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1、一阅读理解,每题2分。 AOne fine summer afternoon, Sam was walking home from school. He went along slowly, reading a book. Sam had spent all his money for the book, but he was a happy boy. Finally he came into the highroad, where there was a gate. A blind man stood, holding it open. The poor man said, Please g

2、ive me a few cents to buy some bread! But Sam gave him nothing. What! did Sam give the poor blind man nothing? Yes; for, as I told you, he had spent all his money. So Sam walked on, very sad. Soon after, a fine carriage came up, and in it were Harry and his mother. The blind man stood, and held out

3、his hat. Let us give the poor man something, said Harry to his mother. His mother gave him some cents. Harry took them, but did not put them into the mans hat. He threw them into the hedge as far as he could. The poor man could not find them, for, you know, he was blind. Sam had turned back to look

4、at the fine carriage. He saw Harry throw the cents into the hedge(树篱); so he came back at once, and looked for the money until he found it all for the blind man. This took so long a time, that he almost lost his supper. Which of the boys do you think was truly kind to the poor man? I know which he t

5、hanked most in his heart.1.Which of the following statements is true_.A. The story happened on a winter day. B. Sam had graduated from school.C. Sam liked books very much. D. Sam was unhappy, because he has no money2. Why does Sam not give the poor man some money?A. The man could not return the mone

6、y back to him.B. The man would not use the money properly.C. The man was blind. D. Sam had spent all his money to buy a book.3. From the text we can infer that_.A. Harry might be richer than Sam. B. Harrys mother taught his son well.C. The poor man found the money himself.D. Sam got these cents fina

7、lly.4.What does the underlined word “it” means in the text?A. the carriage B. the money C. the hedge D. the hatKeys: C D A BBThe tiger is a very large cat. His body is nearly covered with black stripes(条纹). Unlike the lion, he runs so fast that the quickest horse can not catch up with him. He goes o

8、ver the ground by making bounds or springs, one after another. By night, as well as by day, the tiger watches for his prey(猎物). With a frightful roar, he will seize a man, and carry him off. Have you ever thought what use whiskers(髭须) are to cats? Lions have great whiskers, and so have tigers and al

9、l other animals of the cat kind. Whenever you find an animal with whiskers like the cats, you may be sure that animal moves softly among branches and thick woods. By the lightest touch on the tigers whiskers, he knows when there is anything in his road. A few years ago, some English officers went ou

10、t to hunt. When coming home from their days sport, they found a little tiger kitten. They took it with them and tied it, with a collar and chain, to the tree by their tent. It played about, to the delight of all who saw it. One evening, just as it was growing dark, they heard a sound that frightened

11、 them greatly. It was the roar of a tiger. The kitten pulled at the chain, and tried to break away. With a sharp cry, it answered the voice outside. All at once, a large tigress bounded into the middle of the tent. She caught her kitten by the neck, and broke the chain which bound it. Then turning t

12、o the door of the tent, she dashed away as suddenly as she had come.1. The passage tells us about_.A. cats B. tigers C. some English officers D. lions2. What use are whiskers to cat?A. To make them more beautiful B. To make them more frighteningC. To make them know the things in their road.D. To hel

13、p them roar loudly.3. Whats the possible relationship between the kitten and the tigress_.A. sisters B. relatives C. mother and child D.prey nad preyer4. The following are writers description of the tiger except_.A. The tiger run very fast.B. The tiger preys both at night and at day.C. The tight is

14、powerful to break a chain.D. Even the baby tiger is dangerous.Keys: B C C D二七选五, 每题2分Life has endless choices, opportunities, and paths. We make decisions from time to time, such as where you live, what job you have, which video to watch. Of course, some decisions are more trivial._1_ Yes, sometimes

15、 its hard to trust that youve made the right choice. However, there are some decisions you surely wont regret making. 1 Continuing the Pursuit(追求) of KnowledgeEducation isnt just about a degree or certificate(证书) you can hang up on your wall. _2_Chances are that you arent even doing the job you stud

16、ied for. Whether thats a handy skill, learning an instrument or another language, or taking on a new opportunity, you should constantly challenge yourself to explore and learn.2._3_Do you have a hard time saying no to people? Feel like youre too easy to take advantage of? How many people owe you mon

17、ey right now? Standing up for yourself shows self-respect, and it is to let other people understand that you cannot be messed with. So put an end to people controling you by saying no more often.3. Choosing KindnessThis doesnt mean you have to volunteer at food banks and read to children at the hosp

18、ital. It could be small acts of kindness like holding a door open or helping the elderly._4_. It also encourages others to be kind. Its a cycle of giving and positivity. Let it start with you!4.Living in the MomentIt sounds clich, but the past only holds you back. If you really want to enjoy your li

19、fe, leave the past in the past. _5_Today has endless possibilities. Why let that pass you by?Dont waste your time and energy wallowing in regret. Instead, make decisions that will better your life and keep you grounded. You wont regret it!What do you think? Do you have anything else to add to this l

20、ist? Share your thoughts in the comments below!A. Standing Your GroundB. But others can completely change the course of your lifeC. This way, you dont have to carry much unnecessay guilt for the rest of your life.D. Learn the lesson and move on.E. Putting Yourself FirstF. Research shows that being k

21、ind to people actually makes us happy and boosts our self-esteemG. However, its important that you make learning the first thing throughout your life.Keys: B G A F D CThe winter migration(迁徙) season has arrived. With the cold wave heading down south, migratory birds from faraway places such as Siber

22、ia have begun to arrive at Dongting Lake, central China for the winter.Dongting Lake in central Chinas Hunan Province is the countrys second-largest freshwater lake. When the temperature rises after a short cold time, locals call the 10th lunar(阴历) month Indian summer. During this time, the lakes wa

23、ter level drops and sedges(莎草) grow, allowing wintering birds to enjoy abundant food.Song Yucheng, deputy chief engineer of East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, is proud of their protection work. According to him, the Eurasian spoonbills are the first to arrive at the heart of East Dongting L

24、ake National Nature Reserve. They line up and use sideways sweeps of their beaks to filter(过滤) out tiny fish and shrimp. When they fly to another spot looking for food, people can only see the vast expanse of a white sky. Now the weather is also very good, the sky is very clear, with green grass, cl

25、ear water and white spoonbills wandering for hunting. Its a beautiful picture of nature, said Song. For the villagers living in the East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, their farm fields are still full of busy and active fellows after harvest because there are about 100 swans settled down the

26、re. To provide these birds with an quiet and safe environment, the local government has stopped the vehicles and visitors from entering the area.Firecrackers are not allowed, and loud noises are also not allowed in the surrounding area, said Long Yong, a villager from the Hehua Village, citing the l

27、ocal government.On the western side of the lake, three Eurasian cranes were seen flying low over the water while newborn chicks gazed. Other birds such as cormorants, greenshanks and spotted redshanks were also seen enjoying their winter vacation in the lake.1. From the text,we can infer the underli

28、ned words in paragraph 3 is a name of _.A. an engineer B. a kind of bird C. a place for migration D. the food for birds2. According to the passage, the true reason why does the birds migrate to Dongting Lake is _.A. Sberia is cold at winter.B. Dongting Lake is the nearest destination.C. The protecti

29、on work there goes great.D. There are sedges in Dongting Lake3.How many birds are mentioned in last paragraph?_A. 4 B. 5 C. 3 D. 64. Which of the following description is true? . The birds make the nature more beautiful. The birds ruin the local farm fields. The goverenment do a good job in protecti

30、ng the birds. The local people know nothing about the environment protection.A. B. C. D. Keys: BCAD DZhou Guanyu, who joined Alfa Romeo Racing to become the first Chinese racer to compete in the Formula 1 World Championship, called it a lifelong dream that finally came true.Im very happy that I will

31、 compete for Alfa Romeo in the new F1 season next year, Zhou said in an interview with China Media Group. Born in 1999, Zhou has had a gift and passion for auto racing almost since birth. After only two years of practice, he won all eight stops of the Chinese national go-karting(微型单座赛车竞赛) championsh

32、ip at age 10.Having left for Britain when he was 11, Zhou continued to be the most noticeable player in European go-karting competitions until the Ferrari Driver Academy reached out to him and brought him to the F1 world. “It takes experience to understand how many challenges you have to overcome to

33、 enter F1, ”Zhou told Xinhua. A driver must first acquire 40 points over a three-year period to be eligible for the top level. “You also need to perform well in the F2 races to show your strength to F1 teams and convince them to invite you to join,” Zhou said. Zhou endured his hardest season in 2020

34、 because he suffered too many DNFs (did not finish) because of mechanical failures. When I thought I had done everything as well as I could as a driver, a series of uncontrollable factors cost me a lot of points, especially during such important years. It was a real blow to me, Zhou said. But he bel

35、ieves that all those hardships helped him grow a lot and are all part of the process.There were Chinese racers who came close to joining F1 teams before Zhou, but they all failed to do so for some reasons. Zhou said he found encouragement and motivation in their experiences, but still had no one to

36、guide him on his path. My team and I have explored our own way, said Zhou.1. Zhou Guanyu feels_ at the news to become the first Chinese racer to compete in the Formula 1 World Championship.A. worried B. frustrated C. excited D. annoyed2. In the report, paragraph 5 and 6 are evidence that_A. Zhou Gua

37、nyu is an excleent racer B. The younger the better. C. Life is hard for everyone. D. Success comes after overcoming many difficulties. 3. The underlined sentence can be replaced by _.A. I had done everything well enough.B. I had done the job as well.C. I had done the job as well as other drivers.D.

38、I had tried my best.4. About future, Zhou Guanyu will do such things except_.A. feel confident. B. find a great racer to guide himC. learn from the other racers D. work with his teammatesKeys: CADB ENabindurana, 46 year old, lives with his family in a little village near the Midnapore district(地区) o

39、f southern Bengal. His most money-making crop is potato but this years harvest was lost overnight. He is so depressed that even his wife is unable to calm him down.Because a group of elephants suddenly destroyed his crops, leaving behind a ruin of destruction.Ranas 90 year old father describes helpl

40、essly to people how the elephants dug out the crops and ate most of the crops. And today Ranas father is rescuing the remaining potatoes.Ranas wife still remembers clearly another close call with elephants not too long ago.She explians how one elephant broke the window and feasted on their patty(肉饼)

41、 harvest while their children were asleep in the next room.Things are even more terrible in the northern part of west Bengal, where there are amazing mountains which are seemingly attractive but cover the tough realities that people and elephants suffer on the other side.The old-styled little villag

42、e called Jayanthi lies here which is home to around 6000 people. There are few comforts compared to the western world even school buses are inaccessible here. Some kids go their way to learn by bike while others walk.Most villagers are farmers who depend on money-making crops like areca nuts and ban

43、anas for their survival.The problem is these crops also attract elephants as they are nutritious(营养丰富) and easily accessible.Harinat Mahali has lived in this village all his life.He has got this land and house from his parents who had moved here 70 years ago.Mahali explains how an elephant had recen

44、tly entered his backyard and destroyed his tomato plants.Despite all the losses he suffered he says he had never hurt the elephants.1.Why is Nabindurana “depressed” ?_A. He cant grow other money-making crops.B. His potatoes were ruined by elephants.C. His wife makes him very angry.D. His family live

45、s in a samll village.2. Whats the luckiest part in Ranas wifes telling?_A. Only one elephant came close to their house. B. Ranas wife was not at home then.C. The elephant didnt break the house but the window. D. Their two sons were safe from the elephant.3. Whats the authors attitude towards the far

46、mers?_A.confident B.sympathy C. admiring D.curious4. What do you think the author is most likely to discuss later?A. To find ways to balance the relationship between farmers and the elephants.B. To help the local farmers to earn more money.C. To call on people to pay more attention to childrens educ

47、ation.D. To describe more about the fight between farmers and the elephants.Keys: B D B A FWhen we told others that we were going to go to the North Pole to ride mountain bikes , a lot of people would ask this first “are you bringing ice tires?” , because most people think, in the North Pole, its going to be cold and full of snow.They dont really realize that theres an arctic(北极的) desert up there.My name is Darren Berrecloth. I am from Banker Island, British Columbia, a professional mountain bike freerider.


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