Unit 3 核心重点单词短语复习-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、新人教版 必修二 Unit 3 The Internet核心重点单词短语复习讲案(一)核心词汇拓展1.convenient adj.方便的;便利的某人方便做某事 _便利;方便 n. _在某人方便的时候 _为了方便起见 _2. benefit n利益;好处 vt. 有利于;有益于;受益为了某人的利益 _使某人或某物受益 _从中受益/获益 _有利的;有益的;受益的adj. _.对有益;对有利 _3. distance n.距离;远方 _遥远的;远处的;疏远的_远离地;疏远地在远处 _隔一段距离;从远处 _在远的地方 _对某人冷淡;与某人疏远 _走着就能到 _你也可以参观城市博物馆,从你住的酒店走着

2、就能到。(应用文之建议信)_4. access n(接近的)方法;通道;机会;权利(常与to连用);可接近性 vt. 进入;使用;获取拥有的机会;可以接近/进入_准许进入(接近) _可接近的;可使用的;易懂的;随和的_可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的_在我们省,只要你有一部智能手机,就能随时上网。In our province,as long as you have a smartphone,_.5. account v认为;说明n账户;账目;说明;描述说明;做出解释;占(比例) _由于,因为 _决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装) _考虑到,把考虑进去 _.叙述/描述 _n会计员;会计师 _6.

3、upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;不安的;不适的 vt.(upset,upset)使不安;使心烦;为某事心烦 _对做某事感到不安 _让某人心烦的是 _做某事让人心烦/让某人心烦的是 _7. case n.盒;箱;事例;事件;情况;病例;案件以防万一 _万一,如果发生 _无论如何;总之 _决不(置于句首时,引起部分倒装)_这是常有的事 _8. go through经历;度过;完成;通过;检查;用完;通读复习;(仔细)检查 _出去;熄灭 _违背;违反 _上涨;上升 _前进;干吧;说吧 _没有也可应付;将就 _(时间)流逝;过去 _9. the比较级.,the比较级.However,the mor

4、e polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.但是,你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越小。此句型为“the more.the more/less.越就越/就越不”。这是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。the用在形容词和副词的比较级前,more代表形容词和副词的比较级。主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。若主句的时态用一般将来时,则从句的时态要用一般现在时表示将来时。(二)课内短语积累1. _ 写博文2. _ 搜索引擎3. _ 在线聊天, 网上聊天4. _ 就做调查5. _ 做某事的理由6. _

5、对感兴趣7. _ 在我的博客上8. _ 注意;重视9. _ 以开始;开始于10. _ 把.比作,比喻为11. _ 例如12. _ 轮流做某事13. _ 很难说14. _ 上网15. _ 看情况而定16. _ 仰望;查阅17. _ 顺便说说,顺便问一下18. _ 绝不,从不19. _ 尽可能20. _ 引起注意21. _ 排队等候22. _ 不再23. _ 随身携带现金卡24. _ 辞职25. _ 失业26. _ 困在家里27. _ 陪伴某人28. _ 过了一会儿29. _ 上网30. _ 受到鼓舞/激发31. _ 获得的支持和建议32. _ 成立一个IT俱乐部33. _ 偿还, 付款34. _

6、 申请,请求35. _ 既然;由于36. _ 照顾;注意;抚养37. _ 和;连同38. _ 上网课39. _ 确信;证实40. _ 使用;接近;可以利用;有的机会/权利41. _ 为;筹集资金42. _ 参加;经受;仔细检查;通过43. _ 面临挑战44. _ 给带来很大利益/好处45. _ 向学习46. _ 在过去的几年里;近年来47. _ (以)高速48. _ 不管怎样49. _ 如果是这样的话;要是这样50. _ 对发表评论51. _ 身份证52. _ 最好做某事53. _ 保持体形54. _ 想要某物55. _ 请别人做某事;让被做56. _ 掌握的最新消息;了解的动态57. _ 制

7、定健身计划58. _ 享有折扣59. _ 银行账号60. _ 使某人了解最新情况61. _ 教某人一两件事62. _ 首先63. _ 点击64. _ 发出,分发,用完,耗尽65. _ 做某事的借口66. _ 成为的目标67. _ 为了做某事;68. _激起;煽动;搅拌;唤起69. _对某人刻薄70. _对准71. _捣乱;制造麻烦72. _取笑73. _看起来像74. _起先,首先;最初75. _处理安排76. _熟悉,清楚地了解77. _记住78. _打扫干净收拾干净79. _倒置地;颠倒的80. _而不是;宁可也不愿81. _在过去82. _ 碰头会83. _ 整天84. _ 等等;诸如此

8、类85. _ 马马虎虎;勉强过得去86. _ 关心;挂念87. _ 始终,一直88. _ 不管什么,无论什么89. _ 关掉,关闭;90. _在某些时候91. _鼓励某人做某事;92._对于有影响;对造成冲击【过关检测】【单句首字母及汉语填空】1I bought a pair of sneakers at a 30% d_,which was cheaper than expected.2She earns only 1,000 yuan a month but is p_ about her clothes.3The f _of the heart is to pump blood thro

9、ugh the body.4It has been _ (确认) that he wasnt the person who stole your cow.5He arrived an hour late and _ (打乱) all our arrangements.6I would appreciate it if you could pay for these goods in c_ instead of by cheque.7He was back in the office,_ (更新) the work schedule on the computer.8You can stay h

10、ere and keep me c_,or I will feel lonely.【单句语法填空】1Everyone will try their best to avoid being made fun _in public.2He reminds me to keep _ mind that time will confirm everything.3This decision is _ (tough) to make than that one we made last week.4In addition to reading for knowledge,we read for fun

11、and _ (inspire)5I hold the belief that this voluntary work will be _ (benefit) to me.6There were so many cars in the street _ I got stuck in the traffic for two hours.7The magazine makes complex ideas attractive and _ (access) to children.8It is convenient for people to get familiar _ others who liv

12、e in the distance on the Internet.【单句适当形式填空】1. The salesgirl pretended not to hear me and went on_(聊天)with a lady in blue. 2. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and _ (convenient) of the shared bikes3. With the purpose of raising some money for the local _(慈善机构)we invited several famous musi

13、cians and singers. 4. We are taking steps to prevent _(溪流)and air pollution. 5. We often walk to the beach, which is within walking_ (distant) of my house6. The shop will give a discount of ten percent as long as you pay in_(现金).7. Have you experienced times when you feel like youre under too much_(

14、压力)?8. English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetryTang poems from China in p_.9. Its convenient for us now to open an a in a_ bank as some clerks there will help us.10. The moment the bell rang, all the students turned in their papers _ (立刻). (一)核心词汇拓展1.convenient adj.方便的;便利的某人方便做某事 It i

15、s convenient for sb.to do sth.便利;方便 nconvenience在某人方便的时候 at ones convenience为了方便起见 for convenience2. benefit n利益;好处 vt. 有利于;有益于;受益为了某人的利益 for the benefit of sb.for ones benefit使某人或某物受益 benefit sb./sth._有利的;有益的;受益的adj. beneficial .对有益;对有利 be beneficial to.be of benefit to3. distance n.距离;远方 distant遥远

16、的;远处的;疏远的distantly远离地;疏远地在远处 in the distance隔一段距离;从远处 at a distance在远的地方 at a distance of对某人冷淡;与某人疏远 keep sb.at a distance走着就能到 within walking distance你也可以参观城市博物馆,从你住的酒店走着就能到。(应用文之建议信)You can also visit the city museum,which is within walking distance of the hotel where you stay.4. access n(接近的)方法;通

17、道;机会;权利(常与to连用);可接近性 vt. 进入;使用;获取拥有的机会;可以接近/进入 have/get/obtain/gain access to准许进入(接近) give access to可接近的;可使用的;易懂的;随和的 accessible 可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的 be accessible to在我们省,只要你有一部智能手机,就能随时上网。In our province,as long as you have a smartphone,you can have access to the Internet whenever you want.5. account v认为

18、;说明n账户;账目;说明;描述说明;做出解释;占(比例) account for由于,因为 on account of决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装) on no account考虑到,把考虑进去 take account of(take.into account/consideration).叙述/描述 give an account of.n会计员;会计师 accountant6. upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;不安的;不适的 vt.(upset,upset)使不安;使心烦;为某事心烦 be upset about/over/at sth.对做某事感到不安 be upset to

19、do sth.让某人心烦的是 What upsets sb.is.做某事让人心烦/让某人心烦的是 It upsets sb.to do sth./that.7. case n.盒;箱;事例;事件;情况;病例;案件以防万一 in case万一,如果发生 in case of无论如何;总之 in any case决不(置于句首时,引起部分倒装) in no case这是常有的事 as is often the case8. go through经历;度过;完成;通过;检查;用完;通读复习;(仔细)检查 go over出去;熄灭 go out违背;违反 go against上涨;上升 go up前进

20、;干吧;说吧 go ahead没有也可应付;将就 go without(时间)流逝;过去 go by 9. the比较级.,the比较级.However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.但是,你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越小。此句型为“the more.the more/less.越就越/就越不”。这是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。the用在形容词和副词的比较级前,more代表形容词和副词的比较级。主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。若主句的时态用一般将来时,则

21、从句的时态要用一般现在时表示将来时。(二)课内短语积累1. write a blog post 写博文2. a search engine 搜索引擎3. chat online 在线聊天, 网上聊天4. do a survey on 就做调查5. reasons for doing sth 做某事的理由6. be interested in 对感兴趣7. on my blog 在我的博客上8. pay attention to 注意;重视9. begin with 以开始;开始于10. compare to 把.比作,比喻为11. for example 例如12. take turns to

22、 do sth 轮流做某事13. its hard to say 很难说14. go online 上网15. It depends 看情况而定16. look up 仰望;查阅17. by the way 顺便说说,顺便问一下18. never ever 绝不,从不19. asas possible 尽可能20. catch the attention of 引起注意21. wait in line 排队等候22. no longer 不再23. carry cash card around 随身携带现金卡24. quit ones job 辞职25. out of work 失业26. s

23、tick at home 困在家里27. keep sb. company 陪伴某人28. after a while 过了一会儿29. surf the internet 上网30. be inspired by 受到鼓舞/激发31. get support and advice from获得的支持和建议32. start an IT club 成立一个IT俱乐部33. pay for 偿还, 付款34. apply for 申请,请求35. now that 既然;由于36. take care of 照顾;注意;抚养37. together with 和;连同38. take onlin

24、e classes 上网课39. make sure 确信;证实40. have access to 使用;接近;可以利用;有的机会/权利41. raise money for 为筹集资金42. go through 参加;经受;仔细检查;通过43. face a challenge 面临挑战44. bring great benefits to 给带来很大利益/好处45. learn from 向学习46. for the past few years 过去的几年里;近年来47. at high speeds (of ) (以)高速48. no matter how 不管怎样49. if s

25、o 如果是这样的话;要是这样50. make a comment on/about 对发表评论51. identity card 身份证52. had better do 最好做某事53. get in shape 保持体形54. would like sth 想要某物55. have sth done 请别人做某事;让被做56. keep track of 掌握的最新消息;了解的动态57. make a fitness plan 制定健身计划58. get discounts 享有折扣59. bank account 银行账号60. keep sb. updated on 某人了解最新情况6

26、1. teach sb. a thing or two 教某人一两件事62. first of all 首先63. click on 点击64. give out 发出,分发,用完,耗尽65. an excuse for doing sth. 做某事的借口66. become a target for 成为的目标67. in order to do sth. 为了做某事;68. stir up 激起;煽动;搅拌;唤起69. be mean to sb. 对某人刻薄70. be directed at 对准71. make trouble 捣乱;制造麻烦72. make fun of 取笑73.

27、 It seemed like 看起来像74. at first 起先,首先;最初75. deal with 处理安排76. be familiar with 熟悉,清楚地了解77. keep in mind 记住78. clean up 打扫干净,收拾干净79. upside down倒置地;颠倒的80. rather than 而不是;宁可也不愿81. in the past 在过去82. face-to-face meetings 碰头会83. all day 整天84. and so on 等等;诸如此类85. so so 马马虎虎;勉强过得去86. be concerned abou

28、t 关心;挂念87. all the time 始终,一直88. no matter what 不管什么,无论什么89. turn off 关掉,关闭;90. at certain times 在某些时候91. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事;92. have an impact on 对于有影响;对造成冲击 【过关检测】【单句首字母及汉语填空】1I bought a pair of sneakers at a 30% discount,which was cheaper than expected.2She earns only 1,000 yuan a m

29、onth but is particular about her clothes.3The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.4It has been confirmed (确认) that he wasnt the person who stole your cow.5He arrived an hour late and upset (打乱) all our arrangements.6I would appreciate it if you could pay for these goods in cash i

30、nstead of by cheque.7He was back in the office,updating (更新) the work schedule on the computer.8You can stay here and keep me company,or I will feel lonely.【单句语法填空】1Everyone will try their best to avoid being made fun of in public.2He reminds me to keep in mind that time will confirm everything.3Thi

31、s decision is tougher(tough) to make than that one we made last week.4In addition to reading for knowledge,we read for fun and inspiration(inspire)5I hold the belief that this voluntary work will be beneficial(benefit) to me.6There were so many cars in the street that I got stuck in the traffic for two hours.7The magazine makes complex ideas attractive and accessible(access) to children.8It is convenient for people to get familiar with others who live in the distance on the Internet.【单句适当


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