同国家的人的单复数 名称名称 总称总称(谓语用复数)谓语用复数) 一个人一个人 两个人两个人中国人the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese瑞士人the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss澳大利亚人the Australians an Au

2、stralian two Australians俄国人the Russians a Russian two Russians意大利人the Italians an Italian two Italians希腊人the Greek a Greek Greeks法国人the French a Frenchman two Frenchmen日本人the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese美国人the Americans an American two Americans印度人the Indians an Indian two Indians加拿大人the Canadia

3、ns a Canadian two Canadians德国人the Germans a German two Germans英国人the English an Englishman two Englishmen瑞典人the Swedish a Swede two Swedes The countries that speak EnglishAustralia 澳大利亚澳大利亚 Canada 加拿大加拿大 India 印度印度Kenya肯尼亚肯尼亚 New Zealand 新西兰新西兰 Nigeria尼日利亚尼日利亚(非洲中西部国家非洲中西部国家) Pakistan巴基斯坦巴基斯坦(南亚国家南亚

4、国家) Panama巴拿马巴拿马(位于中美洲的国家位于中美洲的国家) Philippines 菲律宾菲律宾 Singapore新加坡新加坡the United Kingdom the United States 英语中的一些常见俚语英语中的一些常见俚语EDE:put oneself in ones shoes设身处地为他人着想设身处地为他人着想keep oneself under ones hat 守秘密守秘密paint the town red大事狂欢大事狂欢in the clouds空想,心不在焉空想,心不在焉pain in the neck极讨厌的人或事极讨厌的人或事the pot ca

5、lling the kettle black五十步笑百步五十步笑百步Everyday English:A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善终Beard the lion in his den. 老虎头上捉虱;太岁头上动土老虎头上捉虱;太岁头上动土。New words and expressions 1 1 railwayrailway reilwei n. reilwei n.铁路 2 2 porterporter p p:t :t n. n.搬运工 3 3 severalseveral sev sevr rl l 几个 4 4 foreigner

6、foreignerffrinrin n. n.外国人 5 5 wonderwonder wwndnd v. v.感到奇怪 rail(rail(铁路)+way()+way(路,途径) ) rail:n.扶手,栏杆,围栏 出轨:Jump the rail n.铁路(BrE) = railroad(AmE) 表示道路的单词:highway,freeway,expressway,motorway highway:公路 motorway(BrE) = freeway(AmE) :高速公路(主要指城市与城市之间的) subway subway 地铁 火车站railway station=train sta

7、tionrailway station=train station e.g: e.g: The railway station was big, black and dark.The railway station was big, black and dark. expressway快速通道(主要指城市内的,例如高架桥)railway.railway. BrE AmE BrE AmE 火车站 railway station railway station train stationtrain station 地铁站 underground/tube station underground/t

8、ube station subway subway station station 加油站 petrol station petrol station gas stationgas station Porter: r:n. .(火车站等)行李搬运工bellboy (AmE) /pageboy(BrE port(港口)er(人) 我不知道去饭店的路应该怎么走,于是向一个搬运工打听。 e.g.: I did not know the way to the hotel, so I asked a porter.wonder n.n.奇观 世界七大奇观:the seven great wonders

9、in the the seven great wonders in the worldworld What a wonder!What a wonder!多么奇妙 Its a wonder that he survivedIts a wonder that he survived生存 the plane the plane crash.crash. 短语:No/little wonderNo/little wonder并不奇怪,难怪 No wonder that =Its no wonder thatNo wonder that =Its no wonder that e.g. Shes ju

10、mping the rail .No wonder her e.g. Shes jumping the rail .No wonder her husband dumpedhusband dumped抛弃 her. her. A wonder lasts but nine days . A wonder lasts but nine days . 奇闻只存在九天 a nine-day wonder:a nine-day wonder:一时的轰动却很容易被人忘却 e.g. As a pop star she is a nine-days wonder: she e.g. As a pop sta

11、r she is a nine-days wonder: she only made one successful record . only made one successful record . v.觉得奇怪,不明白 +at sth e.g.She wonders at her own stupidity糊涂事. wonder about sth. 对什么感到怀疑 +从句(从句用陈述句的语序) e.g. Im wondering what I should do. I wonder who he is. 礼貌地提问或请求别人做某事 e.g. Im wondering whether I

12、could ask you out. Im wondering if you could help me. Wonderful:adj. .奇妙的,精彩的,极好的wonderfully.wonderfully.精彩地 e.g.I would be a wonderful wife.several several 几个 few+ few+可数名词复数 little+little+不可数名词 several+several+可数名词复数 several timesseveral times e.g.:e.g.:I repeated my questions several times.I repe

13、ated my questions several times. 我重复了我的问题几遍。 各自的 Several men,several minds.人各有志 severalseveral几个 somesome一些,即可以修饰可数,又可以修饰不可数 severalseveral只能修饰可数 =anumberof(=anumberof(一些) ) agreatnumberofagreatnumberof大量的 sometime/sometime/sometimessometime/sometime/sometimes sometimesometime一段时间sometimeagesometime

14、age sometimesometime某时 e.g.: Iwilldefeate.g.: Iwilldefeat打败yousometime.yousometime. sometimessometimes有时,偶尔 severaltimesseveraltimes许多次foreigner:n.外国人 e.g. a blue-eyed foreigner e.g. a blue-eyed foreigner 蓝眼睛外国人 foreign: adj. foreign: adj. 外国的,海外的 外国留学生:foreign studentsforeign students 洋货:foreign go

15、odsforeign goods 外交事务:foreign affairsforeign affairs 外交政策:foreign policyforeign policy 陌生的 e.g. The subject is foreign to us.e.g. The subject is foreign to us. Adj.+ern.Adj.+ern. strangestranger strangestranger foreignforeigner foreignforeigner lightlighter( lightlighter(打火机) )Lets review 1 1 railwa

16、yrailway reilwei n. reilwei n.铁路 2 2 porterporter p p:t :t n. n.搬运工 3 3 severalseveral sev sevr rl l 几个 4 4 foreignerforeignerffrinrin n. n.外国人 5 5 wonderwonder wwndnd v. v.感到奇怪New wordsNew words抄写3 3遍,考试:与“Catch”-caught-caughtCatch”-caught-caught相关的6 6个英语表达1catch a cold 1catch a cold 感冒“Oh, I caugh

17、t a nasty cold, so I decided to stay “Oh, I caught a nasty cold, so I decided to stay home and rest.”home and rest.” 我感冒的很严重,因此决定待在家里休息。2 catch fire 2 catch fire 着火“Keep those papers away from the candle, or else theyll catch “Keep those papers away from the candle, or else theyll catch fire.”fire.”

18、 把那些纸放得离蜡烛远一些,否则很容易着火。3 catch someones eye 3 catch someones eye 眼神交流或者吸引注意力This painting caught This painting caught my eye because of its bright, lively colors.”my eye because of its bright, lively colors.”这幅画因为其鲜亮、生动的颜色成功吸引了我的注意力。4 good catch 4 good catch 很好,不错的人选。 “Bobs hard-working, sensitive, f

19、unny hes a good catch!” “Bobs hard-working, sensitive, funny hes a good catch!” 鲍勃工作努力,知道体贴人,还有幽默,真的是个不错的人选。5 Catch you later! 5 Catch you later! 再见6I didnt catch 6I didnt catch 我没理解. . 我没跟上你说的The science teacher spoke so quick,I didnt catch him.The science teacher spoke so quick,I didnt catch him.

20、About the title:About the title: Do the English speak English? Do the English speak English? EnglishEnglish:n.n.英语,英国人,英格兰人 adj. adj. 英国的,英格兰的 the English:the English:统称英国人,所以助动词用复数 EnglishEnglish指英语,谓语动词用单数 e.g. English is interesting.e.g. English is interesting. The English are friendly The Englis

21、h are friendly. .英国的全称为:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(the Britainthe British)I arrived in London at last.The railway station was big, black and dark.Sentence structure:1.I arrived in London at last. arrive in + sp. (大地方)(大地方)e.g.: I arrived in Beijing yesterd

22、ay. arrive at + sp. (小地方小地方)e.g.: I arrived at school ten minutes ago. arrive in = arrive at = get to = reach 2at last = finally = in the end2at last = finally = in the end最后 at last:at last:强调通过努力最后。 .At last,he succeeded in his business.At last,he succeeded in his business. I won the football game

23、 at lastI won the football game at last 对比 the end,finallythe end,finally in the end: in the end:强调一种结果 e.g.They broke up several times,but e.g.They broke up several times,but married in the end married in the end finally: finally:一种次序上的最后 firstly , secondly, finallyfirstly , secondly, finally. .The

24、 railway station was big, black The railway station was big, black and darkand dark. . 3dark3dark:adj.adj.黑暗的lightlight 皮肤黝黑的fair(white)fair(white) 深的:dark bluelightdark bluelight 忧郁的:dark expressiondark expression 坏的:look on the dark sidelook on the dark side look on the bright side look on the bri

25、ght sideI did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. 4the way to 去去的路上的路上 on ones way to 在在的路上的路上the way to:to 是介词,介词短语充当是介词,介词短语充当the way的定语,类似的如:的定语,类似的如:房门的钥匙:房门的钥匙:the key to the door问题的答案:问题的答案:the answer to the question大楼的入口:大楼的入口:the entrance to the building都表示一种由此及彼的方向。都表示一种由此及彼的

26、方向。e.g.: I am on my way to school.5 ask sb. about sth. 问某人关于某事问某人关于某事e.g.: I asked him about the football match. ask sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事e.g.: I asked him to help the old man carry the bag.I not only spoke English very well, but very clearly as well.6 not onlybut also 不仅不仅而且而且I not only spo

27、ken English very carefully,but also very clearly. e.g.He is not only clever,but also diligent勤奋的勤奋的.e.g.: Not only Tom but also Jack likes her. 7as well = too = also 也也The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he

28、 spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 8however然而,仍然 The book is expensive,however,its worth it. 9repeat重复 The little boy can repeat his mothers sentences work for word. 10Understand-understood-understood明白,理解11 several = some 11 several = some 一些 at no time at no time 绝不 at a time at a time 每次 in no ti

29、me in no time 立刻;马上 at any time at any time 曾经 12neither.nor.:12neither.nor.:表示两者都不 e.g.I have neither time nor money to e.g.I have neither time nor money to travel.travel. She likes neither butter nor cheese. She likes neither butter nor cheese. 当neither.nor.neither.nor.连接两个主语时,也应遵循 就近原则 。例如: e.g.N

30、either dad nor mum e.g.Neither dad nor mum is is at home at home today. today. Neither you nor I Neither you nor I amam in. in. 若将neither.nor.neither.nor.句型变为肯定句,只需把neither.nor.neither.nor.改为both.and.both.and.即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。 e.g.Both dad and mum are at home e.g.Both dad and mum are at home today.

31、today. 今天父母都在家。 I am a foreigner , I said. Then he spoke slowly ,but I could not understand him.My teacher never spoke English like that.The porter and I looked at each other and smiled . Then he said something and I understood it. 13like:prep.13like:prep.像 He is very like his father.He is very like

32、 his father. She looks nothing like her mother.She looks nothing like her mother. Like father,like son.Like father,like son.有其父必有其子 14The porter and I looked at each other 14The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.and smiled. 英语当中一般都把第一人称“我”放在并列主语后面, ,与中文刚刚相反。 e.g.My friend and I went to th

33、e theatre e.g.My friend and I went to the theatre yesterdayyesterday. . each othereach other互相 help each otherhelp each otherYou will soon learn English.He said.I wonder.In England, each person speaks a different language.The English understand each other,but I dont understand them!Do they speak Eng

34、lish?15 be different from = differ from 和和不同不同e.g.: I am different from my brother.the United Kingdom(简称)(英国)(简称)(英国)London(伦敦)(伦敦)并列句(compound sentence): 把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,则成为一个并列句。 并列关系(联合关系) 连接词:and, not onlybut(also), bothand,neithernor等 I help him and he helps me. Not only did we write to her

35、but also we telegraphed her. Neither would I consult him nor would he ask me for advice. 转折关系 连接词: but, yet, still, while虽然, however可是,不管怎样 He failed many times, but he didnt despair绝望. He studied hard,yet he failed the exam. 选择关系 连接词: or, otherwise否则, eitheror 或者.或者 Money or life? We must hurry, or

36、 well miss the train. Either you come to my place or I go to yours. 因果关系 连接词:for, so, thus因此, therefore所以 We had better stay at home, for it was raining. He didnt work hard, therefore he failed in the examination.常用并列连词coordinating conjunctionscoordinating conjunctions 平行并列连词: : 转折并列连词: 因果并列连词: : 选择

37、并列连词: :and, bothand, not only but also, neithernorbut,however,while,yetfor,soor,eitheror某人某人(事事)怎么样怎么样.这种情况也适合另一个人这种情况也适合另一个人(事事).肯定式肯定式.too, also, so 否定式否定式.either, neither但是,但是,either, neither也可以做代词也可以做代词,either两个中的任何两个中的任何一个,一个,neither 两个都不,两个都不,1. Will you come here this evening or tomorrow even

38、ing? Either is OK. Im free. (Neither . Im very busy.)2. I have an apple. Either of you can take it. I want to eat it. Neither of you can take it. .句中句中either.or是连词是连词, 意为意为” 或或或或,是是还是还是, 不是不是就是就是” Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays常见的结构有常见的结构有. 1. 连接并列主语连接并列主语, 谓语一般和邻近的主语一致谓语一般和邻

39、近的主语一致.Either you or he has to go there.Either mum or I wash clothes.Either you or I am right.Either you or she is going.Either he or his brother knows the way there.2. 连结并列谓语或表语,状语连结并列谓语或表语,状语 You may either watch TV at home or play basketball outside.Either come in or go out.He is either a doctor

40、or a teacher.Do you speak either English or French.You may come either before class or after class.Either you stay or I do. neithernor., (既不既不也不也不) not only but also(不但(不但而且而且),连结两个主语时与,连结两个主语时与either or一样一样 Neither you nor he is wrong. Neither Dad nor my brother helps.Not only you but also your tea

41、cher was wrong.Not only Li Ming but also his wife works in the USA. 与与以上三个不同的是,以上三个不同的是,bothand(两着都)连结两个(两着都)连结两个主语时,句中谓语动词应是复数形式主语时,句中谓语动词应是复数形式Both you and your teacher are wrong.Both Li Ming and his wife work in USA.My father has friends both at home and abroad. 请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。1.He was ti

42、red. He went to bed. 2.The child hid behind his mothers skirt. He was afraid of the dog.He was tired, so he went to bed.The child hid behind his mothers skirt,for he was afraid of the dog.He made a promise.He didnt keep it.He made a promise,but He didnt keep it. Mary is opening the door.John is gree

43、ting her guests.Mary is opening the door,and John is greeting her guests.How to do these exercises.1. He isnt a student. (She)2. She doesnt study English. (Mary)3. They didnt play football yesterday. ( we)She isnt a student, either.Neither is she.Mary doesnt study English, either.Neither does Mary.W

44、e didnt play football yesterday, either.Neither did we.4. Jim always works hard.5.Marys mother is a Chinese.6. She said she would come to see me. So he does.So she is.So she did.对上文所说对上文所说的事加以肯的事加以肯定定 Either my brothers or my mother _ Either my brothers or my mother _ (go) to see my grandpa every we

45、ek.(go) to see my grandpa every week. Not only Lucy but also Toms sister Not only Lucy but also Toms sister _ (see) the film for three times_ (see) the film for three timesgoeshas seen1. Both my brothers _ in Italy. ( lives/ live)2. Neither of his parents _ butter and cheese. (likes/ like)3.Neither

46、John nor Mary _ at home. ( was/were)4. Both Peter and Mike often _ football match but neither of them_ football very well. (watches/watch) (plays/play)5. Either you or I _ going to cook supper tonight. (are/am)6. Either my father or my mother _ dinner. Both my brother and I _ them on weekends. (cook

47、s/cook) (helps/help)7. All the people in my family _the housework. (does/do)livelikeswaswatchplaysamcookshelpdoFill in the blanks with “ eitherorneithernorboth(and)1. My father and my mother are _ teachers. They teach in the same school.2._he _she can join us. We want both of them.3. The trousers ar

48、e _ too short_ too long. Neither of them is the right size.4. She is _Chinese _ Japanese. She comes from Korea.5. Everyone helps parents with the housework because my parents _ work. bothEither oreither orneither norbothFill in the blanks with the proper verb forms1. Either your mother or your father _(be) a worker.2. Either they or he _(be) a student.3. Neither you nor Tom _(have) this book.4. Both your parents and your sister _(be) at home. isishasareLook at page 124Exercise B&C


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