Unit 5 Reading for Writing ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册 (2).pptx

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1、必修二必修二Do you like listening to the music?What kind of music do you like? Why?1. Where is she?2. What is she doing?3. How does she feel?She is in hospital.She is listening to the music.She feels relaxed.Look at the picture and predict:Read for the main idea of the passage.The text is a and it mainly

2、talks about . speechhow music has had an impact on Sarahs lifeAnalyze the strucutre Sarahs advicethanks to the audience Endinggreeting to the audienceself-introductionintroduction of the topicSarahs problemsolution to the problemSarahs feelingsStartBody.True or False1.Sarah Williams had a disease wh

3、ich was impossible to cure. ()2.Sarah Williams was very afraid and discouraged at the beginning. ()3.The medical treatment lasted three hours. ()4.The doctor let Sarah Williams listen to music to relax. ()5.It was music that had an impact on Sarah Williams recovery. ()FTFTTdifficulttwoTo make the sp

4、eech touching,vivid and powerful, the speakers often use rhetorical devices (修辞手法). rhetorical devicessimile (明喻明喻)metaphor (隐喻隐喻)personification (拟人拟人)quote ( (引用引用) )repetition ( (重复重复) )rhetorical question (设问设问) To make the speech touching, the speakers often use rhetoric to let their speeches m

5、ore powerful. Rhetorical device(修辞手法) Simile( (明喻明喻) ) Metaphor( (暗暗喻喻) ) Jack works like a horse. That businessman is a real fox.Rhetorical question( (疑疑问问) ) How could I be so stupid? Personification( (拟人拟人) ) The sky cries. Quote( (引用引用) ) As Longfellow says, “Music is . Repetition( (重复重复) ) I ca

6、me, I saw, I conquered. ExampleAppreciate the language featuresMatch the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. rhetorical devices the lettered sentencemetaphorpersonificationquoterepetitionrhetorical questionsimileEFBCADPre-writing: Language featuresGood morning! My na

7、me is Sarah Williams. Its an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life. 上午好!我叫莎拉上午好!我叫莎拉威廉姆斯。非常荣幸来到这里与大威廉姆斯。非常荣幸来到这里与大家分享音乐是如何影响了我的人生的。家分享音乐是如何影响了我的人生的。 Its an honour to do sth. 做做.很荣幸很荣幸(A)Have you ever faced a time when things looked dark and you h

8、ad no hope at all? Two years ago, I was told I had a serious disease which was difficult to cure.My body ached all the time and thus I thought I didnt have much longer to live. 你是否曾经历过黯淡无光、万念俱灰的一段时光?两年前,我被你是否曾经历过黯淡无光、万念俱灰的一段时光?两年前,我被告知得了一种很难治愈的严重疾病。我全身一直疼痛,觉得自己告知得了一种很难治愈的严重疾病。我全身一直疼痛,觉得自己活不了多久了。活不了多

9、久了。疼疼 痛痛被告知被告知 I was very afraid and I felt so alone and discouraged.Then one day, I had to go through a two-hour medical treatment. The doctor wanted me to relax, so he had me listen to some music, and one of the songs was “Happy” 我非常害怕,感到十分孤独、沮丧。后来有一天,我需要去做我非常害怕,感到十分孤独、沮丧。后来有一天,我需要去做两个小时的治疗。医生想要我放

10、松,就让我听一些音乐,其中一两个小时的治疗。医生想要我放松,就让我听一些音乐,其中一首歌是快乐。首歌是快乐。经受;通过1. have sb. do sth. 结构,意为结构,意为“让某人做某事让某人做某事”。When leaving home on business, she always has the children look after themselves. 当出差离家的时候,她总是让孩子们照顾自己。当出差离家的时候,她总是让孩子们照顾自己。2.have sb. /sth. doing sth. 让某人让某人/某物处于做某事的状态某物处于做某事的状态让水一直流着是一种浪费。让水一直流

11、着是一种浪费。It is a waste to _ all the time.使役动词have的用法have the water running3.have sth. done 请请/让让/叫别人叫别人(为自己为自己)做某事做某事我们必须在飓风到来之前完成这项工作。我们必须在飓风到来之前完成这项工作。We must _ before the hurricane comes. have the work finishedThe song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to music all the

12、 time. (B)John A Logan said “Music is the medicine of the mind. ” And its true. Music helped me recover.听着这首歌,我感觉好多了;从此之后,我开始一直听音乐。约听着这首歌,我感觉好多了;从此之后,我开始一直听音乐。约翰翰AA洛根曾说过:洛根曾说过:“音乐是心灵的良药。音乐是心灵的良药。”的确如此,音乐的确如此,音乐有助于我康复。有助于我康复。从那时起(C)Music gave me happiness. When I listened to music,(D)it made my spiri

13、ts fly like a kite in the wind. (C)Music gave me strength and brought me relief.音乐给我带来了快乐。当我听音乐的时候,音乐让我的心情放飞,音乐给我带来了快乐。当我听音乐的时候,音乐让我的心情放飞,像风中的风筝。音乐给予我力量,也让我得到解脱。像风中的风筝。音乐给予我力量,也让我得到解脱。To our great _ (relieve),Dad turned down the terrible idea. We should feel _(relief) that effective measures have be

14、en taken in our country. 从那时起reliefrelieved(E)It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times. Moreover, (C)music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.(F)It became my best friend. It spoke words of encouragementto the deepest part of my being.音乐是岩石,让我倚靠,变得坚强,度过那段艰

15、难的日子。不仅音乐是岩石,让我倚靠,变得坚强,度过那段艰难的日子。不仅如此,音乐还给予我希望和满足感。音乐成了我最好的朋友。它如此,音乐还给予我希望和满足感。音乐成了我最好的朋友。它( (音乐音乐) )使我的内心深受鼓舞。使我的内心深受鼓舞。lean on 依赖 lean-leant/leaned-leant/leaneda sense of satisfaction 满足感满足感(E)It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times. Moreover, (C)music gave

16、me hope and a sense of satisfaction.(F)It became my best friend. It spoke words of encouragementto the deepest part of my being.音乐是岩石,让我倚靠,变得坚强,度过那段艰难的日子。不仅音乐是岩石,让我倚靠,变得坚强,度过那段艰难的日子。不仅如此,音乐还给予我希望和满足感。音乐成了我最好的朋友。它如此,音乐还给予我希望和满足感。音乐成了我最好的朋友。它( (音乐音乐) )使我的内心深受鼓舞。使我的内心深受鼓舞。lean on 依赖 lean-leant/leaned-l

17、eant/leaneda sense of satisfaction 满足感满足感human beings 人类人类Of course, I hope none of you have to go through the same kind of suffering that I did.At the same time, we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone.当然,我希望你们不要经历和我一样的痛苦。同时,我们都会经当然,我希望你们不要经历和我一样的痛苦。同时,我们都会经历悲伤或孤独的时光。历悲伤或孤独的时光。s

18、uffer from 遭受 suffering n.痛苦;磨难various periods 不同时期不同时期同时同时During those times, music can help you in the same way that it helped me. I hope all of you will somehow begin to treasure music and make it a part of your life. Thank you!在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。我希望大家在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。我希望大家都能以某种方式开始珍惜音乐

19、,让音乐成为你生活的一部分。都能以某种方式开始珍惜音乐,让音乐成为你生活的一部分。谢谢大家!谢谢大家!和.一样的方式 珍惜珍惜1 its an honour to do sth2 have an impact on 3 a serious disease4 go through5 a two-hour medical treatment6 from then on 7 all the timeLanguage points: Important phrases (P56 P57)很荣幸做某事很荣幸做某事对对有影响有影响一种严重的疾病一种严重的疾病经受;通过经受;通过两小时的医疗两小时的医疗从那

20、时起从那时起始终;一直始终;一直8 lean on 9 a sense of satisfaction10 in the same way11 rhetorical device12 rhetorical question13 relate . to .Language points: Important phrases (P56 P57)依赖依赖满足感满足感同样的;以同样的方式同样的;以同样的方式修辞手法修辞手法反问反问把把与与联系起来联系起来What did music bring to Sarah Williams? AStrength and relief. BHope and sat

21、isfaction CEncouragement. DAll of the above. Study the Organization Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4TopicIntroductionmy name is.the impact of musicProblemSolutiona serious diseaselisten to musicFeelingshappiness; strength; relief; satisfaction; encouragementHopetreasure musicBeginningBodyClosing假如你是高中生李华,你校

22、将举办一次以假如你是高中生李华,你校将举办一次以 How Music can Change a Persons Life为主题的演讲比赛,请你按为主题的演讲比赛,请你按照主题,写下你的演讲稿。照主题,写下你的演讲稿。Write a speech.Imitate 仿写仿写 首段首段 Hello, my name is _,Its an/my honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life. Hello, my name is _. Its my great ho

23、nor to be here /to have the opportunity to say something about. Hello, my name is _. Im greatly honored to share with you my/his/her experience of how music has helped me/her/him. My name is_. Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation.I shall be speaking about.主体段主体段 Met

24、aphor: _ Personification: _ Quote: _ said, “_ _” Repetition: Music makes/gives/helps me/him/her 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ Rhetorical question: Have you ever _? Simile (verb + like): _(1)Ladies and gentlemen, do you know?女士们先生们,你们知道女士们先生们,你们知道吗?吗?(2)Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.也许原因如也许原因如下。下。(3)The f

25、irst one/ Firstly首先首先The second one/ Secondly 其次其次Finally最后最后(4)To sum up,the main cause of it is due to总结起来,总结起来,主要原因是主要原因是 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today. I wish you the best luck in everything you do. I hope all of you will make progress in y

26、our academy (学业学业) and keep in good health. Thank you very much for your attention. Thats all. Thank you.Student1: Ive been reading books of old我遍读旧籍 Ive been reading books of old The legends and the myths那些古老传奇和无边神秘The legends and the mythsStudent2: Achilles and his gold如阿喀琉斯和他的战利品 The testaments t

27、hey told Hercules and his gifts如赫拉克勒斯和他的天赋神力The moon and its eclipseStudent3: Spidermans control还有蜘蛛侠的掌控全局And Superman unrolls And Batman with his fists和蝙蝠侠的铁拳无敌A suit before he lifts And clearly I dont see myself upon that list而我显然不能与他们同日而语 But Im not the kind of person that it fitsAll together: Sh

28、e said, whered you wanna go?她对我说 你想要去往何地How much you wanna risk?你还想历经多少风雨Im not looking for somebody我并不渴望With some superhuman gifts成为超人般天赋异禀Some superhero也不用如超级英雄般无敌Some fairytale bliss更不要童话中的幸福美丽Just something I can turn to只要一个能让我有所依附Somebody I can kiss能让我拥吻的你I want something just like this我想要的 仅此而已 Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo1. Create your own mini English virtual choir (2-4 persons ) during the weekend using the app below.


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