Unit 4 History and Traditions Discovering Useful Structuresppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册(1).pptx

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1、【语法感知】观察并完成下列课文原句1. They use the same flag, _(know) as the Union Jack, as well as share the 2. same currency and military defence. 2. Most people just use the _(shorten) name: “the United Kingdom” or “the UK”. 3. They had castles _(build) all around England, and made changes to the legal system. kno

2、wnknownshortenedshortenedbuiltbuilt【归纳填空】答案: 4. : 4. 句1, 1, 句2 25. 5. 句3 3【语法精讲】一、过去分词作定语1. 过去分词作定语时的位置。 (1)一般情况下, 单个过去分词作前置定语, 即放在被修饰词之前。有时为了表示强调, 也可放在被修饰词之后。I like eating fried tomatoes with eggs, and I thought it must be easy to cook. 我喜欢吃番茄炒蛋, 我认为这道菜一定很容易做。 This is often appreciated since at a h

3、ousewarming there isn t a lot of food served. 这一点是值得赞赏的, 因为在乔迁派对上不会提供很多食物。(2)过去分词短语作定语要放在被修饰的名词后面, 作后置定语, 其作用相当于一个定语从句。Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur made into clothes in different styles(which was made into clothes in different styles). 在新奥尔良和布鲁克林举办的不同寻常

4、的时装展展示了用海狸鼠的皮毛做成的不同风格的服装。An actor hired by the researchers (who was hired by the researchers)grabbed her food first. 一名由研究人员雇用的演员先吃了她的食物。(3)如果被修饰的词是由every/some/any/no+thing/body/one所构成的复合代词或指示代词those等时, 即使一个单一的分词作形容词用, 也要放在被修饰词的后面。 *Is there anything unsolvedunsolved? 还有没解决的事情吗? *There is nothing ch

5、angedchanged here since I left this town. 自从我离开这个城镇以来, 没有什么变化。2. 过去分词作定语的时态和语态意义。(1)及物动词的过去分词作定语通常表示被动和完成, 即被修饰词通常是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者, 且该动作已经完成。On Thursday in an article published in Cell, a team of researchers reported a new kind of adaptation. 在周四细胞杂志上出版的一篇文章中, 一组研究人员报道了一种新型的适应方式。The 80, 000 objects c

6、ollected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, formed the core collection of the British Museum which opened in 1759. 汉斯斯隆爵士收藏的8万件物品成了开放于1759年的大英博物馆的核心馆藏。(2)不及物动词的过去分词作定语仅表示完成, 不表示被动。*On the other hand, I hope to broaden my horizons in this developed country. 另一方面, 我希望在这个发达国家拓宽我的视野。3. 过去分词(短语)作非限制性定语, 相当

7、于非限制性的定语从句, 用来补充说明被修饰词的情况, 通常用逗号与主句隔开。*I m writing to invite you to join us in seeing a film, called My people, My country. 我写信邀请你和我们一起看一部电影, 叫作我和我的祖国。过去分词作定语(1)单个过去分词前加一名词或副词, 常用连字符将它们连接起来构成一个复合形容词, 放在其修饰的名词前, 作前置定语。分词前加的名词表示分词的动作或行为主体, 所加的副词表示方式、时间、程度、性质等意义。We will visit some of the best-preserved

8、 Roman monuments in the world. 我们将会参观一些世界上保护最好的罗马建筑。*Having travelled for a week, we arrived at the snow-covered mountain. 旅行了一周之后, 我们到达了那座大雪覆盖的山。(2)有些过去分词表示特定含义时, 单独作定语也放在所修饰的名词之后, 如left(剩余的), given(所给的), concerned(有关的)等。*There is little time left. left. Let s hurry up. 剩余的时间不多了, 我们赶快吧。*We are inte

9、rested in the problems concernedconcerned and want to find out more information. 我们对有关的问题很感兴趣, 想了解更多信息。 过去分词作定语速记口诀过去分词作定语, 意义用法容易记。及物动词用过分, 表示被动与完成; 不及物用过分时, 不表被动表完成; 单个过分名词前, 过分短语名词后, 若是修饰不定代, 只能放在代词后; given, left和concerned, 作定语时要后置。 (1)语态上不同: 现在分词表示主动意义, 过去分词多表示被动意义。*The running water (=The water

10、 which runs)in the river is very clear. 河里的流水很清澈。*Nine out of ten women interviewed (=who were interviewed)about the product said they liked it. 就这个产品被采访的十位妇女中有九位说她们喜欢它。(2)时间关系上不同: 现在分词表示正在进行的动作, 而过去分词表示已经完成的动作。*We are all living in a changing world(=a world which/that is changing). 我们都生活在正在发生变化的世界里

11、。 *The changed world (=The world which had changed)surprised him. 已经变化了的世界令他吃惊。【即学活用】1. The beautiful long branches _(cover) with pink-colored buds make fantastic decorations. 2. Glad to learn that you re going to have a photo exhibition _(call) Moving Moments. 3. There will be a speech _(give) by M

12、o Yan, a Nobel Prize winner. 4. I m writing to make some complaints about the computer _(buy) in your store. 5. Anyone _(interest) in model airplane and the knowledge of space is warmly welcomed. coveredcoveredcalledcalledgivengivenboughtboughtinterestedinterested二、过去分词作宾语补足语1. 用于feel, find, hear, n

13、otice, see, smell, observe, watch, think等表示感觉或心理状态的动词后作宾语补足语。They make great gifts and you see them many times decorated with red envelopes and messages of good fortune. 它们是很好的礼物, 你会经常看到它们装饰着红包和吉祥话。*When he woke up, he found himself surrounded by a group of children. 醒来的时候, 他发现自己被一群孩子围绕着。2. 用于get, h

14、ave, make, keep, leave等使役动词后作宾语补足语。One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait done so he called all great artists to come and present their finest work. 一天, 国王想找人给自己画个像, 因此, 他召来了所有伟大的艺术家, 展示他们最精美的作品。*Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English improved in a shor

15、t period. 珍妮希望史密斯先生能提出一个在短时间内提高她的英语写作水平的好方法。3. 用于with复合结构中作宾语补足语。*With knowledge and skills gained in this university, I will play a more active role in contributing to my country. 有了在这所大学里获得的知识和技能, 我将积极投入到为祖国的贡献中去。*With most of his time wasted in playing basketball, he failed in the exam. 由于大部分时间都浪

16、费在打篮球上, 他考试没及格。 除过去分词形式以外, with复合结构中动词还有以下两种宾语补足语形式: with+宾语+现在分词该动词与宾语之间为主动关系, 也可表示该动作正在进行with+宾语+动词不定式不定式表示将要发生的动作*With a lot of work to do, he wasn t allowed to go out. 因为还有很多工作要做, 他没有被允许外出。*With prices going up so fast, we can t afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快, 我们买不起高档商品。4. 用于wish, want, would like, e

17、xpect, order等表示“意欲”“命令”的动词后面作宾语补足语。*I would like the problem settled at the meeting. 我想要在会议上把这个问题解决。*We all wish this pandemic controlled all over the world as quickly as possible. 我们都希望在全世界范围内这场疫情能得到控制。 过去分词、现在分词与不定式作宾语补足语的区别非谓语动词作宾语补足语时的意义过去分词表示被动(宾语是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者)和动作已完成现在分词表示主动(宾语为现在分词所表示的动作的执行者

18、)和动作正在进行不定式表示动作还未发生*With what he wanted to say said, he hung off before the other side gave any response. 说完了他想说的话, 未等到电话的另一端给出任何回应他就挂了电话。(此处强调话是被说的且话已说完)*When I came here, I saw Li Lei reading an English book. 当我来到这儿时, 我看到李蕾正在读一本英文书。(“读书”这一动作正在进行)*With a lot of difficult problems to deal with, the

19、newly-elected president was in a dilemma. 有很多棘手的问题要解决, 这位新当选的总统处于进退两难的境地。(不定式表示动作将要发生)【即学活用】1. That s good, because it s always the people with no time who get things _(do). 2. When he came to himself, he found himself _(lie) in hospital and _(surround) by a lot of people. 3. The writer made efforts

20、 to have his newly written novel _(publish)sooner. 4. With the problem _(solve), I felt proud of my achievement. 5. He walked into the room quietly in order not to make himself _(notice). donedonelyinglyingsurrounsurroundeddedpublishedpublishedsolvedsolvednoticednoticed. 单句语法填空1. She understood that

21、 everything _(tell)by her grandmother was true in the city. 2. What made me _(impress) is that they have had professional training. 3. The teacher doesn t expect such questions _(discuss) in class. 4. A Shaoxing Opera _(name) Butterfly Lovers will be on show in Tianjin Grand Theater. 5. (2019北京高考)Ea

22、rth Day, _(mark) on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection. toldtoldimpressedimpresseddiscusseddiscussednamednamedmarkedmarked6. With all his energy _(concentrate)on his painting, he didn t notice it was raining heavily outside. 7. To solve stude

23、nts mental problems, we will hold a lecture _(deliver) by a professor from the UK. 8. Tomorrow the short-sighted students will go to hospital to have their eyes _(examine). 9. I m writing to invite you to be the judge for the robot designing competition _(organize) by us. 10. Tom found a place in th

24、e trees to keep himself _(hide) from the enemy. concentratedconcentrateddelivereddeliveredexaminedexaminedorganizedorganizedhiddenhidden. 完成句子1. Next day, people _will go to visit friends, wishing them good luck. 第二天, 穿着新衣服的人们将去拜访朋友, 送去美好祝愿。2. _, he left the office. 一切安排妥当后, 他离开了办公室。3. Back from his

25、 two-year medical service in remote areas, Dr Lee was very happy to _at home. 在偏远地区做了两年的医疗服务, 回来后李医生很高兴地看到他的父母在家被照顾得很好。dressed in new clothesWith everything well arrangedsee his parents taken good care of4. _, children can have time to pursue their interests. 通过节省时间和精力, 孩子们可以有时间去追求自己的兴趣。5. They send

26、 not only _but also their love to those who need care most. 他们不仅送去所需要的东西, 还为最需要关怀的人们送去了他们的关爱。6. Do you want to _to your house or would you prefer to come to the shop for it yourself? 你是想把这本书送到家里, 还是自己到书店来拿? With time and energy savedthe things neededget this book delivered7. Last Saturday, some stud

27、ents took part in an activity _. 上周六, 一些学生参加了学校学生会组织的一个活动。8. I had to look for a place along the street to _. 我不得不沿着街道找一个地方把我的自行车修好。9. The library _belongs to our school. 三年前建的这个图书馆属于我们学校。10. Addicted to computer games, he _. 他沉迷于电脑游戏, 很多作业没有做完。organized by the schoolStudent Unionget my bicycle repa

28、iredbuilt three years agoleft much homework unfinished【语法主题应用】用本单元语法完成下面短文。 Last week, I served as a volunteer at a competition _(由学生会举办的) to _(提高我的交流技能). _(被邀请的裁判)were from Grade three. _(所有感兴趣的同学) were allowed to attend the competition. _(所有的准备工作完成), the competition went on smoothly. At last, the competition was very successful, and we were all to _ (看到我们的努力被认可)by students and teachers. held by the Student Unionhave my communication skills improved dThe judges invitedAll studentsinterestedWith allpreparation work donesee our effortsrecognised


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