Unit3 The Internet句子翻译练习-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、1. 如果你方便的话,我们8:30在校门外集合。If its convenient for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.2. 在过去路很窄,出行极其不便。In the past, the roads were narrow, which was inconvenient to travel around.3. 为方便起见,我给你我的邮箱,我们可以彼此保持联系。For convenience, I will give you my email and we can keep in touch with each other.4.

2、由于这些问题,我们希望在你方便的时候得到你的帮助。Due to these problems, we hope to get your help at your convenience.5. 我们从政府采取的便民措施中受益颇多。We have benefited a lot from these convenient measures taken by the government.6. 我感觉如果你能坚持的话,我的这些建议很有益处。I felt that my suggestions would be of great benefit if you stick to them.7. 是你不断

3、的鼓励激励我变得自信。It was your constant encouragement that inspired me to be confident.8. 既然你非常热爱京剧,我确信你不想错过这个机会。Now that you are a great fan of Peking Opera, Im sure that you dont want to miss the chance.9. 学生们会接触更多的阅读材料,这对他们的语言学习有好处。Students will have access to more reading materials, which are good for t

4、heir language learning.10. 这个公寓有Wi-Fi,者便于你与家人和朋友保持联系。Wi-Fi is accessible in the flat, making it convenient for you to keep in touch with your family and friends.11. 我将立刻号召同学们为你捐赠,帮助你渡过难关。I will call on my classmates to make a donation to you to help you go through the difficult right away.12. 这个机会这么

5、好,你不能错过它。It is such a good opportunity that you shall never miss it.13. 你方便的时候请告知我们,让我们能够做出一些必要的准备。Please inform us at your convenience, enabling us to make some necessary preparations.14. 众所周知,均衡饮食对我们非常有益。As we all know, having a balanced diet is beneficial to us.15. 政府的下一个目标是建立更多的慈善机构来帮助贫穷的居民。The

6、governments next goal is to set up more charities to help poor residents.16. 计划下个月组团到贵校参观,我写信确认一些信息。Planning to take a group to pay a visit to your school next month, Im writing to confirm some information.17. 我希望你能把我的建议考虑在内,我确信你会做出正确的决定。I hope that you can take my suggestions into account and Im su

7、re that you will make a right decision.18. 得知你正在发烧咳嗽,我感到很不安。Knowing that you are having a fever and cough, I am upset about it.19. 听到这场活动因某些原因被推迟的消息,我很心烦。It upsets me to hear the news that the activity has been put off because of some reasons.20. 请牢记使用共享单车的时候应该照顾好它们。Please keep it in mind that when

8、using them, one should take good care of shared bikes.21. 如果你能考虑我的建议,我会很高兴的。I will be more pleased if you can take my advice into account.22. 无论你做什么,你都应该全身心投入。No matter what you do, you should put your heart into it.23. 这次活动的目的是展示我们丰富的校园文化和学生的各种才能。 The purpose of this activity is to show our rich ca

9、mpus culture and the students various talents.24. 只有这样,我们才能享受共享单车带来的乐趣和便利。 Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of the shared bikes.25. 我建议你申请北京大学,在那里你可以接触到最好的中国文化。 I suggest you apply for Peking University, where you can have access to the best Chinese culture.26. 你给我的建议对我的英语学

10、习很有帮助。 The advice youve offered to me is very beneficial to my English study.27. 我知道你对目前的情况一定很不高兴。I know that you must be upset because of the present situation.28. 团队合作可以帮助我们以更有效的方式实现共同的目标。Teamwork can help us achieve shared target in a more efficient way.29. 我弟弟在学习英语方面有一些困难,这使他很苦恼。 My brother has some difficulties in learning English, which upsets him very much.30. 我的父母几乎没有向我提及过他们所受的苦难My parents seldom mentioned the sufferings they had gone through to me.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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