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1、The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.必答题 A组 B组 C组 D组 E组The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,

2、 the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.抢答题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the

3、 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.风险题 10分题 20分题 30分题 50分题21321321321345454545The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the th

4、ird Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.A组题 机动车行驶时,除驾驶人应当按规定使用安全带外,同车还有哪些人要使用安全带?A: 前排乘车人B:后排乘车人C:全部乘车人The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary sessio

5、n of the 16th CPC Central Committee.A组题交通信号灯有( )色灯号。A: 红、绿B:红、黄、绿C:黄、绿The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.The guiding

6、 ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of thr

7、ee represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.A组题 年满12周岁,未满16周岁的未成年人可以( )。A: 驾驶电动自行车B:驾驶轻便摩托车C:骑自行车The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit

8、 of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.B组题 行人在横过道路时,应注意观察道路上通行的车辆。你认为在横过道路时,错误的行为是( )。A:左右观察,确定安全B:左看、右看、再左看C:一站、二看、三通过D: 既不左看,也不右看The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and

9、 the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.B组题10岁的小芳乘坐出租车时,应坐在( ) 。A: 前排座位B:后排座位C:前后都可以The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National

10、Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.B组题哪个地方不可以招呼出租车( )。A: 站在人行道上拦B:出租车停靠点C:机动车道上The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary sessio

11、n of the 16th CPC Central Committee.B组题 对行人而言,当路口信号灯为红灯和黄灯同时亮时,它表示的是什么含义?A: 即将变为黄灯B:即将变为绿灯C:即将变为红灯The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC C

12、entral Committee.B组题小明5岁的表弟在乘坐电动自行车时,应( )。A:使用安全座椅 B:戴安全头盔C:戴好安全带The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.B组题车辆在行驶中遇警车护卫车队

13、时,应当( )。A: 紧随车队行驶B:加速超越车队C:礼让车队The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.C组题 小丽搭乘朋友的轿车到单位上班,轿车在单位门前路边停车后,她正确的下车方法应该是( )。A:

14、立即开门下车B:观察侧后方情况,缓开车门C:观察侧后方情况后下车The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.C组题 我国在道路上行驶的车辆,必须遵守( )的原则。A: 右侧通行B:左侧通行C:中间通行The

15、 guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.C组题 当你骑电动自行车在非机动车道内行驶时,最高时速不得超过多少公里?A: 10公里B:15公里C:20公里The guiding ideology should b

16、e guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.C组题 高速公路,大中城市中心城区的道路,禁止( )通行。A:大货车B:小货车C: 拖拉机D:土方车The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theo

17、ry, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.C组题交通信号包括( )。A: 交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线、交通警察的指挥B:红灯、绿灯、黄灯C:向左、向右、向前The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thou

18、ght of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.D组题下列哪种摩托车不准载人?A: 三轮摩托车B:机动摩托车C:轻便摩托车The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of th

19、e 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.D组题疲劳驾驶( )导致交通事故发生。A: 极易B:不易C:不会The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenar

20、y session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.D组题 闪光警告信号灯为持续闪烁的( ),提示车辆、行人通行时注意瞭望,确认安全后通过。A: 红灯B:黄灯C:绿灯The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CP

21、C Central Committee.D组题全国统一规定的交通事故报警电话( )。A: 122B:119C:115The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.D组题小学生在公路上戴( )颜色的帽子比较安全

22、。A: 绿B:黄C:红 D:随便什么颜色The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.E组题 在设有交通隔离设施的路段,小芳过街时应当( )。A: 翻过隔离设施通过B:经人行横道或过街设施通过C:经机动车道通

23、过The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.E组题乘坐公共汽车( )。A: 不准携带易燃、易爆物品B:可以把头和手伸出窗外C:可以随意在车厢内跑动The guiding ideology should b

24、e guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.E组题 当你不慎在上学时发生交通事故时,你首先应该做的是( )。A: 告诉老师B:告诉家长C:立即拨打110报警The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping

25、s theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.E组题 在马路上,我们经常可以看到警灯闪亮、警报呼叫的特种车辆。特种车辆担负着特殊紧急任务。交通法规规定;特种车辆包括( )。A: 救护车、警车、政府机关用车B:警车、救护车、消防车C:警车、消防车、救护车和施工抢险车The guiding ideology shoul

26、d be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.E组题 王某驾驶轿车为朋友接新娘,在轿车前后号牌上贴上百年好合的红纸,这种做法是( )。A: 不合法B:合法 C:无所谓The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng X

27、iaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.抢答题 爸爸是红绿色盲,但还是可以申请机动车驾驶证。A: 对B:错The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three

28、represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.抢答题 老张在朋友家喝醉酒后坚持要骑自行车回家。他对朋友说,自行车的速度慢,不会有危险。A: 对B:错The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of t

29、he 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.抢答题 机动车驾驶室前后窗不能悬挂、放置妨碍视线的物品。A: 对B:错The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Pl

30、enary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.抢答题 爸爸骑摩托车带你回家的时候行驶在非机动车道上。A: 对B:错The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee

31、.抢答题 驾驶两轮摩托车时,驾驶人必须戴安全头盔,乘坐人可以不戴安全头盔。A: 对B:错The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.抢答题( )交通管理部门根据道路交通状况和车辆保有量情况,可以对机动车实行

32、道路交通流量控制。A: 政府机关B:公安机关C:行政机关The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.抢答题乘坐二轮摩托车不能侧坐或者反坐。A: 错B:对The guiding ideology should

33、 be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.10分题 小明的爸爸在2010年4月份拿到了机动车驾驶证,但是不使用计算机管理系统核发、打印的。请问该机动车驾驶证有没有效?A: 无效B:有效The guiding ideology should be guided

34、 by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.10分题 小李乘坐客车外出,客车意外失火,车门无法打开,小李应( ),尽快逃生。A: 先行灭火,再撬开车门B:砸碎前风窗玻璃C:砸碎侧风窗玻璃The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng X

35、iaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.10分题 小丽上学的学校离家比较远,学校门口有许多小黑车接送,小丽( )乘坐这种车。A: 可以B:不可以C:赶时间的时候可以The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, th

36、e important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.10分题 发生交通事故,有人被压在车轮或货物下时,错误的救援方法是( )。A.设法抬升车辆 B.拨打急救电话 C.拉拽伤者的肢体 D.搬走货物The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the importan

37、t thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.10分题 明明在晚上骑自行车回家途中,迎面遇到一辆驶来的汽车,灯光非常耀眼,为了安全,明明应该( )。A.用手遮挡灯光 B.闭目缓慢行驶 C.下车靠边避让 D.迎着灯光行驶The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the imp

38、ortant thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.20分题 陈亮连续驾驶汽车超过4小时后,就必须停车休息一下,休息时间( )。A: 最少10分钟B:最多15分钟C:最少20分钟The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of

39、three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.20分题驾驶人在道路上驾驶机动车时,( )。A: 可以不携带行驶证B:可以不携带驾驶证C:必须携带机动车驾驶证和行驶证The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and t

40、he spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.20分题 非机动车驾驶人违反道路交通安全法律、法规关于道路通行规定的,拒绝接受罚款处罚的,应如何处理?A: 通知其所在单位B:加倍罚款C:可以扣留其非机动车D:可以对其行政拘留The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represent

41、s and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.20分题 小芳骑自行车回家,在一个没有信号灯控制的交叉路口由南向东右转弯时,遇小强骑自行车由北向东左转弯,正确的通行顺序是( )。A小芳让小强先 B小强让小芳先行 C小芳和小强同时通行 D谁抢先谁通行The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought

42、 of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.20分题 李明今年9岁,李明的表姐今年13岁,姐弟俩想骑自行车上道路行驶,正确的做法是( )。A.李明可以骑自行车 B.李明的表姐可以骑自行车 C.李明和表姐都不可以骑自行车 D.李明的表姐可以骑车带李明上路The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory

43、, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.30分题 爸爸开车去送梅梅上学,当遇到风、雨、雪天能见度在30米以内时,他的车速( )。A: 时速不准超过10公里B:时速不准超过20公里C:时速不准超过25公里D:时速不准超过30公里The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiao

44、pings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.30分题 使用伪造、变造机动车号牌、行驶证、驾驶证或者使用其他机动车号牌、行驶证的,一次记( )分。A: 6B:8C:10 D:12The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, t

45、he important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.30分题 交通事故的损失是由非机动车驾驶人、行人故意造成的,机动车一方( )责任。A: 承担全部B:承担部分C:不承担D:看情况而定The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important th

46、ought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.30分题 三叔骑三轮车进城运货,绿灯亮时进入路口右转弯,遇到一些直行的非机动车和行人。您认为他正确的做法是( )。A. 抢在直行车辆和行人前通过B. 减速停车,让直行车辆和行人先通过C.让直行车辆先行,再加速抢在行人前通过D. 靠近直行车辆和行人,穿空隙通过The guiding ideology should be g

47、uided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.30分题 乘车时要系好安全带,您认为下面哪种说法是正确的( )。A. 前排乘车人必须系安全带 B.坐后排没有必要系安全带C.车速低于每小时60公里时可以不系安全带D.在乡村道路乘车时可以不系安全带The guiding ide

48、ology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.50分题The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of thr

49、ee represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.50分题The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third

50、Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.50分题The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory, the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.50分题The guiding ideology sh


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