Unit 5 Music Period 5 同步ppt课件(含音视频素材)-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.rar

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  • Unit 5 Music Period 5 同步ppt课件(含音视频素材) -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册
    • Unit 5 Music Period 5 Listening and Talking& Assessing Your Progress& Project .pptx--点击预览
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Unit 5 MusicPeriod 5Listening and Talking& Assessing Your Progress& Project单句语法填空单句语法填空Revision1.These exercises let your heart rate increase and decrease _(gradual), but not suddenly.2.Having seen the patient come back to life,Doctor Li nodded his head_relief.3.Dont worry,Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu. What_relief! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.4.Up to now we havent found a cure_cancer.5.All eyes were focused_him when he came in.6.The building had _(previous) as a hotel.7.A study shows drinking coffee before exercise has a negative impact _heart.8.I was aiming_the tree but hit the car by mistake.9.How_(relax) his lifestyle was!10.I have been_with his_stories.(bore)graduallyinaforonpreviouslyon/uponatrelaxingboredboringKey wordsset sth. up talent tlnt n.积累积累musical talentcultivate talenttry out tra at 积累积累try for try on try doing sth.Key wordsassume sjum v.搭配搭配assume.to be/as assume (that) . It is assumed that. equipmentkwpmnt n.积累积累equip n. equip. with. be equipped with equip sb. for sth.talentset sth. up请快速读出被请快速读出被书书遮挡的单词。遮挡的单词。equipmentLets play.try outassumeMusic Festival refers to a continuous performance with unified content in a specific place, such as the introduction of folk music, modern music or the works of an outstanding composer. It is usually a celebration party of one or more arts, lasting for several days or weeks. Lead inDiscussionHave you ever attended a school music festival?What would you like to do in the music festival?Suppose that your school announces a music festival, and you are the principal person in charge of the student union. Whats the explanation in the copy of the music festival?I will tell the students the time, place and content of the music festival. Pre-Listening1 set sth. up _ 2 in addition (to sb./sth.)_3 try out_ 4 talent_5 assume _ 6 piano_7 equipment_ 8 in addition_Translate the following words and phrases.安装好安装好(设备或机器设备或机器)除除.以外以外(还还)参加参加.选拔选拔(或比赛或比赛)n.才能才能;人才人才;天赋天赋vt.以为以为;假设假设n.钢琴钢琴n.设备设备;器材器材;装备装备此外此外;另外另外;除除之外之外Pre-Listening 1 Listen to an announcement about a school music festival. Tick the kinds of volunteers the festival needs.people to give music lessonschoir memberspeople to run food standspeople to sell festival ticketspeople to sell music CDspeople to set up equipmentmusical performersListening ( (打理食品摊位的人员打理食品摊位的人员) )( (布置设备的人员布置设备的人员) )Listen to an announcement again and find out what are the key elements in an announcement.Activity themeActivity timeActivity placeNoticePurpose of the activityActivity participantsWays to participate in activityActivity organizerListening 1 What kind of songs will Grace Davis sing at the festival?2 Who can try out as a performer?3 What can those who think they do nothave musical talent do?4 How can students volunteer to take part?2 Listen to the announcement again and answer the questions.Would you prefer doing .?What would you prefer to do?Would you rather do . or .?What would you rather do?Id prefer . to .Id rather have . than . Talking about preferencesListening 1 What kind of songs will Grace Davis sing at the festival?2 Who can try out as a performer?3 What can those who think they do not have musical talent do?4 How can students volunteer to take part?Listening Students can volunteer by getting in touch with their teacher.She will sing English folk songs.Anyone with musical talent can try out for as a performer.They can help out by selling tickets or running a food stand.Hi, everyone! Can I _ your attention, please? Next month, we will hold our music festival on the school sports field. Our musical guests _the famous singer Patty Williams, the Beijing Chinese Traditional Music Band, and our very own Grace Davis, who will sing some English folk songs. We need other _ , too. Anyone withmusical talent can _. We are also putting together a_to sing with Patty Williams. This is a wonderful chance for you to sing with a music star! Those who dont have musical talent but who still want to help out can _ tickets or_one of our food stands. Volunteers of all kinds are welcome! Just get in touch with your teacher. The money we _from this festival will be given to _ . Everyone, lets join together to make this years music festival the best ever!haveincludeperformerstry out choirsellrunraisecharityListening Listen and complete the dialogue. _ Complete the main information of the announcement. music festivalwhyraise moneysing; sell tickets; run food standsnext monthwhoG. Davis, P. Williamswhenwhere_sports fieldhow to help _PracticeDebbie: Where have you been? You missed the announcement about the music festival.John: I was at the doctors office. Music festival?Frank: Yes, its going to be next month on the school sports field. John, you can play the piano. How about playing it at the festival?John:Well, Id rather play the violin. I can play Liang Zhu.Frank: Wow! Sounds good. What about you, Debbie?Debbie: Actually, I dont have much musical ability, Id prefer just to help out with the crowds.Frank: You can sell tickets or work at a food stand.John: So can I assume that the aim of the festival is to raise money?Debbie: Yes. All of the money will go to charity.John: Well, if its for a good cause, everyone should take part!3 Work in groups. Role-play the conversation or make a new one.Practice1 Would you like to sing or play a musical instrument? How else could you help in addition to what has already been mentioned?2 Whom would you invite? What other activities could you do at the music festival?4 In pairs, talk about what you would do at the music festival.Practice1 Rachel is listening to_music to help her concentrate on her studying.2 Sad love songs often touch the_of those who listen to them.3 Tony is_a band that is looking for a guitar player.4 This new variety of music is a_that is spreading around the world.5 The_of this music festival is to bring people of different cultures together.6 The CD my dad gave me for my birthday contains_styles of music.7 Jazz music had a big_on his life because it was the only thing he listened towhile growing up.8 She_learnt how to play the piano on her own when she was very young.1 Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.aim impact peaceful phenomenon somehow souls trying outfor variouspeaceful souls trying out forphenomenonaim variousimpact somehowPractice2 Read the story and underline the past participles.I never thought I was very talented at anything to do with music, but my parents wanted me to learn to play the piano at the age of six.To be a good daughter, I agreed to learn even though I wasnt interested in it at all.Experienced in reading her students minds, my piano teacher could tell after a couple of lessons that my heart was not in it.However, after learning for about six months, I was asked to perform something at the year-end concert arranged by my teacher. Surprised and terrified at the same time, I could only.agree. Given my inexperience, I chose a fairysimple composition. In order to perform well, I practised the same composition for an hour a day for the next two months. On the day of the concert, I was so nervous that I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. As it turned out, there was no need to be nervous because all my hard work paid of and I played perfectly. Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience, I have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.Reading1.To be a good daughter, I agreed to learn even though I wasnt interested in it at all.2. Experienced in reading her students minds, my piano teacher could tell after a couple of lessons that my heart was not in it.3. I was asked to perform something at the year-end concert arranged by my teacher. 4. Surprised and terrified at the same time, I could only.5. Given my inexperience, I chose a fairy simple composition. 6. Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience, I have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.复习过去分词复习过去分词(短语短语)作表语和状语作表语和状语Grammar一、过去分词一、过去分词(短语短语)作表语作表语用法用法例句例句 Grammar过去分词可放在连系动词之后作表语过去分词可放在连系动词之后作表语,构成系表结构,表构成系表结构,表示主语的性质、特征或状态。系动词通常是表示状态的示主语的性质、特征或状态。系动词通常是表示状态的be,keep,remain,stay等;或者表示等;或者表示“变成变成”的的become,get,go等;以及表示等;以及表示“感官感官”的的look,sound,feel等。等。例句例句: :The book is very interesting and Im interested in it.这本书很有趣,我对它很感这本书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣。兴趣。注意:注意:过去分词作表语构成的系表结构与被动语态的过去分词作表语构成的系表结构与被动语态的区别:过去分词作表语,强调主语的特点或所处的、区别:过去分词作表语,强调主语的特点或所处的、状态;而被动语态中,强调主语是动作的承受者。状态;而被动语态中,强调主语是动作的承受者。The cup is broken.杯子碎了。(强调状态)杯子碎了。(强调状态)The cup was broken by Tom.杯子是被汤姆打碎的。(强调动作杯子是被汤姆打碎的。(强调动作)与感觉有关的与感觉有关的使令动词使令动词, ,其其现在分词表示主动意义现在分词表示主动意义, ,即即“令人令人.的的”, ,多用来修饰物多用来修饰物;其其过去分词表示被动意过去分词表示被动意义义, ,即即“感到感到.的的”, 多用来修饰人、人的声音或表情等。多用来修饰人、人的声音或表情等。exciting 令人激动的令人激动的 excited 激动的激动的;兴奋地兴奋地 The children were excited about opening their presents.孩子们对打开礼物感到兴孩子们对打开礼物感到兴奋不已。奋不已。二、过去分词二、过去分词(短语短语)作状语作状语概念概念 时间状语时间状语条件状语条件状语让步状语让步状语方式或伴方式或伴随状语随状语原因状语原因状语过去分词可放在连系动词过去分词可放在连系动词be, get, feel, remain, seem,look,become等之后作表语等之后作表语,构成系表结构,构成系表结构,表表示主语所处的情绪或状态示主语所处的情绪或状态, 主语多为人。分词所表示的动作与句子的主语构成动宾结构关系。主语多为人。分词所表示的动作与句子的主语构成动宾结构关系。Asked (=When he was asked) what had happened, his face turned red.当他被问及发生了当他被问及发生了什么的时候什么的时候,他的脸红了。他的脸红了。Given more time (= If we were given more time), we could do it better.多给我们点时间的多给我们点时间的话,我们会做得更好。话,我们会做得更好。Encouraged by his parents (=Although he was encouraged by his parents), still has no confidence in overcoming the difficulties.虽然受到了鼓励虽然受到了鼓励,但他仍然没有信心克服困难。但他仍然没有信心克服困难。She accepted the gift, deeply moved( = and she was ) .她接受了礼物,深深地被感动了。她接受了礼物,深深地被感动了。Born and brought up in the village(=Because he was born and brought up in the village), he knows a lot of people there.Grammar1. _(paint) in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.2. I was_(astonish) to learn that his long lost child had been found.3. The _news made us_.(disappoint)4. The_ (puzzle)mother went to visit Einstein. 5. I saw the boy very_.(excite)一一、Fill the form with proper form.用适当形式填空用适当形式填空。 astonisheddisappointingdisappointedpuzzledexcitedPaintedPractice二二. Fill the form with v-ed.用用v-ed填写表格。填写表格。1. The book_(一本农民写的书一本农民写的书)is very popular.2. The building_(去年建的楼房去年建的楼房) now collapsed in the Wenchuan earthquake.3. The problem_(在昨天会议上讨论的在昨天会议上讨论的) was very difficult to solve.4. The window_(被那个顽皮男孩打破的被那个顽皮男孩打破的) is being repaired.5. The children_(昨天在医院检查的昨天在医院检查的) were seriously ill.examined at the hospital yesterdaywritten by a farmerbuilt last yeardiscussed at the meeting yesterdaybroken by the naughty boyPracticeREFLECTINGWhat new music types did you learn in this unit?_What useful vocabulary or structures did you learn in this unit?_Could you talk with your friends about music, musicians, and/or their influence on your life after doing this unit?_What aspect of music would you like to learn more about, and why?_Overall, I thought this unit was interesting useful so-so difficult._Summarya musical composition a musical play or film a musical instrument a musical artist (singer, composer, etc.) a concert/a musical performance*Project: Explore interesting aspects about musicIn this project, you are going to make a presentation using a poster or presentation file about one of these topics:Practice1 What will be the topic of your presentation?2 What information do you need to collect? Where can you find this information?3 What tasks will need to be done so that you can complete this project?(research, writing, making the poster, artwork, etc.)4 Who in the group will do each of the tasks?*Project: Explore interesting aspects about music1 In groups, discuss these questions.DiscussionName: Ludwig van BeethovenForeign name: Ludwig van BeethovenPlace of birth: GermanyDate of birth: December 16, 1770Date of death: March 26, 1827University of BonnOccupation: composerRepresentative works: Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.14, Op.27 No.2 (Moonlight Sonata月光奏鸣曲月光奏鸣曲), Beethoven Symphony No.9 in d minor, Symphony No. 5 in C minor, The Symphony No.3 in E flat major, Op.55 (hero Symphony英雄交响曲英雄交响曲 )Lead inGroup discussion, how much do you know about Beethoven, what are his representative works? Main achievements: integrate vocal music into symphony and expand the scale of symphony(交响乐交响乐).Scherzo(谐谑曲谐谑曲) replaced the minuet(小步舞小步舞) as the third movement of the symphony.Musical Styles: classical music Honorific title(尊称尊称): Musical sage(乐圣乐圣), king of Symphony(交响乐之父交响乐之父).Lead inEverything about Beethoven, his acuteness, his feeling of the world, his unique wisdom and will, the Gods unique construction method for him, his ideal, as well as the unique material in his body, his temperament and so on, are the representatives of that specific era in Europe. comments by Romain RollandWhat influence do you think Beethoven has? What do people think of him? What do you think of Beethoven? Beethovens works deeply influenced later composers styles. He left precious wealth for mankind and had a great influence on the development of music in the world. Therefore, he was honored as the music sage by the world. Lead in2 Now prepare your presentation, and the poster or presentation file to go with it. Refer to the biography below for main points to include.Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in Germany,He started his musical training when he was five years old, and his teachers worked him so hard that he often cried. He started writing music when he was nineteen, and two years later he moved to Vienna to study music and perform. Beethoven first became famous as a pianist. However, by 1800, his musical works were so popular that he was thought of by many as the most important composer of his generation.Reading2 Now prepare your presentation, and the poster or presentation file to go with it. Refer to the biography for main points to include below. During this same period, he slowly became deaf. Even though he could not hear with his ears, he could still write music because he could hear music in his head. Most of his greatest musical works were completed after he became deaf. In the later part of his life, he had many health and money issues. He was also lonely because the woman he loved and wanted to marry had left him. His friends tried to help him through his dark times, but his life became marked by sadness. He died after a long illness in 1827.ReadingReading task( )1. Ludwig van Beethoven started his musical training when he was six years old.( )2. He started writing music when he was nineteen.( )3. Beethoven first became famous as a composer. ( )4. He was thought of by many as the most important composer of his generation.( )5. Most of his greatest musical works were completed before he became deaf.( )6. In the later part of his life, he was healthy and rich.( )7. His friends tried to help him through the dark times, and his life was full of hope.FTFTFFFRead the text and judge whether the following sentences are true or false. A poster about a musician includesyour opinion,public opinion Comments from characters relatives and fr
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