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1、 专四辅导-语法和词汇Instructor: Ma Nina1第一章 语法结构n第一节 语法考试综述n一. 教学大纲要求 系统掌握英语语法,并在实际运用中做到概念清楚,形式正确。具体如下:2n1.名词名词:可数及不可数名词,抽象,专有,物质名词的:可数及不可数名词,抽象,专有,物质名词的数,数,s属格的各种意义属格的各种意义,某些以某些以-s结尾的名词的数,集体结尾的名词的数,集体名词的数。名词的数。n2.限定词:限定词:限定词与三类名词的搭配关系,限定词与限定限定词与三类名词的搭配关系,限定词与限定词的搭配关系,冠词的类指,特指和独指;冠词的习惯词的搭配关系,冠词的类指,特指和独指;冠词的习

2、惯用法,用法,some, any,no的用法的用法n3.代词:代词:不定代词不定代词one, someone, anyone及不定代词及不定代词one, they, we, you, he的用法;物主代词,非人称代词;的用法;物主代词,非人称代词;反身代词及其他动词宾语的用法。反身代词及其他动词宾语的用法。n4.动词的动词的时态时态:时态,情态助动词,虚拟式,被动态,非:时态,情态助动词,虚拟式,被动态,非谓语动词谓语动词n5.定语定语从句从句,名词性从句(宾语,主语,表语,同位语从,名词性从句(宾语,主语,表语,同位语从句);状语从句(时间,原因,目的,结果,方式,条句);状语从句(时间,原

3、因,目的,结果,方式,条件,让步)件,让步)n6.直接引语,间接引语,并列结构,从属结构,形容词和直接引语,间接引语,并列结构,从属结构,形容词和副词的比较级,最高级;介词和介词词组;附加疑问句;副词的比较级,最高级;介词和介词词组;附加疑问句;存在句;主谓一致;后置,前置与倒装;省略存在句;主谓一致;后置,前置与倒装;省略3二.测试要求及题型n1.测试要求na.掌握并能正确运用大纲规定的一级至四级语法内容nb. 掌握大纲规定的基础阶段认知词汇(5500-6000),并且能正确,熟练的运用其中的3000-4000个单词及其最基本的搭配nc.考试时间为15分钟4n2. 题型n本部分采用多项选择题

4、,共30题,每道题四个选项,题目中约50%为词汇,词组和短语用法题,其余为语法结构题。5三.学习语法的几点建议n感性知识 与 理性知识n四级考试以正式书面语语法为规范,而许多非正式或不规范的形式只是作为干扰项存在于试题中。专业学生要有清晰的文体意识,严格区分口语语法和正式书面语语法。侧重正规语法的学习,重视语言的规范性。通过大量阅读来培养对语法的感性认识必要的语法理论6第二节 语法难点与考点及举例n一.冠词n冠词有两个形式:不定冠词a (an)和定冠词the。n不定冠词不定冠词的用法可分为两大类:“类别用法类别用法”和 “指量用法指量用法”。 There are a dozen eggs in

5、 the basket. Kate and I are nearly of an age.n定冠词定冠词的用法包括特指用法,概括用法以及与形容词,副词比较等级连用。 If you get into difficulties, Monica is the person to ask. The Japanese admire the traditions of the Chinese.7nThe idea of traveling through _ space to other planets interests many people today. (1995.54)nA. a B. the

6、C. / D. onen抽象名词space前不加冠词,表示“太空”C8二.代词n代词分为:n人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,相互代词,指示代词,疑问代词,关系代词,不定代词等。n考试重点:such以及关系代词91. SuchnSuch 可以用作主语,表语,宾语和补语。例如:nSuch is life.nThe burglar was arrested, and was sentenced as such.nHis suggestion is such as maybe called sensible and practical.nSuch 的意义一般要有that或as引导的分句来表示 1) su

7、ch that +分句分句 His kindness was such that we will never forget him. 102) such as + to不定式不定式 The situation is such as to demand your immediate attention. The brilliance of his satires was _ make even his victims laugh. (1996.52) A. so as to B. such as to C. so that D. such that “such as to”意为“是这样以致”;其

8、中such 为代词,在句中做表语。 “so as to”以便,以致,so为副词,不可做表语。 “so that”引导一个从句; “such that”(这样的以致于)引导一个从句。3) Such as +分句分句 The case is not such as can be easily settled.B112.关系代词(that, who, whom, whose, which, as, but, than, where)n关系代词引导的定语从句分为限制性和非限制性定语从句。主要区别Asn在限制性定语从句中,既可指人,又可指物,可与在限制性定语从句中,既可指人,又可指物,可与the sam

9、e, such, so, as连用连用 You are still the same person as I knew ten years ago. As many people as are present have voted for the candidate.n在非限制性定语从句中既可充当主语也可充当宾语,都可代表它的在非限制性定语从句中既可充当主语也可充当宾语,都可代表它的先行词或句子。先行词或句子。 The two countries were satisfied with this solution, as was agreed beforehand. (as在从句中作主语,其先

10、行词为在从句中作主语,其先行词为solution) Julia was sad, as could be judged from her tearful eyes. (as在从句中作主语,代表前面的句子)在从句中作主语,代表前面的句子) The world, as we know, is made up of small particles called atoms. (as在从句中作宾语,代表整个从句。)在从句中作宾语,代表整个从句。)12nThings, _is often the case, will turn out to be contrary to ones wishes.nA.

11、as B. which C. that D. itn7) but 作为关系代词引导定语从句时,其意义相当于thatnot, 它的主句往往带有not或no。 There is no country so wild and difficult but will be made a theatre of war.(无论多么荒凉的地方,人们都会把它变成战场。) He has many pen-friends. No week passes_he receives several letters. A. that B. which C.than D.but13三.动词n动词的时态动词的时态 For so

12、me time now, world leaders_ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. A. had been pointing B. have been pointing C. were pointing D. pointedn动词的语态动词的语态 只有及物动词才有被动语态,以下三种句型可用被动语态:1)动词+宾语 Mr. Smith has been sent to California for a year.2)动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 I was given a pen by Tom.3)动词+宾语+宾语补足语 Th

13、e ship was named “May Flower” B14四.虚拟语气n1.虚拟语气在条件从句中的应用 1)对现在事实或将来情况的假设 2)与现在事实相反或过去事实相反n2.虚拟语气在某些从句中的应用 1)在下列结构后的主语从句中谓语动词常用should+动词原形,should可以省略。 It is desired (suggested, requested, demanded, required, advisable, desirable, imperative, preferable, urgent, understanding, necessary, important incr

14、edible, strange, essential); It was ordered (proposed, arranged) that; it has been decided that; It is our wish (a pity, a shame, no wonder) that152).提议,建议,命令,要求或惊奇,惶惑,怀疑,不满等意义的词。 advise, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, require, resolve, suggest, urge, expect, believe, suspect, beg, comm

15、and, decide, demand, think, deserve, desire, determine, direct, insist, intend, maintain, move etc.3).虚拟语气在表语从句和同位语从句中4)在Its time/ Its about time/Its high time (that); would rather (sooner, as soon)后的句子中用过去式表示虚拟。5)由as if, as though, even if, even though, if only, in order that, so that, lest, for fe

16、ar that, in case, whatever, whoever, however, no matter what等词引导的状语从句中需要虚拟语气。6)Wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,从句动词用过去时态或过去将来时态7)混合式虚拟条件句16五.情态动词1.should/ought to+ have +过去分词过去分词 此结构表示过去应尽而未尽的责任,或应做而未做的事。用否定式时,表示已发生的错误或愚蠢行为2.Must +have+动词过去分词动词过去分词 此结构表示对过去某种动作或情形的推测或猜测。在否定句和疑问句中,常用can/cant代替must/mustnt17nMary _my

17、letters otherwise she would have replied before now. A. has received B. ought to have received C. couldnt have received D. shouldnt have received3.could/may/might have +过去分词过去分词表示过去发生某事的可能性,而说话人不能绝对肯定。Could/may比might语气更强一些。4.neednt have+过去分词过去分词表示已经做过的不必要的动作You _Jim anything about it. It was none of

18、 his business.A. neednt have told B. neednt tellC. mustnt have told D. mustnt tellcA18六.状语从句n1.让步状语从句 1)最常见 由though, although, even if/though引导 2)as可引导让步状语从句,但只有某些形容词,副词或动词倒装于as之前时才属于此种用法 Much as _ I couldnt lend him the money because I simply didnt have that much spare time.A. I would have liked to

19、 B. I would like to have C. I should have to like D. I should have liked toA19n3)while引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句,相当于though/although.它与引导时间状语从句的区别要从主句与从句关系来辨别 表让步: While I admit his suggestion is very reasonable, I dont agree to take it. 表时间: While I am writing this paper, you can be doing something else. _I s

20、ympathize, I cant really do very much to help them out of the difficulties.A.As long as B. as C. while D. even 这种让步从句可是使主句中所表达的拒绝变得较委婉,更容易让对方接受。C20n4)No matter与疑问词what,when, where, how等连用,或上述疑问词加ever,也可引导让步状语从句,两者基本上可互相使用n5) for all+名词(不可加从句)也可引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管” _, he is ready to accept suggestions fro

21、m different sources. A. instead of his contributions B. For all his notable contributions C. His making notable contributions D. however his notable contributionsB212.时间状语从句n常用的时间状语引导词有when, after, as, beforen三种特殊用法:1)Immediately,directly引导时间从句,相当于as soon as2)The minute/moment/ day, the first/ secon

22、d/last time3)Hardly/scarcelywhen和no soonerthan表达的意思相当于as soon as,使用时要注意搭配,而且注意hardly/scarcely/ no sooner后面是完成式,而when, than 后面用过去时223.结果状语从句n1)主要句型:so +形容词,副词/such +名词that.如果so用在名词前,应采用 “so +形容词+a/an+名词”的结构n2)词组with the result that也可引导结果状语从句, 表示“相伴而生的结果是”234.目的状语从句n常用引导词有so that, in order that, in ca

23、se, lest, for fear that等n1)so that, in order that引导的从句中常出现will/can/may/shall这样的助动词(情态动词),它们的时态与主句保持一致。So that可以转换成so as to do, in order that也可以用in order to do 来转换n2)in case引导的从句中,谓语动词根据主句可用should+动词原形,动词现在时,动词过去式 He didnt dare to leave the house in case he should be recognized.n3)Lest, for fear (tha

24、t)表示否定意义的目的(以免,以防),后者更常用,而lest多用于正式文件。它们引导的从句中的谓语可用should+动词原形;或might/would+动词原形 The daughter was not allowed to go to bed, lest she might be needed.245.原因状语从句nSince, because, forn特殊用法:in和on the grounds 加that 构成的nBarry has an advantage over his mother_ he could speak French. A. since that B.in that

25、C.at that D. so thatB256.条件状语从句n最常见的if,还有unless, provided/providing that, so/as long as, on condition that, suppose/supposing that, in the event that等;whether or not可表示选择条件句n7.引导限制状语从句 引导的有:as far as, so far as, in so far as, in as much as, in so much as表示“在范围内” In so far as/ Insofar as the definiti

26、ons are concerned, there may still be some inaccuracies in this dictionary.26七.不定式,动名词,分词n1.有些动词后只能用动名词n2.有些动词后只能用不定式n3.分词独立主格的用法 分词独立主格在句中作状语,可表示时间,条件,原因,伴随状况等。 _no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his room. A. there was B. Since C. being D. there being 独立主格结构做原因状语,there being=as there was

27、D27n5.主语和分词保持一致 Hearing the terrible news, her face turned pale. 该句不正确,主语face不能发出hear 的动作。 He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _insufficiently popular with all members. A. having considered B. was considered C. was being considered D. being consider D是分词的被动语态,用来做原因状语。D28n6.分词,

28、动名词,和to不定式的否定n当动名词短语作主语时,短语若需否定,则否定词放在动名词前,n同理,当现在分词短语作状语时, 短语若需否定,则否定词放在现在分词前, to不定式亦同。n2001, 51n_,he can now only watch it on TV at home.nA. obtaining not a ticket for the matchnB. not obtaining a ticket for the matchnC. not having obtained a ticket for the matchnD. not obtained a ticket for the m

29、atch.n此句为-ing分词完成体做表示原因的状语。完成体表示动作延续到谓语动词动作发生时,或已经完成。Obtain的逻辑主语是he, 他们之间主动关系。C297.动名词还和很多习惯用语一起组成句子成分n参见书本p12230八.原级,比较级,最高级的特殊用法n1.原级的特殊用法原级的特殊用法 倍数:倍数词+as.as as+原级+again +as-Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting?- No, I would gladly have paid _for it.A. Twice so much. B. twic

30、e as muchC. As much twice D. so much twiceB312.比较级的特殊用法n1.比较级之前可用表示程度的副词修饰语 many, much, far, a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot, somewhat, hardly, rather etc.n2.比较级前可用even, far, all the more等加强语气 表示“更加”n3.数词用在比较级结构中,顺序:数词+名词+比较级+than My watch is 5 minutes faster than yours.n4. “notany mo

31、re than” “no morethan”结构表示“和.一样不” There is no single pattern of American character _there is a single English or Turkish or Chinese character. A. Much more than B. no more than C. no less than D. any more than D32n5. “morethan”或者 “比较级+than”可表示两种不同概念的比较,意思为:“与其不如”n6. 某些结构也表达比较意义,只是在形式上与比较级有些不同 a. sen

32、ior to, junior to, prior to, superior to, inferior to b. notso muchas; notso much thatas (that)/ but (that)表示“与其不如 ”的意思333.最高级的特殊用法n“The +最高级+ of +名词”表示强调,被修饰的名词如可数要用复数形式34九.其他语法点n1.附加疑问句 You and I could hardly understand, _? When you have finished with that video tape, dont forget to put it in my drawer, _? Do help yourself to some fruit, _you?Could weWill youWont 35


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