1、2017年3月托福真题回忆及解析所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了2017年3月托福真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2017年3月举行了三场考试,时间分别为3月4日、3月11日、3月25日。以下内容仅供参考。3月4日托福口语真题回忆:T1Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict.这是 Task1 中经典的 Free-choice 题目的 Describe Question 中一道经典的事件类题目,重点需
2、描述冲突的过程即可。Argument about whether young kids should be always forgiven after they did something rude several years ago on the bus with the kids parent. 过程+结果:A little boy was so naughty that he shouted too loudly and kicked my cousin who was pregnant on the bus, so I blamed him and shouted to the kid
3、 and tried to stop this rude behavior to protect my cousin. At the beginning, the child was scared by me and crying, which made his mother a bit angry. Then his mother started to argue with me to blame why I was too bad to her kid, and the kid even tried to kick me off meanwhile. All this rude behav
4、ior irritated me totally and I almost had a serious conflict with them and tried to let them know how pretty wrong and rude they were to a pregnant woman, since it might lead to some bad consequence to my cousin and it is not good to do that in public.Most of the people on the bus supported me and h
5、elped me to argue with the rude mother and boy, finally they just left without saying anything angrily.A. the importance of being impolite with anyone no matter in public此题考察描述类题目中有关不愉快经历的事件题目相关表述能力,需注意时T2If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester,one apartment is near the ca
6、mpus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why?经典 Task2 Paired-choice Preference 二选一个人观点阐述类题目,只需给出观点并给出合理解释,切忌不可给出模棱两可的选择。此题无论选择哪种, 只要给出合理的解释即可,可采用推理与事实论证的方法进行细节扩充。 Its time-saving to commute; slightly expensive means probably a be
7、tter living environment to live and study; Good for health by taking a bus or riding a bike to commute; Economically reasonable for a student who need to save money for anything; A good chance to appreciate different and beautiful views on the way between home and school;此题是有关宿舍与学校距离远近的观点阐述类话题,题目难度适
8、中,也是常考话题之一,一般会用到的方法就是对比、举例法、推理解释法。希望考生们对时下比较流行的热点社会话题进行总结并引起足够的重视。T3标题: library make private study booth available to graduate students原因 1:独立的空间存放物品原因 1: 研究生一般要完成比较长的论文, 所需要的资料很多,背包很重,可以将资料放在 booth 里,省了背着重包往返学校原因 2:高层安静很重要,因为 study area 一般比较吵闹。对于本科生还好,他们需要社交。但是研究生需要很多的独处的时间。T4 阅读标題:weather modifica
9、tion例子: 比如为了飞机安全起飞和降落,一般需要比较高的清晰度,有大雾的时候可以用 carbon-dioxide 的喷雾喷在雾上,使其冰冻并沉降,就可以提高visibilityT5问題: 学生要开音乐会,但是买的 uniform 不合身。裤子衣服都比较长。解决方案 1:换货缺点 1:但是 shipping 的费用要自己承担,而自己最近已经花了很多钱,所以觉得 shipping 太贵T6话題:如何让邮件广告更有针对性 要点 1:mail your target customer例子 1:比如一个美发沙龙里,可以将广告发邮件给女性,并且是住在附近的女性例子 2:还是那个美发沙龙,可以先在一个小
10、群体里实验两个不同的发型设计,看哪一个能吸引更多的顾客。把吸引更多顾客的那个类型通过邮件广告出去。3月4日托福听力真题回忆:Conversation1学生去找管理员拍 ID 上的照片,因为她的校园 ID 掉了。管理员:“如果你是补办 ID 的话得先在线填写表格,我收到了才能给你拍照片。”接着,管理员想起来了,他收到过学生的在线申请。问题是,每天补 ID 的地方拍照的时间是固定的,今天的拍照时间已经过了。管理员:“你可以明后天再来。”学生:“但是我明天要去市里档案馆,因为我的教授要求我在论文中加入一些资料,而这些资料必须在档案馆才能看到。问题是,档案馆得有学生 ID 才能去。”管理员:“但是今天
11、没法给你拍照了。这样吧,给你一个临时学生 ID,会盖上学校的章,但是没有你的照片,你看 ok 吗?”学生:“太好了,完全可以的。等我拿好临时 ID 我要再去找下教授,问问我去档案馆重点要看那些资料。”内容回忆: 学生读了一篇教授要求的资料,关于动物的睡眠的。学生:“我读了资料了,觉得很有意思。但是,这些资料研究的都是在实验室里的动物的睡眠情况,这不会有问题吗?”教授:“是的,当然了。这些研究可能不那么 authentic。但是研究技术所限啊,研究睡眠需要使用大型仪器,没法带到野外去。”学生:“是哦,而且在野外也很难追踪动物。”学生:“睡眠太有意思了,我们每天都经历 。但却知之甚少。”教授:“也
12、不能完全这么说。至少我们知道睡眠时大脑的活动情况,以及缺少睡眠会带来的问题。但我们还不清楚睡眠的目的。”学生:“真希望我将来也能研究睡眠。”教授:“学校里一直有这些项目,只是校方宣传太少。这些项目中,你可以跟老师一起研究。”教授:“如果你对我的研究领域感兴趣,你可以跟我一起研究。我还有个同事在Arizona,他也研究动物睡眠。”学生:“我准备去申请看看。”Lecture 1 学科分类:Ecology标題: globe skimmer 的迁徙我们可能一直以为动物的迁徙是为了去寻找更舒适的气候,比如冬天的时候会有动物从 florida 往温暖的地方迁徙。但并非所有动物都是为了更舒适的气候而迁徙的。
13、例如一种叫做 GS 的蜻蜓。关于它们的所有研究都还没有确凿的证据,但是值得一看。它们会迁徙到马尔代夫,但马尔代夫对它们来说不是合适的生存据点。马尔代夫是海洋中的岛屿国家,所有的降雨都被沙山吸收了,所以很难在马代找到淡水。而淡水却是蜻蜓产卵的重要介质。那么这些 GS 蜻蜓是如何产卵的呢?它们会在马代的树林里寻找降雨后的水塘,在那里产卵。它们从印度出发,飞往马代,再飞到非洲。有趣的是,它们从印度飞往马代是在向南飞行。但是当它们飞往马代时,季风正好往北吹。那么如此小小的生物是如何实现逆风飞行的呢?它们会提升飞行的高度:到到达一定高度时,空气的流向就反了。所以,GS 可以再很高的高度借助往南的风飞行。
14、它们的飞行距离非常远,需要经历 4 代才能完成。如果我们再做些研究,有足够多的证据来证实他们的迁徙情况的话,GS 有可能代替某某 butterfly 成为迁徙距离最远的生物。Lecture 2 学科分类: US History标題: 1940s 美国人移居美国南部移民的主要原因有两类,一类称为 push,即驱使移民离开自己所在地的原因;另一类称为 pull,即吸引移民来到新地区的原因。例如,早起从欧洲移民来美国的人就是受到了这两种原因的驱使。一方面,自己所在的国家贫穷,并且看不到希望;另一方面,美国充满了机遇。同样的逻辑不仅仅适用于国家之间的移民,也适用于国内移民。例如二战之后,美国繁荣发展,
15、东部尤甚。众多的人口让很多有孩子或者准备要孩子的家庭感觉到东部太拥挤了,这就是 push 类原因。当时的南部地区虽然地广人稀,而且气候温暖,但是没有足够的基础设施也没有足够的工作机会,因此南部对于人们的 pull 还不够。但是 1940s 之后,政府投资重金,在南部建立了水坝,发电厂等设施。政府还修筑了城市与城市之间的道路,同时由于家家户户都能买得起车,于是原来美国难以交通的南部城市也变的容易通行。此外,空调的应用让工作场所里的员工都能享有很好的工作环境。这时,南部的 pull 足够了,土地便宜,工作机会又多,很多人开始往那里移民。学科分类: English Literature 标題 : 1
16、9 世纪人们的阅读方式19 世纪的欧洲,书本是非常昂贵的,一本书的价格大概相当于一个人一周的工资。而那个时候的小说又都被装订成 3 册,所以要买全一套小说,代价非常高昂。可是 19 世纪的人们却非常爱阅读,而且人人都能读到书,这是怎么回事呢?因为他们有除了买书之外的另外两种获得图书的方式。第一种,他们去图书馆借书。当时有个叫做 Mudie 的图书馆,馆藏图书非常多,人们缴费年费,就可以借阅图书了。所有的书又都是装订成了 3 册,这就大大增加了 Mudie 的图书可被借阅的次数,提高了收益。由于 Mudie 图书馆的读者众多,它甚至影响了出版社的出版内容。Mudie 是个真实存在的人,他非常保守
17、,所以如果有出版社出的书他不喜欢,他就不会在图书馆借出这些书。第二种,小说以连载的形式出现在杂志中,每期杂志出一章,这样,读者们就不用一下花费很多钱了。后来,出现了合订本把小说中的几章合订在一起。狄更斯和他的出版商就很爱用这种方法。但是很多其他作家就反对这样做,因为他们认为原先每期连载的时候,他们可以在每章结尾留下悬念,可以吸引读者购买。做成合订本,吸引力就减小了。但是狄更斯的小说却从来不靠故意在每个章节后面留悬念而吸引读者,而是靠小说的精妙构思吸引了很多读者。学科分类: Astrology标題: 月球的形成内容回忆:月球围绕地球旋转,但始终只有一面是面向地球的,这一面称之为 near sid
18、e。另一面无法从地球上看到的我们称为 far side。直到 50 年前,我们通过卫星发回的照片,才知道这两面是不同的。near side很平坦而 far side 却有很多山峦。这是为什么呢?有假设提出,这可能和月球的形成有关。如果我们把月球形成的起始条件输入电脑进行模拟的话,我们会发现多种可能,其中一种可能是,最初出现了两个月球。一个大,一个小。两个月球以几乎一样的速度在距离地球几乎一样距离的轨道上运行。由于地球和大月球的引力作用,小月球可能偏离的原先的轨道,撞入了大月球。由于两者的相对速度不大,所以小月球没有在大月球表面造成弹坑或者粉碎,而是和大月球融为了一体,并使得大月球表面出现了许多
19、山峦。3月4日托福写作真题回忆:综合出土了一种用陶土做的 disk,一面有花纹,一面没花纹。没花纹那面周围有一圈凸起刚好形成了一个浅浅的碗。disk 下面还有短短的手柄。这种 disk 有三种可能的用法。1、用来做饭,disk 无花纹面的碗刚好可以盛放食物,而手柄方便烹饪的时候移动 disk。2、用来当鼓,往 disk 上蒙上兽皮,就可以形成一个腔体。人们可以一手持手柄,一手击鼓。3、用作镜子。往无花纹面里到些液体,就可以当镜子用了。而且,这种用法很像古希腊的手持镜子。不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的 pans and pots,使用之后会blackend or discolored,因为
20、长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的 200 件 disk 中没有一个出现了这种情况。做鼓使用也不可能发出好听的声音。这中 disk 使用陶土制作,即使蒙上兽皮敲击的声音也远不如用兽皮和木头制作的鼓好听。此外,陶土制作的鼓非常沉,使用不便。无法当作镜子。倒入液体后,disk 就必须被水平放置,这样人们可以弯腰照镜子。但是被水平放置后,有花纹的那一面就看不见了。古希腊的镜子是手持的,垂直拿在手里,这样可以随时看见镜子的花纹。About the function of disks, the reading mentions three hypotheses,which are refuted
21、 by the listening one by one with the following arguments.The first possible function of disks, raised by the reading, is for cooking.The listening, however, is opposite to this point by further explaining that after being heated for a long time, cookers must be blackened or discolored, just like pa
22、ns and pots at our home. But the fact is that among the 200 unearthed disks, none of them is blackened or discolored.Regarding to the drum theory, the listening still disagrees with it. For one thing, it could not produce sound that is pleasing to ears for this kind of disk is made of clay, which, e
23、ven though covered with hides, could not produce sound that is better than that produced by drums made of hides and wood. For another, drums made of clay are too heavy, making it much inconvenient to use. The listening, therefore, casts doubt on what the reading indicates.Finally, the reading states
24、 that disks could serve as mirrors. This opinion is in sharp contrast with the belief in the listening that it is unlikely that disks are used as mirrors. After pouring liquid, disks must be laid horizontally. And people could look in the mirror by bending down. But the problem is that with the mirr
25、or being horizontal, the side which is decorated could not be seen. But the Greek mirrors are held by hands so that the decorative pattern is visible.独立Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch t
26、he movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?The movie industry has witnessed an unprecedented boom during recent years with endless movies coming into view. Among the ample supply of movies, many are based on original books, which provides the general public two choices about the order
27、 of reading books and watching movies. Some prefer to watch the movie followed by reading the book. According to my preference, I would like to read the originalbook first.The primary reason for my stance is that by reading the original book, I am allowed to let my imagination run wild. To illustrat
28、e, the original book shows us the detailed plots without displaying the specific characters on screen or through pictures. Therefore, we are free to imagine without the constraints of movies. Conversely, characters in the movies have already been chosen and designed including their facial expression
29、s, body language and even dressing styles, which leaves us few chances to make full use of our imagination and curiosity to think logically. It is no wonder that giving priority to the original books provides us with more fun, for it is imagination that contributes to happiness.Another factor tempts
30、 me to make such a choice is that I will have a deeper understanding of what is hidden behind the movie after reading the book. As we all know, movies are always adapted, some details of which are unavoidably deleted owing to the limitation of time.Accordingly, it is highly possible that some plots
31、and lines are too abstract to understand. The original book, on the other hand, clearly explains the background, hence not giving rise to confuse. I always have a glimpse of the original books before reading the adapted movies, with A Dream of Red Mansions a clear case in point. The book A Dream of
32、Red Mansions mainly describes a touching love story between Jia Baoyu and his cousin Lin Daiyu, which begins and ends in a luxurious mansion.Hardly could I understand why Lin Daiyu always quarreled with Jia Baoyu in the movie if I did not take time to read the book.Frankly speaking, movies are short
33、 enough for us to make a quick decision about whether it is to our taste and whether it is worth reading the original book. But as mentioned above, movies are adapted more often than not, which cannot serve as the determining factor of whether the original book is a good one.To sum up, reading the b
34、ook before watching the movie is definitely a more preferable choice, for it will beget imagination and curiosity as well as a deeper comprehension.3月4日阅读口语真题回忆:本文共 4 段。第 1 段讲了 18 世纪欧洲农村对于工业产品需求激增。随着居民收入略有上升,而产品价格的下降,农民用于超过必需品的商品的需求显著上升。工业制造品的消费比例近乎占一半。分工的发展也使得农民购买了一些以前自己所生产的产品。第 2 段描述 urbanization
35、对于工业品需求的影响。住在城市的人口数量增多,交通的便利,加大了对于工业品的需求。第 3 段说明了 capital consumption。比如伦敦居住着英国 11%的人口,并且有更多的人直接的参与到了伦敦的政治经济生活中。所以伦敦的生活方式迅速有效的传播。巴黎居住了法国 3%的人口,也是欧洲的 capital consumption 的典型。第 4 段说明了printed advertising 对于消费的促进。Printed advertising 始于英国,并且逐渐传播到欧洲各国。1. Unpromising = unfavorable3. Extend = expandPassage
36、two第 1 段说明 bristle-cone pine tree 是现如今发现的存活时间最长的有机体,其存在在恶劣的生存条件下,位于北美东部的延长地带的山地上。埃及金字塔时期是其 seedling 阶段,common era 是 middle age, 皆是为了强调其年龄的古老。第 2 段讲到了它的地理位置分布能解释生存。它的分布是 in isolation, 所基于 dolomite 周边有 sandstone, dolomite 的阳光反射强烈,造成其温度低而湿度高;第 3 段说明有一项 survival advantage。其有大量的 dead tissue, 只需要保存一小部分的 t
37、issue 所需的能量和物质即可;第 4 段说明它的材质里存在一种物种使得其 inhospitable to fungi and bacteria, 所以 free from disease. 第 5 段说明可以通过横切面的 tree ring 来测量其年龄,因为随着季节变化,tree cell 的 size 会发生变化。3. Inhospitable = unlikely Passage three第 1 段讲到苏美尔原来人口稀少,因为每年都有洪灾。但是后来农业发展,人口增多。第 2 段讲苏美尔地区土壤特别肥沃,农业的灌溉以及种植需要有人管理和监管,而 priesthood 起到了这个功能。
38、第 3 段说明 Sumerian 发明了文字,当时的 cuneiform 是在 2800bc 形成的。 Sumerian 是 temple city, 一开始出于官方记录 temple 的建造,劳动力分工等发明了文字,后来文字延用于商业交易。3月11日托福口语真题回忆:T1Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.Working as a Simulta
39、neous interpreter is a remarkable and unexpected thing for me in the past. Its extremely difficult to achieve since I did not show any talent in language learning. In fact, as an interpreter, it requires us to master good language skills. Like be capable to switch seamlessly between two languages, l
40、ike my ability expressing thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages, and more intimate familiarity with both cultures. Thats pretty cool, but clearly I cant. Because of the shyness and weak grammar even awkward phrasing, any of them could be a huge obstacle in my way of language learning. Unt
41、il one day, I receive the contempt from peers in the class, at that moment, I was shocked to realize that its time to change the current situation. Why not try to enjoyand appreciate the subject and combine it in our daily life. Thats when surprise starts, exactly from the conscious awareness. T2You
42、 live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park.The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea?My firm position is that the government should not do this. Since its the only green space-the city park which will h
43、elp to encourage citizens to lead healthier lifestyles, because it can reduce money spent on insurance and medical care. People who live in the narrow apartment are under great pressures, so its more likely for them to become depressed .if you can easily find a space to build your body or walk in a
44、park with your friends or family members, it would be a great relief .If more individuals have an incentive to do preventive health care, they would enjoy their longevity, and at the same time provide more labor force and fortune to the society Also, It is of more benefits for the government, people
45、s being healthy is good for our economic growth and the social harmony.If the government adjusted to build more housing complex, it would bring us lower life quality and chaotic situations. Consequently, clearing a space for citizen is worthwhile.T3标题: Professor should grade all students assignment原
46、因 1:Professor can give more detailed and useful feedback compared with those graduate students, who might be learning themselves.原因 2:Professor can have a better understanding of students progress and adapt the class to students need.听力原因 1: graduate students 批改作业分散任务,不累。通常一个班级 100多人,如果教授一个人要批改所有作业,
47、教授会很辛苦,并且没有那么多时间。原因 2:目前教授也能很好地了解学生的学习进度,因为教授每个星期都要和graduate students 讨论学生的作业情况。教授会花时间讲解学生作业中出现的问题。范文A student proposes that professor should grade all the assignments because it can make sure that students will get more detailed response and make more progress easily. The man in the conversation do
48、esnt think its a great idea. Firstly, he says its easy for graduates do that since the tasks would be dispersed. While is different for professor, they will feel tired and in fact they are always not available, Secondly, he mentions professors are also keeping close eye on every student based on the discussion with graduates about the course work. Besides, the problems which arises in the paper would be emphasized during the class.Therefore, because of these two reasons, the man agrees with the proposal.T4定义: When companies make advertisement to attract consum