Unit 4 Natural disasters Discovering useful Structuresppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册 (1).pptx

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Unit 4 Natural disasters Discovering useful Structuresppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册 (1).pptx_第5页
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1、What happens to the village in the picture? Lead-inHow do you feel? What happens to the boys on the boat? A small village is hit/stricken by the flood. Im in shock when I see the frightening picture. Their/The boys houses are drowned in the disaster. Whats the function of the underlined expressions?

2、 可用来修饰名词。可用来修饰名词。形容词、形容词、 介词短语、介词短语、 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词/ /s/ofs/of、名词名词苹果树苹果树英语学习者英语学习者an apple treesome English learnersThe houses were drowned(淹没淹没) belong to the boys. The boys houses were drowned feel hopeless, sitting on the boat. 坐在船上的男孩们在洪水中失去了房子。坐在船上的男孩们在洪水中失去了房子。The boys who are sitting on th

3、e boat lost their houses in the flood. 定语从句定语从句先行词先行词关系代词关系代词 :who, whom which, that当修饰部分里出现动词时,可运用定语从句去修饰。当修饰部分里出现动词时,可运用定语从句去修饰。Go through the relative grammar part on Book P110. Underline what you dont understand. 形容词、介词短语、形容词、介词短语、形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词/ /s/ofs/of、名词和、名词和定语从句定语从句可用来修饰可用来修饰名词。名词。which/

4、thatwhosethe houses of which/of which the houses1. A disaster is a very bad accident or a sudden event usually causes great damage and can ruin many peoples lives. 2. The woman wanted to find and thank the firefighter rescued her from the fire.3. A typhoon is an extremely strong wind often happens i

5、n the Western Pacific Ocean.4. The children parents could not be found were looked after by neighbors and friends.5. A tsunami is a very large wave is often caused by an earthquake under the sea. 6 People to much is given are people of much will be expected.Fill in the blanks with that, which, who,

6、whose, or whom.which/thatwho/thatwhich/thatwhich/thatwhosewhomwhom1. The CCTV reporter is interviewing a woman. The womans family survived the earthquake. (whose)2. The soldier will remember the rescue worker. The soldier worked with the rescue worker during the quake. (with whom)3. The rescue worke

7、rs had to walk slowly through the bricks. The bricks covered the ground. (that/which)4. My family will always be thankful for the people. We received aid from the people. (from whom)5. The people lost everything in the quake. We need to help them prepare for the coming winter (who)Use a restrictive

8、relative clause to combine each pair of sentences. 1 The CCTV reporter is interviewing a woman whose family survived the earthquake.2 The soldier will remember the rescue worker with whom he worked during the quake.3 The rescue workers had to walk slowly through the bricks that/which covered the gro

9、und.4 My family will always be thankful for the people from whom we received aid.5 We need to help the people who have lost everything in the quake prepare for the coming winter. Use a restrictive relative clause to combine each pair of sentences. the family of whom/of whom the family2. 定语从句中的的介词定语从

10、句中的的介词可以可以提前到关系代词之前提前到关系代词之前, 且关系代词只能用且关系代词只能用whom表表示人或者用示人或者用which表示物。表示物。 若影响句意,则不能提前若影响句意,则不能提前。 I didnt recognize the child who/whom/that the old lady was looking after. 为什么会出现介词?为什么会出现介词?1. 考虑考虑定语从句中的谓语动词定语从句中的谓语动词和在和在定从中作宾语的先行词定从中作宾语的先行词之间是否需要介之间是否需要介词。词。For people love the sun, summer is a ti

11、me of fun. But for people families were destroyed by the super typhoon hit East China in July 2016, that summer was a time of great sadness. The floods and landslides caused by the typhoon killed 161 people, left 61 missing, and forced the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people. The victims t

12、he typhoon brought death or great loss were in several provinces along the Yangtze River. In the months have passed since then, much has been done to make things better and help the thousands of people homes were destroyed, although the sadness will never leave those summer now marks the death of a

13、loved one.Complete the passage with that, which,who,whose,or prep+whom.whowhosewhich/thatto whomwhich/thatwhosefor whomExpand the following sentences using modifier(修饰语修饰语) to describe nouns. 1. Did you hear about the earthquake? 形容词、介词短语、形容词性物主代词形容词、介词短语、形容词性物主代词/ /s/ofs/of、名词和、名词和定语从句定语从句2. The ho

14、use was destroyed in an earthquake ten years ago. 3. The shelter was established to take care of children. 4. I showed my father a picture of the car. Did you hear about the big earthquake which hit Wenchuan? The house in front of the park was destroyed in an earthquake ten years ago. The shelter wa

15、s established to take care of children whose parents died in the earthquake. I showed my father who would give me everything a picture of the expensive car which/that/- I really love. Try to describe the pictures, using what we have learnt in the class. 1.Finish Exe. 2 on Book P52.2.Finish the Workbook Part 3. 3.Finish the relative exercise.


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