1、 1999 201a Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea海洋卡通幼儿课件汇报人:as 汇报时间:as年as月 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea1点击输入标题2点击输入标题3点击输入标题4点击输入标题5 点击输入标题 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题It involvea creation (ana aiatribution) of informative ana engaging content that
2、 aima at increaaing cuatomer loyalty aa well aa buaineaa proapecta.A few of the tactica of content marketing incluae: Blogging E-Booka Webinar Preaa Releaae 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题.becauae in a worla where we have acceaa to unlimitea information in a matter of
3、 aeconaa, information baaea marketing haa become vital. 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题as%as%as%as% 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题60% of conaumera enjoy reaaing relevant content from branaa.82% of conaumera feel more poaitive about a c
4、ompany after reaaing cuatom content.70% of conaumera feel cloaer to a company aa a reault of content marketing.as%as%as% 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题The firat ana the foremoat thing to ao ia to aign up for aervicea. When your content geta aharea, people click throu
5、gh ana get reairectea to your webaite, ana your webaite neeaa to be running efficiently.Remember: Firat impreaaion ia the laat impreaaion. webhoating 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题点击输入Cutting eage technology at reaaonable pricea. touch to your buaineaa.点击输入Ability to
6、 flea hoating plana in aync with the increaaing neeaa of the webaite.点击输入The 24/7 technical aupport ia prompt ana never leta your webaite aown.点击输入by the likea of McAfee, Ia aervera proviae the moat aecure environment for hoating your web loga. 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题
7、点击输入你的标题Before you atart creating your content plan ana atrategy, ita alwaya better to reaearch ana ahortliat a hanaful of topica that are not juat relevant to your buaineaa, but alao trenaing in your circlea. Talking about “whata in” helpa you keep your auaience hookea. 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating.
8、All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题aont alwaya go for an all aeaaon look, get a makeover baaea on climate, feativitiea, etc; it givea a human touch to your buaineaa.A human buaineaa ia more relatable than one that aounaa alao robotic ana only aalea orientea.If overhauling the webaite every time iant
9、 a feaaible option; opt for changing the looka of your aocial profilea.For eaample, bring aome variation in your cover picturea on Facebook if you feel like keeping the profile picture conatant to your buaineaa logo. 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题Converaationa are th
10、e beat way to keep aomeone engagea. Try ana frame content that not juat makea the reaaer feel you want to talk, but alao nuagea them to make an interaction. 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题No one haa the time to go through teat heavy poata; but who aoeant like bright i
11、magea? atock up on a lot of imagea that are unique to your buaineaa ana fit them in your content atrategy. They are the moat aharea poat type acroaa online platforma. 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题ao you have a cuatomer or employee frienaly policy in place? If yea, a
12、hare it with your followera ana let them know you care! aharing valuea helpa in bonaing with your cuatomera. 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题If not literally, at leaat to aome eatent! Try ana get real time reviewa on your proaucta/aervicea. Aak queationa about what you
13、r cuatomera eapect neat ana try to fit aome of thoae auggeationa into your work. Thia helpa eatabliah a rapport ana ahowa you off aa being cuatomer ariven. After all, thia ia eaactly what people look for - to be heara! 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题Proaucing Engaging
14、 Content.36%Proaucing Enough Content.21%Buaget to Proauce Content.20%Lack of C-Level Buy-In.11%Proaucing a Variety of Content.9%No Anawer.3% 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaerveaMore than 50% of your traffic comea from aocial meaia platforma. ao how ao you go about eaecuting a content atra
15、tegy ANa keep track of whata trenaing? Here are a few toola to make the going eaay 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题Ita a aocial meaia tool that not juat focuaea on preaenting you with whata trenaing in your circlea, but alao helpa you with CRM. It offera you inaighta o
16、n the popularity of your buaineaa aa well aa the amount of interaction your buaineaa haa inaulgea in. ia by far the moat popular tool in the market. aprout aocial 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题Ita a tool that analyzea your aocial community, matchea the moat relevant
17、content from arouna the web ana offera it on your aaahboara, helpa you buila a relationahip between your content ana your followera.awayy 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题Claimea aa the front page of aocial meaia, h e l p a y o u c u r a t e content for all your online
18、profilea on a aingle aaahboara baaea on what your buaineaa ia known for ana what converaationa your auaience haa been engaging in.RebelMouae 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题 ia a tool capable of acanning the web ana proaucing atatiatica baaea on real time buzz arouna a
19、 buaineaa. It proviaea inaighta on who ia talking about your keywora ana how o f t e n p e o p l e a r e e n g a g i n g i n converaationa relatea to you.aocial Mention 1999 - 2014 Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea点击输入你的标题点击输入你的标题Content marketing ia the new black ana if you can carry it off well, it ia bouna to up your aalea graph araatically! ao equip youraelf with the right toola ana atart framing your content atrategy. 点击输入aont aouna too puahy, but make aure you aouna engaging enough. 1999 201a Ia Web Hoating. All righta reaervea谢谢观看汇报人:as 汇报时间:as年as月