Unit 4 Natural disasters DiscoveringUsefulStructures ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册高一上学期.pptx

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1、Restrictive relative clauses(I)Unit 4 Discovering Useful Structures主备人: 议课时间:上课时间:1. There were deep cracks _ appeared in the well walls.2. Eleven kilometres directly below the city, one of the most deadly earthquakes of the 20th century had begun, a quake _ even caused damage more than 150 kilometr

2、es away in Beijing.3. Two thirds of the people _ lived there were dead or injured.4. The number of people _ were killed or badly injured in the quake was more than 400,000.5. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those _ were trapped and to bury the dead.6. Wor

3、kers built shelters for survivors _ homes had been destroyed. thatthatwhowhowho whoseReview(2)学习学习目标(目标(11) Grasp the concept of Attributive Clause.1 Learn how to choose the conjunctive.2问题导问题导学(学(1212) 什么是定语?1 什么是定语从句?2 定语从句的连接词有哪些?3自习金版P85-86,思考以下问题:定语是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的,主要有形容词。eg: 1.She is a

4、beautiful girl.(前置)2.English is a language easy to learn but difficult to master.(后置)点拨精讲(点拨精讲( )试着分析例2定语从句是在复合句中起定语作用,修饰某一名词或代词的从句。eg: 1.This is the book which you wanted.2.Dont believe everything that he tells you.先行词定语从句关系词定语从句的关系词分为两种:关系代词:that,which,who,whom,whose关系副词:when , where , why关系词的作用:连

5、接主句和从句指代先行词在从句中作句子成分Eg:Dont believe everything that he tells you.关系代词that引导的定语从句1.They talked of the person (that )they met before.2.The boy bought a bicycle that was newly repaired.关系代词that既可以指人也可以指 _,在定语从句中_或_,做_时可省略。物宾语宾语主语关系代词which引导的定语从句1.Rome is a city which attracts lots of tourists.2. This i

6、s the book (which )you wanted.关系代词which指 _,在定语从句中作_或_,做_时可省略。物宾语宾语主语关系代词who,whom引导的定语从句1.She is a student who comes from Canada.2. The man (who/whom) you met just now is my father.关系代词who,whom指 _,who在定语从句中做_或_,whom做_,做_时可省略。人宾语宾语主语宾语关系代词whose引导的定语从句1. The girl whose work got the prize is the younges

7、t in her class.2. Its the house whose door is painted red.关系代词whose既可以指 _也可以指物,在定语从句中做_。人定语 当先行词为all, everything, anything, nothing, much, little,none等不定代词Dont believe everything that he tells you.All the presents that your friends give you on your birthday should be put away.只用关系代词that的情况先行词既有人又有物时

8、。They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school. 先行词被the only, the very, the last, all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some等修饰I have read all the books (that) you gave me. He is the only person that I want to talk to. 只用关系代词that的情况先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰修饰The first

9、 lesson that I learned will never beforgotten. 课堂小结课堂小结(11)关系代词修饰句子成分that人/物主/宾which物主/宾who人主/宾whom人宾whose人/物定*关系代词在定语从句中做宾语可以省略当堂检测(当堂检测( )I. Complete each sentence using that, which, who or whose , then analyze its function.1. Here are my neighbors _ home was destroyed by the earthquake.2. The ter

10、rible shaking of the building woke up all the people _ were asleep. 3. The next day people put up shelters in open air made with anything _they could find. whosewhothat/ 省略4. Several days later most of the buildings _ had been damaged wererepaired.5. This frightened boy _ mother was lost in the disa

11、ster is looking for her now. 6. We went to see our teacher _ husband lost his life in the earthquake.7. “Is this young man _ saved several people trapped under buildings?” she asked.which/ thatwhosewhosewhoII. 用适当的关系词补全下面短文。 Last summer, I made friends with some people 1. _ are completely different

12、from me. In July, I went to Mexico City to study Spanish for a month. In our group, there was a teacher 2. _ was much older than I. We became really good friends. In my first week, I had a problem 3. _ was getting me down. who / that who / that which / that Mexico City is a city 4. _ has a lot of at

13、tractions. As a result, I went out all the time and I stopped going to my classes. Bob helped me get back into my studies. He was a boy 5. _ I met on a trip and 6. _ home I visited frequently. He always told me stories 7. _ were interesting and encouraging. Although we had different personalities (性

14、格), we became the best of friends.which / that whom / who / that whose which / thatIII. 根据所给汉语提示,用定语从句完成下列 句子。1. This is the best film _ (我看过的).2. He has a daughter _ (在医院工作的).3. The tree _ (叶子变红了的) is an old one.(that) I have ever seenwho / that workswhose leaves turn redin a hospital板书设计关系代词修饰句子成分that人/物主/宾which物主/宾who人主/宾whom人宾whose人/物定*关系代词在定语从句中做宾语可以省略


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