(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册Book2 Unit3 The Internet词汇词组检测.docx

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1、高一英语基础检测Book2 Unit3 The Internet第1节 词汇检测 根据句子的上下文及所给的中文提示,写出符合句意的单词,每空限填一词。1. Some _ (博客) are entertaining and interesting, but many are badly written.2. Earlier thisweek, she _ (写博客) aboutthe latest fashion.3. In less than aweek, more than 500_ _(博客帖子)had been written about theincident.4. He is a w

2、ell-known _ (博主) whosesitefocusesonInternetissues.5. The tourismindustryhas been an _(引擎) ofgrowth.6. Shespendshourson thephone_(聊天)toherfriends.7. There are several_(小溪) thatflowthroughthe plain.8. Water came _ (流出)out of the burst pipe.9. OnYouTube, millions ofvideosare _ (流播)everyday.10. He wasqu

3、itecertainabout his attackers _(身份).11. A bikes a very _ (方便的)way of getting around.12. Our newhouseis very _(近便的)for(= near to)thekidsschool.13. Do you have any _ (现金)on you?14. Well _ (向.提供最新消息)youonthisnewsstorythroughouttheday.15. Shespentseveralhours_(更新) themailinglist.16. Ill needregular_(最新信

4、息)onyourprogress.17. Thelibraryhas a_(数据库)of over 21 million booktitles.18. Users can download the _(软件) without charge.19. Weve justspent1.9 million onimprovingourcomputer_(网络).20. This software will allow us to _(将连接成网络) our computers.21. I dont reallyenjoytheseconferences, but theyre a goodopport

5、unityto _(建立工作关系).22. Ispenthours_(浏览) theWeb,searchingforinformation.23. They go _(冲浪) everyweekend.24. Thehouseis only a veryshort_(距离) from thesea.25. Hisconfidentleadership_(激励) hisfollowers to finish the project on time.26. It is the only _(通道) to the farmhouse.27. It is toodifficultfor anyone

6、using awheelchairto _(进入) thebuilding.28. Olderpeoplemay havedifficulty_(获取)medicalservices.29. Profits from thesaleof thesecardswillgo tolocal_(慈善机构).30. She does a lot ofworkfor_(慈善).31. Weve had to make some very _(艰难的)decisions.32. Thepoliceare getting _(严厉的) onillegalparking than before.33. It

7、is very hard for students from southern _(省) to adapt to the life here.34. Theyfrequentlyhold_(会议) at thathotel.35. Local_(居民)areprotestingabout the newroad.36. The _(居住的) population of mental hospitals has fallen by 20%.37. Therentwill be 175 aweek, _(另加)gasandelectricity.38. Yourteachingexperience

8、will be a _(优势) in thisjob.39. Hes reallycute,_(而且)hes got a good job.40. This room may be hired for weddings and other _(功能).41. Can you explain exactly how this new system _(运转)?42. It takes eight hours to fully recharge all the _(电池).43. Seventypeople _(确认) that they wouldattendtheconference.44.

9、The expression on his face _(使确信) me in my doubts.45. Mike _(按) hard on thewoundandstoppedtheflowofblood.46. Thecommittee_(敦促) himtogivethem moreinformation.47. Two _(纽扣) were missing from his shirt.48. Press the_(按钮)tostartthemachine.49. Ivereorganizedmy _(文件) so that I caneasilyfindwhat Imlookingf

10、or.50. Ivelosta _(文件夹)containinga lot ofimportantdocuments.51. We will keep your application on _(档案).52. Books were _(打折) to as little as $5.53. Membersgeta 15%_(折扣).54. He was too shocked togive an _(描述)of what had happened.55. I need todrawsomemoneyout ofmy _(账号).56. Choose the image you want by

11、_(点击) twice.57. The newlawisdesignedtoprotectpeoples _(隐私).58. Unfortunately, we have had several _(偷窃) in thebuildingrecently.59. Three men were charged withattempted _(偷窃).60. Hes the _(粗鲁的) man Ive ever met.61. I set myself a_(目标)oflearning20 new words each week.62. The _(目标)audienceforthe TVseri

12、esisyoungpeopleaged13 to 18.63. Thepaperis _(面向) atyoungpeople.64. The man had given a _(假的) name and address.65. Most students choose one _(特定的) area for research.66. I had nothing _(特别的) planned.67. She asked a lot of_(令人难堪的) questions.68. It still _(使烦恼) him when hethinksabout theaccident.69. Som

13、eproblems occurred,_(打乱)ourplansofdrivingacrossthedesert.70. This chaptergivesyou some_(指导原则)to help you in your work.71. He was the _(作者) of two books on China.72. This weeks magazine has some _(忠告) on healthy eating.73. It was a relief to be back in_(熟悉的) surroundings.74. Ill now try to _(解释) the

14、term popular culture.75. It must_(界定)thetargetand thedateby which it is to beachieved.76. Thedictionary_(给下定义) it as anarrowpassage.77. She wassufferingfrom anextreme_(情况) ofsunburn.78. She took herviolinout ofits_(盒).79. The lawyers will only be paid if they win the _(案件).第二节 完成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使句子

15、意义完整,每空限填一词。1. 一股冷空气从敞开的大门冲了进来。_ _ _cold air rushed through the open door.2. 你住在办公室附近很方便。_ very _ _youlivenear theoffice.3. 你会用信用卡还是现金付款?Will youpaybycreditcardor_ _?4. 他们陷入了交通堵塞。They_ _ _ a traffic jam.5. 我会陪你直到火车来。Ill_ _ _ till thetraincomes.6. 从远处看,他看起来有点像他的母亲。_ _ _, helooksa little like hismothe

16、r.7. 在晴朗的日子里,你可以看到远处的寺庙。On acleardayyou canseethetemple_ _ _.8. 她激励她的学生尽他们所能。She _ herstudents_ _ thebestthey could.9. 许多家庭无法获得保健。Many of thefamiliesdo not _ _ _healthcare.10. 既然你有了这笔额外的收入,你能再多付一点钱吗?Can youaffordtopayabitmore _ _ you have thisextraincome?11. 由于我们的邻居已经搬家了,生活就更平静了。_ _ourneighbourshave

17、moved,lifeis a lot morepeaceful.12. 新建购物中心的建议不大可能通过Theproposalsfor the newshoppingcentrewereunlikelyto _ _.13. 为了达到她的目的她经历了很多。Shes _ _ a lot inordertoachievewhat she has.14. 我们稍后再看细节。Well _ _ the details later on.15. 戴夫翻着口袋找钥匙。Dave _ _ his pockets looking for the keys.16. 酒店真的很贵。 第一周我们花光了3000$。Theho

18、telwas reallyexpensive. We_ _$3000 in the firstweek.17. 自从她哥哥生病以来,她一直过着困难的日子。Shes been _ _ adifficulttimesince her brothersillness.18. 她每天跑六英里来帮助保持身材。Sherunssixmileseverydaytohelpkeepherself_ _.19. 跟踪项目进度占用了我大部分时间。_ _ _ the progress of the project takes up most of my time.20. 你几乎总能在那里买到打折的书。You can

19、nearly always get books there_ _ _.21. 你在找什么特别的东西吗?Are youlookingfor anything _ _?22. 她对自己吃很挑剔。She_ very _ _ what sheeats.23. 其他孩子取笑他,因为他戴眼镜。The other children _ _ _ him because he wore glasses.24. 她因为丢了钱包而很沮丧。She _ very _ _losingherwallet.25. 你没有回复他的电子邮件,他很难过。He _ very _ _you didntreplyto hisemails

20、.26. 听说聚会取消了,她很难过。She _ very _ _ _that thepartyhad beencancelled.27. 我熟悉他所有的书。I _ _ _ all his books.28. 我熟悉他所有的书。All his books _ _ _ me.29. 在写报告时,你必须时刻记住读者。You must always _ the reader _ _ when writing a report.30. 没有咖啡了? 那样的话我就喝茶了。Theres nocoffeeleft? _ _ _ Ill havetea.31. 带上地图以防迷路。Bring amap_ _ yo

21、u getlost.32. 我想我不需要钱,但我会带一些以防万一。I dontthinkIll need anymoneybut Illbringsome just _ _.33. 野营区可以随时取用水,以防发生火灾。Thecampingareahasreadyaccesstowater, _ _ _.高一英语基础检测答案Book2 Unit3 The Internet第1节 词汇检测 根据句子的上下文及所给的中文提示,写出符合句意的单词,每空限填一词。1. blogs 2. blogged 3. blogposts 4. blogger 5. engine 6. chatting 7. st

22、reams 8. streaming 9. streamed 10. identity 11. convenient 12. convenient 13. cash 14. update 15. updating 16. updates 17. database 18. software 19. network 20. network 21. network 22. surfing 23. surfing 24. distance 25. inspired 26. access 27. access 28. accessing 29. charities 30. charity 31. tou

23、gh 32. tougher 33. provinces 34. conferences 35.residents 36. resident 37. plus 38. plus 39. plus 40. functions 41. functions 42. batteries 43. confirmed 44. confirmed 45. pressed 46. pressed 47. buttons 48. button 49. files 50. file 51. file 52. discounted 53. discount 54. account 55. account 56. c

24、licking 57. privacy 58. thefts 59. theft 60. rudest 61. target 62. target 63. targeted 64. false 65. particular 66. particular 67. embarrassing 68. upsets 69. upsetting 70. guidelines 71. author 72. tips 73. familiar 74. define 75. define 76. defines77. case 78. case 79. case第二节 完成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使

25、句子意义完整,每空限填一词。1. A stream of 2. Its.convenientthat 3. incash 4. got stuckin 5.keepyou company 6. From a distance 7. in the distance 8. inspired.to do 9. have access to 10. now that 11. Now that 12. go through 13. gone through 14.go through 15. went through 16. went through 17. going through 18. inshape 19. Keeping track of 20. at a discount 21. in particular 22. is.particular about 23. made fun of 24. was.upset about 25. was.upsetthat26. was.upsettohear 27. amfamiliarwith 28. are familiar to 29. keep.in mind 30. In that case 31. in case 32. in case 33. in case offire第 8 页 共 4 页


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