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1、模块四书 面 表 达专题一应用文写作 英英 语语2021内 容 索 引考情透析 谋对策题型指导 寻技法素材积累 提档次真题演练 明趋势考情透析考情透析 谋对策谋对策高考近三年应用文写作,我们要知道的4个方面命题形式灵活多样。2020年命题形式除了邮件外,还有新闻报道、参赛短文、介绍采摘活动的短文等。关注体育运动,引导学生热爱劳动,倡导健康生活理念。五公里越野赛、农场采摘活动、校运会等话题均贴近学生生活。渗透中国元素,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。中国画展志愿者;音乐节;做客的风俗等话题,时代特色明显。体现立德树人的时代特征,促进德智体美劳全面发展。新高考的试卷进行了优化,整个写作部分由35分增至40分


3、出来的作文符合英语表达习惯,自然得体。不能等风暴过境,才想起筑墙。考场上,多数考生感觉时间不够,人在紧张的状态下难免出错。只有背诵积累,才能灵活运用。加强篇章、语段、句式以及衔接词的背诵仿写,并在二模、三模考试中进行测试。对于自己的复习内容和思路,发现问题,及时纠正。请逼自己优秀,然后骄傲地生活。用少于考场上的时间进行写作练习,不同话题,不同体裁,多角度、多方位进行强化训练。并且养成打草稿、修改、润色的好习惯。用少的时间把应用文写好,也为后面的读后续写节约了宝贵的时间。乾坤未定,你我皆是黑马。奔涌吧,后浪!题型指导题型指导 寻技法寻技法遵循“两美”原则,规范写作思路保证外观美1.分段合理:近几



6、如,以下两句前后两种表达方式均能准确地表达出该句的意义,但前者用词稍显平常,而后者在表达上让读者耳目一新。New Years Day is coming/drawing near.It is quite/absolutely impossible for him to give up.2.造句策略造句的基本原则是力求句式多变,语法灵活。为文章的多样性起见,短句、长句、简单句、并列句和复合句应交错使用。下列表达前者一般,后者较高级。She walked out of the hall and many fans followed her./Followed by many fans,she wa

7、lked out of the hall.If weather permits,well go outing tomorrow./We will go outing tomorrow,weather permitting.应该注意的是,并非所有的短文都需要复杂的句式结构和高级词汇,有时简洁质朴也是一种特色。3.流畅策略一篇好的短文要求信息内容完整、连贯,这就需要恰当地使用衔接词汇,把有关要点、句子串联成文,做到层次清楚、衔接自然,增强整体效果。但文中衔接词语的使用以需要为原则,切忌为用而用。解题示例解题示例(2019全国)假定你是李华,暑期在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展览。请写一封信

8、申请做志愿者,内容包括:1.写信目的;2.个人优势;3.能做的事情。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.结束语已为你写好。_Yours,Li Hua解题流程Step 1认真审题,避免格式错误或离题现象审题是正确解读题目的前提。拿到题目后,先审文字信息,确定话题、文体、人称和时态,也要留意“注意”中的具体要求。如果是图表或图画信息,应抓关键内容,展开合理的联想,适当增加与主题相符的要点信息。Step 2列出要点,适当拓展要点一定要包括题目部分所提示的全部内容,做到“宁多勿缺”,因为要点缺失会导致得分档次的明显降低。可以对要点适当扩展,但必须紧扣要点,适可而止。Ste

9、p 3精心构思,首尾照应既要构思谋篇,合理分段,也要构思内容,做到首尾衔接。Step 4润色修改,语言精彩结合写作目的、对象和场合,选择适当的语言。准确使用高级句式和词汇,合理、恰当地使用衔接词汇。Step 5工整抄写,字迹清晰不一定强求自己的书写多么美观靓丽,但一定要做到抄写工整,字迹清晰。Step 6回读复核,避免错误复读一遍,避免低级错误,如名词单、复数误用,动词的单复数及时态语态无变化,句子不完整,标点误用等。思路详解该题要求考生给中国画展的组织者写一封申请信,申请做一名志愿者。步骤一:审题(1)定体裁。由所给的命题信息可以看出,本文的体裁是书信,属于应用文。(2)定人称。根据题中“假


11、升语言档次。参考范文Dear Sir/Madame,I am Li Hua,a student from China,who is studying in London during the summer vacation.Learning that an exhibition of Chinese paintings will be held at the gallery next month,I am writing to apply for the chance to become a volunteer.As for my strengths,I have the following

12、advantages.First of all,I speak English fluently,allowing me to communicate with visitors without difficulty.Second,as a Chinese painting lover,I know a lot about this art form.If acceptable,I can introduce Chinese painting skills to visitors,which can help them know more about Chinese culture.I thi

13、nk I am well qualified to be a volunteer.Hope I will be offered this valuable opportunity.Yours,Li Hua范文点评本文要点齐全,行文流畅、自然。围绕要点的展开也比较合理得当,段与段之间的过渡比较自然,因而层次清晰。从书信内容上来看,短文较好地覆盖了命题所给出的三个要点,尤其短文最后一句与首段写信目的相照应,使得短文前后呼应。从语言风格来看,作者使用了第一人称,语言规范得体,符合申请信的要求。从语言质量方面来看,首句使用了同位语(a student from China)和非限制性定语从句(who

14、is studying.);第二段使用省略句式(If acceptable.);第一段和第二段中使用了两处分词结构(Learning that.作时间状语;allowing me to communicate.作伴随状语);文中词汇、句式使用规范、准确,语言平实质朴,简洁明快,有效地提高了交际效果。文中虽然没有出现较多的高级词汇,但并不影响其成为一篇优秀作文。素材素材积累积累 提档提档次次电子邮件1.很高兴收到你的来信。Im glad to receive your letter.2.一切都好吧?How is everything going?3.好久不见。Havent seen you fo

15、r ages.4.时光飞逝,自从上次见你至今已经三个月了。How time flies! Its three months since the last time I saw you.5.我写信邀请/道歉/建议/感谢/通知Im writing to make an invitation/make an apology/offer some suggestions/express my thanks/inform you that.6.我写信是想问你是否能参加周日的聚会。Im writing to ask if you can come to the party on Sunday.7.我写信是

16、想告诉你这次会议安排在了周日。Im writing to inform you that the meeting is on Sunday.8.如果你能尽快回复,我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply.9.如果你能接受邀请,我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.10.如果你能考虑一下我的申请,我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if you could take my application in

17、to consideration.11.盼望你尽早给我回复。Im looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.12.我会非常感激你的早日回复。An early reply is appreciated.13.盼望着见到你。Im looking forward to seeing you.建议信1.读了你的信后,我知道你在中文学习上有困难。I know you have trouble in learning Chinese after reading your letter.2.我写信的目的是给你一些帮助/建议。I am

18、 writing to give you some suggestions.3.关于学汉语,我想建议你从拼音开始。As for learning Chinese/When it comes to learning Chinese,I would like to recommend you to start with Pinyin.4.我的建议如下。/这有三条有用的建议。My suggestions are as follows./Here are three useful suggestions.5.你不妨试一试。You may/might as well have a try.6.首先,从字

19、母开始是一个更好的选择。First of all,beginning with letters is a better choice.7.其次,听中文歌曲是一个不错的主意。Whats more,listening to Chinese songs is a good idea.8.最后,看电视节目也是很有用的。Finally,watching TV programs will help a lot.9.我希望我的建议对你有益。I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you.10.我希望你会考虑我的建议。I hope you will take m

20、y advice into consideration.邀请信1.非常荣幸地邀请你参加我的生日聚会。Its my honor to invite you to my birthday party.2.我们将为汤姆举办生日晚会。我想知道你是否愿意来参加他的生日聚会。Were holding a party for Toms birthday.I wonder if you would like to come to his birthday party.3.我们将于6月6日举行毕业庆祝会,如果你能来参加就太好了。We are having/planning a graduation celebr

21、ation on June 6 and we feel it would be a great idea if you can join us.4.活动的细节如下。Here are some details about this activity./Some details about this activity are as follows.5.如果你能来,我倍感荣幸。I would feel much honored if you could come.6.如果你能尽早在你方便时确认参加,我们将不胜感激。We would appreciate it if you could confirm

22、 your participation at your early convenience.7.如果你方便的话,我们希望你能接受我们的邀请。We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.8.我确信你在北京会玩得很开心。Im sure youll have a good time in Beijing.申请信1.我从你们的网站上/网上得知你们公司要招聘一名秘书。I learned on your website/on the Internet that a secretary is wanted i

23、n your company.2.看到你登的找英文笔友的广告,我非常高兴。I am extremely glad to see your advertisement for an English penfriend.3.我写信申请汉语老师一职。I am writing to apply for the position of the Chinese teacher.4.我写信申请成为志愿者的宝贵机会。Im writing to apply for a valuable chance to be a volunteer.5.以下是我的优势。The following are my advanta

24、ges./My advantages are as follows.6.我确信,我能胜任这个岗位。I am confident that Im equal to the position/Im suitable for the position.7.假期里我做过兼职,有能力照顾好自己,也能帮助别人。Ive done part-time jobs during holidays and had ability to take care of myself and help others.8.我想接受更多的挑战,体验生活。Id like to experience more challenges

25、and try to understand the real life.9.我想多交朋友,了解全国各地的风土人情。I want to make more friends and learn about different customs in our country as well.10.如果你能考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。I would really appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.感谢信1.非常感谢在伦敦逗留期间您的帮助。I am very grateful to you for your

26、kindness during my stay in London.2.感谢您的贴心陪伴,我愉快地度过了两周的假期。Thanks to your care and company,I had a wonderful time during the two-week holiday.3.美丽的乡村风光、壮观的白金汉宫以及友好的人们都给我留下了深刻的印象。The beautiful rural scenery,the splendid Buckingham Palace and the friendly people all left me a deep impression.4.而且令我高兴的是

27、,我的英语口语水平在您的指导下提高很大。And much to my delight,my spoken English has greatly improved under your guidance.5.我永远也忘不了您对我的帮助,以及我们一起度过的时光。I will never forget the help you gave me and the time we spent together.6.我确实希望您和您的家人以后能来中国。I do hope you and your family will come to China in the future.7.我确信你们也会在这里玩得开

28、心。Im sure you will also have a nice time here.通知1.5月5日史密斯先生将要在学校报告厅举行关于英国传统文化的讲座。Mr.Smith will give a lecture on English traditional culture at the school hall on May 5.2.要求所有人按时到。All are requested to come on time.3.每个人都要参加这个活动。Every one of you is expected to be part of the event.4.大家快来吧,展示你们自己的时间到了

29、!Come on,everybody! Its your show time.5.快来积极参加吧,祝你们好运!Have an active part in it,and wish you good luck!描写人物1.他叫李华,出生在北京,身高1.78米,体重60千克。His name is Li Hua,born in Beijing,1.78 meters tall and 60 kilos in weight.2.我的朋友李华,今年26岁,四年前从北京大学毕业,刚刚拿到了他的博士学位。My friend Li Hua,aged 26,graduated from Peking Univ

30、ersity four years ago,and has just received his doctors degree.3.李华英俊潇洒,勇敢乐观,而且乐于助人。Li Hua is handsome,brave and above all,optimistic.In addition,he is willing/ready to help others.4.由于善良、有耐心并且总是乐于帮助她的学生们,她所有的学生都喜欢她。Being kind,patient and always ready to help her students,she is very popular with al

31、l her students.5.他爱交朋友,所以他能与同学们和老师们相处融洽。He is good at making friends/He enjoys making friends,so he can get on well with all his classmates and teachers.6.他物理好,曾经获得过中学物理竞赛一等奖。He does well in physics,and once won first prize in a physics competition for middle school students.7.他特别喜欢弹吉他,作为学校音乐俱乐部的一员,

32、他经常参加音乐表演。He had a strong passion for playing the guitar.As a member of the music club of the school,he often gives music performances.8.自从5岁开始学游泳,他就对游泳有着强烈的热爱。He has had a strong passion for swimming since he took it up at the age of five.9.在他们的帮助下,我重获信心,并且开始取得稳步进展。With their help,I regained my con

33、fidence and began to make steady progress.10.他致力于科研工作,为国家做出了巨大贡献。He devoted himself to scientific research and made great contributions to the country.11.他为科学技术的发展做出了巨大贡献。He made great contributions to the development of science and technology.12.他是这个领域里最重要的人物之一。He is one of the most important peopl

34、e in this field.13.他被认为是世界上最伟大的作家之一,被授予了诺贝尔文学奖。Considered to be one of the greatest writers in the world,he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.14.他为我们青少年树立了好的榜样,他是我的骄傲。He set a good example to us teenagers,and I am proud of him.叙述事件1.五一期间,我去泰山看日出了。On May Day,I went to Mount Tai to see the sun

35、rise.2.4月12日是难以忘怀的日子,因为那天我们班举行了一次有意义的活动。April 12th is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day.3.上周,我经历了一件有意义的事情,这给我带来了很大启示。Last week,I experienced a meaningful thing,which really gave me a great deal of inspiration.4.上个月我有一次有意义的经历,这使我印象深刻。那段宝贵的记忆至今仍然历历在目,仿佛就发生在昨天一样。Last m

36、onth,I had a meaningful experience,which left me a deep impression.The precious memory is still fresh today as if it had occurred only yesterday.5.我将永远不会忘记上周末发生的事情。I will never forget the thing that happened last weekend.6.我正在公园散步,突然看到一位老人正吃力地推着轮椅。I was walking in the park when I caught sight of an

37、old man pushing a wheelchair with difficulty.7.走在乡间小路上,我们沐浴着温暖的阳光,欣赏着美景。While walking on the country road,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful views.8.我们一到达目的地就开始完成这项工作。Hardly had we arrived at the destination when we set out to fulfill the task.9.路上我发现一个外国人看上去很焦急的样子。On the way,I found a f

38、oreigner looking worried.10.我走上前去,得知这个外国人在这个城市迷路了。I went upward and knew that the foreigner was lost in the city.11.激动万分,我迫不及待地在朋友圈分享我的照片。With excitement,I couldnt wait to share my pictures on WeChat Moments.12.被美景所吸引,我们拍了照,将这珍贵的瞬间永久保存。Attracted by the beautiful scenery,we had a photo taken,capturin

39、g the precious moment forever.13.这是我曾经经历的最激动人心的时刻。It was the most exciting moment that I have ever experienced.14.这是多么壮观的景象啊!我将永远不会忘记这一刻。What a magnificent sight it was! I will never forget the moment.15.尽管我们很累,但是有一种成就感。Tired as we were,we had a sense of achievement.16.正是这次活动加深了师生之间的情谊。It was this a

40、ctivity that further deepened the relationship between the teacher and students.17.在那时我才认识到生活中的小事情也有非凡的意义。我将不遗余力地为需要的人提供帮助。Only then did I realize that small things could make a big difference in our life.I will spare no effort to offer my help to those in need.18.正是通过这次活动我才认识到我们有责任继承我们的文化瑰宝。Only th

41、rough this experience did I realize that its our responsibility to inherit our cultural treasures.真题演练真题演练 明趋势明趋势Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1 A(2020新高考山东)假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了5公里越野赛跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.参加人员;2.跑步路线:从校门口到南山脚下;3.活动反响。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3A Cross-Country Runnin

42、g Race Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3【参考范文】A Cross-Country Running RaceLast Sunday,our school held a 5-kilometres cross-country running race.All the students and teachers in our school attended the activity.The race started from the school gate and ended at the foot of the South Hill,covering five kilometres al

43、l together.All the contestants spared no efforts to finish the race.This race gives us a good opportunity to have a deeper understanding of great patience as well as building up our bodies in terms of long-distance race.More importantly,we come to know it is our responsibility to challenge ourselves

44、 to all kinds of hardships.Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3B(2020全国)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以身边值得尊敬和爱戴的人为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:1.人物简介;2.尊敬和爱戴的原因。注意:词数100左右。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3【参考范文】Mr.Zhang,aged 50,is my favorite English teacher.He is so knowledgeable,humorous and responsible that I respect and love him so much.Honestly speaking,h

45、is great patience and assistance have a great impact on me.It was Mr.Zhang who made me perceive the importance of learning English well.Had it not been for his guidance and encouragement,I couldnt have won first prize in the English Contest.Without his aid,I wouldnt have boosted my integrated skills

46、 in English.Ill definitely remember his kindness and help forever.Mr.Zhang is a very respectable teacher indeed! I do thank him for what he did for me.Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 2 A(2020全国)上周末,你和同学参加了一次采摘活动。请你为班级英语角写一篇短文,介绍这次活动,内容包括:1.农场情况;2.采摘过程;3.个人感受。注意:1.词数100左右;2.题目已为你写好。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3My Weeken

47、d_Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3【参考范文】My Weekend Last weekend,my classmates and I went to a farm to pick grapes.The grape farm is located at the foot of a hill,where lies a small river.We were stuck by the beauty of the scenery.Grapes grown on this farm were big and sweet.We couldnt help eating grapes while pic

48、king them,as we were told the grapes hadnt been treated with pesticides.Meanwhile,several girls sang some sweet songs,which made us feel less exhausted.On the way back home,we were worn out.However,we hoped we could have chances to come back again,because physical labor not only exercises our body,b

49、ut also makes us cherish the fruits of labor.Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3B(2020全国)假定你是李华,你和同学根据英语课文改编了一个短剧。给外教Miss Evans写封邮件,请她帮忙指导。邮件内容包括:1.剧情简介;2.指导内容;3.商定时间地点。注意:词数100左右。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3【参考范文】Dear Miss Evans,Im writing to ask you to do me a favor.As you know,my classmates and I have adapted the short pla

50、y Hamlet written by William Shakespeare.Its one of the most classical things in our textbook.Would you give us some advice about one of the plots? Thats about Hamlets complex mental mind when his father died and his mother immediately married his uncle.We are in urgent need of your help and guidance


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