Unit 2 section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures ppt课件(含导学案)-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.rar

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  • Unit 2 section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures ppt课件(含导学案)-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册
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    • Unit 2 section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册.pptx--点击预览


Section Discovering Useful Structures 导学案导学案(原卷(原卷+答案)答案) 第一版块第一版块|核心单词核心单词1.reduce vt.减少,缩小,降低反义词:increase 增长(教材 P18)It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are (reduced/being reduced) due to the cutting of trees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。reduce. to 把减少到(to 表示结果)reduce. by 把减少了(by 表示幅度)rise/increaseError!Error! Error!Error!This drug can reduce the death rate of heart attacks.这种药可以降低心脏病发作的死亡率。All the shirts were reduced to $10.所有衬衫都减价至 10 美元。Output has been reduced by around 30 percent due to the bad weather.由于恶劣的天气,产量已减少了大约 30%。常见搭配:reduce the trees to three 把树减少到三棵reduce the trees by 50%把树减少一半be reduced to 沦为;转化为reduce sb. to tears/silence 使某人流泪/沉默reduce sth. to ashes/ruins 把某物(尤指建筑物)化为灰烬/夷为废墟归纳拓展:The number of the species has increased by 10% thanks to the measures taken by the government.多亏政府所采取的措施,物种的数量增加了 10%。 即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子The camera was reduced _ half of the original price.If their marketing plans succeed, they will increase their sales _ 20 percent.The _ (reduce) of unemployment should be the most important thing.The number of the bikes they produce _ (已经减少到) 100, 000 this year.词语积累:reduction n减少同decrease v减少反increase v增加;增长What they earn _ (已减少了) 30% in the last three months.The number of the workers in this company _ (已经减少到) 120.2.due to 由于,因为(教材 P18)It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are (reduced/being reduced) due to the cutting of trees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。Many crops were damaged due to the flood.洪水毁坏了许多庄稼。Your headache is due to stress.你的头痛是由压力造成的。词语辨析due to, owing to, because of 与 thanks to状语表语定语说明due to一般不位于句首owing tobecause of主语指一个事实时也可作表语thanks to“多亏” ,常指好的方面Because of/Owing to the snow, the flight has been cancelled.由于下雪,航班已经取消了。(作状语)His death was owing to an accident.他的死是事故造成的。(作表语)It is mainly because of my fault.这主要是由于我的过错。(作表语)Thanks to your help, we were successful.多亏了你的帮助,我们得以成功。(作状语)归纳拓展:be due to do sth.预计要做某事be due for 应得到The boat is due to arrive at 12 oclock.船预计在 12 点钟到达。Shes due for promotion soon.她很快该晋升了。名师点津:表“因为”的几个短语介词:due to 较正式用语,常用于官方公开声明中;thanks to 常接某人(某事),通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏,幸亏” ;because of 后常接人或事物,强调某事发生的原因;on account of 后面常接名词;owing to 其后多接某事物,常可以与 due to 互换;as a result of 常用在有上下文(表原因)的情况下。 即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子The boat is due _ (arrive) at 12.He is due _ praise because of his heroic deeds.His mistake was _ (因为) lack of experience.David said that it was _ (由于) his strong interest in computers that he chose the course.The next meeting _ (预计召开) in three months.Owing to lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.The project will not continue next year _ lack of funds.The train _ (预计) leave for Shanghai at 8._ (房租到期) tomorrow. 第二版块第二版块|单元语法单元语法现在进行时表将来时的被动语态现在进行时表将来时的被动语态一、现在进行时的被动语态的基本结构肯定结构be (am/is/are) being done否定结构be (am/is/are) notbeing done一般疑问结构be (am/is/are) 主语being done特殊疑问结构特殊疑问词be (am/is/are) 主语being done*The plan is being discussed at the meeting now.现在这个计划正在讨论过程中。A new law is being made to prevent endangered animals from extinction.为了阻止濒危动物的灭绝,新的法律正在制定中。*Workers are cutting down some trees in the park.Some trees are being cut down by workers in the park. (被动语态)Where are some trees being cut down by workers?(特殊疑问句)巧学助记主动语态变被动语态的原则“三变”原则:原主变为 by 短语,原宾变为现主语;谓语主动变被动。“三不变”原则:原句意思不变;原句时态不变;原句主谓宾以外成分不变。二、现在进行时的被动语态的基本用法1表示此刻正在进行的被动动作,常与 now,look 等词连用。*Look! The baby is being taken care of by her aunt.瞧!那个婴儿正由她的姑姑照料着。2表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作,但此动作不一定在此时此刻发生。*Many speeches about Chinese traditional culture are being held these days.这一阵子许多有关中国传统文化的讲座正在举行。3表示按计划主语将要承受的某个动作。*A Christmas party is being held tonight.今晚将要举行一场圣诞晚会。4表示经常的被动行为,常和 always, often, constantly 等词连用(表示某种感情色彩)。*Tom is always being praised by the teacher.汤姆总是受到老师的表扬。三、使用现在进行时的被动语态应注意的问题1在现在进行时的被动语态中 be (am/is/are)为第一助动词,being 为第二助动词,缺一不可,且位置不可互换。*But now that information is being spread and monitored in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules.但是既然信息正在以不同的方式被传播与监控,研究者正在发现新的规则。2像 take care of, look after, talk about, think of 等动词与介词构成的短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中的介词不可省略。*The ways to stop illegally hunting are being talked about.阻止非法捕猎的方法正在研讨中。3 “be (am/is/are) under/inn.”有时相当于现在进行时的被动语态。*Many questions are under discussion.Many questions are being discussed.许多问题正在被讨论。4有时表“状态,心理活动,情感”等的动词,常用于一般现在时的被动语态表示“正在进行” 。*The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police.警方正在通缉交通事故的逃逸者。即学即练 1单句语法填空1My washing machine _ (repair) this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.2Now similar concerns _ (raise) by the giants (巨头).3They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house _ (rebuild)4As we know, the new buildings that _ (build) at present will be a new key university of our country, Xiong An University.即学即练 2完成句子1在亚洲的其他地方,正在采取甚至更令人震惊的行动。Elsewhere in Asia even more astonishing actions _.2据报纸报道,武汉正在建设几条新的地铁线路。It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines _ in Wuhan.即学即练 3句型转换1Many village communities feel their countryside is being ruined by the power-producing machines of wind farms. (改为主动语态)Many village communities feel _.2The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers are repairing one of the main pipes. (改为被动语态)The water supply has been cut off temporarily because _.3The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm _.即学即练 4根据要求进行句式变化The education programme _.这个教育项目正在被讨论。将画线部分改为现在进行时的被动语态The education programme _.将句改为一般疑问句_对句中的 The education programme 进行提问_基础知识自测.单句语法填空1Jim _ (interview) by the reporters at the very moment.2It is reported that many a new house _ (build) at present in the disaster area.3He is ill. He is _ (examine) by the doctor.4These animals _ (hunt) at such a speed that they will disappear soon.5He is now _ (treat) in Beijing because of his serious illness.6A modern school _ (build) in his hometown. And it will be completed in six months.7Are the babies _ (take) care of by this nurse now?8The little boy has made rapid progress recently and is always _ (praise) by his teachers.9The plan is not _ (discuss) at the meeting now.10Is the house you bought last month _ (decorate) now?.将下列句子变成被动语态1Scientists are studying the disease at present.The disease _ by scientists.2They are playing some rock music.Some rock music _ by them.3A snake is swallowing a frog over there.A frog _ by a snake over there.4Many chemical factories are polluting the drinking water.The drinking water _ by many chemical factories.5The researchers are studying the life of the panda at present.The life of the panda _ by researchers at present.6The teacher is always praising Tom in public.Tom _ in public by the teacher.7The police are questioning the criminal now.The criminal _ by the police now.8The water in the lake is under pollution.The water in the lake _.9They arent collecting money for the project these days.Money for the project _ by them these days.10People are not protecting some animals well enough.Some animals _ by people well enough.学科素养提升.短文语法填空A chemical factory 1._ (build) near my village now. The trees 2._ (cut) down and the ground has been flattened (使变平). Now many materials 3._ (transport) here, including wood, sand, cement, and so on. Some houses have already been built and some 4._ (build) right now.Some people say more chances 5._ (provide) for young villagers in the future. However, I am worried about the environment. Since trees are gone, many birds 6._ (force) to leave their habitat in the past months. The river behind our village 7._ (pollute) and fish are being killed by the polluted water. Even worse, the polluted water 8._ (do) damage to agriculture as well.Our peaceful environment 9._ (destroy). Measures must be taken 10._ (protect) the environment.Section Discovering Useful Structures 语法精讲语法精讲难点透析难点透析第一版块|核心单词1tobyreductionhas reduced tohas been reduced byhas been reduced to2to arrivefordue to/owing todue to/because of/owing tois due to be helddue to/because of/owing tois due toThe rent is due第二版块|单元语法即学即练 11is being repaired2.are being raised3.is being rebuilt4are being built即学即练 21are being taken2.are being built即学即练 31the power-producing machines of wind farms are ruining their countryside2one of the main pipes is being repaired by the workers3is now being repaired即学即练 4is under discussionis being discussedIs the education programme being discussed?What is being discussed?课时达标课时达标随堂自测随堂自测.单句语法填空1is being interviewed2.is being built3.being examined4are being hunted5.being treated6.is being built7.being taken8being praised9.being discussed10.being decorated.将下列句子变成被动语态1is being studied at present2.is being played3is being swallowed4.is being polluted5is being studied6.is always being praised7is being questioned8.is being polluted9isnt being collected10.are not being protected.语法填空1is being built2.have been cut3.are being transported4.are being built5.will be provided6.have been forced7.is being polluted8.is doing9.is being destroyed10.to protectSection Discovering Useful Structures第一版块|核心单词1.reduce vt.减少,缩小,降低反义词:increase增长(教材P18)Itisreportedthatlivingspacesforwildlifeare(reduced/being reduced)duetothecuttingoftrees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。reduce.to把减少到(to表示结果)reduce.by把减少了(by表示幅度)rise/increaseThisdrugcanreducethedeathrateofheartattacks.这种药可以降低心脏病发作的死亡率。Alltheshirtswerereduced to$10.所有衬衫都减价至10美元。Outputhasbeenreduced byaround30percentduetothebadweather.由于恶劣的天气,产量已减少了大约30%。常见搭配:reducethetreestothree把树减少到三棵reducethetreesby50%把树减少一半bereducedto沦为;转化为reducesb.totears/silence使某人流泪/沉默reducesth.toashes/ruins把某物(尤指建筑物)化为灰烬/夷为废墟归纳拓展:Thenumberofthespecieshasincreasedby10%thankstothemeasurestakenbythegovernment.多亏政府所采取的措施,物种的数量增加了10%。 即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子Thecamerawasreduced_halfoftheoriginalprice.If their marketing plans succeed, they will increase their sales_20percent.The _ (reduce) of unemployment should be the mostimportantthing.Thenumberofthebikestheyproduce_(已经减少到)100,000thisyear.tobyreductionhas reduced to词语积累:reductionn减少同decreasev减少反increasev增加;增长Whattheyearn_(已减少了)30%inthelastthreemonths.Thenumberoftheworkersinthiscompany_(已经减少到)120.has been reduced byhas been reduced to2.due to由于,因为(教材P18)Itisreportedthatlivingspacesforwildlifeare(reduced/beingreduced)due tothecuttingoftrees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。Manycropsweredamageddue totheflood.洪水毁坏了许多庄稼。Yourheadacheisdue tostress.你的头痛是由压力造成的。Because of/Owing tothesnow,theflighthasbeencancelled.由于下雪,航班已经取消了。(作状语)Hisdeathwasowing toanaccident.他的死是事故造成的。(作表语)Itismainlybecause ofmyfault.这主要是由于我的过错。(作表语)Thanks toyourhelp,weweresuccessful.多亏了你的帮助,我们得以成功。(作状语)词语辨析dueto,owingto,becauseof与thanksto状语表语定语说明dueto一般不位于句首owingtobecauseof主语指一个事实时也可作表语thanksto“多亏”,常指好的方面归纳拓展:beduetodosth.预计要做某事beduefor应得到Theboatisduetoarriveat12oclock.船预计在12点钟到达。Shesdueforpromotionsoon.她很快该晋升了。名师点津:表“因为”的几个短语介词:dueto较正式用语,常用于官方公开声明中;thanks to常接某人(某事),通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏,幸亏”;becauseof后常接人或事物,强调某事发生的原因;onaccountof后面常接名词;owingto其后多接某事物,常可以与dueto互换;asaresultof常用在有上下文(表原因)的情况下。 即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子Theboatisdue_(arrive)at12.Heisdue_praisebecauseofhisheroicdeeds.Hismistakewas_(因为)lackofexperience.Davidsaidthatitwas_(由于)hisstronginterestincomputersthathechosethecourse.Thenextmeeting_(预计召开)inthreemonths.Owingtolackoffunds,theprojectwillnotcontinuenextyear.Theprojectwillnotcontinuenextyear_lackoffunds.Thetrain_(预计)leaveforShanghaiat8._(房租到期)tomorrow.to arrivefordue to/owing todue to/because of/owing tois due to be helddue to/because of/owing tois due toThe rent is due第二版块|单元语法现在进行时表将来时的被动语态一、现在进行时的被动语态的基本结构*Theplanis being discussedatthemeetingnow.现在这个计划正在讨论过程中。Anewlawis being madetopreventendangeredanimalsfromextinction.为了阻止濒危动物的灭绝,新的法律正在制定中。*Workersarecuttingdownsometreesinthepark.Sometreesare being cut down by workersinthepark.(被动语态)Wherearesometreesbeing cut downbyworkers?(特殊疑问句)肯定结构be(am/is/are)beingdone否定结构be(am/is/are)notbeingdone一般疑问结 构be(am/is/are)主语beingdone特殊疑问结 构特殊疑问词 be(am/is/are)主语beingdone巧学助记主动语态变被动语态的原则“三变”原则:原主变为by短语,原宾变为现 主语;谓语主动变被动。“三不变”原则:原句意思不变;原句时态不变;原句主谓宾以外成分不变。二、现在进行时的被动语态的基本用法1表示此刻正在进行的被动动作,常与now,look等词连用。*Look!Thebabyis being taken care ofbyheraunt.瞧!那个婴儿正由她的姑姑照料着。2表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作,但此动作不一定在此时此刻发生。*ManyspeechesaboutChinesetraditionalcultureare being heldthesedays.这一阵子许多有关中国传统文化的讲座正在举行。3表示按计划主语将要承受的某个动作。*AChristmaspartyis being heldtonight.今晚将要举行一场圣诞晚会。4表示经常的被动行为,常和always, often, constantly等词连用(表示某种感情色彩)。*Tomis always being praisedbytheteacher.汤姆总是受到老师的表扬。三、使用现在进行时的被动语态应注意的问题1在现在进行时的被动语态中be (am/is/are)为第一助动词,being为第二助动词,缺一不可,且位置不可互换。*Butnowthatinformationisbeing spread and monitoredindifferentways,researchersarediscoveringnewrules.但是既然信息正在以不同的方式被传播与监控,研究者正在发现新的规则。2像takecareof,lookafter,talkabout,thinkof等动词与介词构成的短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中的介词不可省略。*Thewaystostopillegallyhuntingare being talked about.阻止非法捕猎的方法正在研讨中。3“be(am/is/are)under/inn.”有时相当于现在进行时的被动语态。*Manyquestionsare under discussion.Manyquestionsare being discussed.许多问题正在被讨论。4有时表“状态,心理活动,情感”等的动词,常用于一般现在时的被动语态表示“正在进行”。*Therunawayofthetrafficaccidentis wantedbythepolice.警方正在通缉交通事故的逃逸者。即学即练1单句语法填空1Mywashingmachine_(repair)thisweek,soIhavetowashmyclothesbyhand.2Nowsimilarconcerns_(raise)bythegiants(巨头).3Theyarelivingwiththeirparentsforthemomentbecausetheirownhouse_(rebuild)4Asweknow,thenewbuildingsthat_(build)atpresentwillbeanewkeyuniversityofourcountry,XiongAnUniversity.is being repairedare being raisedis being rebuiltare being built即学即练2完成句子1在亚洲的其他地方,正在采取甚至更令人震惊的行动。ElsewhereinAsiaevenmoreastonishingactions_.2据报纸报道,武汉正在建设几条新的地铁线路。It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines_inWuhan.are being takenare being built即学即练3句型转换1Manyvillagecommunitiesfeeltheircountrysideisbeingruinedbythepower-producingmachinesofwindfarms.(改为主动语态)Manyvillagecommunitiesfeel_.2Thewatersupplyhasbeencutofftemporarilybecausetheworkersarerepairingoneofthemainpipes.(改为被动语态)Thewatersupplyhasbeencutofftemporarilybecause_.3Theoldtemplewhoseroofwasdamagedinastormisnowunderrepair.The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm_. the powerproducing machines of wind farms are ruining their countryside one of the main pipes is being repaired by the workersis now being repaired即学即练4根据要求进行句式变化Theeducationprogramme_.这个教育项目正在被讨论。将画线部分改为现在进行时的被动语态Theeducationprogramme_.将句改为一般疑问句_对句中的Theeducationprogramme进行提问_is under discussionis being discussedIs the education programme being discussed?What is being discussed?基础知识自测.单句语法填空1Jim _ (interview) by the reporters at the verymoment.2Itisreportedthatmanyanewhouse_(build)atpresentinthedisasterarea.3Heisill.Heis_(examine)bythedoctor.4Theseanimals_(hunt)atsuchaspeedthattheywilldisappearsoon.5Heisnow_(treat)inBeijingbecauseofhisseriousillness.is being interviewedis being builtbeing examinedare being huntedbeing treated6Amodernschool_(build)inhishometown.Anditwillbecompletedinsixmonths.7Arethebabies_(take)careofbythisnursenow?8The little boy has made rapid progress recently and is always_(praise)byhisteachers.9Theplanisnot_(discuss)atthemeetingnow.10Is the house you bought last month_(decorate)now?is being builtbeing takenbeing praisedbeing discussedbeing decorated.将下列句子变成被动语态1Scientistsarestudyingthediseaseatpresent.Thedisease_byscientists.2Theyareplayingsomerockmusic.Somerockmusi
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