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1、Group member: Tim Carmen CarrieEconomics-About Adam smith1ppt课件Adam Smith the Father of EconomicsA Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy2ppt课件Born: in 1723 Died: in 1790Graduated from: the University of Glasgow and Balliol College, Oxford Nationality: ScottishRegion: western

2、philosophySchool: classical economicsMain interests: political, philosophy, ethics, economics3ppt课件Notable ideas: classical economics Modern free market Division of labor The invisible handInfluenced by: Aristotle, Hutcheson(哈奇深哈奇深), Montesquieu(孟德斯鸠) and so onInfluenced: Ricardo(李嘉图李嘉图),Mill (密尔密尔)

3、, Marx, Engels and so on4ppt课件 The theory of moral sentiments - (道德情操论道德情操论)1759The Wealth of Nations-(国富(国富论)论)1776 Essays on Philosophical Subjects -(哲学论文集)(哲学论文集)1795 History of Astronomy-(天文历史学)(天文历史学)1795Masterpieces5ppt课件Smith was born in Kirkcaldy, fife, Scotland but the date of Smiths birth

4、is unknown. His father, also named Adam Smith, died two months after Smith was born. The life of Smith 6ppt课件When he was fourteen Smith entered the University of Glasgow and studied moral philosophy under Francis Hutcheson. Here, Smith developed his passion for liberty, reason, and free speech. the

5、University of Glasgow 7ppt课件In 1740 Smith attended Balliol College, Oxford. Smith considered the teaching at Glasgow far superior to that at Oxford,. He left Oxford University in 1746, before his scholarship ended.Balliol College, Oxford牛津大学贝利奥尔学院8ppt课件In 1748, Smith began delivering public lectures

6、 in University of Edinburgh, At there his lectures met with success.University of Edinburgh9ppt课件10ppt课件In 1759, Smith published The Theory of Moral Sentiments, embodying some of his Glasgow lectures. 11ppt课件 The Wealth of Nations was published in 1776 and was an instant success, selling out its fir

7、st edition in only six months.12ppt课件In 1783, smith became one of the founding members of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and from 1787 to 1789 he occupied the honorary position of Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow.On 17 July 1790, He died in Edinburgh after a painful illness. On his death be

8、d, Smith expressed disappointment that he had not achieved more.13ppt课件Smith left behind many notes and some unpublished material, but gave instructions to destroy anything that was not fit for publication. He mentioned an early unpublished History of Astronomy as probably suitable, and it duly appe

9、ared in 1795, along with other material such as Essays on Philosophical Subjects14ppt课件Theory of Moral Sentiments(道德情操论)Divided moral philosophy into four parts: 1) Ethics and Virtue(伦理道德); 2) Private rights and Natural liberty; 3) Familial rights (called Economics); 4) State and Individual rights (

10、called Politics). 15ppt课件 More specifically, Smith divided moral systems into: Categories of the nature of morality. These included Propriety(礼貌), Prudence(谨慎), and Benevolence(仁慈). Categories of the motive of morality. These included Self-love, Reason, and Sentiment. 16ppt课件 Synopsis(大纲): Sympathy

11、arose from an innate desire to identify with the emotions of others. It could lead people to strive to maintain good relations with their fellow human beings and provide the basis both for specific benevolent acts and for the general social order. Thus was formed within the breast the psychological

12、basis for the desire to obey natural laws. 17ppt课件 Of the Division of Labour: Division of labour has caused a greater increase in production than any other factor. This diversification is greatest for nations with more industry and improvement, and is responsible for universal opulence(共同富裕) in thos

13、e countries. Agriculture is less amenable than industry to division of labour; hence, rich nations are not so far ahead of poor nations in agriculture as in industry. 18ppt课件 Of the Principle which gives Occasion to the Division of Labour: Division of labor arises not from innate wisdom, but from hu

14、mans propensity (习性) to barter(物物交换). The apparent difference in natural talents between people is a result of specialization, not a cause. 19ppt课件 That the Division of Labour is Limited by the Extent of the Market: Limited opportunity for exchange discourages division of labor. Because water-carria

15、ge extends the market, division of labor, with its improvements, comes earliest to cities near waterways. Civilization began around the highly navigable Mediterranean Sea(地中海). 20ppt课件 Of the Origin and Use of Money: With division of labor, the produce of ones own labor can fill only a small part of

16、 ones needs. Different commodities(商品) have served as a common medium of exchange, but all nations have finally settled on metals, which are durable and divisible, for this purpose. Before coinage(货币制度), people had to weigh and assay with each exchange, or risk the grossest frauds and impositions.(最

17、严重的欺诈行为和惩罚)21ppt课件 Of the Real and Nominal Price of Commodities, or of their Price in Labour, and their Price in Money: Adam Smith defines the value of commodities: by the labour embedded by the labour a good commands 22ppt课件 Of the Natural and Market Price of Commodities: When the quantity of any c

18、ommodity which is brought to market falls short of the effectual demand, all those who are willing to pay. cannot be supplied with the quantity which they want. Some of them will be willing to give more. A competition will begin among them, and the market price will rise. When the quantity brought t

19、o market exceeds the effectual demand, it cannot be all sold to those who are willing to pay the whole value of the rent, wages and profit, which must be paid in order to bring it thither. The market price will sink.” (Supply and Demand).23ppt课件 Of the Wages of Labour: In this section, Smith describ

20、es how the wages of labour are dictated primarily by the competition among labourers and masters. When labourers bid against one another for limited opportunities for employment, the wages of labour collectively fall, whereas when employers compete against one another for limited supplies of labour,

21、 the wages of labour collectively rise. However, this process of competition is often circumvented by combinations among labourers and among masters. When labourers combine and no longer bid against one another, their wages rise, whereas when masters combine, wages fall. 24ppt课件 Book II: Of the Natu

22、re, Accumulation(积累), and Employment of Stock Book III: Of the different Progress of Opulence in different Nations Book IV: Of Systems of political Economy Book V: Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth 25ppt课件 The main concept of absolute advantage is generally attributed to the Wealth of

23、Nations in which he countered mercantilist(重商主义者) ideas. Smith argued that it was impossible for all nations to become rich simultaneously(同时地) by following mercantilism because the export of one nation is another nations import and instead stated that all nations would gain simultaneously if they p

24、racticed free trade and specialized in accordance with their absolute advantage. Smith also stated that the wealth of nations depends upon the goods and services available to their citizens, rather than their gold reserves.While there are possible gains from trade with absolute advantage, the gains

25、may not be mutually beneficial. Comparative advantage focuses on the range of possible mutually beneficial exchanges.26ppt课件 A country has an absolute advantage over another in producing a good, if it can produce that good using fewer resources than another country. For example if one unit of labor

26、in India can produce 80 units of wool or 20 units of wine; while in Spain one unit of labor makes 50 units of wool or 75 units of wine, then India has an absolute advantage in producing wool and Spain has an absolute advantage in producing wine. India can get more wine with its labor by specializing

27、 in wool and trading the wool for Spanish wine, while Spain can benefit by trading wine for wool. (Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Book IV, Ch.2.) 27ppt课件 Assuming that the employees of both parties are paid equally, Party B has an absolute advantage over Party A in producing widgets(小器具) per hour. T

28、his is because Party B can produce twice as many widgets as Party A can with the same number of employees.Another simple example 28ppt课件Political economics in Adam Smith has grown into a whole, it is included in the scope of a certain extent, has been formed by Adam Smith for the first time the basi

29、c problem of political economics has made a systematic study, 29ppt课件established a complete theory system, increase the British bourgeois classical political economics to a new level.30ppt课件在在亚当亚当斯密斯密那里,那里,政治经济学政治经济学已发展为已发展为某种整体,它所包括的范围在一定程度某种整体,它所包括的范围在一定程度上已经形成。上已经形成。亚当亚当斯密斯密第一次对第一次对政治经政治经济学济学的基本问

30、题做出了系统的研究,创的基本问题做出了系统的研究,创立了一个完整的理论体系,把英国资产立了一个完整的理论体系,把英国资产阶级古典阶级古典政治经济学政治经济学提高到一个新的水提高到一个新的水平平 31ppt课件+Among many factors contributing to our modern way of life, the wealth of nations ,the influence of this book can be comparable with any modern classics famous critic pepe Reina在促成我们现代生活方式的许多因素之中,

31、在促成我们现代生活方式的许多因素之中,国富论这本书所发生的影响,可媲美任国富论这本书所发生的影响,可媲美任何一本现代的典籍。何一本现代的典籍。著名批评家著名批评家雷雷纳纳32ppt课件西洋公学译书院新译亚当西洋公学译书院新译亚当斯密国富论。斯密国富论。欧洲欧洲200年前理财政策多与年前理财政策多与中国相似,自此书出,英国首先采用,遂立中国相似,自此书出,英国首先采用,遂立今日富强之基。今日富强之基。今日中国患贫久矣,和议既立,必以整理财今日中国患贫久矣,和议既立,必以整理财政为先,译成是书以备参考。政为先,译成是书以备参考。1900年年12月月27日中国新闻报日中国新闻报 33ppt课件 尽管

32、之前已有其他学者论述了一些经济学思想和原理,但亚当斯密仍被世人尊称为“经济学之父”。这一称誉并非源于他富有创意的观念或经济学分析的技巧,而是源于他将资本主义确立为使每个人的生活得到改善的一种经济制度,斯密是第一位将收益视作来源于更充分的竞争和提倡能够刺激更多竞争的政策的经济学家,他认为政府应减少对经济的干预并应拟订政策来抑制垄断的出现。+However, Smith for free trade is not unanimous approval except expounds on economic growth, Smith also attempts to illustrates how

33、 the income from the production of products and services as one of the first analysis of specific distribution in income distribution regularity of economists, has made some contribution to the Smith, mainly including commodity prices and producers to proceeds the study of how to determine35ppt课件 然而

34、,斯密对自由贸易也不是无条件赞成然而,斯密对自由贸易也不是无条件赞成除了对经济增长的阐述外,斯密还尝试阐除了对经济增长的阐述外,斯密还尝试阐述了收入是如何从生产产品和提供服务中述了收入是如何从生产产品和提供服务中具体分配的。作为第一位分析收入分配规具体分配的。作为第一位分析收入分配规律的经济学家,斯密作出了几点贡献,主律的经济学家,斯密作出了几点贡献,主要包括对商品价格和生产者收益如何确定要包括对商品价格和生产者收益如何确定的研究。的研究。36ppt课件Adam Smith is in a great economist .He is classical economics giant on

35、the economic front, there are many famous his ideas, also have affect a wide range of works, such as the wealth of nations.He advocates free competition, thinks the market one invisible hand, liberated the productivity of people at that time.Though, his theory is not perfect, but there is no doubt o

36、f his theory made huge contribution to the development of economics until today, we still want to learn the essence of his theory.37ppt课件亚当斯密是在一个伟大的经济学家。他是古典亚当斯密是在一个伟大的经济学家。他是古典经济学的巨人。在经济方面,他有许多著名的经济学的巨人。在经济方面,他有许多著名的思想,也有影响广泛的著作,如国富论。他主思想,也有影响广泛的著作,如国富论。他主张自由竞争,认为市场有一只看不见的手,解张自由竞争,认为市场有一只看不见的手,解放了当时人们的生产力。虽然,他的理论也有放了当时人们的生产力。虽然,他的理论也有不完美的地方,但是毫无疑问的是他的理论为不完美的地方,但是毫无疑问的是他的理论为经济学的发展做出了巨大贡献。直至今天,我经济学的发展做出了巨大贡献。直至今天,我们依然要学习他理论之中的精髓。们依然要学习他理论之中的精髓。38ppt课件39ppt课件


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