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Unit 1 Friends 1 I’m hungry, Eddie. I have a cake. Do you want some? 2 Yes, please. I’m thirsty too. Can I have something to drink? What about some milk? 3 OK. Thanks. You’re so kind, Eddie Can I have some more food? Sorry, Hobo. There’s nothing in the fridge. 注:本句中 else 在新教材中被删掉了。 4 what about the pizza in your bowl? Maybe we can share it. My best friend What qualities are important in good friends? Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends. Task Write about your best friend. Welcome to the unit Qualities of a good friend A Daniel is reading about a writing competition in teenagers magazine. He is matching the qualities on the left with the questions on the right. Help him write the correct letters in the boxes. What makes your friend so special? 1 helpful □ a Does he/ she care about you when you are sad? 2 honest □ b Do you talk to him/her when you are happy? 3 keeps a secret □ c Can you tell him/her everything about yourself? 4 makes me happy □ d Is he/ she ready to help when you have problems? 5 share my joy □ e Do you believe what he/ she says? Write to Teenagers magazine about your best friend! B Daniel and Amy are talking about what qualities are important in good friends. Work in pairs and talk about what qualities you think are important. Use the conversation below as a model. The words in the box may help you. clever friendly good-looking helpful honest interesting polite tidy Daniel: What makes good friends, Amy? Amy: Well, good friends should be honest. You can trust them because they never tell lies. Daniel: Yes, that’s very important. I think good friends should be interesting too. They can also tell you funny jokes. Amy: Yes, that’s true. I also think good friends should be helpful. Daniel: I agree. Reading A Best Friends Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends for the writing competition. Read the following entries. May is my best friend. She is shorter than I am. She has big, bright eyes and long, straight hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty. May is sweet. She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone. May is a true friend. When something worries me, I can always go to her. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret. B Who would you choose as your best friend? B1 Mr Zhou, the editor of Teenagers magazine, is making profiles of Betty, Max and May. Help him complete the information below. Name: Betty Looks: (1) Has (2) hair Personality: (3) and helpful Name: Max Looks: the (4) in his class wears small, round (5) Personality: has a good sense of (6) Name : May Looks : has big, (7) eyes has long, (8) hair Personality: (9) can keep a (10) B2 Mr Zhou is making some notes of Betty, Max and May. Read the sentences. Write a T if a sentence is true of an F if it is false. 1 Betty is kind to old people only. 2 Betty wants to be a singer in the future. 3 Max looks smart in his small, round glasses. 4 Max is not good at telling jokes. 5 May is sweet and pretty. Betty is one of my best friends. She is slim and has short hair. Betty is generous. She is willing to share things with her friends. She is also helpful and ready to help people any time. She helps me with my homework and she always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need. Betty has a good voice. She wants to be a singer when she grows up. My best friend is Max. He is the tallest boy in our class—almost 1.75 metres. He wears small, round glasses. They make him look smart. Max has a good sense of humour. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. I never feel bored with him. Max’s legs are very hong. They do not fit well under his desk. When he walks past our desks, he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor. Max is so interesting! 6 May likes to say bad things about her friends. B3 Mr Zhou is writing about Betty, Max and May. Help him write the correct names in the boxes and find some related details in the three entries. 1 is sweet 2 is tall. 2 is helpful. B4 Mr Wu is asking the students who they world choose as their best friends. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. feel bored keep a secret ready to help share tell funny jokes worries Mr Wu: Who would you choose as your best friend, Suzy? Suzy: I’d choose May. I can go to her when something (1) me. I can tell her anything because she can (2) . Mr Wu: Yes, she’s kind and sweet. And you, Simon? Simon: I’d choose Max. He can (3) , so I’ll never (4) with him. Mr Wu: Yes, Max is interesting. And how about you, Sandy? Sandy: I’d choose Betty. She’s willing to (5) things with her friends and is (6) people any time. Grammar Comparative and superlative adjectives We use comparatives + than to compare two people or things. We usually add –er to short adjectives and use more with long adjectives to form comparatives. She is shorter than I am. My book is more interesting than his. We use the + superlatives to compare three or more people or things. We usually add –est to short adjectives and use most with long adjectives to form superlatives. He is the tallest boy in our class. This is the most expensive computer in the shop. We form comparative and superlative adjectives like this: Adjective Comparative Superlative Most short adjectives + er + est long small → longer → smaller → longest → smallest Short adjectives ending in e + r + st fine nice → finer → nicer → finest → nicest Short adjectives ending in a consonant + y - y + ier - y + iest easy pretty → easier → prettier → easiest → prettiest Short adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant double the consonant + er double the consonant + est big slim → bigger → slimmer → biggest → slimmest Long adjectives More + most + beautiful important → more beautiful → more important → most beautiful → most important Irregular adjectives replace the word replace the word good bad → better → worse → best → worst A class profile A Daniel is writing about is classmates. Help him complete the following table with the correct adjectives. Adjective Comparative Superlative Adjective Comparative Superlative clean cleaner cleanest thin big sad cute difficult short interesting happy good lazy bad B Daniel has made a profile of his classmates. Read the profile and complete his notes. Millie Sandy Amy Peter Kitty Simon Height(cm) 157 170 160 173 155 171 Weitht(kg) 45 50 44 55 40 53 50 m swimming(sec.) 40 38 30 34 36 35 Drawing competition 9/10 10/10 9/10 5/10 6/10 8/10 English test 10/10 8/10 9/10 6/10 8/10 7/10 1 Simon is taller than (tall) Sandy. 2 Peter is (tall ) of the six students. 3 Sandy is (heavy) Millie. 4 Peter is (heavy) of the six students. 5 Among the six students, Millie is (slow) swimmer. 6 Amy is (fast ) swimmer of the six students. 7 Millie’s drawing is (beautiful) Peter’s. 8 Sandy’s drawing is (beautiful) in her class. 9 Millie’s English is (good) Simon’s. Millie’s English is (good) in her class. Work out the rule! We put than (before, after) comparatives. We put the (before, after) superlatives. Integrated skills A Future plans A1 Nora is talking to Amy about her future plans. Listen to their conversation. Help Nora put a tick (√) in the correct boxes in table below. I would like to … be an artist be famous meet different people make friends listen to people carefully help people with their problems make people happy travel around the world A2 Nora is writing about her future plans in her diary. Look at the table in part A1. Help Nora complete her diary entry. Dear Diary, Today Amy and I talked about our future plans. I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. I am always kind to people. I have many friends at school. I like to (1) a lot of people and make (2) with them. I can (3) to people carefully and help them with their (4) . I will be happy if I can make other people (5) . A3 Sandy is writing abut her future plans in her diary too. Listen to her conversation with Daniel. Help Sandy complete her diary entry. Dear diary, I love drawing and I would like to be (1) when I grow up. Among all the Chinese artists, I like (2) best. His pictures of (3) are beautiful works of art. I want to be as (4) as he is . I want to travel around the world and learn more about (5) some day. B Speak up: What’s he like? Sandy is telling her neighbour Helen about her friends. Work in pairs and tell your partner about your friends. Use the conversation below as a model. Helen: Who’s the boy on the left? Sandy: Oh, this is Peter. He’s the tallest in my class. Helen: What’s he like? Sandy: He’s clever and humorous. He often tells us funny jokes. Helen: Who’s the girl next to Peter? Sandy: She’s Lucy. She’s a small girl with a ponytail. Helen: What’s she like? Sandy: She’s shy and … Study skills How to remember words Can you remember new words quickly? A vocabulary tree can help you. · Put the words into different groups, e.g. jobs, looks and feelings. Then write the group names on the branches. · Write down the words on the leaves of each branch. · Draw pictures of the words to help you remember their meanings if necessary. Look at the vocabulary tree below. Complete it by writing the words on the correct leaves. afraid angry bored cook cute doctor excited lovely nurse policeman pretty slim tall tired waiter Task My best friend A Daniel is going to take part in the writing competition. He is making a list of words that he can use to describe different people. Read his list. Words about people Face long, round, square, small Eyes big, small, round, bright, smiling Nose big, small, long, short Hair black, dark brown, long, short, straight Looks beautiful, pretty, good-looking, handsome, lovely, cute, short, tall, fat, slim, smart, strong Personality clever, smart, polite, friendly, kind, generous, hard-working, helpful, honest, humorous, patient B You also want to write an article about your best friend. Prepare some notes of him or her. Then use the outline below to help you organize your ideas. Introduction Say who your best friend is. Main body Describe his/her looks and personality. Conclusion Write about his/her future plans. C Read Daniel’s article about his best friend kate. Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend, I first met her five years ago. Kate is tall and slim. She has long hair. She has a round face and a small nose. I like her bright, smiling eyes. They make her look really pretty and kind. Kate is a friendly girl. She always has a smile on her face and looks happy. She likes to help people. She helps me with my homework and she is very patient. When I feel bores or unhappy, I often go to her. She will talk to me and tell me interesting things. Kate wants to work with children. She would like to be a teacher when she grows up. I think she will make an excellent teacher. D Now write your own article about your best friend. Use your notes and the outline on page 16 to help you. Self-assessment I have learnt Details Result 1 about different school lives. 2 to use the new words to talk about my school life. 3 to compare the amount fo things. To use comparative and superlative adverbs. 4 the suffix -ly Result: Excellent! Good! Not bad! I need to spend more time on . Unit 2 School life 1 Why don’t dogs go to school, Eddie? 2 Because we’re cleverer than people. They have to work harder. 3 what’s school like? 4 It’s like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements. Ideal schools The Class 1, Grade 8 students are learning about schools around the world. They are also writing about their ideal school. Task Complete a questionnaire and write about your ideal school. Welcome to the unit Different words for the same thing A People in the UK and the USA sometimes use different words to refer to the same thing. Match the words on the left with words on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks. Then write the correct words under the pictures below. British English American English 1 biscuit d a eraser 2 autumn b soccer 3 lorry c vacation 4 film d cookie 5 football e fall 6 holiday f store 7 garden g truck 8 rubber h yard 9 shop i movie (原书 10 个, 现 9 个) B Daniel wants to invite Simon to see a film. Read their conversation. Underline the British words and write the American words above them. Daniel: Hello, Simon. Shall we go to see a film this afternoon? Simon: I’d love to, but I have to go to a shop to buy a birthday present for my cousin Annie. Daniel: OK. Is this Saturday all right? Simon: Sorry, Daniel. The school football team will practice this Saturday. Daniel: I see. You’re really busy this week. Simon: Yes, I am. I can’t wait for the holiday. Reading A School lives Daniel is visiting on an online club called Schools Around the World. Here are two articles on the website about different school lives. Life in a British school Hi, everybody. My name is Nancy. I am in Year 8 at woodland school near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. Among all my subjects, I like French best. Learning foreign languages is fun. Our school has a Reading Week every year. During the week, we can borrow more books from the school library. We can also bring in books and magazines from home. L lften read more books than my classmates. Near the end of the week., we discuss the books with our classmates in 10 class. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. Life in an American school Hi guys. I’m John and I’m 14 years old. I’m in the 8th grade at Rocky Mountain High School near Denver. Every Monday, I go to the Buddy Club. In the club, older students help new students learn more about the school. My friend Tony is in the 12th grade. He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help. He is my hero. We have different classes every day. On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. My friends and I often do sports together. Twice a week, I play baseball after school. I love this game and practice hard every time. Our team won two games last month. B Schools in different countries B1 Daniel does not know the meanings of some words in the article. Help him match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks. 1 foreign (line 5) a talk about something 2 language (line 5) b give something to someone 3 discuss (line 9) c be best or first in a competition 4 offer (line 17) d not in or from your own country 5 win (line 23) e words used in speaking and writing B2 Daniel found some pictures of Nancy’s and John’s schools. First, help him complete the description of each picture. Then put an N in the box if the picture shows
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